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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Hehe, we sound similar. Torso/head for me. Friends used to joke they could fry an egg on the top of my head. My veins are invisible too...and I'm not that dark skinned. Nurses can never find the vein in crook of arm for blood tests or my hands for IV's and usually have to try several times. Which hurts.
  2. The easy solution of course, if one is this worried about how a game will play 2 years from now, is to buy a cheap upgrade to get one through for the moment, continue to save money, then build a new system 2 years for the desired game, with all the current bells and whistles.
  3. I would agree with you 6 months and 80 pounds ago, now I just freeze if it drops below 60F I used to be the sort to go out in 55F rainy weather in shorts, t-shirt & flip flops, but I find my feet/legs get colder faster as I age...I now have to at least wear slippers and long socks. Hubby thinks anything below 68F is "freezing" and complains like it's 35F. But truth is his extremities become ice cold very fast...same w/most of his family & my mother. Thin skin & hereditary circulatory conditions I guess. A lot of it is a state of mind, tho. Some days I want to bundle up and be toasty instead of just be tolerably chill. I love days like that too.
  4. Exactly. I know effects & marketing & stuff is expensive these days etc. so I'm not trying to say films should all cost 5 million, but Hollywood studios (and directors etc) need to learn a little restraint, imo.
  5. It's 45F at noon, here in the SF Peninsula. Cold for CA but I'd rather this than 95F-plus.
  6. Avatar...well, it's James Cameron, Mr. Over-Spending-Perfectionist. Sad thing is, for me, all the trailers/ads I've seen look rather unimpressive. Might be the best movie ever (Cameron has a good record...), but the ads don't make me believe it yet. But 100+ million to make 2 hour entertainment films (times all the films made per year) makes me rather ill when I think of all the possible better uses for that gross over-expenditure of funds. It's one reason I don't like going to the theater much anymore...I don't really want to support that these days.
  7. This seems a bit more like a Sim/teaching tool than a general population game, if that makes sense. Sounds kinda interesting, but not very entertaining.
  8. Damnit why did you have to go there? Maybe he read my other post about hubby & I having colds? I'm sure that's it. I need another new game but I'm completely uninspired by the choices. I wish I still liked in-depth RPG's as much as I used to. My brain just doesn't want to go there anymore.
  9. Ah. I think it made quite a bit more globally, but I guess if it can't even recoup costs via US sales than it's a bust. 200 million to make a movie. It still boggles my mind. Edit: I watched 'Men of a Certain Age' last night. I loved it. Ray Ramano is always a bit whiny but overall the 1st episode was awesome.
  10. I had Eggo waffles. My cat didn't get any. Currently idling around breathing thru my mouth because breathing thru my nose causes spikes of nasal/eye pain. I'd play Diablo but I can barely see the screen through my watering eyes.
  11. Not me, but right this minute hubby is playing Tombraider:Underworld. Me:"Like it?" Hubby:"It's ok. Not sure I like the movement & other stuff, they're always changing things." Me:"But at least her arse isn't all pointy like in days of yore, eh?" Hubby: "There is that. It's a little flat, tho."
  12. That kinda surprises me too...I can see it not making as much as they were hoping, but seems like it should've made enough to make a sequel. T5 seemed to be in a development stage in mid-year...was that canceled, or just a rumor? P.S. I like T-Salvation much better than T3...but still think T1 & T2 are better (as a duo). They were more self-contained, for one thing...and whole time travel/paradox/changes stuff was dealt with a lot better.
  13. I've heard it's nowhere near as good (or as big) as Monterey Aquarium but I've never been to it, so dunno. Btw, cold enough for ya this week? Heard some snow got down to 260ft...and 18 inches on Mt. Diablo, but alas, I'm still waiting for sea level snow ala '76. (Snow covers the hills on Highway 24 at Interstate 680 looking toward Walnut Creek on Mon.)
  14. It goes to 1280x960 on my Win7...it used to go to 1600x1200 on XP w/a CRT monitor, but not on this 1920x1080 LCD...altho haven't bothered to try tweaking it. I'm guessing if you had an even bigger resolution LCD monitor the 1600x1200 would show up but I dunno. I'm not using a laptop, either. Learn to not mind black bars on the side? Sorry, I have nothing. :/
  15. It's also vaguely possible your monitor itself may have some option setting about how to display non-widescreen...w/black bars or 'stretched out' to fill screen. Mine does. I personally dislike the stretched out look myself...
  16. Hubby had a cold, which he then so graciously gave to me, so I'm sniffling and snuffling w/balloon-head Since Sun. At least it's not the flu (of any sort). My husband also gets the week after Xmas entirely off, which is extremely unusual...last time he had 10 days in a row off was...um...I can't remember, it was so long ago. Being winter, we're unsure what to do with it. Hawaii would be fun but we'd rather continue being conservative in these economic times till we know better where we'll stand in a couple years, so...hmm. Maybe a cozy cabin in Tahoe/the mts? Other than that, same ol' same ol'...
  17. Terminator:Salvation -- 1st hour was *yawn*, 2nd hour was middling entertaining. The cyborg dude was definitely the best thing in the movie...chr, acting, storyline etc. I also lol'd at them explaining how Connor got his face/eye scar that was displayed in T2. A nice continuity touch. Taking Chance - Interesting HBO movie about a Col. (Kevin Bacon) who volunteers for military escort duty (of a deceased soldier) and how the brief journey affects both him & everyone he encounters. Not "entertaining" in the Hollywood sense at all but a nice chr. study/human interest drama. I liked it.
  18. Been playing some Diablo1. And if you've played that game for any time, you'll recall that this was one reason why everyone hated Wirt.
  19. I found this other old forum thread that talks about the same issue, that you might want to read through. If you were using mods, it's possible that even tho you uninstalled them, the save game file you're trying to use is still not "clean" enough to work, especially if the mods were ones that gave you items or altered item attributes etc.. If you have a save that was untouched by mods try that one see if it works.
  20. I'm sure D3's story will be mostly in the manual and lots of yakkity yak from NPC's, like always. I'd be content with WoW-type quests, for the kind of game D3 will be. I'm mostly worried about items and skills and how they'll be handled...some of the fun of D3 was in trying crazy chr. skill choices to see how far you could go (melee sorceress etc) & I hope that remains in some form or another. Classes that are too formed and specialized become kind of a drag/limit replay.
  21. It took me forever to figure out that cows were nothing but a huge trap. Farming cows sucks up all your resources. Hehe...trying to do all cows is pretty difficult, the grain is much faster.
  22. Lord of the Realms2, which I had to install on my old XP computer since Win7 wouldn't even get to the 'preparing to install' screen. ...it's old, but I still love it.
  23. Adding my 2 cents that I'm semi-patiently waiting for Diablo3 and at this moment couldn't care less about TES5. Which isn't to say that I don't think Diablo3 could end up disappointing me...especially w/my track record w/games lately...but I must buy it to find out, and I won't be waiting for the bargain bin.
  24. The Flight of the Phoenix - both original classic version and the more recent remake. The classic is still better, but the remake wasn't too bad, if you can overlook some silliness. My Name Is Bruce - not as funny as I was hoping. The 1st 30 min. were *yawn*, the 2nd 3 min were ok, and the last 30 min. had some pretty good stuff. Lots of "inside" jokes peppered all throughout which made me chuckle. Very low budget and script was terrible, even for a parody/satire. Bruce Campbell is still adorably cranky & silly, tho.
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