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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Mentally, I feel pretty good. But I would die a thousand deaths without air conditioning.* *hyperbole
  2. Ugh, what, no. LOOKS BEFORE STATS! (or chr. class/skill...) Dunno if it was a "mistake" but at least I'm adorable!
  3. That Obiwan series has me, for the first time, tempted to sub to Disney. Mostly because Ewan, ofc. So I'm hoping you guys will watch it and tell me how terrible it is or something and the temptation will disappear.
  4. Weather: 90F-100F the weekend/all this week. The (not too large) swimming pool temp. is over 80F in the afternoon. Gonna have to start tossing ice cubes in it.
  5. Oh, was that the show that did that? I remember a show doing that but y'know me and my long term (or short term, or any term) memory. Well, in short, so far I've liked two intentionally over the top humorous ones (except the three robots post-apoc. episode) and the rest have been "ok to meh."
  6. Norman Reedus apparently mentioned filming for a Death Stranding 2 (briefly, in a long text interview), so maybe they're really going to make one. I hope they don't radically alter the concept/gameplay. I mean I suppose they will a little I'm sure. Possibly more "action" even, who knows. But yeah...like usual, hope it doesn't suck.
  7. Love, Death and Robots, imo: --episode 2 was meh, although that crab thing was ok as a horror image I guess. --episode 3 was meh. Interesting idea in a way, but execution for a short was *shrug* --episode 4 was stupid but hilarious in a low brow/viral Youtube sort of way, thus I liked it. I also liked the stop motion look (dunno if it was or just CGI, but I liked the look) --episode 5 was also hilarious in an over-the-top uber violent way but hilarity was the only reason I liked it? --episode 6 was ... well the ending of it made me think of certain "ewww" moments in Starship Troopers and a couple other old sci-fi/horror movies, and visually it was nice to look at, but felt lifeless outside of that. ...haven't gotten to the last three yet. That's in my watchlist. The visuals from the trailer don't make me go "zowie" (they're fine, just not special for me) ... does this mean I should I remove it?
  8. That's hopeful. It's not like I disliked the 2nd season, it just wasn't as good as the first. I did take a break from c-drama-fu last night to watch the first episode of the new season (those two talky robots). I didn't like that one all that much, it was way too "obvious" and for me, not funny or meaningful or something either. But I fell asleep before watching any more - I'll try some more soon.
  9. Hmm...I love Ray Charles but I think I might like this "electro swing" version more. Strangely the original creators vid (first) has relatively few views but some slightly different remix someone did (2nd) has millions and millions. The whimsy of the 'net and algorithms. Anyway...I could shuffle dance to either one all day.
  10. I didn't read the expanded The Stand until that 90's mini-series came out and right at the first episode I was all "wtf, this wasn't in the book at all." My friend had to tell me there was some new version. Heh. The longer version isn't bad and some of the added material is interesting in a "more background" kind of way (although all the extra Trashcan did zero for me) but as King himself said, it's not really necessary. Also, I didn't like it that he altered the setting to the new publication time period. While it's nothing major, it's kind of akin to Lucas updating Star Wars with CGI. EDIT: I should clarify the above that when you can side by side compare the two versions, that the "uncut" is not just cut material added back in. It is a subtle rewrite altogether. That said, some might think the cut is bit too abrupt here and there if they're already used to the "uncut." YMMV. (2nd edit: brainfart typos)
  11. I still love The Stand - but the original version (which again, I still have a slightly tattered 1980 copy of it) not the over-bloated extended author's cut. Nick Andros is still one of my favorite King characters. Shawshank is an example where I liked the movie more than the written (which I found a tad dull), but mostly because, Freeman. I've always wished they'd left the film ending as Freeman on the bus without the meeting last few seconds, but I guess test audiences didn't like that. The Mist film ending ticked me off something fierce, although up to that point I was enjoying it fairly well. I don't care if it's more "horrific", I prefer the ambiguous ending of the story. I'm one of the few who seems to like Tommyknockers, although I'm not saying it's King's best because it certainly isn't. I stopped reading King late 90's or something I think. Once he became so famous no publisher would dare force even a single edit on him or something, he became steadily more unbearable. Also his ... topic? ... interests shifted a bit (which is fine) and I wasn't interested in it, plus I just got older and probably don't find that type of material or style as "cool". I did try reading Dreamcatcher at some point. That was enough.
