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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Sports fans have it tough this year. I haven't watched much baseball/regularly for a while (I go in long "phases" of watch/not watch) but it doesn't feel like summer without it.
  2. I finally bought a micro-bead body pillow that is as long as I am. I no longer need my husband. ...more seriously, took me a bit to find "the position" (lying on side) but it's working wonders for my bad upper back. great for naps or watching tv. Ahhh, relief.
  3. BL3 - I'm an idiot. Since I'm FLAK, I can just invisi-run past the first courtyard of the Event Villa, kill the named guy that shows up there (it's random which one), exit, reload, repeat (5-8 minutes). Much faster than clearing entire Villa (an hour). Fishslap can spawn there so in several tries I got a M-5 Yellowcake. I immediately hopped into M-8 with a choice of what seemed the least dreadful modifiers. I could kill the three first guys at the gate but it took all launcher ammo. Ran to the farming section - 2 Badass humans with shields where all ammo for Yellowcake couldn't get even a smidgen shield off, and a M4 Hellshock barely budged the bar. Exit game. Now time for a M-7 Yellowcake farm. Health, shield and armor enemy bonuses in M-5: 1500% Health, shield and armor enemy bonuses in M-6: 3000% Health, shield and armor enemy bonuses in M-7: 5000% Health, shield and armor enemy bonuses in M-8: 7500% Health, shield and armor enemy bonuses in M-10: 12500% M-5 to M-8 is quite a leap. You can see why I don't care about M-10. I think even with a M-10 Yellowcake and a couple other M-10 weapons, it'd be frequent hard deaths to finish runs. I don't play BL for that kind of stress. That does not include the icky modifiers on top, such as FightForYourLife is disabled, enemies are invulnerable to random elements, enemies are invulnerable period until you kill these tiny flying drones "attached" to them, if you stand still Lava pools under your feet all the time, when enemies die they leave a moving sphere that if it touches another enemy heals that enemy 100%, etc. https://borderlands.fandom.com/wiki/Mayhem_Mode
  4. ^ Well, there's a story for the grandkids! Like everyone else, glad it didn't turn out worse and that people were willing to stop and help.
  5. Hubby has taken to calling his cloth face masks as "face underwear."
  6. BL3 - "I really need to get myself a Mayhem-8 Yellowcake before the Event ends in less than two weeks. But first I need to get a M-4 Yellowcake so I can farm M-8 (don't care about M-10 really). -----**farms some other mini-boss in M4 for a couple hours** -----"Darnit, I really need to get that Yellowcake..." -----**farms another different mini-boss for a couple hours** ----"Pffft, I can't stand running through that Event Villa Mansion over and over (mostly it's a tad boring and completely time inefficient to do repeatedly)." **Turns on Stardew Valley**
  7. ^ the drama. As for being out of the house - the past 5-8 years I almost never leave the house regardless. Doorstep delivery rules in my area. Saw my siblings a few times when my mom died. Few friends I had, one died a ways back, one moved out of my state, one I still see rarely. I occasionally wave at the neighbors or say hello through the fence. Social distancing to me is simply my normal life.
  8. I started to watch that Plinkett video (sounds like he's going to repeat a lot of stuff from the reg. review vids), then was distracted by something near the start. (Might've been '89, I really can't recall) Yes, he wears other outfits, but I've seen lots of convention/comic-cons vids/imgaes where he's wearing white on top and jeans. It's his comfy colors? Also, while he definitely looks older (when pics aren't all blurry, that is) he's still aged remarkably well. His voice, maybe not quite as much.
  9. Yeah, really. I mean I dislike having to wear one myself, a lot (especially with glasses, masks have to fit snugly at the top or gaps at the top will fog glasses when I breathe). But just for going to the grocery store you could cut up the back of an old t-shirt, double or triple fold it and tie it around your head. I bought a couple packs of black over-ear cloth masks. They sure won't protect ME from much more than dust I suppose but they're washable/re-usable, comply with "wear a mask" and wearing them for 20 minutes while I shop is nothing to cry over.
  10. @ShadySands Hope you and everyone stay well/get better soon. Eat pizza the miracle cure! @Fionavar *net searches* That is so sad. Condolences to their families.
  11. Would anyone like some trash loot? (I stuff it into "town stash" so other chrs can sell it. Nothing else to use up my 7000ish Eridium with) See this insect-body and weirdly petal-ed head creature? It normally flies and that's all you really see, in distant form. The petals are very closed (didn't even realize the head was like that). This one glitched in the ground and thanks to Photo Mode .... .....apparently, they have a face!
