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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Cant' wait for NPH on Glee! Can't wait can't wait can't wait. http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=PAkK20WbNlI I keep falling asleep at 10pm and waking up 3 hours later, unable to fall back asleep. It's joy. @Syraxis - I like rainy days too...just not 250 days a year of them. The reason I like middle of Calif. coast is that (usually), just as I become tired of the rain/colder temps, there's sun and warm blue skies. Soon as I get sick of that, there's clouds, wind, and rain.
  2. Despite everything, I still love Arnie. He's too amusing not to love.
  3. Yup...but that doesn't always make things work either. It's, y'know...just the computer way. All I know is I tried just about everything to make certain games/programs work, but despite the fact other people say they have, it didn't for me. Hence I keep XP-32 around. Pay no attention to the HAL behind monitor...
  4. Is there an El Nino this year? Rain in May in California is quite unusual, at least during my lifetime. Not unheard of, but darn unusual. Tired of non-summer temps & rainy days...
  5. If I understand things correctly (always iffy, hah), Win7's 32 bit emulator runs things in user mode, to keep any errors apart from Admin mode I guess, thus all 32 bit application code must also be able to run in user mode...and of course files and registry settings for 32 bit applications need to be kept apart from those for 64 bit applications. (32-bit system files are installed under Local Disk/Windows/SysWOW64) If for some reason device drivers/applications don't allow for this/Win7's emulator can't force/make it work, things get fubar'd.
  6. Some sites use fixed widths, either to make sure even ppl w/old monitors can still view properly, or because a image heavy visual theme wouldn't work without it. Others use percentage width parameters that will 'stretch' to fit browser width. The monitor's the one important thing I cheaped out on a little too much I think. I got fed up with hunting for one that was perfect & bought one that was 'ok'. It's finel except it has a slight contrast/brightness difference between the lower half and the upper half, which is only annoying when I edit photos. I love the bigger size tho...it's amazing what a difference it is with games, too.
  7. Bought a new DVD drive, which came w/a Nero9 OEM suite dvd. I thought "aha, maybe this will be like my ancient but simple/functional Nero OEM that I love but won't work on Win7." Installed, which took, like, forever & made me install a couple other minor things it "needed to run". -2. The new StartSmart menu is full of rss/web/update links which is annoying. -1 Every time you first open any of the applications you get an 'upgrade/buy more stuff now!" window. -5. Tried playing a DVD in Showtime and got a "to fully use this program you must purchase/download another program" window. If you close that, apparently you can play/view the DVD (looks great) but THERE IS NO SOUND until you buy their extra program that has the audio functions or whatever. -100 (they should just not include the damn app in the OEM then) I was actually thinking about buying a full version of Nero, if I liked this new version OEM. I'm not thinking about it now. Uninstalled.
  8. A fully-stocked Linux AND Mac version of Steam (ie, they have/get all the games pc-steam does, not some watered down piddly collection) would be the one thing that might get me to start using Steam. Because then I could move away from Windows as a main O/S if I wanted. I don't have anything particularly against Windows at this point, but I like having choices. The kind of gamer I am, for years I haven't felt like I had any.
  9. Castle - cool, now I can continue watching for a while to see if it grows on me. Trying to watch because I love Nathan but so far it's nothing special... Big Bang Theory - I'd die if this wasn't renewed. I love Sheldon. 2 & a Half Men - hubby loves this show so it makes him happy. I like it but the jokes are getting old... Glee - I'd die even more. I live for this show, think it deserves at least 1 more season (not sure if it can last more than that tho). Can't wait for the Neil Patrick Harris on Tues. episode! I'm laughing already... Human Target - tried watching, it's just not very good. Smallville - This is still on? Used to watch now and then but not in a long time. Did he ever finally become enemies w/Lex? Don't care about anything else. Except Breaking Bad. It hasn't been as good as 1st season but I'd like to see it go at least one more to see what they do with it. (ps...oh and Mentalist...I assume they either already decided or haven't decided on that one yet...)
  10. Just felt like reporting that I did get the dual boot running, but decided it doesn't work for me. Switching between 2 O/S on same computer is a hassle...I use XP programs too often I guess. So I just built a really cheap AMD dual core/gef220 system for XP to remain with just a 2 pc/switchbox concept. It's still lots better than the P4/AGP and works for old stuff so...whatever. heh
  11. Yeah, just depends on the game and your personal luck. I personally haven't had too much luck with it, but I've read plenty of posts from people who managed to get this game or that working. Btw, I don't know if it was mentioned already before, but sometimes things work "better" in Win7 if you r-click on exe files & 'install as Admin' rather than accepting the typical user-install-process a lot of programs default to. Win7 seems pickier about Admin rights issues.
  12. Dungeon Keeper Gold. ...doesn't matter how great some new game might be for a while, one always returns to the faves now and then. Also played Majesty2 just enough to decide that it was basically a better-graphic version of the original game...and thus promptly re-installed Majesty1, instead.
  13. Hahahahahahahahahahehehehehahahahahaha!!!! *wipes tears from eyes* I don't even care if the game is good or not & I'll probably never bother to try it but the very concept is hilarious and made my day.
