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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Being an old fart or something, I'm becoming more and more annoyed when everyone's response to my saying something like "I have to go to insur. offices/DMV etc. to renew" is: "Renew online, why don't cha." ..... Because I don't want to, that's why. Gar!
  2. I thought the exact same thing. All the big set up about how special the bond, how they choose you...then...aww, the poor little thing, cast aside! And...Dundee is one of the best light romantic-comedies. The sequels not so much, but the 1st one was awesome-sauce.
  3. Shall We Dance, the original Japanese version. How did I miss this little gem? Lovely chr. story w/humor and meaning. No flash, no Hollywood ending etc. and all the better for it. I have no desire to see the Richard Gere remake. Also watched Inglourious Basterds. Hubby didn't like it because of too many subtitles, but I enjoyed it. Not as much as Pulp Fiction (the dialogue in Pulp Ficiton was awesome), but it had moments. Brad Pitt got to have a lot of fun, anyway. I wouldn't consider Waterworld or The Postman in the worst movies ever camp, but they certainly weren't very good, imo. Exercises in Costner-ego or something. Altho, I must admit I got a kick out of Dennis Hopper hamming it up in Waterworld...heheh
  4. Considering the article is actually talking about having a certain area of the brain be larger, rather than overall brain mass, I'd say....no. But the article might explain why my husband is so much worse at video games than I am...as well as why I can verbally converse while watching TV and not lose track of either, while he can't at all. His caudate and putamen sections must be smaller. So now we will have "caudate and putamen envy."
  5. Hubby usually doesn't game much, but when he does, it's always on the big TV. Usually not LAN either. The PC doesn't stay by the TV all the time, so not really worth running wires through the walls etc. and the wireless was convenient and works fine for occasional web surfing & internet sports watching for both the laptop & the TV. There's now a long cable running from his office, down the hall, into the family room and to the PC sitting temporarily by the TV. When he gets tired of the game it'll disappear. heh Now we just need talk-headphones so we can stop shouting at each other down the hallway.
  6. Cats are patient creatures, but I guess she reached her limit. Baby-kitty just sits on the floor and stares at me...for hours.
  7. Cowabunga-kitty-chair-leap? Kitty thinks it's time you stop playing games and feed/pet/play with the Mastah of the house instead.
  8. Wireless network connection sucks for gaming apparently. Or at least the one we use to surf the web on the big TV does. Works fine for the web, but not for games. When we dragged a hard cable instead, 98% of the horrible lag in Borderlands LAN went away, so, yeah. Much better. Now we can actually play (as opposed to position-shift-lag/die). Hubby got his Siren to 50 and is working on his own Sniper. I made a Solider to go with him. Soldier's a bit dull on his own, but works well as a pair. Luv shooting hubby to heal him etc.
  9. Yeah...they got it free from a dealer/supplier they were working with. It's not the kind of card they need either (and it won't fit in the cases they tend to use anyway), so he didn't want it. K, that's what I was curious about/suspected. We might have a use for it someday but not at the moment. The ebay idea is a pretty good one, altho I think hubby would rather hang on to it. He collects spare parts ... a lot.... heh
  10. There are no words yet invented that are capable of expressing my derisive mirth.
  11. Yeah, the Quadro's are meant for serious workstations, use different emphasis. Tom's Hardware claims it wouldn't run Crysis any better, and possibly worse, but gives no benchmarks. One page I found gave some gaming benchmarks for the Quadro 4300 or whatever came before, and they didn't seem horrible.
  12. Takes a while, but the Bloodwing does become pretty powerful later between skills & class-mods. Not good for all situations but can thin the crowd or save your arse from those exploding pyschos. He seems to initially fly in the direction you're facing, so don't trigger him if you're actually fleeing, and he doesn't go too far away from your position. So sometimes casting him and charging forward towards the baddies works well.
  13. The only reason to think this is if you assume that everyone follows the same criteria of what makes for great movie-making that you do. Oh no, I loved ID4 when it came out. I saw it in a packed theater w/a fun, cheering/catcalling audience that heightened the silly-fun aspect and the memory still sticks with me...thus I still like it a fair bit after seeing it several times on TV etc. I wouldn't call it art...but it wasn't trying to be. What I was trying to say is that for me, there's different levels of 'great'. As an entertaining popcorn, theater-experience, sometimes silly sci-fi homage, movie, ID4 is great fun. But that doesn't make it, for me at least, a "great overall" movie. Even Pullman, one of ID4's stars, laughed and said he knew his acting was incidental to the spectacle. I think in terms of 'great action', 'great drama', etc. and then 'just plain great.' And yes, that's my opinion.
