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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Whilst making an afternoon snack, I looked out the kitchen window and noticed the plastic stepstool was sitting on top of the covered tablesaw, on the patio. Which makes me wonder wtf my husband was doing this morning before work, while I was still snoozin'. Try as I might, I can't come up with anything.
  2. It's not weather, but I recall in Diablo1 liking to use those -light radius equipment so monsters couldn't see me as quickly. That was very fun & it was disappointing when Diablo2 didn't include it in the same fashion. I definitely like LOS/visibility tweaks in games, whether from weather or other sources. Those ideas all sound marvelous. It's exactly the sort of stuff that would drive my meticulous, tinkering style into heaven.
  3. *laughs* That was terrible. The most annoying aspect of stuff like that, for me personally, is I can read the 'wall of text' 5x faster than it scrolls/is being spoken. Thank goodness most games let you press ESC these days.
  4. Shutter Island. ...I figured it out in the first 20 minutes, so no suspense for me there. Some nice visuals and acting I guess, but kinda boring. I still have a hard time with DiCaprio..he can be a great actor in some ways/certain roles, but for me he's not consistent...yet.
  5. I'm terrible at thinking up suggestions, so I'll just say I kinda like this one. I don't know in what way it would/could affect gameplay, tho...lightning storms that make lightning spells more powerful? Can only use certain spells during dark hours? Hmm. I also just like weather in games. More than rapidly cycling light/dark periods too...like some rain.
  6. Well, I suppose as far as maxing stat potentials are concerned, it is, yes. But I tend to think of power-gaming as being a whole concept that includes more than only min-maxing starting stats. If a person min-maxes starting stats in a vid-game but otherwise plays through a game more 'naturally' I don't find that terribly power-gamer. To me power gaming is more about when one is almost solely concerned only with game activities that make you the "best" in all areas, as fast as possible, such as reloading endlessly to try to acquire the known "best gear" or "best" outcome possible rather than taking/accepting what you get/1st chose, or being "rushed" by friends to level up fast/get to the end game in order to be able to hunt for said gear. I met players in Diablo2 who didn't even know who the end-boss in Act1 was cause they were AFK while their friend was killing. Then of course there's the meticulous, obsessive gamer who in some ways resembles power-gamers because of their obsession with experimenting/tinkering, but will often strongly deny it since they're not concerned with speed of progression or being best per se, but the challenge of beating the odds of collecting all armor sets or something. (me).
  7. What do you mean by min-max it? Do you mean people purposely power-gaming or under-power gaming? Or something else? For example giving the fighter low mental stats and high physical stats, then make a bard or paladin to be the talker of the party. Oh ok, I understand now. Not quite power-gaming perhaps, but imo not too far off, really.
  8. What do you mean by min-max it? Do you mean people purposely power-gaming or under-power gaming? Or something else?
  9. Part of inventory clogging, at least in early-mid stages of most phat-loot games, is the desire to accrue lots of gold, so one is constantly stuffing inventory full of things you don't care about, but just want to sell...and thus you feel like you're constantly running back to town & want ever more backpack space. Later when you care less about "gold" you hardly pick up anything. I liked Divine Divinity's limited merchant gold+barter system. It decreased my 'pick up for loot' issues a lot in that regard. Also, count me in the camp of being at least somewhat annoyed in games like BG with the stacks of arrows/slingshot stones not having a high number. When you had a full party and liked to fight ranged with them all, I'd have two chrs. holding nothing but ammo. That said, I don't mind ammo-carrying limitations being in place, but imo it shouldn't be a serious disadvantage compared to non-ammo classes in my getting thru a dungeon/area.
  10. I knew of a lot of people that ended up playing the solo game without any party members anyway. IIRC you didn't have to 'hire' them, tho there might've been a quest or two where you needed one, don't remember. I myself went through with nothing but mules as a party, one time. That was really funny...except when I had to make them go one at a time across a bridge cause of bad pathfinding. heheh I dunno....I didn't mind the npc party in DS, precisely because you didn't have to use them. But I think I'd at least like the option to have a couple tag along, if I wanted, and sounds like Square Enix may be doing that. Six total in party might be a bit much, tho....it was certainly awkward at times in DS1. Slightly better in DS2, in terms of pathfinding/fighting & switching them in & out type management, but still...
  11. @Hurlshot - Hope he got to go home with you today!
  12. Wha?! To put it succinctly, this sucks. Condolences to his family/friends. He'll be missed here. RIP
  13. 1-apparently I can no longer see the word "Lima" without thinking of Glee. 2-Yes, I'm glad I'm not Joran. Or anyone else headed for, or already in, prison for more than unpaid traffic tickets. I'm a little nuts, but at least I'm not that kind of nuts.
  14. So....late 2012 sounds like a good time to pull most of our money out of the computerized/electronic banking/investment system & start stuffing both cash and bricks of gold in the mattress. Snail mail might become popular again! Pony Express comeback? And imagine...a world without working ATM's for long periods. THE HORROR!
