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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Bokishi still the screenshot master! Never got into those games (did try one of them once) but definitely looks visually fantastic. I still love my old or older-graphic style games but I'm also becoming such a resolution/immersive visual ho', at least for certain types of games. Edit: Also, agree with this.
  2. Bah, camera is too centered on him, so unless one has a major crush on Reedus (I don't) it's still too limited. Not replaying those funky combat chapters or those movie-long cutscenes to try there - plus those would be really spoilery. That's enough of that.
  3. We tried to watch Uncut Gems. Does Adam Sandler act up a storm? Sure, I guess. He reminded me a lot of John Tuturro in a way, particularity the Quiz Show role. But the movie itself ... neither hubby or I liked it - camera/editing work, was there a plot outside a chr. study of a really unlikeable chr? and we turned it off after 35 minutes or so. Just not our type of movie is all. So we then watched something on Netflix called "Freaks." Low budget sci-fi/thriller. Shades of lots of other movies but plotwise it made me think It was decent, although the kid character was a little too psycho to be sympathetic initially. Might have been on purpose however. Lots of recognizable faces in it. edit: spoiler tagged my view of the plot - even that basic description of it might be a little spoilery.
  4. Ok, changed my mind on image quality. Once you figure out how their aperture, focus length and other settings work it's not bad actually. At least on the PS4-Pro/4k. Going to take creativity to get cool shots that don't feel completely Sam/Reedus-centric. You can remove him from a shot but I mean I'm terrible at "scenic" stuff, pfft. Anyway, it's not a 1000's of shots game like FFXV (combat animations are few and repetitive) but I suppose I'll use it a tad more than I thought I might.
  5. Speaking of auto work, I suppose on hindsight we gave that mechanic we took my car to a couple weeks or a month of grace maybe, hah. We got my car back over a week ago. Runs/seems fine now. We heard of the plan to send Fed checks or something and worried they'd send something to us when we don't need/want it. Glad to hear there's a limit scale and cap. The govnt aint/shouldn't be bankrolling your Telsa or excessive shopping habits, k?
  6. Had pizza last night. It was sooooo good. Sure beats frozen vegies, cereal, sandwiches, soups and noodles. Thank goodness take-out is still available.
  7. I thought this guy was familiar. I guess he was on a season of The Voice on Christina's team. One of those good ones that you still yet forget all about once a show is over. Man his expressions and stuff are so funny. I hope he makes a few more.
  8. Well, they added the Photo Mode to the console/PS4 version of Death Stranding due to demand (was only going to be on PC I guess?). It's decent like most in-game photo modes now, but per usual, it's not even close to Ansel re: camera freedom and the like. Plus image quality is still ... current console (hoping next gen will really up the ante re: in-unit taken screenshots/videos). But you can change the expressions on Sam and change BB's pose in the pod, along with the typical filters.
  9. Daniel Radcliffe has had an ... interesting ... career since Potter ... and I admire him for it.
  10. What? LOL omg. I have no idea what's going on in Picard show but that write-up of the finale had me in stitches. Sounds horrible.
  11. It's been long enough you can surf YT all day and find all kinds of Corona parodies. This guy is like the hilariously try-hard goofy dad you wish you had. His altered lyrics are on point tho.
  12. ^ People have been wondering about the "death" of theater film viewing for a long time now. This could be it. :P
