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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. The Human Centipede. There was so much hooha about it on Twitter/internet that I caved & rented it from Comcast PPV for $7 to see what all the fuss was about. I've now seen it and can tell others that it's absolutely not worth giving into the rubber-necking impulse to see it yourself. I will say it's not as visually graphic as some reviews make it sound (which is a good thing), it's more of a mental-grossout. Even if you like horror movies....seriously...don't see it.
  2. Meh. People have been writing/saying that about internet/browsers etc. for the past 12+ years. Every new thing is going to revolutionize/standardize blah blah. Truth is, for browsing the average news/blog website, I've been able to use any browser to view them for ages...I've had browser preferences, but for me at least, it had little to do with viewing. On a certain level, the "web browsing has never been more standardized than it is now" repetitive mantra is true & is always true when it's spoken. But it doesn't mean we're closer to actually being standardized. Every new tech, every new use people want to use the net for, changes what the standards have to be, and that changes so fast it'll be a while before it settles down enough to make anything feel solidly standard for an extended length of time. I'm not saying that it should be different...it's a never ending process...I was just saying that sometimes, I wish it was so...or that the periods between changes were much longer, like they used to be. :D
  3. I was crafted in S. Korea then exported to the USA. It was an equitable exchange.
  4. I always find it worrisome if it seems a sequel is going the 'ever more villains/subplots per sequel' route or something similar, as a way to try to up the ante/excitement. Sometimes it becomes so 'busy' everything becomes kind of lost, if that makes sense. Too many cooks, as they say. From what I've read it seemed Ironman2 might be falling into that. I take it you felt it all gelled together?
  5. The future of the internet keeps making me run further away from the internet. ;D Kidding...kind of. I sometimes wish, as a user, that I didn't need to keep up with/need so many different 'thingies' in order to just use/view what's available on the net. I prefer simple & standardized and it seems to become more complicated and bloated all the time. I like Flash for 'net video stuff, since that's what so many use. But I have no particular loyalty to it, if something comes along that might work better. We'll see.
  6. Well, Varitek is over .300, but he's platooning w/V-Mart so it's small sample size. McDonald's also over .300, but he's temp I guess. Yeah...not exactly power-hitting going on over there. Edit: Their bases-defense has also been completely horrible. V-Mart no longer feels like a catcher solution.
  7. Suzuki on the DL list for A's, among others. Too many injuries for them... I'll be really "mad" if this is the year the Giants get in the WS, when Boston has little to no chance. *still dreaming of attending my fantasy WS game*
  8. My SB X-Fi Xtreme Audio works just fine with Win7... ...but I did buy it the same time I bought the whole system, so maybe it came w/something already in it to make it work...er...I dunno?
  9. I'm no expert either, but I do agree about Boston being 3rd....possibly even 4th...this year. Their offense is weak (tho perhaps not quite as weak as originally surmised by most media) and the whole team in seeming constant flux. My Braves fan friend is tearing his hair out over their 9(?) losses. heh I'm surprised about the A's at the moment, but maybe that's because of the teams they're playing early etc. Don't expect it to last all season, but it's nice to see anyway. Giants...they're pleasing me overall. Like with the A's, I don't see them 'taking it all' by the end but still...they seem strong, so who knows. Ray's are hot right now...if Boston isn't going anywhere, I'd be pleased to see the Ray's beat NY.
  10. I want to dual boot Win7 and XP on my new PC, but want to use two separate hard drives (not partition). I've never dual-booted so it's all new to me and since hubby is still learning Win7 himself he's not too much help... Reading up on how-to instructions (like this sevenforums article) it appears that if you don't install XP first, you run into a Win7 boot-loader problem. If you already have Win7 installed & don't want to have to reinstall, you can supposedly fix the issue by using a 3rd party program called EasyBCD. So my idle curiosity questions: --since I'm always leery of unknown software, is anyone familiar with/used this EasyBCD? --has anyone dual-booted Win7/XP & have any advice/experience/issues to relate?
  11. heh, from videos I've seen, it does sort look like a 3rd person shooter at times. I don't have patience for story-RPG's much anymore...all the dialogue trees, story cut scenes/interactions/decisions blah blah. So I thought I'd try more shooters or mixed genre games...
  12. Maybe...I think my silly eyes would never get used to it tho. Unless you had monitors with no frame borders or at least very thin, clearish ones. Seems like I saw one like that once, somewhere.
  13. Any suggestions for a relatively recent shooter type game that doesn't have a complicated/confusing weapon/gear UI interface? ie I tried Crysis but I don't like it.
