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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I dunno about that, but I do often feel like I see city names I recognize, at least somewhere in credits, an awful lot. Lots of tech stuff around. The big one around here nowadays is EA. I believe Blizzard originated here, & the old Blizzard North was located not far away.
  2. I've been playing Titan Quest/Immortal Throne again. Discovered that the stash contents in backed up saved games are apparently computer name/file folder structure dependent, or something, so all old chrs. item stash collections are empty & revert to the original tiny size (have to pay to expand it again)...bummer. Oh well. More fun to start from scratch again anyway.
  3. We were one small road-bump from Morgan Hill, tho still officially in San Jose. I used to cruise down Monterey Rd to 101 & beyond a lot, both to visit some friends & just for crusin' sake. Can't recall, but I don't think I posted this pic here before. If I did, sorry for repeat. But it's a stitched together view of the Peninsula/Bay from atop Windy Hill park. It's nothing special/gorgeous, with all the saturated city haze/bluish color but kinda fun to look at maybe. The pink-roof buildings on the right are Stanford U. (1.1MB) http://crimsonkeep.com/wallpapers/data/med...l-panorama5.jpg
  4. Agreed. The concept is new to me personally...willing to try it. I might end up liking it quite a bit.
  5. So does this mean that my husband can 'swipe' any of my finds I put in the inventory to use/sell himself?...I can hear the "where did my item-of-awesome that I was saving go??" arguments now... Edit:I know it says class-specific items, but we have a tendency to want to play the same class....
  6. I couldn't get DungeonSiege 1 working & Diablo2 ran but gave me error hiccups, but other than that, only games I've had trouble with are ones like Dungeon Keeper (not surprising)...but I also haven't tried to install that many 3-5 year old games on Win7. I won't try until I want to play them & haven't wanted to play much so...
  7. I'd like to thank funcroc for posting all these links/info, since it means I don't have to spend time looking them up myself. ) Also...I think this is the first time I've felt a serious tingle of anticipation/hope/excitement over an upcoming title/project since the announcement of Diablo3. Thanks, Obsidian. I'm confused whether this means each player gets a 'very large' inventory or all players share a 'very large' inventory. A shared stash that all co-op players can access/share is (to me) a strange concept.
  8. I live in what they call the "Peninsula" area of the Bay, on the W. side of the water, halfway between SF and SJ. It would take us 5-6 hours to reach Lake Tahoe/Sierras in good traffic. Pic: Black circle=area I currently live & area I grew up in) Red circle= area where I lived when I first started posting on this forum. Green circle=park/area where that photo was taken. What does that have to do w/where I live? Melting pot, y'know.
  9. K...I'm a complete noob when it comes to such MP services but from what I've heard over the years Gamespy has never appealed to me. I'll look closer into both, thanks.
  10. If you like XP, no reason to run out and get Win7 until something you really want to run actually demands it. Or you can keep the old pc to run older favorite XP programs and make the new one Win7. If you want to have loads of system RAM and don't have XP-64, then getting Win7-64 for new build might be worthwhile since you'd need a 64bit os anyway.
  11. My thoughts too. Very unfair. C'est la vie. I wasn't close with him and I'm fully aware he could be very contentious at times (so can we all), but I respected him. Plus he kept things lively.
  12. Ditto. I take it this means, then that retail players must use Gamespy & can't use other things, like this GameRanger? Expansion packs: Zombie Island is worth $10 imo, if you like the original game and want new area to kill monsters/zombies in. But if you do it last on a 2nd playrhough (where you're a pumped lvl 50 already) it won't be much challenge. So doing it before then is advisable. Secret Armory...I'd agree, I think it'd be difficult for MP. I also didn't like the emphasis on cars. In fact, whenever I could, I'd get out of the damn cars and kill on foot anyway. Also, this is the expansion that requires the patch that takes away the "easy" town red chests in regular BL areas that people would farm for gear (they turn to white chests). Moxie is combat arena+extra storage location & I think an extra skill point or two or something along those lines. I also hear it's insanely hard. I didn't buy it. None of the expansion packs have any fast travel station locations other than the one you arrive in. Meaning every time you restart the game to continue, you're put at the beginning again. It's a sore point, but in Zombie Island it's less of a factor since it's a lot smaller than Armory.
  13. That right there is exactly my issue with most online 'co-op' multiplayer games. I do like playing with other people, but it's so difficult to find folks (randomly, on the internet) who are a good fit for me. If Dungeon Siege3 = my husband will play with me, it will become one of my favorite games. Which reminds me...will this have LAN, or will MP be online only?