  12. I was an avid reader from a very early age. I think I was around 9 when I found parents copy of War and Peace and managed to read and mostly "get" it (not my fave book tho). Tried to read bro's copy of The Silmarillion at maybe age 10-11. Didn't get it at all, didn't finish. My memory says I then tried his copy of The Hobbit and it was too dull so I put it down. His style annoys me. Even reading LotR as an adult, I enjoy the story and some of his craftmanship (if that makes sense), but the writing style ... is annoying. Edit: interestingly, Guy Gavriel Kay helped edit The Silmarillion ... who is the author of one of my fave stand alone fantasy novels (Tigana).
  13. ^ I couldn't watch all of Aquaman. Or maybe I just FFWD through most of it. Mostly I just kept laughing at it but there were some decent bits and effects. :D I finally got to see the last Star Wars sequel movie tonight. At this point I don't care at all about any "ruining of Star Wars" but it just wasn't a very good film. Way too many chrs, stuff that goes nowhere, stuff that comes out of the blue, contrived coincidences. That said, Rey and Ren still come out as the best things about that trilogy and the only thing that keeps my interest. I was a little ticked off with the ending because of that but oh well, I suppose can't have cake and eat it too.
  14. No, not that specific thing. I've had too many times with weird symptoms and docs where they either like to remove things that didn't need removing or after a round of humiliating tests just go "dunno" and give antibiotics. I generally don't go to docs unless I feel like I'm not getting at all better after 4-5 days or there's some very severe symptoms (vomiting blood, for example). If the vomiting hadn't decreased I would've tried to go on Mon (covid-19 makes it harder to see a doc now tho...) It's probably related to the catch all phrase of irritable bowel syndrome tho. If you look that up there's 70 bajillion things that can be related to that so who the heck knows. That's why they took out my appendix at 17 when I had severe abdominal cramps and white cell count, and then said "maybe irritable bowel syndrome". Edit: follow up: I had two very small slices of pizza (I was STUFFED) and kept it down. Success! Real food! Best pizza ever!
  15. Wed. evening: "uh oh, threw out my back again." Wed. late night: "nope, it's the mysterious other thing (I've had it before a few times) where whole torso front and back is in agony." Fri: late night: slight fever, slowly walking from garage to bedroom, then ... projectile vomit - that's new, didn't happen other times Sat. morning: vomit twice more. Only water. haven't eaten anything since Thurs morning. Think I should eat SOMETHING. Hubby goes and gets me some fruit popsicles, peaches, chicken broth etc. Threw up watermelon, but manage to keep most of it down, tiny bits. Sunday(today): Back slightly better, weak from being in bed (think I've lost 5 pounds) belly still flaky but seems like I can eat a bit more. Fever still there. But eating the fruit/soup etc., I suddenly want real food. Hence: Me: "I want pizza. Most of it will be for you tho" Hubby: "Like 90% of it?" Me: "Yes, go fetch." Hubby: "Anything for you honey." Pizza is the cure for everything, right? Right. God, what a horrible weekend. Edit: I don't know what the torso agony thing is about. I had it 1st time a few years ago (?), and a couple times since.
  16. ^ Loads fine for me at the moment. Can you play that MMO solo? I don't mind not being able to do group-dungeons or something, but is general gameplay soloable, like WoW was?
  17. Amazon Fresh finally works again in my area. They're often out of stock on "my" stuff but at least when you order you can get a delivery day (usually next day) instead of no slot available at all. Yay? Been trying to increase my strength/toning exercise again. My weight is still fine but past couple years I've totally become a wet noodle re: muscle tone/strength. Darnit I am so lazy now.
  18. Yeah, but saying "must've tripped a breaker" will never be as cool as "must've blown a fuse." Where I live there are still a lot of pre-1960 homes. People like to conserve them and just add-on more than tear down (although that one real estate boom period there was more McMansioning...). I think ours is from 1950-ish. But you never know what past owners have done. Some of them redo entire electrical (expensive here), some sorta update one or two rooms because they want more powah and outlets for all the tech, etc. In our roof space there's still some knob and tooth bits but most of it was converted at some point. Looking at the breaker box, there seems to be two double-switch breakers that might turn off multiple sections of the house at once. Not sure tho and not going to trip them to find out. :) One of our breakers was labeled "hot tub" - sadly there is no hot tub out there, just a giant outdoor outlet. :/
  19. Probably a bathroom attached/within the bedroom vs spread out. Fairly common in some areas. On-suite, as the shows like to say these days. Is there a "main fuse" concept in houses anymore? I mean everything is either room specific (living room, bedrooms etc) or appliance specific (washer/dryer, fridge + overall kitchen) seems like. Something could blow all of them at once ofc (doesn't sound like Shady's situation) but ...well, I'm no electrician. That would be hubby's territory, as usual.
