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random evil guy

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Everything posted by random evil guy

  1. well, too bad it really doesn't matter. the oscar is awarded to actors based on their performance in a single film; not their entire career and i thought morgan freeman was very good in million dollar baby...
  2. Like hell it is. The guy's hasnt played any other part than himself for 30 years. A symptom all too common in Hollywood. ...and Chris Rock is funny for about 10 seconds before the routine gets old. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> you know morgan freeman? that's soooo cool; i mean, how else could you know he is playing "himself"...? btw, i like morgan freeman. a good actor and he sticks to what he know. old and grumpy, but he does it well. :D million dollar baby is a great movie. swank, clint and freeman all deserved their statues...
  3. well deserved oscar to morgan freeman.
  4. kotor 1 took me about 34 hours to complete; tsl was a bit longer. i think i spent 43 hours on my first playtrough...
  5. stasis and storm combo, BABY! freeze and fry!
  6. hockey. blah! the puck moves way too fast. at least there's offside in hockey, but that is probably the only thing they've got going for themselves...
  7. haha, fanbois/geeks are funny. i just love it when they complain about stuff like this. :D sooo funny.
  8. i finished at level 28(not that far from 29) and i didn't go hunting for hsissis or whatever you call them. just solved missions and killed those in my way...
  9. 1.bao dur, best voiceover by a mile! 2.hm, hk-units. still cool. 3.hm, i don't know. maybe atton...
  10. i like the jesus dude. reminds me of ewan mcgregor in attack of the clones. a cool, yet rough jedi type.
  11. i said "almost". the whole point, imo, was the blending of force bond and forbidden love interest. made the story a lot more interesting than that whiny carth...
  12. two things: 1.it was said the exile fed on excess force. the left overs so to speak. i don't think he feeds on others, like nihilus did... 2.if he feeds on other force sensitives; why the hell did all of the npcs become stronger as time passed in the game...?
  13. "Fix for problems with VIA chipset - works for nVidia, not sure about ATI Okay, this is a bit round about but it seems to work well and other people have confirmed it. Go into device manager and open the System Devices tab. Dbl click on VIA CPU to AGP bridge (or equivalent depending upon your driver version). In the Driver tab, click update driver. Don't let Windows update connect to look online, and say you want to install a specific driver from a list or location. Remove the "show compatible hardware" check box, and look for the FIRST (Very Very Important - you won't bugger anything up, but the fix won't work otherwise) entry regarding VIA CPU to AGP bridge. Select it and install the driver, ignoring the useless Microsoft compatibility warning (it's actually one of their versions of the driver). Restart. Fixes problems with Nvogl and most D3D games, not sure about the FMV bug. It's odd to have to go back to a prior version of the VIA AGP driver like this, but the current one is beyond useless and utterly bug ridden. It just doesn't like the new nVidia cards at all... As I mentioned, no idea if this will resolve any problems on a VIA chipset running an ATI card, but worth a try don't you think - there seems to be a fundamental flaw in the VIA hyperion drivers and I think it's infinitely more likely that a bug in Hyperion is responsible for lots of these VIA errors than untold numbers of defective cards. Hope this helps, and let me know how it works for you."
  14. Get a clue. Socialism does work. Europe is the living proof of that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> actually, it's not socialism. it's called social democracy. there's a difference... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_democracy
  15. revan is a dude; end of story. otherwise, the whole bastilla-revan-force bond would be almost meaningless.
  16. At http://www.totalvideogames.com/pages/artic..._id=7197&page=3 (I mean the link is on teh Obsidian homepage so I'm sure you've all read it) Was this made up? If not.... that's pretty friggin awesome. Is there a quote from GL anywhere that even mentions KotOR I? I didn't think there was. Anyway, sorry for wasting everyone's time if this has already been discussed in a thread (I could probably have searched but... well I'm kinda trying to complete History coursework at the same time so ya'know... " ) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Interesting, maybe he will be personally involved in the development of KotOR III? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i sure hope not...
  17. hm, i think i messed up at nar shadaa. i basically just walked around slaughtering everyone in sight and i was a light side character... :">
  18. Yeah... Kreia has ridiculously high saving throws against the Force - try using Plague (has a DC 100) - Kriea still makes a SAVE!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ok, that's why i couldn't use neither force storm or stasis on her... good thing i put a few points into strength and constitution then. i think i ended up with wis 36 and str 22(including bonuses, armor etc etc).
  19. i say give obsidian another chance. there's definately a lot of potential there. i liked the story, but the ending left something to be desired. seemed a bit rushed. give them the time they need and i'm sure they could make an excelent kotor 3.
  20. i hope obsidian makes kotor 3 someday and that avellone himself writes the story. at least, then there'd be some hope that some of the stuff in kotor2 could be resolved...
  21. kind of like force insight. crazy powerful...
  22. no bull****, please. what does the characters say themselves in the game? i don't care about interpretations and opinions. what does kreia say in the game? to me, it seems her goals change towards the end. at first she seems to be looking for a way to kill the force. somehow she needs the exile to do this, because he could walk away from the force after m5. still, that doesn't explain how she intended to kill the force... why did she want to kill the force? she says she hates the fact that it has a will of its own. ok, it's all good so far. then wtf is all the stuff about the real sith? what were kreia's intentions on m5? kill the exile and herself? die at the hands of the exile? what?!?!? what were kreia's goals? the whole "real sith" stuff confused the hell out of me...
  23. too much crap in this thread. to sum it up: 1.how did kreia intend to kill the force? 2.why did kreia want to kill the force? to protect the galaxy from the real sith by destroying the force? or because she hated the fact that the force had a will of its own?
  24. i was a light side sentinel/jedi master and i prefered stasis/storm combo. walk into a room, freeze everybody and que up the force storms. 100-120 damage every time to all people in the room. easy.
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