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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. 10:30AM --- outside in the shade: 100F/37.77C --- inside majority of home: 79F/26.11C --- inside my "room cave": 72F/22.22C --- *stares at electric bill* .... WORTH IT! Ow, ugh. At least here "it's a dry heat." Humidity can make even moderate heat temps intolerable. Which is why I will never move to anything tropical. Vacation is fine. Moving to such a place ... heck no. Anyway...it's fine in the house, I just like to observe/marvel/complain. I was wondering if it would reach 110F yesterday, but only got to 109. Got two large bowls of water in the yard for birdies. The bluebirds like to sit in them, it's cute.
  2. 4:30pm. That's in the shade. I'm not putting that thing in the direct sun, it might melt. 42.22222 for you C people. I expect it to get a tad higher before dusk comes around.
  3. I discovered Discovery+ (available going thru Prime, my preference), which bundles a whole lot of channel programming into one monthly fee. A lot of the lifestyle reality stuff I watched when I wanted to turn off my brain (or background/fall asleep stuff), when we had cable - HGTV, Science, TLC, Trvl, Foodnetwork, ID (real crime), etc. Ad and ad-free subs. So I don't have to have a sub to all those separately anymore like a long time ago, which I refused to do. Perfect when it's too hot to do anything but slouch, brain-dead, on a couch/bed all day with A/C on. Score!
  4. I like the way the cat, after finishing, turns and looks up at the dog as if to say "thanks for waiting/letting me go first." Although it does make me wonder, since the video mentions "cats", why there aren't more water bowls...
  5. So this guy's reaction to PoE's passive tree is exactly what I mean. Even if in the end it's not as complicated as it "looks," I don't have the patience/dedication for that anymore (I used to). Although one of the issues with PoE in particular was they were constantly erasing/resetting your tree for patches/updates (with a single free respec given) so you'd have to "start all over" for newly added nodes/tree redesigns, and/or remember the pathing of what dozens of nodes you liked every few/several months. And while there were respecs, getting them was grindingly difficult. Anyway, yeah, not doing that anymore.
  6. ^ Yeah ... hubby said "it's supposed to get hot again this week." ...a bit of an understatement. I'm going to be grumpy again.
  7. 2.5 episodes of Spriggan - ok, figured out that it seems kinda episodic (even tho there aren't many episodes). Tech that is too high-powered/dangerous for mere humanity at this time, and groups trying to grab it and/or protect it each episode (well, what I watched anyway). Got it. I started out liking the style because it reminded me a little more of "older" anime in some ways, but the writing, editing, and chrs. started to weigh it down. Probably won't finish it. Also, the ...digital? cgi? ... animation didn't work for me here. Either because budget or style, dunno. Where despite all the image clarity, it looks too sterile and clean, both graphically and re: motion, if that makes any sense. I have issues with that fairly frequently re: modern animation more and more often. I find it distracting, like an animation version of uncanny valley.
  8. Saw "Spiderhead" via Netflix. It stars Chris Hemsworth and Miles Teller, how terrible could it be? ...turns out, pretty terrible. I mean, once again, the idea/concept isn't awful, but the execution is rather ludicrous, especially the ending stuff. Read any negative review of it, I'd probably largely agree.
  9. Yup, totally me in games nowadays. Where you spend more time doing all this than playing...
  10. ^ That eating contest episode of Champloo is so funny.... ...I watched about 20 minutes of the first episode of Spriggan on Netflix and felt like I had no clue what was going on. But in that way where I'm not sure if it's simply my sluggish brain and maybe if I can get past a hurdle I'll find it interesting. I like the style enough so I'll keep watching and will hopefully stop scratching my head.
  11. Yeah I did the same w/Google on the tablet and got that pic in the first few pages too. Which just goes to show how terrible Google has become for actually useful results, sometimes. >.> Also agree that his beard isn't that bad - it's not that non-typical really - it's just something about the way he uses his face that turns it into "weird."
  12. That looks to be about his "Just A Geek" book release period (unread by me), where he was in his very early 30's. I think he started growing a beard a few years after that. Using duckduckgo, I can find several pictures of him from around then, although not a lot. Or there's his blog if you want less "portfolio" looking pics, haha (first time I've looked at that site in years). Edit: also, this short interview clip on youtube, heh.
  13. I saw some YouTube clip of Wil Wheaton in whatever nuTrek series he was on recently (Picard?), and yup...nevermind Wesley, I think young/teen Wil was a somewhat better actor (Stand By Me, for example). Or at the least, as a teen he didn't give me wide-eyed, creepy-over-grinning, weirdo vibes (which worked for Rent-A-Pal I suppose but not much else). ...maybe it's just the beard. I have never liked him with that beard. ...re: general tv, still just East Asian series watching occasionally, nothing exciting.
