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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. "Vertical slice" ... it's such a sexy sounding phrase, and I came in expecting some goodness. I was not disappointed. Kudos to Polina, indeed. Very nice concept. Have fun at E3!
  2. The forum has some size/space restrictions to member uploads, last I knew. Like melk said, easier to upload to your own host/server/whatever and embed the links. I also tend to consider it more polite, vs. using the forum hosts disk space, unless it's very rare that one posts even a tiny pic.
  3. Haha....superman footies. Haha.... In black marker, write out a large "No sales" sign, then underneath that, in scraggly purple crayon, add "Beware of Barney" and tape it with a large piece of visible, jagged duct tape to a window near the door.
  4. Wil Wheaton may never be a very good actor, but he sure can be an awesome geek blogger.
  5. It is somewhat aesthetically pleasing because of the lesser amount of right angles. And if one is gazing at a still picture and wants such a framework around something, that's cool. But the big portraits with the huge arcing "line" of little and big gold circles etc. would distract me to no end in-game. My eyes would always be drawn to it, driving me crazy. Thus I'd have to say for gameplay, I wouldn't like it at all. But then, I don't like photos/art framed in those gaudy, frilly, gold-painted or whatever art/photo frames either - I've never seen the point in those, since they seem to take attention away from the art image itself - and I apply that same perspective to game UI's. Which is not to say the original mockup Obsidian gave is as minimal as I'd personally like it, either, but it's a bit more so than some of the user mockups in the thread. I definitely prefer function over form for UI's, since it's not, to me, so much a matter of having to look at it as much as having to use it dozens of times or more per hour ...
  6. Laugh it up, fuzzball. ...glad you and your kitchen are ok, but ...
  7. I read on the forum that you may need the purple "tools" in order to get the socket or something like that (t3) of a lot of that end profession gear. I'm not sure how true that is, since the task shows the reward item as having a socket. But maybe what they meant is you need them to put a socket in the higher end task rewards that don't have a socket by default, or to get an extra socket (the pinkish one as well as a regular one?). Dunno. Also, the comprehensive console command list, for anyone interested in it. http://pastebin.com/C8hFrZY4 I was most interested in the FOV, which I'd read you could alter. Supposedly it's this one: /gfxsetdefaultfov (value 55 default, higher is more zoomed out) Haven't tried it ingame yet, and I don't know if you have to retype it every time you login.
  8. I don't see any real similarity between Diablo2 and DS3 either. If anything, the original DS games were more like Diablo2, in a way. I enjoyed DS3, with it's larger emphasis on dialogue/story, but it did have a funky combat UI and I didn't find it all that replayable. That said, I can understand why some who liked the first two games don't like the changes in DS3. It was definitely a different type of game. Also ... moving thread.
  9. Made some tasty sliced teriyaki beef sandwiches for dinner. Currently watching reality crime TV via Netflix ("I (Almost) Got Away With It"). The best way to watch such programs.
  10. Thanks to fast leveling + Leadership, I now have two chrs. at 30+, my main at 45, others at clvl's 18, 22, 12, 16. But... I must admit, I'm becoming a little weary of leveling professions. Sometimes by the time I roll over all the tasks on all 7 via the website, the first one is ready to change some tasks again. So I've started giving up time-efficiency a bit for more AFK time, so to speak. But...but...I must get at least one of each of the 6 professions to 20, darnit!
  11. All right, these random NPC names are getting a little weird ... And of course, that quality MMO chatter!
  12. That's why I take really long, hot showers. I've gone through taking a bath periods but even if the tub is fairly large, if it's not a deep hot tub where I can sit straighter with water still up to my chin, it's just not that comfy for me. It's an upper back/neck thing. But it's definitely great for muscle tension.
  13. I keep thinking about using that next build, but then I remember I'd run the A/C most of the time anyway, for myself. But it'd be nice for the GPU sometimes, at least. Stupid things can have moderately high temps even when I don't have all the bells and whistles turned on in a game. Or just playing a video.
  14. This. It's fine to have everything be doable via hotkey and thus generally run around with the UI hidden if you want, but not everyone likes to do that.
  15. Will there be a "screenshot" type option that removes the UI entirely, when I want a screenie of only the glorious in-game goodness rather than having to crop out UI bars all the time? Also, I agree with Aedelric from a few posts above ... if you make a lot of the elements movable/resizable etc. it solves a fair number of possible nitpicks for people with various wants.
  16. I could probably clothe an entire large country with all these "Detailed Leather/Cloth/Mail" shirts and pants I'm forcing my underpaid workers to create!
  17. That's what hubby said when I mentioned this ... and I went "...oh. never mind then." I have no objection to MS wanting to capitalize/create stuff for a certain type of burgeoning market, but their mistake, imo, is assuming everyone on a computer wants to be forced to be part of that market all the time, taking away options. It's a mistake a lot of companies make over time, I think. Sometimes it works (financially/company wise), sometimes it doesn't. I don't have much confidence in the leaders at MS these days.
  18. I'm not fabulously wealthy ( ) but this current rig I spent a lot more than I usually might, over the past few+ years. $1000 for the initial parts, $200 for the first cheap monitor, a hundred here and there for HDD space (external and internal), more RAM, $1000 for a GPU later (wanted to do that just once at least...), $400 for a bigger monitor later. Outside of the GPU (which is great, just not sure $1000 great), I felt like I've had my money's worth. Couple years from now I'll probably spend another $1500 on something else that'll last me another 4-5 years. Except I'll stick with the $500 or so GPU instead.
  19. @Woldan - people talk about earthquakes, but yikes, I wouldn't want to be in flood areas either. @oby - that's practically a lake! @everyone - I don't like pushing/close crowds much, especially when I'm so short (it's like being at the bottom of a funnel of people, looking up at the sky way up there, haha), so I would be overwhelmed by the events in Ros' pictures. That kind of energy is infectious tho...I'd probably enjoy it from a rooftop somewhere.
  20. "I'd really like my beret back please!"
  21. Ooo, you'll have to tell me what you think of that companion. There's a few companions I wouldn't mind trying but it's so hard to decide if they'd be useful just from their bare description. Not to mention training them/their cost. 15% off? Argh, don't tell me that. Edit: Oh, no, not off, just more. If you use the one prepaid card. Probably not for me. Which is also probably a good thing.
  22. Yes! My Leadership is Rank-3 capable! Now I can .... wait more long hours to actually have Rank-3's! Also, spend lots of gold on more repeats of implements for doing certain tasks more than one at a time. Tailor/Leather up to Rank 12. Platesmithing almost at 10. Still endlessly hiring new workers. Running out of gold and resources again. Guess I'll have to, y'know, actually kill/loot some things today.
  23. I'm getting that way more and more often. Sometimes I may want to replay/finish a game, or at least think I do - I may even load it and stare at a start screen do the tutorial bit for a couple minutes - but it just never ... quite happens. I'm still waiting for the perfect cat/pet/animal/non-human Sim, something more interesting, with more purpose/concept than, say, "ZooTycoon." That's not what I want. Oh those lost hopes for Spore...
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