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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. ... ... No offense intended to the hard work they probably put into that, but outside of the better resolution aspect, I prefer the original.
  2. I loved the Glacial bit of music in BL2 (the first boss on that ship) and some of the other boss-fight music, but yeah, the overall soundtrack was a bit of a snooze. Same thing with BL1 ... loved Krom's valley piece, was ho-hum about most of the rest. Often I'll like a main theme or a piece of combat music these days, but that's about it. This is in sharp contrast to some older games when I'd like almost every single music bit, like in Stronghold/Crusader and Nox (heck in Nox, I even loved the Main Menu music....). I like it when the whole ST feels like it all goes together thematically (even between the slow and fast pieces), rather than being very different/discordant with itself. (BL2-Glacial) (Crusader-Strong Spice) (Nox-Wander1) (Nox-Shell) (..I really don't like the auto-embed of videos, when one wants to post multiples.... )
  3. They looked ok when I played BG1 on my current PC a while back. Not HD or great or anything, don't get me wrong, but it wasn't giant square pixel color-mush. I know the resolutions have changed, but it's not like I played BG1 on an 8" screen back in the day. More like 17" or 19" (CRT). Which honestly isn't that much physically smaller than playing it non-stretched/non-widescreen on a 23" LCD monitor. I don't always understand the resolution game in terms of gaming vs. monitor, tho. I can play some old games (like DK) on LCD monitor and it looks perfectly fine (again, when not stretched/black bars on sides), and I can play other games and it looks "softer" or smaller than I remember on the CRT's of similar size.
  4. What shoes, Tale? I had this pair of Asics, once, years ago. Best, most comfy shoes ever...I have mildly flat feet and those shoes kept all arch-fatigue and much ankle fatigue away for as long as I owned them. I wore them to tatters. I still haven't found anything like them...not even from the same company. :/
  5. I think having a certain range/amount of options within a game is the awesome. More characters, more skills, story decision choices, more difficulty choices. What difficulty choices are available is up to the dev's and what might fit the game (or is easy to implement as an on/off sort of thing). I remember in Casear3, being able to turn the God's effects off. This meant you didn't have to deal with worshiping them and their anger effects if you didn't, but at the same time, you didn't get any benefits of a happy God, either. Up to you. I liked having that option when I was playing freemaps and was more interested in building (design) then playing a campaign level (story) and was irritated when they took that option away in later CB games. So, I like plenty of options when it comes to my single-player game. That said, there is a point of having so many options that you may as well just hand over a giant toolbox and let people design their own game instead, and then what's the point. It's a fine balance sometimes.
  6. Nothing interesting going on today, unless you include the entertainment of opening the front door and watching a cat "freak" out over the very, very loud rainstorm noises. Run to the door to watch/look at thick sheets of rain, dashes around the room like a kitten who drank too much coffee, repeat.
  7. *reads article* ...well, only more time will tell how much success/failure KS ultimately has re: actual games being released (I do think a lot of them are too optimistic in those "estimates" when they create the KS process), but that article did make one thing clear to me .... I want that Castle Story game. Why didn't I hear (or remember, or take note) about that one earlier? I want it, I want it.
  8. Well, since I really only seriously played 4 games this year (er...I think. I lose track), I would have to say Borderlands 2. It didn't have the longevity I was hoping for, but it was certainly the most fun during the time I was playing it. Torchlight2 was/is light fun, but not a GoTY type thing for me. Diablo 3 got mileage out of me, partly from stubborn hope and partly from "It's Diablo" habit, but its faults were too many. Risen2 was ok but nothing special, and I didn't play quite enough of it to feel comfy making a judgement. I have Crusader Kings 2 now, but I won't have much idea how much I like it or not for a while, if ever. Walking Dead as a whole package might be ok but good chance I won't ever know. ....I'm terrible with games these days.
  9. Don't know if you've read it, but Update #14 featured this topic and has some replies from Justin Bell. Might want to browse through it, if you haven't already. My main hope music wise is as much variety as possible, given the budget, because hearing the same 4 tracks 100 times gets old, or if all the tracks sound too similar, that becomes kind of dull as well. Some calmer, some more bombastic, some wind instrument pieces would be nice. That said, music tends to be a very personal thing ... I really wouldn't want to have to listen to that zombie track for more than 10 seconds, myself, for example ... so I'm not sure I have anything really specific in mind. Either I'll like it or I won't.