  14. I would've bought the indie game "Stray", except I apparently can't read and it's not releasing today, but a month from now. ...I swear the store page said June 19th, not July, the three times I looked at it, and that it didn't say "planned release date" either. But forum people say it wasn't so. ...maybe I can blame Steam instead of my eyeballs. At any rate, can't play as a cute orange tabby cat yet.
  15. EDIT: this guy's short captions and voice-overs of animal/misc vids are hilarious. I'm binging a lot of them.
  16. I tried to get farther in that Guardians of Galaxy game (since I barely got off the intro-ship section), but there are too many sorta-like-QTE's - including in the middle of chattery dialogues - and "forced movement/path" moments. Plus the chrs. are constantly talking as you move along, that drives me crazy. Dunno if it lessens later but ... still, Rocket will never not be cool. Also - haven't played it in a while but whenever I run into those blue toothy creatures in Biomutant I feel like Blue Meanies had babies or something.
  17. Me at 2am, bleary-eyed and washed out, but I also drank too much caffeine.
  18. Says almost everyone who watches these videos: "That looks fairly simple (it is, kinda), I bet I can master that and look like them in no time"... But 98% are gonna discover they instead look like that adorable guy in the red shirt. I love this video tho because props to him. Who cares what you look like, if ya wanna move to the beat and join in, just do it.
  19. Does "I play mostly mobile" etc. these days mean Switch/Deck? I still think of it as phone/tablet. I tried phone/tablet games initially, and some of them are all right for brief time wasters but no desire to touch-smash a screen constantly or have a controller attached to those for anything more complex. Plus it's not PC vs other format for me. Mostly it's just ... the industry has changed a lot + when I do play something my feeling is often "this is cute/cool but I can't be bothered to sit here and keep playing or do the "git gud" process (if needed), so I turn it off. The core concept or loops of most games is always the same and I'm bored of that loop, no matter how different the details around it might be. Edit: it's akin to when I became bored of fantasy novels, or the film industry etc. I should take up some (low-key) dance again maybe. Turn the family room into a dance-room. Maybe I just don't want to sit in front of a screen anymore.
  20. Outside of maybe very occasionally revisiting fave games for a day or two, I'm seriously starting to feel like I've become a non-gamer. >.> I still look but everything is "meh" or "hell no" ... indie, AAA, genre, doesn't matter. Even if a new game I try is ok/charming/playable, just bored of it all. That said I am still going to buy that Stray game on the 19th, which I expect to be shortish with little replay value, because, cat, and decent graphics (so very cute cat) for the budget. And less/little combat focus. After that ... I dunno...I suppose if Avowed is ever released I might at least buy it to try it but other than that...seems like I'll be saving a lot of money re: PC building for a long while.
  21. I was hoping for something re: Avowed, disappointed. Diablo4, graphically and in that trailer showcase, looks a lot like Path of Exile. I mean, not exactly (and I'm sure there's other games with that look now, that I've never played), but there were some scenes where the ground and shininess and other things is so PoE. Including the particular top-down PoV that I didn't like that much in PoE. >.> At any rate, while it might be fun to play through once or twice, I'm sure the "endgame" will be as repetitive (which I don't mind if it's light-fun grind) and full of micro transactions ('live as service", which I hate) as many expect. I wonder if "almost 150 dungeons" have layout/design randomization or if they're always the same for each one. At any rate ... visually looks great, but I've yet to see anything to make me want to give Blizz more money. Won't count it out 100%, but doubtful, for me.
  22. I've been interested in that Everywhere and that Nic Cage movie but at the moment I think I can only "buy" it on Amazon Prime, it's not for rent yet or otherwise available on the few streaming services I have. Maybe in couple weeks.
  23. Only time we've gone through stuff like that is when we went to Death Valley. In a car with black interior. I think my t-shirt/shorts were constantly sweat-soaked the entire time. We wore out the car's A/C on that one trip (we visited AZ in that same journey) trying to keep us from becoming dehydrated bags of sand. Well, one thing about high heat (if you're lucky enough to have air conditioning at least) is that it makes a great excuse for homebodies like me to ... well, stay at home. "I'm not lazy, it's just too hot."
  24. This is more the "metal" that I would likely be attracted to. Some of us used to call it, generically, heavy metal. Or maybe metal ballads? What do you call it these days? ...also, I've decided Pellek's YT channel stuff is the bestest, and sometimes the funniest.
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