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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. So, yeah, most metal (any type) isn't really my thing - occasional radio hit, film track or 80's hit I like, just not what I want to listen to all day. But this group's mega-viewed metal cover of BTS's "Fake Love" (which is great - you can youtube it if you've never heard of it) brought me here to post one of their original (I think?)songs. ---I like their drummer/singer's tonal range when he does the more melodic singing bits, and his big smile ---I can't understand a word the "screamer" is saying (I never can) but his energy is infectious. ---guitarist short solo is fun and his and bassist's dynamic is fun too. ---I'd probably like them live.
  2. I had no idea I wanted a screaming metal cover of PSY's "Gentlemen," but apparently I did.
  3. Guess it's been a slow week for everyone? ...I got food poisoning, spewing from both ends for a couple days. That was fun. ...it rained a fair amount - relatively speaking for time of year - for a couple days. Felt almost tropical. Now it's super hot again and I can't sleep. ...we're still not totally moved/cleaned out of the Bay Area house. In fact we keep talking about how if the home prices drop a little bit the next several months/year (higher interest rates, inflation slowing buyers and other such things) maybe we should look for another house in the same Sac. neighborhood that we might like a tad better and get rid of/sell the one we're currently in. We seem to be all kinds of confused/confuddled re: our future plans. >.> EDIT: although the way the world is going I'm still leaning towards selling everything and building an underground bunker-house in the mid-west. HAHA
  4. K-drama's: current actor crush - Lee Soo Hyuk Via Viki website: Lucky Romance - rom-com, predictable and often preposterous but quite cute, although the main couple gets together with maybe 4 episodes still left and I grew bored of the filler. Up to that point it was mostly adorable/ridiculous fun. Born Again - oh lord, this was tragic-triangle-murder-reincarnation melodrama terrible. Although the first couple episodes showing the past were ok. After that it went all crazy/stupid and the female lead made the wrong choice, darnit! Heh. FFWD'd through most of it. On Netflix: Tomorrow - well, I liked this one a fair amount. It has a main story arc and then episodic cases. Supernatural/fantasy, with a group of reapers who try to prevent suicides. Yeah don't ask. Some of the stories, while very melodrama, can be hard to watch, and a few made me sniffle. Don't watch if you're in a bad mood maybe. A little inconsistent but largely binge-worthy. One male lead chr. was kind of annoying - whiny and immature - but he did get more tolerable later. Female lead was awesome. But, despite being billed as a lead, not enough Lee Soo Hyuk until near the end. Ha.
  5. I heard some of y'all like meowing/cute kittens.
  6. We watched Matrix 4. ...um...I liked the deja vu cat. Best character in the movie. Also, I'm not sure how they managed to make even the action scenes flat, lifeless and dull, but they did. That said, there were some interesting ideas and moments, and NPH's one long dialogue re: humanity was entertaining but yeah overall it earned its bad rep. ...they should have just made deja vu kitty the main character.
  7. Hmm...interesting. I know sounds and sometimes dialogue are done in studio after filming etc, but I always thought the screams were at least dubbed by the actors themselves. Guess not, most of the time (at least in modern times). Makes sense to be sound effects in a manner of speaking, but still weird.
  8. Got around to watching the new Dune, mostly because I was afraid HBO would yank it long before pt. 2. I...as a grumpy old cat...didn't hate it. Didn't particularly like it either, however, although there were certainly small things here and there that I admired, and the cinematography was often nice. Outside of saying that it has all the usual issues I find modern blockbuster film-making to have, not going to analyze it. It's not terrible but also nothing I'm going to remember either. (EDIT: I do appreciate the effort behind it tho but ...) So...yeah, I know it's "part 1"... but still unfilm-able, to me.