  14. I remember the previews of ID4...nothing like blowing up the US White House to guarantee peaked interest. It didn't do numbers like Avatar/Titanic, but they were very respectable - and no one's gonna say ID4 is "great" movie-making (especially now, years later). They're all popcorn movies anyway...and I don't mean that in a negative way. :D
  15. So, the honcho's at hubby's work didn't want this expensive card, so now we have it. As I understand it, it isn't meant for gaming because of low fill rates or some such, but for high image/graphic processing like CAD. What I'm wondering tho, is would it be great for things like photoshop etc? It's tempting to put it in for some of my other applications, but is the gaming performance going to be very noticeably worse than with the GTX 275? PS Or can I put both in and be able to use each one independently depending on purpose I want? ... having to switch them in and out all the time wouldn't be for me...
  16. Yup...but its full title is so much catchier! Done burgers, just not a huge fan of those. My sister-in-law bought a big one recently and 1st thing she tried was hot dogs...when trying to put them on, they kept rolling off because of the incline. lol edit-my brain knows the difference between its and it's, but my fingers, increasingly, seem not to.
  17. The Lean Mean Fat Grilling Machine really does work pretty well...easy to use, easy to clean...nowhere like a real grill taste of course, but in winter I don't feel like messing with that, so......teriyaki steak sandwiches for lunch.
  18. I've changed my mind about Borderlands replay...at least once you take a break after one's initial playthrough. It's kind of like Diablo2 always was for me...the main fun is from starting a new weak character and growing stronger...but you become too strong too fast and thus it becomes boring later. So I'm having a blast making new chrs. that never get past 'normal' difficulty. lol
  19. I'll need more than Spray n Wash to get the Skag slobber out of my clothes.
  20. Wow, this movie stirs things up a bit I guess. I wouldn't ever call Avatar a bad movie, but it did nothing for me. It's not the 'derivative' storyline, but the fact that for me, this time around Cameron did nothing to make me sit up and feel entertained by something I was already familiar with. Some films do...this one didn't. It'd be hard to put a real finger on exactly why...I could say it was a bit boring, or that I didn't feel anything for the love story, etc...but all I can accurately say is that I just didn't "feel" it. Either a movie makes you feel something or it doesn't...apparently the majority feel something, or at least love the graphic/3D aspect and want to see it again for those reasons. Avatar may be the 2nd best movie in terms of sales, but I'd agree that sales don't make a good/classic movie. IIRC, It's a Wonderful Life did rather poorly in the theater, and now it's a holiday 'classic'. Sometimes release/ticket sales are more about hype and good release timing (catching the world in the right 'mood') and I think that's what happened with Avatar.
  21. The oil fragrance 'infusers' (sticks placed in the oil) are kinda cool...subtle scent in a room without having smoke/fire from candles. But on the other hand, you can't just blow the infuser out when you don't want the fragrance. About one week after the official first day of winter, hubby told he that me thought he could already tell that the days were getting longer again. I guess to someone who hates the short hours of winter and counts the days until late Spring, 7 minutes more light is a lot? I never really notice until mid-Feb....
  22. I get plenty of sleep in terms of hours per day average...but it's not on a regulated daily schedule. That's what happens when you don't have to work a 'normal' job. (ps...and sleep patterns have never helped me at all, unfortunately...exercise and mental activity somewhat)
  23. Still Borderlands, with hubby on LAN. Altho for some reason our LAN sometimes gets that weird delay, where he can pick up a weapon off the ground but it doesn't show on my monitor for several seconds, causing a frame 'jump'. Annoying. Maybe my computer is too fast compared to his? Or some settings somewhere. Or the cheap wireless he picked up. Anyway, other than that, it's kinda fun to play the game together, but I think Borderlands makes a better single-player game...say, vs. D2...at least for the campaign.
  24. My husband in Borderlands, jumping down to me. I promised I'd catch him, but I missed. (he was playing so much I had to buy another disc, so we tried some LAN) If only AA worked in this game...
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