  12. Binged 10 episodes, over the past couple days, of Who Rules the World via Netflix. It's a sorta-wuxia period/fantasy. Like many (lengthy) C-Dramas, it's hard to judge whether I'm going to like it before then, because of the way they draw things out and how long it can take them to actually introduce/set up/get familiar with all the main players and all the plot threads in the tale. For a (highish but not US) TV budget it looks very good most of the time, although occasionally there's some obvious CGI. Once the chrs/politics are in there, it's "deeper" then it looks, although the many-factions/kingdom/royal siblings in turmoil is nothing really new. The romance is so far understated but also quite present. Most importantly, it has lots of wire-fu, cloth-ribbon-fu, knife-fu, water-walking/flying-fu, and any other kind of "fu" you can think of. It's not true wuxia tho, just saying. And they fast-cut a little too often. But the actors do a lot of wire work, it's not just CGI. Also - I get to stare at Yang Yang, who is one of, if not the most, handsome C-drama actors of his generation. Anyway...I'm not sure if I'll last 40 episodes but the first 10 makes me think I'll continue to watch it in 2 episode segments for a while. It's engaging enough for a C-drama.
  13. Max. Overdrive, for me, was almost one of those films that's so bad it's good, but it missed it by thiiiiissss much.
  14. The Shining (yes I didn't like that movie, except Jack is always a good psyho), Running Man and Firestarter are what convinced me that Stephen King movies were usually going to be dreck, or at least only just barely connected to the source material. Carrie and Dead Zone were decent tho. Edit: and Dawson was the best thing in Running Man, agreed.
  15. @Sarex - don't worry about it, not going to make someone do the work for me if I want to use a method other than a sledgehammer or buying something different. It's all mostly a comment regarding how much I dislike all the noise and nanny-nag "features." I feel the same about any car where it goes "dingdingding" forever if you don't put on your seatbelt or close the door. I've cut wires before. As well as it all seems like we're actually making stuff more complicated to use vs. easier in the name of marketing ppl. trying to figure out how to make stuff to get people to want to repeatedly buy/"upgrade" a lot more often than truly they need to. And yes, I use all the "free" stuff. Doesn't matter. If it's not rinsed to where I can't feel any "soapy" feel anymore (wet cotton feels stiff almost), it'll make me itch. The chemicals and agents and things they use to make ever more suds (because bubbles=clean to many minds) is just worse and worse. I've tried low-suds brands but it's no better, they then use anti-suds agents. Even dish soap makes my hands itch - Dawn used to be pretty good but lately it irritates me more than it used to. I should probably grow a farm of soaproot or whatever plant and just use that.
  16. Most of my "since we were 5 so I was one of the guys" friends growing up were male and I don't remember anyone acting like that in front of me. Course maybe they still behaved differently with no girl around. Still, most of the ones I knew (outside of my "group" as well) were quieter and much more responsible. I guess I hung out with the snobby and studious/reserved crowd.
  17. I think I've tried hitting that Settings button a couple times but don't recall seeing anything. That said, I get a little "afraid" pushing all those buttons wondering if something is going to explode or all 2001/HAL on me if I do it wrong. Hahaha. I'll look at that button again. ...also, based on my recent posting history sometimes I think I should my forum user name to KrankyCrimson.
  18. Yeah, that's why external HDD's are storage only - not going to leave them plugged in 24/7 so that power/spin on time. ...I don't have any issues with internal HDD's tho - outside of cheap vibrating holders haha - at least for storage or certain "working" purposes. Sure they're slower but I don't install programs on them. Main thing is they're cheaper for TB's - well, vs. higher quality SSD's. Never tried an uber cheap SSD. I miss the heavier duty all metal/steel/whatever cases of the old days where you could stick a heavy CRT monitor on top of them (the horizontal ones not towers obviously) and they didn't warp at all.
  19. Ok, I saw the first Tom Holland Spiderman movie. It was cute. Humor was a little "young" for me but at least there was some characterization. Although, I know Parker is 15, but I felt like he behaved more like he was 10. Regardless, it was light fun. Not sure I'm interested in seeing the sequels tho.
  20. "House came with" ... we don't have manuals. I certainly don't see any button on the uber-busy interfaces, with a label that sounds related, although sure, one would think if there's a ringtone on the dryer that one could program that, but I don't see anything. I barely figured out how to push all the buttons in combos to make it do basic stuff, because I've apparently reached grandma-VCR age. Note: these aren't super new or expensive stuff, but they are digital. Where are my EZ/simple/takes 1 second manual dials? PFFFT. Even the dial the washer has is just the precursor to punching your way through more buttons/OSD. Yeah, cranky old fart here. Edit: also, the front-loading washer sucks for skin allergy people like me. I have to rinse it even more times because less water = less soap actually rinsed out each time. It has to go, at the least (eventually).
  21. There is something weirdly charming about Psy. Also, kind of a catchy song, and hey, BTS member.
  22. Open fridge for more than 10 seconds taking lots of stuff out: *BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPITYBEEP* Preheat convection oven: *BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPITYBEEP* Turn off oven: "plays some beepy tune to verify* Open microwave, leave door open for a few to air steam out like I always do: *BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPITYBEEP* Dryer/washer finishes cycle: *plays some long digital ringtone song* (I swear it's like, 15 seconds long) ... ... "Honey, where's the sledgehammer." ...this house came with newer "digital-fancy" appliances. Can we go back to the cheap and silent appliances.
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