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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I did a little yard work, watched a couple bad movies, played the DS3 demo, now watching baseball. Thinking about something greasy for dinner.
  2. I had a difficult time (on PC) getting a feel for how far away or close I had to be in order to hit things with my staff. Seems like you can be a lot farther away than I'd personally think. I also didn't like how I had to be literally standing on top of an item before the little 'hand/interact' icon would pop up and I could pick it up. Is there a "show all loot' key or 'pick up all' key that I failed to notice? Guess I'll check that when I try the warrior.
  3. I just clicked on enemies, didn't use the keyboard at all for targeting. Wasn't terribly elegant, but it worked for me.
  4. I noticed that in my second playthrough ...i also found good loot. Break the eggs before they hatch. I always explore every little corner for loot in games like this, heh. =) I thought the eggs hatched (spawning 2 spiders for each bundle of eggs) when you broke them, though? That's what I thought too, but I didn't stand around very long to see if they'd hatch on their own, either. I just bashed them in.
  5. I know her name starts with an A but that's all I remember from the chr. screen. I admittedly fast-clicked through half the dialogue because honestly I just don't care. Lucas isn't that handsome ... but his voice when he said "forgot to introduce myself properly, I'm Lucas" got me. Well, first I laughed, because it was so corny. hahaha. And yeah, the fire chick's voice...not human. But she doesn't sound inhuman or unearthly...she sounds like a robot with a voice-echo effect. Like someone else said, no emotion at all. Spock's voice had more inflection.
  6. I haven't personally but from the beth forums - yes, Legion playthrough quest-wise is short if you side with them from the get-go, vs. doing bunches before getting the "pardons" in Vegas.
  7. The effects & colors were nice. Yeah....agreed. Didn't like that either, felt awkward/a pain. But not a game I'd probably be looking at those things too often. Not sure I'll buy it on release date. I could use something else to play & D3 is probably still a ways away. I'll wait for reviews on the full game first tho I think.
  8. Ok, did a 1st run through the demo. No PC fps lag, even while running fraps the entire time. General impression: doesn't feel like an action-rpg. Ok, the combat part does, but the action is interrupted constantly with all these cutscene dialogues and that disruption annoys me. Which is not to say it's "bad", it's just not what I want from an action-rpg. I think of Diablo, running around smacking things with a sword or fireballs, not a forced chat-fest every 10 kills. Maybe in the full game they'll mellow out and become less frequent...this is just a demo, that's half tutorial after all. I remember DS2 took a while for me to get into it as well, I hated that intro section of DS2. Camera angle/controls on PC take some getting used to. For me they're a bit counter-intuitive, I kept turning in the wrong direction and running into walls etc, heh. My old fingers became tired mashing the r-button down while also mashing the l-button in combat. Feels like I can't see 3 feet in front of me. But it works I guess. The linear, blocked-in aspect to the pathways is definitely Dungeon Siege-y. I like the Fire Form. The spear stance form was fine too, but Fire Form plays into my liking ranged combat. Whoever is voicing the Fire/Spear player chr. - that was terrible. Lifeless and mechanical delivery. Sorry, but it was. Near the end, I was starting to feel like "meh, I'm not impressed" but then I met Lucas. Ok, a companion, and one that picks up weapons I can't use, that's cute/cool. He seems likable, and I like companions - if it's not going to feel like an "action-rpg", I needs cool companions to keep my interest, so I perked up. Perhaps in the full game having a companion will bring me over the "it doesn't feel like an action-rpg" hurdle and into the "I like the game as a game". Overall, my feelings are pretty mixed.
  9. Wait...there's a demo? Finally another reason to use Steam for something. *rushes to Steam to DL*
  10. I second this. ....sadly I have no mic advice. I bought a couple cheapies for video recording purposes but have no clue when it comes to pc's and mics.
  11. There should be a "Women Are From Venus" thread for you guys. What I did today...after a long rain delay, watched my team sweep the Yankees. I was pleased. It's amazing how they could start so badly for so long and come back up. And that's why I love baseball. Or one reason anyway. Also...Dannon's "greek" vanilla yogurt sure is tasty. I doubt it's actually "greek", but it sure was good. A little cream-cheese like maybe. Yum.
  12. Something different & perhaps more interesting from my usual dance/random nonsense. I had this vid idea ages ago but the biggest hassle was the initial dialogue searching/editing which I didn't feel like dealing with until recently. I use mods and dialogue files to create "interaction" between the companions. I guess it's like a very, very abbreviated let's play that would only make sense to ppl who have already played the game. First two are mostly about gathering the companions all together. Finding a balance between quest, the dialogue bits, action bits, & humor/story/quiet moments has been difficult, heh. Arcade, Boone, Veronica, Primm, & Raul (little too much set-up but gets going once I grab Arcade) Cass, Nipton/Booted, getting Rex. Not getting Lily, I don't like Lily. Don't know where I'm going with it all/how many there will be (one could go on a long time if one wanted...) but it's been silly fun making them.
  13. Well I dunno if someone posted this already but I found this somewhat funny. Ultimate "NOOOOOOOOO" Compilation
  14. I am a sucker for like noble tragedy/moral wronged in fiction tho...like Braveheart or Rob Roy, which is why I'm surprised. I mean, Lord Stark having a mercy & moral ethic that gets him in trouble shouldn't feel quite so idiotic, yet it does. I still think it's lack of screentime/chr. development on-screen. And maybe Sean Bean kinda phoning in his performance. And the Snow-Stark actor playing it as kind of a whine-bag. *pickpickpick*
  15. ... that was my exact 1st thought. And yeah, I seem to recall it depending on incarnation. There were some GL's that seemed, at least insofar as when I was reading them, to never produce complex thingies using the ring. Unless you count forcefields as complex. I always wanted that ring. *comes back from wiki reading* Wait, they got rid of the yellow weakness? That's kind of lame, even w/the retro-explanation of why it doesn't always work for some. So the only weakness now is that it runs out of energy/has to be recharged & you can't be a mental weenie (for the yellow)? Or what?
  16. Pretty much. I just don't know the console command or cell info for that, while tgm is easy to remember.
  17. The sword-learning daughter - I like her. I don't remember the Starks coming off as quite such idiots in the book, but it was a long time ago. The book made me almost cry re:them - so far the show makes me impatient at their seeming stupidity. Maybe it just comes off that way on-screen vs. the page because of the brevity of the screentime. Sigh, I'm so picky. lol
  18. Probably too late now, but if you don't mind using the console, plain old "god mode" (tgm) means you can still run while encumbered - it ignores encumbrance as well as all kinds of other things (like bullet usage, heh). I'm not sure about FT...I'd think it'd work tho.
  19. There's a key you have to press to make the graphics in DK go from this low rez, pixel city crud to something better, but for the life of me I can't remember what it is. I had the same issue even back when it was released. It still looks fine on my 23" monitor today. imo. Altho I always played zoomed out all the way, never all in close, and if you were using DosBox or something, I can't speak to how it works using that.
  20. Same here, but mine won't work on Win7. So it'll be nice to have a copy that (supposedly) will, w/out having to fool with DoxBox or whatever. I'm weird like that. Also, I probably won't keep/have an XP computer forever. For quite a while still yet, yes...but not forever. I hope they'll put out Deeper Dungeons later, too. Those are the better maps, imo (tho no "story").
  21. Hm. Interesting video. Love the toaster.
  22. I'm happy today. Woke up that way. It's always nice. That is all.
  23. I'll have to give the Ultima a try. Never tried any of them ... well, except for the terrible #9... Their site is lagging/slower than a snail in glue right now tho, so I'll get 'em later. Fun stuff.
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