  10. I did click on the "Register" button of the initial splash screen, and it did just take me to a website, which I promptly closed/ignored. So seems like that's probably what the key is for. I have not had to use it to play the single-player game. The loading thing is still weird tho. I don't mind a few minutes or something, but it was over 10, plus the odd thing of alt-tabbing making it ready all of sudden. Just weird. Anyway...fiddled with Universe Sandbox. I don't think I'd ever get to a point where I'd personally do anything really cool with it, but it's definitely fun to play around with a little. Also watched hubby play some of the BL2 Pirate DLC. Other than the amusement of seeing him fight what looked like enemy versions of Zero, just looked like more of the same. Brown and sand and more brown and sand. He seems to be liking it, at least for one playthru, however.
  11. Screenshot taken, to be framed.
  12. I find Stallone funny as an 80's action icon, tho. But less over the top stuff I tend to lean more towards, oh, say, Clint Eastwood types. Also...not really funny, but I'm trying to figure out if someone at DuckDuckGo made a typo or if this was somehow intentional.... (edit - seems to be error/artist typo)
  13. Listening to some bamboo flute music while drinking hot chocolate, waiting for the rain to come.
  14. Ok, thanks. Maybe it'll keep him occupied over his long Xmas break.
  15. Oh. Hm, guess that could be. The super slow loading seems to be almost instantly circumvented if I alt-tab to desktop and back again, too. Strange. Oh well. I'll figure it out later. The Universe Sandbox is pretty cool. Going to fiddle with that instead.
  16. Crusader Kings II - installed it. It's taking like 10 minutes to "load graphics" with the static screen slowly changing to reveal the buttons. Is it going to do this every time I start the game? P.S. Haven't even reached the "put in your key" part yet. Argh. Edit: finally loaded, picked a character, etc. But it seems I can play without ever putting in that activation key the Steam popups keep telling me I have to use. *scratches head* ... restarted the game and it's taking forever to "load graphics" again. Yeah...ok, I'll get back to this later.
  17. Not related to Steam sales: I uninstalled Skyrim a while back yet Steam keeps wanting to update the Creation Kit. Can I uninstall the Skyrim CK? I see no option/listing for it/can't figure out where it's installed. Unless it's the Archive.exe file.
  18. I've stared at the Prince of Persia games off and on, thinking hubby might like them. Are they at all like Tombraider in terms of style? That is, the running, crawling, leaping/grabbing, puzzle type action? Only with swords instead of guns? Or am I totally misreading things. Buying Theme Hospital, Settlers2 and Symphony. Because I can.
  19. Yes. I did it with KB/mouse after several very aggravating tries. Not saying it was easy, but once I figured out how (there was a certain approach that made it easier) I could repeat it fairly quickly after that. I spent about 10 times as long, using the controller, to get hubs past that spider riding spot, when he couldn't do it. The controller had a more difficult time with the method I was using with the KB/mouse, which made it actually harder. IIRC he went to bed before I'd succeeded. ... I might have even switched to a cordless KB/mouse to do it. Can't remember tho...
  20. Yeah, I've thought about Dark Souls, but the controller being the best option for it kind of puts me off. I'd have to play in the living room on the big TV, using hubby's less stellar rig there (or buy another pc-xbox controller for in here) and I really don't want to do that. I'm pretty die-hard KB/mouse myself, as well. Borderlands is the only game I've tried where I didn't mind the controller/could play the game with it regularly, bouncing back and forth. New Vegas, Overlord, and the couple others I've tried drove me nuts with a controller.
  21. Had to go back 6 or 7 pages, but found it. Hm. Looks pretty complex but more like something I'd be into (I got tired of AoE-type RTS long ago). I'll sleep on it. I could use something more along the lines of the old Lords of the Realms 2, too - simpler gameplay but turn-based.
  22. Anyone played that Crusader Kings II? It almost sounds interesting. ...darnit, I can't stop looking at the Steam sales.
  23. I don't know anything about Sleeping Dogs, but if using something other than the arrow keys is too much to get used to and the game can be played with a controller I'd suggest trying it. Whether or not it will solve the issue for you is up in the air, however. If you're not used to a controller, they take time to get used to vs. KB/mouse. Not sure if that would be better than just getting used to using something else on the KB instead. I'd also guess the controllers themselves are lightly catered to right-handed folk as well, with the way the action buttons are arranged (main 4 buttons for stuff like "jump" or "run" or "reload" on the R side of the controller). Not being left-handed, I have no idea if this would be as bothersome on a controller vs. a keyboard.
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