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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Finally got around to ordering ATT's 1GB fiber net plan, installing Monday. Hubby was able to get the multiple separate IP's he needs and there's no bandwidth limits and the upload speed is same as D/L speed - the price could go up in a year or two, who knows, but it's all right. I don't even care if for some reason we only end up with half of that speed most of the time. It would still be blazin' faster than what we have now. Maybe I can be not "afraid" of the increasing nutter size of video game downloads now ... for a few years. Does Steam cap their user download speed?
  2. Lately I've done a whole lot of nothing, meaning a lot more nothing than my usual nothing, which equals a cosmic level of nothing that could make even the number zero shake its head (if it had one) at the level of nothingness. Mostly I'm just "blah." :D it is nice weather these days tho! Sitting by a river under a tree (fishing pole or not) sounds pretty good right now. Just not much of that sort of thing anywhere close nearby, for me, sadly. Weeks like this I miss having a small swimming pool in the backyard. Maybe I should get a large kiddie pool and make like Al Bundy.
  3. BL3 - best changes from the early console versions: --"town stash" is now upgradeable to 400 (vs 50 or 100 I think?). Scrolling through it is a nightmare tho. But I'll only need 3-4 mules instead of 8-12! (to hold stuff I almost never use but still want to hold onto in case I feel like experimenting) --ability to skip the first part of the game with new chrs to start in the main town hub immediately, at lvl13. Not sure I like the way post-game Mayhem modes work now - by that I mean the attributes of the difficulty. Can take forever to reroll a combo you like and there's not as many different attributes to mix/match to boot. Normal feels like it was nerfed slightly (difficulty and loot drops). Mayhem 1 now feels like how the "normal" game should be/was (loot drops, difficulty could be a tad higher). Mayhem 2 ramps up, Mayhem 3 I'm gonna need a lot better loadout. Goes all the way up to M10 now. I tried M5 with not-optimized gear - some spots I could manage but other areas - wow that's a crazy jump. And of course, if you don't play "online" you can miss out on a lot of stuff over time. Although I think you can access some past Events via someone in the town. Haven't tested that tho. At least they didn't mess with my favorite grenade. It still rules. I've tried them all, and some can do a lot more single-target damage (if it actually hits anything....), but the one I like is still the best overall. HOMING, BOUNCY, MIRV, MONEY, baby!
  4. What it looks like when you try to jump onto something and get stuck in a wall. Big head Mayhem mode. lulz Boss fighting.
  5. Couldn't stay entirely away from Death Stranding, so I keep hopping in for an hour or two occasionally. There's a total of 500 Premium orders you can do. I'm up to 385 or so. I suppose if I keep on this way I might actually "Platinum" the game. Not that I care about the trophy. But some of those orders are really annoying or tough to fullfill, I might only get to 450 or so. Between that and running through BL3 again (hubby's the Siren, I'm Flak again because Flak is Best) I have enough game per week to keep me busy. BL3 seems to have issues re: two different resolution monitors, which drove me batty. It has a setting to choose which monitor you want to play the game on, but even tho it would open/play on the 4k TV and you'd set it to 4k resolution setting, it was still registering as 1440 (screenshots/vids, for example). Some weird scaling being done maybe. Had to do the make TV "main monitor" thing instead. Useless (the in-game setting). FFXV still the only game I have that dealt with 2 different/extended resolutions properly.
  6. Agreed. I stopped after 3. I actually watched Season 2 first thus (I suppose) it's my favorite season. Except for the puma scene. in fairness, the puma was still cute. Jack's daughter Kim was not my favorite character is all. Also, not a series I can really re-watch. Great fun the first time tho.
  7. The Fink? Not a movie title he was in - a character nickname? At any rate, RIP. Loved him in the 80's. Silverado especially but also Best Seller and F/X (those weren't the best movies, but still entertaining).
  8. It also doesn't help with the long talk-info scenes ("Give me Vault Key, now going to talk mission stuff for 3 minutes"). But at least I can finally get cool shots of Meat-Puppet. Worth it.
  9. At least you can skip cutscenes now. if you spam a button.
  10. Hubby kept looking a wee hopeful then sad every time BL3-PC came up and I'd say "Have you seen the price for the package option that will have all DLC included? I'd like to wait for a sale, since we already played it" etc. Finally I said "You're a big boy, just buy it yourself if you can't wait." So he did. He has a 1050ti in his machine (only thing that would fit in his case). It runs /looks/fine on Low/1080. He should get a bigger case and a 1660ti, pfft. But checking it out I noticed it actually has offline/LAN capability. Last I thought I heard it wasn't going to have that. Which means I then had to buy it too. 4k/Ultra = the usual 60ish fps. Turn some things down, 80-90ish. Put resolution scaling at 150%, 40ish. Hah! I swear, hubby is going to pull out BL1, 2, and 3 once a year and play thru each once, until we die. He'll never play anything else. Sigh. Edit: pc version does have a nice qol feature for controllers - being able to switch icon styles. So if Steam wants to put the xbox icons up (which it does half the time) you can in-game make them ps4 icons.
