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random evil guy

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Everything posted by random evil guy

  1. i think your brother need help...
  2. according to "http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/920194.asp" there are a few new previews of sith lords. unfortunately they seem to be magazine exclusives; so anyone know what the heck they're saying? "nabolaget her er fullt av sk
  3. Oh my f***ing god!!! how many times do u have to repeat yourself???!???!?!?
  4. some people just don't get it... :D "OOOOOHH, she's a little runaway!!!!"(bon jovi's runaway) when describing a female revan....(revan has disappeared). B) or maybe slaughtering loads of sith to the sounds of dandy warhols' "get off". i sure get off....
  5. some people just don't get it... :D "OOOOOHH, she's a little runaway!!!!"(bon jovi's runaway) when describing a female revan....(revan has disappeared). B)
  6. Sorry! just kidding... ROCK ON DUDES AND DUDETTES!
  7. my suggestion is this: why should a star wars game be restricted to the same old boring john williams soundtrack? why not add some cool rock? i would love to slaughter a few sith to the sounds of iggy pop "i'm a passanger". or maybe the darkness' "i believe in a thing...".? how cool wouldn't that be...? random evil guy is one drunk a-hole right now...
  8. my point is this: does the number of possible recruitable npcs exceed the number of "party member slots"? Yes. Or, rather, the total number of NPCs you can get going through a particular path of the game is 10. But there are more than 10 total potential NPCs in the game. You will never reach a situation where you are forced to chose what NPC to get rid of because you've run out of party slots. -Akari Damn, that's what I was about to post. uhm, yeah right. i know your lying; laughing and lying! LAUGHING AND LYING, JERRY!!! I HAD TO GO TO REGGIES...!!!
  9. KOTOR had 10 as well, even though the first one you meet doesn't really mean much. Perhaps it's the same with KOTORII... like someone said; maybe the different recruitable characters depend on whether u follow the dark side or the light side? or if you kill one of the early possible party members, some other npc will be recruitable later? it could happen. or maybe not............
  10. my point is this: does the number of possible recruitable npcs exceed the number of "party member slots"?
  11. I can't remeber where i read this, but i think it was mentioned somewhere that there are more than ten recruitable npcs. anyone know if this is true? or is just a figment of my imagination.... :angry:
  12. the main storyline that is. kotor 2 is supposed to have more(and better?) sidequests. including sidequests for the npc's...
  13. Casting hayden christensen as anakin, was close to insane. insanely bad. but then again, so was the entire "phantom menace"! boy that movie su****.... hopefully obi-wan will open up a can of whoopass and show that little bastard a thing or two. i'd love to see anakin taken to school(and beaten the crap out 'a...)
  14. I used to ask myself why the Imperial military didn't have nuclear weapons. Surely it would be more cost-efficient to simply hurtle several hundred nuclear weapons at a planet's surface, extinguishing all life, then to build a miniature moon that travels the galaxy and blows up entire planets root and branch. Then I thought: Jesus, I'm a geek. I'm thinking of the most cost effective ways to destroy a planet in the Star Wars universe. aaaaaawesome avatar ivan!!! the office is brilliant! btw; malak sucked two tons of crap! he was a pathetic character; hope obsidian will come up with a few excelent bad guys. maybe based on a gary oldman- or christopher walken-character....?
  15. it'll be a longer, due to the fact that there will be more optional side quests. the main storyline will roughly be of the same "scope" or length as kotor1...
  16. try changing the settings; i changed mine from dsl to t1(even though i only have a 750 kbit-line). much better...
  17. there are a few new videos at gamespot. looks like the pc is wearing long robes/cape. a few attack moves i don't recognize as well... http://www.gamespot.com/xbox/rpg/kotor2/media.html
  18. i would like to see blasters and rifles more powerful as well. not only would that make the game more balanced(between "swordfighters" and "riflemen"), but "jedi defense" would make a h*** of a feature. blocking incoming laser should be important as well as cool... B)
  19. i probably just misunderstood. reading it again, i see that it isn't amnesia. although it still leaves the pc(playing character?) not knowing where and why.
  20. 1. i've heard that the gameplay length in kotor2 will be aprox. the same as in kotor? but mike gallo(i think it was him) also stated that they will add more side quests to kotor2. won't that mean a bigger, and longer, game? 2. this amnesia thing. chris avallone said that there was no amnesia in the game. however, gamespot reports that "You wake in the medical bay, and the last thing you remember is blacking out in a Republic warship. How you wound up there--and why the heck you're in your skivvies--are mysteries you'll need to sort out"... loss of memory? did i hear anyone mention amnesia??????????????????? <_<
  21. I can only speak on the X-Box version, since the PC Inventory screen has not undergone extensive changes yet. We've resized things so that you can see more information at a glance and added more useful, applicable filters for the inventory screen. As far as getting rid of excessive stuff, I think the new item creation system mentioned in some of the articles will provide a simple means of disposing with your old, unwanted items by breaking them down into components that can then be used to make other items. Bioware has been a great help in providing us with the engine, tools, and assets from KotOR1. And without them, we wouldn't have this project. Beyond that, KotOR2 is our own work. No. At least, not as a function of the combat in the game. -Akari fudge that; will the worlds be bigger?!? and i've heard that there are 7 worlds, including telos and dantooine. but what about this "peragus", the mining facility where u start off. is it considered one of the worlds? and what do you mean by prestige class? what special abilities will they offer?
  22. You're kidding, right...? No that's just sad... <_<
  23. You're kidding, right...?
  24. wouldn't peragus, the asteroid mining facility where u start, be one of the worlds?
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