  20. Plays during a certain segment of Borderlands 3. If haven't played game, DO NOT GOOGLE this song or read YT comments etc. unless you want a massive chr. spoiler. Anyway, replaying a section a few times for the PC version of the game, every time I'm always "what is this song? I love this song." Really makes a great specific game moment. Light headbanging all the way. Overall I think I like BL1 and 2's songs and score more, but BL3 still has some good tunes.
  21. Fiber 'net installed. Hubby speedtests at around avg 800Mbps on a quick testing but I seem to be bottlenecked somewhere in the LAN pipeline to 100Mbps. Which is still way faster than before, tho. Instead of 4MB on Steam it's almost 12MB. And screenshot threads load instantly vs. taking some seconds to load all images. Yay. At some point hubby will fix the LAN bottleneck (he has other stuff to work on too like installing a better firewall he needs 'cause work security, vs. the basic stuff ATT's router thingie uses). I'll be curious re: Steam then. I mean, game D/L's (or wanting 10 Twitch streams on at once) are the only major net speed issue for me typically. Anyhoo, I feel "with it" for (1st world) 'net speed again. Edit: well, hubby just changed the lan router cable and changed a port and now I have full speed. It's always the cable, right. So I tried a Steam game update. It got up to 71MB but the download finished too fast to see it go higher.
  22. I don't really have a favorite manufacturer in BL3. Just favorite specific weapons. I look at dps, basically. Like, there's this shotgun The Lob. Fires a giant ball that is super slow moving. Normally you'd toss it thinking "useless." But lvl 57 ones do around 11k+ elemental damage. So I put it on and charge into enemies faces and fire so they can't dodge. Boom, often a critical and they're dead - thus I like the weapon even if initially it seems like it "sucks". I love high elemental and splash damage. Especially in Mayhem 3+. I am a charge into the middle of a fight type, no stealth, I (mostly) gave up on snipers and any subtlety since BL2 (sniping was the bomb in BL1 tho). Hubby's still the more subtle type, using cover and trying for precise shots and the like (he takes 3x as long to do/clear anything, I swear, heh) but eh, not my style anymore. So I choose gear accordingly. Edit: My current favorite weapons are Hellshock pistol and Yellowcake. I typically need nothing else, really. I can blow through storymode/normal through all of Eden6 using a lvl 14 Hellshock. >.> Lydia sniper can be awesome too. Note: power wise, almost anything works on Mayhem 1, don't have to be picky there and you still get plenty of Legendaries in M1. Hubby sticks to that.
  23. Still BL3. I did the current online Event and ended up with this new event specific unique launcher called Yellowcake. It is vastly overpowered vs. anything else and you can use it to easily down most things all the way up to Mayhem 5 or 6 (most weapons at that stage feel like literal pea-shooters where you go through all your ammo to kill a small number of enemies...). Thus I expect them to nerf it at some point and am taking full advantage of it's uberness to farm all the bosses and areas. It still annoys me that you have to be Steam-"Online" to have a good (or ridiculously good) unique drop rate (vs. early console droprates). When you play offline without all the constant "hotfixes" applied, you can barely get good purples much of the time. They nerfed that hard for Offline, imo. So you feel like almost nothing good after hours and hours, even the special chests, except from maybe a few bosses, then you go Online and uniques just fall from the sky and even trashpiles are popping them out at a steady rate. Absurd.
  24. The only reason I liked Into Darkness was because of Benedict. He's also the only reason I watched Dr. Strange. At this point however I may have to skip any future superhero or absurd Hollywood blockbusters he does. Not even he can save such movies for me anymore. Into Darkness was ok for the most part, to me, as mindless action entertainment, and alt. timeline gobblygook until the moment when Spock does that certain something and my brain just shut down/couldn't take it at that point. TMP's first half is so snore inducing, but the actual idea behind it was kind of interesting. Couldn't save it tho. You could sorta say that about ST V, too.
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