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random evil guy

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Everything posted by random evil guy

  1. Actually, it is. "That information is concealed in books." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> books written by men i take it... it's all a conspiracy...?
  2. And if Revan was a brilliant fighter, using his physical might to crush his enemy, would he also not be a woman?! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> what do you mean? if revan was a man, then yes, he'd be a male... women can't fight and they can't lead.
  3. sure they have... the history is full of female, millitary leaders throughout history. or maybe not....
  4. revan was a stratigic genius. ergo, he couldn't be a woman...
  5. revan is a dude; deal with it. the bastilla vs. revan story is a lot better, than the moaning carth vs. female revan thingy. besides, revan is refered to as a dude just about everywhere. the exile however, might be a woman.
  6. i'm glad they changed the design. the "original" basilisk was too gay; even for star wars...
  7. what's the point? why are the bonuses there? are they based on something from the star wars universe or just some balancing issue in the game...? i think they're unnecessary....
  8. "way to go kenobi..... aaah."
  9. i took a dump in kreias room when she wasn't watching...
  10. Meanie head... So why nihilus was so weak... Uh, actually I think it was said so many times in the game... Oh well, bloody hell *shrugs* I might as well answer. It was because exile is the wound in the force and these new sith "eat"(bad english, sorry) force through force sensitive person and got stronger this way, but with exile they could not do this. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes yes... gain power by sucking power through force sensitives and all that aside. my point is, If you are going to make his face the biggest and most imposing thing on the box......he better damn be able to fly out, pin you down and crush your skull with his own ship. Like i said, i'm not trying to knock the game or anything, it is a good game. I just wanted a little more fight out of Nihilus is all. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> are you a bit slower than everyone else? nihilus is a big badie, to everyone else except for the exile. because the exile is a wound in the force as well!!! everyone besides the exile would, probably, be crushed by nihilus. that is why he is a big badie. that is, one of the things, kreia wants you to do. kill nihilus...
  11. why does the exile look like a 15 year old girl...? that would have made "her"(exile is a dude, deal with it! ) an 8 year old general during the mandalorian war...?!?
  12. Well, at least his laughter isn't Malak's. " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> true, that's gotta count for something...
  13. i won't say anything, but are you sure that this is what happens...? :D i don't know many spoilers, but i've heard a rumour about this scene.
  14. Why should he be different in Ep 3 than in Ep. 6? That's what he's really like. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yeah and i think that was a mistake as well. i just hoped it was a "spur of the moment" for the emperor. a single moment of weakness and "insanity", but now it's pretty much confirmed that palpatine is a cackling fool. it's pretty obvious that this is how he's really like, but it doesn't mean i have to like it... still, i guess i'll have to wait and see. i won't get my hopes up though...
  15. oh, great. they've reduced palpatine to a cackling fool. a hysteric and borderline insane character with his characteristic "evil" laughter....
  16. like metal gear solid 2...? first we control good old snake and then later we're stuck with the girly man raven(or whatever he was called)...
  17. i want to start off as a bad ass mothatrucker, who then can decide to either go light side or stay on the dark side. someone already afiliated with the sith. so that we could see the story from another perspective. in kotor 1 we start of, albeit loss of memory, on the light side. we follow revan together with the jedis. in kotor 2 we're sort of neutral and our party is varied, but we still follow the story through the "eyes" of the good side. we don't know why the sith are after us and we're talking to a bunch of jedis trying to figure what the other side wants. i want to start of as a dark side guy, trying to figure out what the light side is doing....
  18. polls suck ass and it'll come out next week...
  19. OMG!!!! obsidian is making kotor3 and they are using the unreal 3 engine!!!! (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) hehe, or maybe not...
  20. 1. Chimps do not wield the force or a lightsaber. Our abilities in the force will not decide this conflict. 2. I admitted that 2 chimps pose a problem, but I still say I can take 1 chimp. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> hm, is it me or this a really weird discussion...?
  21. T-3. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> how do you know? why wasn't atton the pilot...?
  22. it's official; i hate rushed games...
  23. Yeah, I agree. If they're trying to make it like Empire Strikes Back, then the cut stuff would've heightened the story and left the gamer wanting more, just like Empire did. As it stands now, TSL made gamers wonder about what had happened (the ending) instead of what was going to happen (the future), which I think was what they were going for. They got the wrong reaction. For example, in Empire, you were left wondering "how are they going to save Han?", not "what happened to Luke?" or "how did Leia and those guys escape?", because those latter questions were addressed correctly. In TSL, you still have that "will the Exile find Revan?", but it's overcome by the stronger "where the heck did my allies go...?" and "how did I even get the ship functioning and out of there?" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i agree. like what was mira doing there and what happened after the fight with hanharr. the remote vs. go-to duel. these things didn't make sense at all. ...and who flew the ebon hawke in the light side ending? they should have added a few things to make certain events a bit more clear.
  24. well, the next time i was supposed to level up hanharr, he had about 200 skill points available...
  25. when you finally break hanharrs will, he gets +2 strength and -2 intelligence. the thing is, i kept doing this over and over. chosing the same dialogue tree over and over. i got darkside points and 1000 xp points every time and hanharrs attributes kept changing. so after a few times, hanharr's strength was 44 and his int was 250! i guess they don't allow negative numbers... :D
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