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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Bah, weather is kinda icky ... change of plan. Think I'll go get some drinks and lunch and just sit under the backyard tree and read a (hopefully) good book. Should be sunnier tomorrow, I'll visit the redwoods then.
  2. Positive isn't my forte either, although I do try to keep a positive attitude overall, even when I'm being cynical. Pilots Turn Plane Around After Take-Off to Pick Up 11-Year Cancer Patient From Terminal
  3. Man Born Without Hands Is Engineer for NASCAR's Most Winning Organization (video on website)
  4. I'd be the first to say that I'm as cynical as they come, but sometimes I tire of all the "world sucks" news stories and whatnot that seem to prevail. So here's a thread for posting the more positive human interest, inspirational etc. news stories you may happen across while surfing the 'net. They don't need to be "big" stories, only that they inspire, affirm, or otherwise touched us in some positive fashion. As Anne Murray once sang - I sure could use, a little good news, today.
  5. Ooo, that one does look interesting. *bookmarked as a reminder* ...and in other news, I just realized (or just remembered, I'm not sure which, due to that brain cell atrophy) that Torchlight2's editor thingie is available now. I may have to revisit that game sometime soon. Never did quite finish, but I did like it. Mods may reinvigorate my interest.
  6. This type of discussion always makes me want that final game in my grubby little hands more than ever, so I can finally see what their plan really is/what it'll be like ... and then analyze it to death. And I mean that in the positive, obsessive play-testing sort of way.
  7. I did not like it. It seemed rather ambitious, but the gameplay was such that I could not play it. Mind you that was a long time ago. It did look a bit crude ... and I don't mean the graphics, but controls/combat perhaps. The crafting aspect, with the farms or something, sounded kinda interesting tho. Any other (not fps) post-apoc games out there these days? Most seem to be zombie games. Why is it always zombies...
  8. I'd still be interested in a RPG that had no "chr. levels" at all ... where half the motivation does not come from watching an xp bar increase. You'd still have skills to improve/acquire, things to craft, item upgrades, quests to do etc. just that the xp/chr. lvl isn't what dictates when you can do/increase those things. Something else does. eg, I'd like another type of carrot. That there will be a carrot, or multiple carrots, seems unavoidable, but another flavor would be nice. I don't really know how to go about it, however.
  9. May have finally "beaten" the truly bizarre sleeping cycle/insomnia I seemed to be enslaved by the past couple weeks. Woke up early this morning, feeling pleasant and energetic for the first time in a while. So plan on showering and heading out to do some hiking about. I have a desire for some meditative time under the canopy of some redwood trees.
  10. Fio's blog entry gets my first ever given, and likely only, "Like." I didn't know tarna much on a personalized level, mostly from posts in the fora here and there etc., but the first time I joined the mod team and was feeling jittery a few times, he was awesomely supportive, helpful, and kind. I've always remembered that. Not just that he was helpful, but his affirming approach. It left an impression that still lasts to this day. Yeah...me too.
  11. If no level cap was actually part of the developer's game design, I'd be fine with that. If it's not, then I prefer such things to be in the form of a mod. I see no reason to have it as an included option, as it's not really a difficulty option, but a personal power-gaming and/or continuation-motivation aspect. I doubt the EZ difficulty would equal railroading over everything at clvl1, and I also rather doubt the game will be so long as to make whatever the "soft cap" it will come with feel overly restrictive. I've had the impression that Obsidian doesn't generally favor "overpowered, hooha" balancing in their game designs, not their general style, but I could be wrong. Assuming it's something that can be done with a mod (not hard coded or whatever the term may be), I'm sure it's one of the first mods that would show up as they're typically simple things to do.
  12. Out of mild curiosity, has anyone tried Fallen Earth before? A post-apoc mmo/mmp sounds kinda cool...altho it sounds a bit time consuming. Maybe there's a better online post-apoc game out there.
  13. ...so I'm left wondering if this thread has much useful life left in it ...
  14. Thanks Maria. I think the topic has moved on now ? but adding my reinforcement with a reminder that personalized belittlement re: other company's policies, employees etc. goes against the Forum Guidelines here. Debate the game, not the person.
  15. Should be out running errands, but I'm not yet...soon, soon...
  16. Thread pruned. IndiraLightfoot referred to a couple of the Forum Guidelines a bit earlier, and I'll refer to another one: In other words, it's fine/great to say you didn't like the writing or gameplay choices in a game because they weren't to your personal tastes, or the general discussion of what effect internet abuse may have on the pysche, but around here, best to try to leave actual, personalized belittlement out of it. Thanks.
  17. NW:Online - bought one of the Mystic horse mounts for 750k AD. I still have 3.5 million AD and I wouldn't mind another one if it someone else was selling one for cheap. Not that interested in the upcoming new content at this point ... but still collecting useless pets and mounts? Sure, why not. Nope, I'm not illogically compulsive, not me.
  18. @Raithe - heh, that's a lot of authors for me to look up, thanks. @TN - no, haven't read House of Leaves, but I do like weird ... sometimes. I haven't read much of anything, really, for years (outside of re-reading fave oldies and the occasional short-story collections).
  19. Kryptonite cooler boxes sent via SSTPS (Solar Slingshot Timewarp Package Service) works fairly well, I hear.
  20. Browsed Steam, GoG, new-game reviews/lists, etc. and have come to a couple of conclusions: 1 - I have little desire to replay old favorite games a 5th (or 10th, or 100th) time 2 - new single-player games are largely yawn-inducing in terms of the style or type of gameplay, far as I'm concerned. So ... read any good rousing, actiony sci-fi books or chr.-driven horror lately? It's been a long time since I've kept up on book releases. Who are the happenin' new authors from the past 5-8 years, say?
  21. *looks at Labadal's pics* ...I have no idea what those little food circles are, but suddenly I'm hungry.
  22. Games that like to make you download large patches on a regular basis should have faster (and more stable) servers. I could cook dinner, eat it, and this still wouldn't be done.
  23. The previous thread. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02c1at396fM
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