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Everything posted by Odinson

  1. I think not Lord of the Polls. Jar-Jar is a winner. He'll falter, but come out on top. He sucks that much. :ph34r:
  2. I like it. I'm especially feeling the Exile.
  3. I went to theforce.net and someone who knows him, I guess, says he is busy at the moment. A guy with that talent would be busy.
  4. Comedian. That was a good one, by the way. madclaw.
  5. Beautiful piece of work. That's Juhani. We'll miss you. And welcome to NYC! Uh...tommorrow. :D
  6. You are the FEMALE Revan. Get back to the kitchen, woman.
  7. I'll be good. Lord of Death, i.e. **** Cheney.
  8. The old man who lives alone in the hills.
  9. Keep it up. My first attempt was horrid, I must say. Your attempt is damned good.
  10. Isn't she the lady with short hair with Admiral Ackbar, who is going over the rebel attack plan?
  11. Atleast you didn't see Han and Leia rolling around on some sunny day in a meadow while there is war raging on. As for Anakin, if he was the "Chosen One", they should have had him INTEND to destroy the droid control ship to show at an early age just how powerful he was, instead of just some lucky kid who happened to press a bunch of buttons and levers and good things resulted. I could take ewoks ANY day over Gungans. Atleast ewoks just grunted, so you didn't have to listen to their annoying speech trying to mutter out sentences. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I agree with you, except about the Gungan/Ewok thing. Other than Jar-Jar, the gungans looked like they can hurt you, where as an Ewok is really a teddy bear. If Star Wars had teddy bears, they'd really be skinned Ewoks. The Gungan on the other hand, do have technology and an army. And the Gungans were intelligent enough to kick Jar-Jar out of their community. But they lost credibilty when the King Gungan had a mental lapse and named Jar-Jar as a war leader. My point, in case it got lost, is that a Gungan is more dangerous than an Ewok. As to more annoying, then it is Gungan, but only because they have Jar-Jar to represent them.
  12. ^^^^ I guess Obsidian was trying to be diplomatic with Revan's gender.
  13. When ypu kill the Rodian bodyguard of the Exchange on Citadel station three times, go up to the fourth one. He begins his convo "Oh No!" "You can kill me, but you're not getting in."
  14. Lord Tarandor? BEST POST EVER!!! (w00t)
  15. "I'm da tooth fairy. I loosen teeth." "You've just been....X'd"
  16. Old ones. Better dialogue, Yoda looked real, Jabba looked real and disgusting, Han Solo and of course James Earl Jones as Darth Vader. Can't be beat.
  17. [Homer]D'OH![/Homer]
  18. I like big butts and I can not lie You other brothers can't deny.....
  19. You're both WRONG!! Look at me. I'm the freaking Sith Wookie! I rip arms out of sockets and use them as clubs against their former owners. Even more evil is that I am a Wookie who speaks & types in Basic. Muahahahaha! FEAR ME!! Raarrrrgh! Death Scepter, you are a pretty little pony.
  20. How could you tell her she used you and then compare her to the Sith, Eddie? "
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