  9. Idealized youthful fantasy/tearjerker K-drama version: Kim Go-eun ,,,that's an interesting question tho, really, because as an adopted Korean-American I don't really "relate" to the vast majority of the actresses I see on screen (Hollywood or many East-Asian productions either) in terms of seeing a sort of reflection of myself. I don't mean that in a negative way (eg, it doesn't bother me, it can still entertain), and I don't mean simply racially/looks but also the personality and culture portrayals...and because of that I have zero notion of an actress that would be "good" at playing me. So ... uh ... any adult female under 5 feet who's broody, a little tomboyish, lazy as f*** and verbalizes curse words far too often would work.
  10. Movie sound mixers must have seen this video back when and decided to emulate it. eg, this is exactly how I feel trying to watch many movies now - where I know they're speaking English but I can't hear/understand it.
  11. Biomutant - ok that announcer became even more annoying and I totally disabled it. The "gibberish" by NPC's as well. Unfortunately there still seems to be occasional scripted moments where the narrator "must" speak, even if you have subtitles on - can button-press faster thru such at least. I need more funny hats. A jester hat with some wild pantaloons would work. Gameplay wise - it's still simplistic. Early on quite a few cutscenes (that are often used to unlock/introduce new abilities) for backstory/lore. So far no consequences for looting anything anywhere. I've found small and easy to miss loot/enemy spots if you were never go off the beaten path , but nothing significant (yet). The world map makes the game seem kinda large but I have a feeling the actual scale will = won't seem very big at all running through it. At any rate, still a moderately enjoyable (on Easy) casual adventure/rpg-lite romp. Nothing deep or strategic. But it's full of cuteness!
  12. Stylin'! Wait, short pants and a gasmask, even moah stylin'! Training that WungFu with Mom. Child-"me" is sooo cuuute. I wanna play as him all the time vs. the adult version...I wonder if he (and she) changes appearance based on how you make your chr...
  13. *reads about histamine (food) intolerance* Hm...I keep having these bouts of intense all-over patch itchiness/tiny bumps/hives (no major rash tho) that comes and goes ... maybe it's not just pollens/dust/plastics/chemicals and I've developed a (pretty mild) case of food allergies and should alter my diet a bit yet again. *high histamine foods you should avoid: fermented (pickles, kim chi, sauerkraut etc), soy, all cured meats, some nuts, eggplant, tomato, yogurt/cheese, booze etc* ...with diabetes on top, at that rate the only thing I'll be able to eat is ... ultra-filtered water? ... nvm, it's probably not it anyway and I can live with the itchiness (sour grapes).
  14. My Holderness Family crush continues. 1:25 - the wives wonder if their husbands are nuts 2:20 - the wives take the boat and leave bickering hubby's behind. Not really into the music overall but the lyrics are cute. And at the end when it becomes "Hot Mom Summer" instead...loved that. Had to clip just that bit so I can loop it forever.
  15. Fixed that for you. More seriously, in my of course completely objective and unbiased opinion ( ), 97.999% of all shows/movies are terribly written. That doesn't mean I don't find some of it still very entertaining, mind ... entertainment doesn't have to be super literate or sensible or whatever to just entertain ... but they are still weakly plotted and paced. Quantity over quality or something, especially re: Netflix and their "we just care about getting people to binge-watch something, anything, all the time" mantra.
  16. rofl! Classic, I love it. Always nice when it turns out to be something like that. Thanks, I needed that chuckle.
  17. That pretty much sums up my feeling about ST. Although I think I only watched one or two episodes of season2. I've pretty much decided that every "Netflix" labeled series ever, even if (I think) the first season is fun/good/great, if they keep going with more seasons, I won't like it. (EDIT - it's not that they become bad exactly, they just become...not-compelling enough to watch) Stranger Things Lost In Space Umbrella Academy Haunting of Hill House Daredevil Bridgerton (to a lesser extent) Love Death and Robots ...and on and on. Netflix is the one-season-wonder originals.