  11. Hmm ... this photo mode is very close/almost the same as Death Stranding's (and another one or two games I've seen I think). Altho DS has some more options. Wonder what base software package it's from. Not that it matters since I don't make games. Becoming the average "type/style" default for photo mode I guess.
  12. I've watched a lot of Twitch time and gameplay looks ok. Some nice story moments/areas. Combat looks a bit chaotic at times, and most aren't using the Classic option so I don't know what that's l like. It's hard for me to decide if it'd be something I want to really play myself or just watch others having fun with it.
  13. Quick! Everyone get married, stat! And close all McD's/Taco Bells just in case (we don't need those anyway).
  14. if my life was (a lot) more interesting I probably wouldn't be on forums. Case in point: I'm bored again. A couple weeks ago I was re-reading some fave books and I could really use some new ones but I still don't really want to buy e-books, and even places like Barnes N Nobles seem pretty lackluster for browsing shelves when you have zero clue/idea what you're looking for anymore. Maybe I should be looking in non-fiction now instead.
  15. I was almost interested in the FF7 remake just in an action kind of way, but then heard while it has an ending, the actual ff7 full story is still going to be split between two (or more) games. So ... pfft. Supposedly it'll be on PC eventually too. I'll wait, then. I was mostly intrigued because I read that the Hard mode means you can't use any items in combat, or at all, or something. That could be an interesting mode. They should have done that with FFXV, honestly.
  16. (warning: lots of language) This is why I'm not playing Nioh2: ....why did I not discover this guy before now? His crazy/purposely silly vids are usually hilarious.
  17. Occasionally hubby calls me by my name and I don't respond. Because it isn't LC.
  18. My upper back/spine went haywire again (PSA: always use non-slip thingies in the shower/tub ppl, so you don't have potential long term injury flareups like this), so I've been mostly alternating between standing and lying down, (sitting tends to be very bad for it, for me, because spinal posture changes too much). Extra large heating pads are awesome. btw, y'know those joke pictures of people using game controllers while lying nearly flat? Can anyone really do that for more than 15 minutes? It's way too arm-awkward. Just saying.
  19. The Sinner via Netflix - watched 1st episode of this series a long time ago, forgot about it. Finished the two seasons available (there's a 3rd, not on Netflix yet). Both were good. A bit of a slow burn pacing but good stuff. Each season is a different case, with Bill Pullman's repressed detective chr the only constant. First two seasons were both 8 episodes, a decent length for it. Jessica Biel in the 1st season and the child actor + Carrie Coon in 2nd were highlights.
  20. Apparently our CostCo may have toilet paper but they're only letting in 50 customers at a time, which is why there's a waiting line around the store all the time. You could be standing in line for a couple hours. So we tried going to grocery store at crack of dawn. One still had none but the 2nd store did. They seem to be stocking a certain amount once a day and when the shelf is empty/out, they don't restock it until next morning - so we finally scored a 4-pack of big roll TP. 1 per customer/day/trip ofc. Could try again in a couple days to have two packs and be ok for a while again. So lesson learned: go super early to get your "ration."
  21. I wouldn't call myself a misanthrope but I'd probably be closer to Gorth's sentiments than not, and I've been like that for decades. I've always said I like, admire and care for individuals, but am not a huge fan of humans as a species nor hopeful regarding human species longevity. eg I expect us to fall by the wayside far, far sooner than some other past earthly populations/species. But it doesn't mean I actively wish "bad" on humanity. I simply don't see humans as more deserving/worthy over anything else, is all. I think about the honey bees dying off, and other such things, just as much, if not a tad more, than this pandemic, if that makes any sense. ================= My original reason I was going to post in this thread: Chris Mann did a not-funny video with a thank-you-workers theme. I don't think it's the best thing ever but I read a lot of the comments/stories under the video, many from those "essential" workers, who were glad/grateful for his expression, and *those* are what touched me. Individuals, and the smaller but meaningful social impacts between them. Those are the bits that occasionally give me hope that we - as a species not just the current era of "civilization" - might at least last yet a while longer. Minus a giant asteroid impact.
  22. There was a gender toy convo elsewhere that I was reading, and it reminded me of the reason I never got into playing with humanistic dolls. Of any gender/type. Those late 60's or whatever walking dolls that were very tall. When my grandmother bought one and turned it on in front of my 3 year old self. I kept running away from it, hiding behind mom, it would "chase" me. Humanistic dolls have creeped me out ever since. Stuffed animals for me! I mean c'mon, the blank expression, the weird noise. Only 3-ish and I clearly recall it. Childhood trauma, man! (Grandma's was worse than this one, might've been a little bigger, walked better, and I think it moved its arms up and down a bit too)
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