  13. He's sweet. As the top video commentator mentioned tho, should've changed it to Sweet Quarantine.
  14. Bwahahahaaaa......I'm finally responsible! That is so me the past few years.
  15. I tried to watch someone on Twitch play Doom Eternal and it was moving/spinning so fast even as a viewer I couldn't tell what was going on. I don't know how people can play action at such "speeds." :D
  16. Hubby's still sick, coughing a lot etc. but I believe it's just a regular cold. Never know tho. I don't feel sick but I am sniffling more - but it's almost Spring and I have bad allergies. Can't tell. *shrug* At any rate hubby's not in a state of needing any doctor care - I just haven't been able to hug him for days. We've been largely staying in separate rooms all week. We're both over 50, with no known conditions but we're not paragons of great health and habits either. We're lucky we have no general financial worries at least - one just hunkers down and whatever will be will be. I wonder if Comcast can keep up with increasing bandwidth use tho, as people work and stream more and more from home etc They've been rather flaky for some days - hubby's client workers are all complaining re: connectivity ups and downs and he's all "it's not our stuff, complain to your ISP's...." If you don't hear from me for a while, the 'net probably went down. Ha. Ha.
  17. Trump is a buffoon. Is he still calling it the "Chinese virus?" I've read some articles re: racism starting here and there (San Francisco). People afraid and wanting to blame something and Asian's noticing an uptick in attitudes on that. It's sad.
  18. Yes, good points re: available health care/resources as well as high transmission. I honestly think it's too late to do much containing in a real sense - where the lockdowns are going to be mostly helpful re: slowing the rate of cases to lessen the impact on health care resources (to not flood/hit all at once etc). Time may prove me wrong re: containment but eh, that's what I think at the moment. ==================== Unrelated: According to sci-fi, we're the true disease, anyway.
  19. My hope is the world takes the risk of a global pandemic (a much worse one than this I mean) more seriously. By that I mean the masses, not just scientists. (EDIT : but I do think it's unlikely over the long run...) I've never liked shaking hands willy nilly, or touching keypads everyone else has touched one after another in a store line, because I don't want to even get a cold. And I always gave people who had obvious bad flu's and came to work the stinkeye. I don't like being sick, no matter how mild. Perhaps "the masses" can learn to practice more social distancing at all times, not just in a current panic, to help prevent spread of future "things" without losing the actual social events, if that makes sense. As always it's difficult to figure out what's reasonable vs. trampling of individual rights, for some things (travel stuff, for example). Sigh. Never any true good solutions it feels like.
  20. @ Gorgon - True enough, but we're still not even sure what the actual average infection fatality rate *is*. What you're largely seeing now in scary headlines is case fatality rates, which is a different thing. An article I read said that once S. Korea started to do some exhaustive testing, which indicated large numbers infected with hardly any symptoms etc, their figure was dropping to far below 1% (this was a week or two ago however). I think it's going to end up closer to that 1% overall however. Maybe. http://theconversation.com/the-coronavirus-looks-less-deadly-than-first-reported-but-its-definitely-not-just-a-flu-133526 ...still significantly more deadly than the "regular" flu tho.
  21. ^ Regardless of the situation, panic and fear-mongering is never productive, especially on global scale. People have to keep things in perspective. A 1-4% death rate could certainly be significant and tragic globally in the historically short term (infrastructure loads, economy, social/life impact and changes) but it's not the extinction of the human race. It's not the Black Plague or even small pox before vaccine eradication. I think some people watch too many movies.
  22. Went to the store to check the state of things here. Still no toilet paper or basically any paper products. No butter, eggs, or bread/rolls (outside of some Wonder....) Still a lot of empty shelves here and here for common dry or canned goods. New plastic sheet "barriers" erected on counters between cashier and customer to prevent spit spread. Signs for separate "ppl at higher risk" shopping hours and quantity restrictions on certain things. But hardly anyone inside/no crowds, so that was good. Seemed like there was a fair amount of produce (fruit/veggies) but I didn't look closely. Candy is not deemed essential, I can live on Snickers right? Packed with peanuts! Jokes aside, we're fine on food (even if most of it is simple/convenience food). We have maybe 7-10 days of TP left. Not sure where to go to find more, I think it's going to be out everywhere for a while. We have a lot of leaves raked up in the backyard, can always use those. I was surprised "feminine products" were not sold out. If I still had to deal with that all the time (I'm not in total menopause but it's a super rare occurrence) I'd want those stocked up even over toilet paper.
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