  14. Xp first, then Win7, seemed to work, both boot in fine. Then noticed that the XP boot can't "see" the internet/home network. And the Win7 boot does see the internet/network but not the DVD drive (XP boot sees the DVD...). Tried mucking with changing drive letter assignments on the wild chance that had anything to do w/it but nothing. Can't install any drivers in Win7 since when I insert a DVD it acts like there is no device. Hubby's already asleep & Google hasn't been helpful yet...if anyone has any ideas before then, here's what the Win7 device manager looks like plus how the DVD drive doesn't even show on Window Explorer's listing: ...*mutters*...might be better off buying another, cheaper PC to replace the P4, for an XP machine...
  15. Guess I'll have to ask hubby where the boot file is, if I want to alter those things. Finally getting around to trying it, wiping Win7 off first. That 3rd party boot loader is supposed to be fine, according to friends, but I'd still prefer not needing one, so... ...I like Win7 well enough, but I still have too many old games and little software programs etc. that I still prefer to use, that won't work on Win7 & I haven't found/liked the replacements/other options. Hence for at least a couple more years it'll be... New PC: Win7 & XP dual boot from 2 hard drives. Ancient P4 - XP, used mainly for concurrent internet sessions via switchbox - like I'm doing right now (installing dual boot while typing this) - or VERY old games that don't need graphic power.
  16. Bah! depends on what kind of gaming you like to do. I think you're right that it'll eventually be so no matter what, but for right now....not yet. My impression is that Aero (most of it at least) is largely about visual and info presentation. Those things aren't vital core differences, imo. It certainly hasn't been needed to run/do anything I want to. If one likes it, great...but it's not needed to run the O/S, so if you don't like it, well, nothing wrong with turning it off, either. The main reason to switch to Win7 even if you don't care about the presentation factor is because, again imo, this time software will force a switch, if you want to keep buying new software. That wasn't so much the case with initial Vista release, since most software makers were still creating to be XP workable. Now it's progressing far enough that won't be the case much longer...at least mostly. Or something. I resisted new versions of Windows every time until that became the case. :D
  17. I just have to say....those screenshots are crazy!
  18. Has anyone played Mount & Blade:Warband? I loved the 1st one but is there much reason to buy the 2nd? The videos I've seen make it look pretty much the same (single-player/gameplay wise). I finally bought Majesty 2. I kept forgetting all about it...BestBuy had (1) copy of it nestled between a bunch of other games. Going to try it out. Hope it's decent. I have the feeling I'll still prefer the original game tho...
  19. Waiting for my hard drive to format so I can create the 2-disc dual boot scenario..should have picked the "quick format" option but I wanted to make sure the previous Windows install was as 'wiped' off as could be. Argh. I let the neighbor's know about their cat...I get momentarily pissed/upset at times but I'm not actually mean. Did I mention that the neighbor's eldest son is cougar-worthy? And of course, before the kittens left our yard, I took a few pictures.
  20. We still don't have Blu-Ray...everything we have still looks decent enough/isn't that old. But it's becoming more and more tempting. Would need a new TV too, since our 50" isn't 1080. Won't be buying 3Dtv for a while tho. ...I've been trying to watch this 2006 BBC Robin Hood tv series, but so far it's pretty dull. Mostly I watch serial TV instead of flicks now. Glee/House/Mentalist, trying to get into Castle.
  21. Neighbor cat decided to give birth under our bushes since owners 1-have dogs and 2-didn't care enough to give/keep cat in a safe area. Since I'm a sympathetic idiot I'm now a bit torn about what to do about it. They have 4 or 5 cats, 2 small dogs, 2 huge outdoor cages of tiny songbirds. Next year they'll probably bring home some chickens. >.> They don't spay/neuter and if they keep new kits (there's 4) probably wouldn't spay them either so problem will increase. These people like their pets I'm sure but still makes me angry, this isn't a case of big farmland for endless barncats. I don't want more cats myself right this moment or else I might 'rescue' a couple. Gah. Guess I have to hand them over and just forget about it....or call animal control.
  22. I was doing fairly well until I hit 40. Then the past year and half, I'm slowly going insane. Lots of general stress from life events. Can women have mid-life crises? If so....I'd like a Lamborghini. And a man-cave with a 4 tvscreen media wall. Oh and several hunky man-servants. Thanks.
  23. The actor playing the evil surgeon was kinda over-the-top funny in spots....but not enough to be worth it, imo.
  24. Er, I was making webpages with HTML 2 and then 3.2, and then 4, so yes, yes I do know. I don't keep up with the stuff/trends lately (I know enough css to fiddle with style but that's it, and so on.) but yeah....I remember the evolution - I was part of it, in a consumer way P.S. YouTube wouldn't have worked 10 years ago regardless. Imagine watching all those videos on a 14k-58k modem. PPS And I just remembered how excited new versions of Netscape used to make me. I loved Netscape Gold! Oh memories. heheh
  25. May is a new month and Boston seems to be finding their way a little better. Nothing that would change my mind about 3rd place, but perhaps they'll at least not humiliate themselves the entire way there. *mumbles about being swept by the Orioles...*
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