  18. This time it's the reverse: the weather is cooler but I'm in a depressive mood. >.> Not sure what triggered it - just wake up one day feeling that way and it is what it is I guess. I need more cookies, but I guess these slightly off-tasting sugar-free chocolate lollipops will have to do.
  19. I checked back to Viki again and there's a bunch of new Korean and Chinese stuff there I want to watch. Viki-Plus sub is a little expensive (annually) I suppose but I watch it a lot a few times a year at least. It's great for when I'm in the mood for fantasy/drama/slice of life series that isn't dystopian, gloomy, end of the world type stuff. Or when I want fluffy/silly that isn't the lame Netflix rom-com quality. Do you think something like When Harry Met Sally would be made today? Edit: oh, I'm still watching/intend to finish "From" but haven't been in the mood so it'll be a while before I finish.
  20. Biomutant - per usual these days I've barely played it but I did get past the tutorial type beginning and into the real world. Killed some big beastie as required then roamed around for a bit first, gathering some waypoints, seeing what's what, stealing loot from unattended crates. Have it all max at 4k with the usual (for me) 50-60fps and performance feels fine to me. Not overly demanding. The combat is simple enough, with the basic attack, dodge, and those (too many...) combo and special moves ala "Square, Square, Circle, L1" type stuff as well as seemingly a lot of items/crafts for temp. boosts and the like. Having to remember finger-tying combo sequences all the time isn't really my thing so I put it on Easy and just flail or shoot away like a 3 year old having a tantrum. Seems to work. I can see why the "narrator" aspect annoyed some - but at least they have settings to reduce or even turn it off now. Roaming around the world seems kinda fun. Seems to be plenty of villages and tribes/forts which I assume are quest hubs. Anyway ... not expecting some grand experience but it seems cute/involving enough for casual mucking about in, at least for sale price. At least there are funny/cute outfits to collect. We'll see.
  21. I got my first (plain) hat. I've seen pics of some of the silly hats in this game and I am going to need all the hats. Game does have a very simple photomode so you can at least pause/get combat pics. "Hai, don't you want to take me home?" Not the most graphic-uber game overall but sometimes it sets a mood/looks nice.
  22. Hmm...has anyone tried this/something very similar? It's egg, cream cheese, parm. and moz. cheese. So not zero carb but pretty low carb which would be fine. Maybe I could try with less eggs. I've tried cauliflower crusts and while not terrible as a sort of toast for butter, I didn't like it as pizza. Guess I'll try it next week some time (no time this weekend) and report back.
  23. There seems to be no info on that yet, so I'd guess the average 6 months to a year from original release. At least Epix renewed it so there will be a 2nd season. I watched a few more episodes of it. A couple side characters I could really do without, most of the rest are ok to decent. Acting quality outside of the male lead varies a bit - from ok to pretty good. Overall cast is pretty large by now, meaning many individual chrs. often don't get much screen time, they just pop in for a hot minute to say something/have a conflict, then disappear again, repeat. While I personally have a few characters that I'm interested in/like, the initial impression - that Harold Perrineau (so far) is really carrying the show - remains. Without him it wouldn't be nearly as watchable/good, to the point where sometimes you're just waiting for him to come back to charge the screen with his presence again. Show is good at building up the moody/creepy/mysterious vibe tho.
  24. ^ I think officially Epix is an America-only streaming-sub service, still. I sub to it thru Prime and YouTube has a sub option (in the US) too.
  25. Tried to watch Bubble. I grew bored half way through. I guess I'm not into all that parkour as a backdrop and while there were cute moments, I wasn't into the "little mermaid" aspects (or that character) either. I also watched a couple episodes of the Epix show "From" (via Amazon Prime) and I was sort of liking it. Feels a little Twilight Zone or S. King-ish in a way. The lead actor is great in his role. But I have the feeling it's going to be kinda like Twin Peaks or Lost, in that stretch it out forever and you'll never get any actual answers (or it'll be cancelled) etc.
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