  15. I really liked the system in Titan Quest, where there were not pre-built classes in the Diablo sense, but rather the skill mastery tree/s you chose to put your points in would define what you were. Probably because it allowed you to dual-class and I've always liked being able to dual-class. Even if dual-classing makes you "weaker" than a single class, I find it more fun/more flexible. Altho this may be influenced in part because I also like to solo/single play so much, vs. multiplayer where you can rely on other ppl to back you up. Also, such skill/class systems mean I don't end up with two or more character of those "classes" that I never play because I don't like them. ie I don't want to be a hulking muscle-bound Barbarian warrior so I'll never use him. Again, in Titan Quest, their system gave me a lot of re-playability because I could spend so much time experimenting not only within a Mastery tree (ala Diablo2), but by combining all the different Masteries together. Dungeon Siege1 was different than TQ, but its system did allow me to dualclass, in a fashion. But having to remember to switch skills all the time to level them up efficiently was a pain, so a different method than that would be desirable.
  16. Most 'how to build a pc' stuff out there is going to focus on what's the best hardware for your buck & then how to connect pieces together. For the average person, what you're going to want to be more knowledgeable in are the features of the hardware that make them desirable. For example, why more RAM is useful than less, or why you need 64-bit operating systems if you want over a certain amount of RAM, or which graphic card has better performance benchmarks for the uses you're going to be doing. Unless you're a serious tech curious sort, don't worry much about what physical part makes something go...just look at performance. Think of it like buying a car. Most people barely know how an engine & its surroundings works...but they do look at brand reliability, performance, & features when buying an auto. Don't have much to add to what mkreku & Spider are saying...although I will mention that, in terms of the computer case, make sure it's going to be "long" enough inside to fit the graphic card you want to put into it. Some current cards are really long and won't fit into certain cases, sometimes even when the case seems biggish on the outside. Can depend how they have the drive bay section/motherboard area set up inside. Oh and in terms of Xbox/monitor....it can work, but I think if the monitor itself has no built-in speakers or an audio-out jack for external speakers, you may not get any sound. Many pc monitors don't have audio ports on them, since they assume you're using soundcards....solvable, but may require a bit more than plugging in the HDMI cable. That's just what I read tho, I have no actual experience with Xbox's whatsoever.
  17. The first one was awesome and imo still stands up today. Of course, it can lose a lot if you don't have awesome speakers at home, tho. The sequels were...uh...well, they were sequels.
  18. I have nothing to say beyond "nothing is failsafe" and "the world loves oil." Someday maybe we can get all our gluttonous power desires served directly from some contraption shot into the sun, ala sci-fi. That would be nice. Until it burned out the sun too early. Hahahaha. Sadly, so far at least, there's a price for everything.
  19. All the swkotor2.ini stuff never worked for me, either. Or some others. But it does for some. Why this is, I couldn't tell you. So, yeah, what Deadly Nightshade said. KSE rocked.
  20. The description is too vague for me to be convinced....it wouldn't be that hard, for example, to envision DS1 or DSII core gameplay being the same, with some surface npc alliance stuff added in. I'm not saying I wouldn't like that...I would...but only saying that it doesn't necessarily mean it's going to feel very different from the hack n slash so many here dislike. But it is good to hear that they're going to make some changes in chr-driven direction. Time will tell how far it goes. ...however, since one of the things I liked about DS/Diablo etc is a fast pace game rather than lots of story immersion, I'm also hoping there won't be too many convo menu's/cutscenes for me to clickclickclick my way through. I know I'm probably in the minority there, here, tho. ;p
  21. @Draganta --I've become more & more annoyed at the overuse of "Diablo-clone" term given to all action-rpg's too, but I do understand it. Since Diablo's are so recognizable it's easy to call every hack n slash that has similar game style by that and be sure that people know what you mean. Also...Divine Divinity is pretty cool. It's a bit tougher than Diablo2 ever was in a few ways, but very free-form. It has the old fashioned black fog-of-war as well. The one thing I didn't like was the item looting, that can be so addicting, is sort of missing. At least, I mean, there's loot, but it wasn't all that interesting to me. You can get it on Gog.com now...works on Win7.
  22. I don't have much to discuss in this area since I don't usually make mods...but I would be all for it, so I could use the mods others would make. I got a lot of mileage from some mods for DS1 - most were very simple function or cosmetic, but I liked being able to customize the game more. And a few mods were fairly complex/ambitious.
  23. @hurlshot - my husband's situation is similar, with mild dyslexia or something. I don't think he's ever had it diagnosed so it could be something else. Kind of runs in his family I think. *shrug* Regardless, for him it's mild & you'd likely never notice/realize day to day and it's never hampered him jobwise etc...but he's a very very slow reader and thus...subtitles are like torture, even when he can keep up with them. On the bright side, his slow reading seems to enable him to remember a lot more of what he reads than I do. heh I'm not fond of subtitles because I feel like I have to watch the movie twice...once to read, and once to be able to sit back & relax/enjoy the visuals more. But I also don't like dubbing so I can live with it...but it better be a good movie.
  24. @213374U -- I'm still waiting for a game that meets somewhere in the middle between pure hack slash (particularly the loot hunting aspect, for me) and plot/chr. driven. I have yet to find one.
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