  14. "Legion" My husband thought it was better (that is, more entertaining) than Shutter Island. Myself...near the beginning I was thinking "all right this is going to be kinda like Demon Knight/Evil Dead or something, cool!"...but then it quickly dropped almost all Evil Dead/Demon Knight type humor & went for a super-serious atmosphere that kinda dragged it down....and even any unintentional humor was far & few between. That said...it's watchable. Had some promise, some good moments. Just not quite enough. Speaking of Shutter Island: Yea, the last scene was the most interesting for me, from a chr. motivation standpoint. It might not be the point of the movie, but it certainly made watching the movie more of a chore since they kept using all the movie tricks to make it seem/stay mysterious. I might've liked it as a character study better if they had left the mystery/suspense part out.
  15. I don't remember them in DS2 or its expansion, either. *Google searches* ....ohhhhhhh those, ok, I remember now. I guess I forgot because they took up party member slots & I didn't think of them as pets...ie, they weren't entirely decorative. They were just an alternative to magical summons or human NPC's.
  16. Yeah, and these days some of those aren't bad either, for walkabout/vacation cameras. They certainly make fine small/medium prints or web postings. Problem (to me) is, the glass in those compact cameras aren't what I like. Pics will look fine around 50% but even at 100-ISO there's usually a lot of noticeable grain/pixelation at 100%. Which is my complaint about the zoom I bought. It's better than in compacts of course, & for a non-prime lens it's good I suppose, but I guess my eyes want the $4k-8k glass. Oh well. One day I'll be rich. (dialup warning) This is a (boring) full-size quick test pic from the zoom at 100/mm 100-ISO. (u may have to click on pic in browser to expand to full size, depending on your browser). The grain quality at 100% is actually ok, but many other test shots it wasn't. The more zoomed out you are, the 'softer' the corners/edges became, giving it a bit of that circle-of-vaseline look even when actual pixelation was minor. This is a full size from my macro 100mm prime lens, at 800-ISO. While there's some definite grain, I think it's still pretty good for that ISO & my now-ancient 20D.
  17. I must be confused again. I don't remember pets in Dungeon Siege. But I did think they were cute and annoying at the same time, in WoW.
  18. I'll add: SHARED STASH....ie, easy to transfer items from one chr. to another. Eh? You mean summons? I love summons. I love love love summons. Tho oddly enough, in the end, I wasn't that fond of the Necro in Diablo2. At least, not the skeleton Necro's. That was too many summons...visually got in my way. heh
  19. I bought a cheap "super-zoom" lens today...with cheap ($630) being relative, considering the prices for the very high quality lenses. Was going to get one of either 2 Canon lenses but store guy convinced me to try the Tamron 18-270mm f/3.5-6.3 Di-II VC. I'm not sure if I like it yet. I guess I can get used to it...definitely a decent "casual walk around" or "vacation" lens & it does have some image stabilization but meh, it has lots of issues, too. But it is a (big) zoom, which is never going to be as good as a prime. My Canon 100mm/macro beats this new lens, image quality wise, to hell & back. But when they say it has super zoom, they aren't kidding. Especially when mounted on a non-full frame DSLR. The pic on right is the middle fence post from pic on the left, standing in same spot.
  20. By Jove, I think you've got it!! ...I did consider maybe he was using the stool for step exercising, but then why would he put it on the tablesaw instead of leaving it on the ground. Oh well, he'll be home soon, I can ask then....but maybe...I don't really want to know.
  21. Yeah, I do understand it, hence the 'way it goes.' Books, movies....sequel-itis is one reason I stopped reading very many novels or caring about a lot of movies. I guess I was just foolishly hoping that the vid. game industry would avoid it being quite so dominant for a bit longer. There have been some game sequels that I've liked almost as much as the original, & certainly games where I want a sequel (Diablo, haha) so again, not always a bad thing. It's just disheartening when it starts to feel that's all there is anymore. Title name recognition=more sales, among other things.
  22. Oh...for some reason I thought Steam MP & DVD-copy MP used different MP ports (?) servers(?) systems or something. I guess they both use Gamespy then? I'd need to make an GS account & reinstall the game...next time you're in the mood, maybe we could try. No idea how well GS works, never tried it. P.S. ... also, we have all kinds of hardware firewalls, do you really need to forward ports?
  23. Please note I'm not E3/game news expert....but does it feel to anyone else that the (big name) video game industry has a serious case of sequel-itis? Not that that's inherently a bad thing, or something....but I do find it amusing. The way it goes...
  24. At least it's something. Very nice....uh...magical tree roots! I await the video/s, whenever they may arrive, with eager anticipation.
  25. The Dungeon hath added a new, mighty Keeper. Don't forget to train your Dark Mistresses. They can make a mean whipped cappuccino.
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