  14. Doesn't the frame of the monitors visually distract, tho? I've seen videos of gaming on multiple monitors. Neat in concept but not sure I'd like that broken up look. I'd rather have one really really really wide monitor but they don't make those yet.
  15. lol! Sometimes I wish I did! ...not playing all at once...just running them/having them open & switching back and forth.
  16. Depends what you do with the PC. A heavy duty graphic program (game) using all screens might without some powerful cards etc. but most other things run fine. You use 2 cards (not SLI'd) so they share the load somewhat I guess. Hubby just bought 2 cheap $40 nvivia 8000-something series I think. The 5th one on the shelf stands alone & is hooked up to all his networked PC's so he can use it w/any of them via switchbox. As to use...he likes to have lots of windows open/working full-screen. Remote desktops of clients when working, browser in another, pdf file/email in another, and so on. He uses the dual view(?) setting so it's sorta one big 5000+x1000+ desktop but yet also each-independent. It's confusing.
  17. I don't over-clock, since knowing me I'd do more damage than good...but I have used up to 4.5GB of my RAM while running multiple instances of games at the same time. But yea, don't need much for regular pc use. heh
  18. Neat-O, Hurlshot. I like it. Who cares if the drawing isn't all fancy-pants artistic. That's not everything. You could try Twitter for casual marketing purposes. Link to archive pages using the #webcomic or other similar hashtags in posts. But link exchanges are probably better/more reliable. I know this is the age of high-speed internet but you might think about compressing those scans a bit more. Your blog seems to scale them to fit the blog window but it's not actually compressing/resizing them, and the download size remains the original file (500kb-800kb). Kinda big for such simple blk/wht drawings. I'm probably one of the last in that 'resize/compress your images' minority tho.
  19. Hubby's multiple monitors. I know this is common nowadays but I still find it amusing. They're all older ones that he got for cheap. A 5th one on the shelf (not turned on) he took apart/repaired the power supply. He joked that he just needs 8 more, placed in 2 more rows above, "like in the movies."
  20. I like your 12 RAM. I only have 6. I need more. Oh ok, I don't need more, I just want more. I really wanted the 975 back then but it was so much more....thus I decided the 920 was good enough. pfffft. In another year or two it'll all be considered slow anyway.
  21. RE: the sleep crash issue...if your problem could be this one, there's a hotfix for it. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/977178 Otherwise, it most often seems to be driver/program related.
  22. What exactly is running slow? Just an overall sluggishness everywhere, or are there specific things like boot up times, certain programs, clicking around in Explorer/Library files etc? I've seen many people with Core 2 Duo & 2-4RAM that claim Win7 works fine/not slow, but definition of slow, I'm sure, varies. But yea, both Vista & Win7 are going to use up more of those things than XP. You could put XP on all kinds of ancient machines and it'd work pretty well. Win7 is NOT faster than XP if the rig stuff is equal...it's faster than Vista. If your PC is older, you'll probably see a little slowdown. Win7 doesn't come with DX9 and that can cause some performance or other problems with some games as I hear the DirectX render mode can cause slowdown. You can try installing the DirectX End-User Runtime Updater and see if that helps in that area. I wasn't convinced it did, but eh, it hasn't hurt anything either. :D Oh and if I'm reading things correctly, your CPU won't support IntelVT/Win7's XP virtual mode. If you never use XPMode, don't think it matters, but just FYI. http://www.tomshardware.com/news/windows-x...intel,7709.html
  23. Don't expect RAM miracles altering those, but it does help in that area some. I think mine went from using close to 1.4 RAM on startup to 897MB, 930 with nexdef on (grr again). Could help in performance areas a little maybe too.
  24. Bought the Zombie Island & Knoxx DLC for Borderlands. Skipped Moxi. Zombie is kinda fun, but didn't like Knoxx as much. It upped the difficulty some, which was cool, but too much focus on cars now, and when you're done & lvl 61, the game doesn't scale enemies to max lvl again, like it did in playthrough 2.5, so now you outlvl everything and the post-game fun diminishes. Also, no Fast-Travel in either. I thought both were worth getting however. For the $10 eac. anyway. That's about it.
  25. I thought Pandorum had a lot of promise, but I was kind of disappointed that they spent so much energy on the horror monster element to it. I think it would've been more interesting if they'd kept that to a bare minimum for story needs and focused more on the chrs/other weirdness. It's like it was trying to be two different movies. Most recent theater film I saw: How to Train Your Dragon, 2D version. Very cute w/the dragons & the rest worked well enough. Even my mother liked it.
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