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Everything posted by falchen

  1. Apparently you can romance Aloth so that german review is at least partly wrong.
  2. The real disadvantage in this comes from the fact that you are a wizard, so while you are poking them with a staff for alright damage you could be knocking down, paralizing, blinding or otherwise shutting down whole encounters.
  3. Have you tried amplified wave post patch 3.02? The radius has been nearly halved, the prone time reduced and the damage reduced. Yup, was still able to chain cast it to make most fights trivial.
  4. You'll want at least one another frontliner, since you are already a fighter then Pallegina (paladin) should work well. You really want a priest, they are too usefull not to have one, so grab Durance. I'd suggest also taking one or two mages for CC and nuking, so 1-2 of either Aloth, Hiravias or Grieving Mother. After that just fill out your party with whoever seems fun, I'd suggest keeping the frontline to three melee chars at most as a fourth tends to make things too crowded and micro-heavy though.
  5. Yea, basically this comes down to one's defition of god, my own would be amongs the lines of what Ontarah posted at the top of this page. If you compare the gods from Pillars of eternity (even knowing the reveal about them) to other gods from fiction or real world cultures they aren't much different - they wouldn't be out of place next to the olympian gods or the various pantheons from Forgotten realms. So if you say the Pillars gods are revealed to not be gods at all, it would be helpfull to say what criteria of godhood apply here.
  6. Cyphers amplified wave hands down, knocking down every enemy on the screen that's not immune is priceless.
  7. Cool didn't know this is out yet. Had it on my radar but after Wasteland 2 was just alrightish I didn't preorder like with Pillars. Can you elaborate why you think it sucks?
  8. Right now these just seem like too much overkill for anyone who already has a 9xx card, I got a 970 and that can run Witcher 3 at max, and I'm not eyeing any upcoming games that should require an update just yet. If some is building new or upgrading anyway though then sure grab one of these, no reason not to though.
  9. Funnily enough I thought if it weren't for the betrayal part he would have had the right idea!
  10. This might have been correct at the time but I thought I would post to correct this if people are playing now. There are now numerous traps that require more than 12. I was just testing in Galvinos Workshop in White March and there are traps requiring 15 points and I believe there is a chest requiring 16 in the crag bluffs. Can confirm this, 12 is not enough to disarm some white march traps, though you can just walk around them or use items. I think 12 is still the number to aim for unless you are ocd about having to disarm everything.
  11. I feel their problem is that while they have a lot of chants that might be good on paper, in practice they'll only end up using one or two at most, so Dragon Trashed and maybe Ila if you use a lot of ranged weapons, since those are objectively the best, and mixing in another phrase would dismish their effectivenes. This doesn't necesarily make them bad, just kind of boring. Same for their spells really, while they have some fun options there, they rarely beat just summoning two ogres and call it a day.
  12. You are missing the thing that makes the barbarians "one trick" work, which is giving them weapon/s with spells or on hits to trigger of all those carnage hits. You want to give them something like the grey sleeper or unlabored blade for it to really shine.
  13. Quite a few people seem to focus on the "big breasted women admiring the player" aspect of the bioware romances when they have been pretty good about keeping things equal and cater to both sexes and lately even orientations, even if people don't enjoy their romances (I personally like them), I think they at least deserve some credit for being progresive and inclusive.
  14. Yea just brought it up because he said he enjoyed just walking around Morrowind, don't see a point in playing it like that personally but tastes aparently differ.
  15. Not being sarcastic, guess we are just on completely different wavelengths then and I'll have to file this under " does not compute". The last sentence was reasoning why I think the people of Eora wouldn't stop worshiping their gods even if the truth about them came out, Magran not being "real" is just a sematic argument when she's sending visions or setting people on fire just the same.
  16. Basically, for the sake of this argument 1/ let's assume the christian religion is true, god really does exist, and everyone knows this, god really did create the world, and he will judge people after their life is over, then send their spirit to heaven or hell based on how they lived. People believe god is a powerfull and all knowing spirit. 2/ some scientist finds proof that god is actually the last survivor of an alien race, he created the earth with his civilizations advanced terraforming tech, heaven and hell are virtual simulations where people's brains get uploaded to reward or punish people after their natural lifespan. He's still all powerfull and all knowing and everything else people believe about him. The new information from 2/ wouldn't change anything, you'd still keep worshiping him so you don't end up punished with hell and to get into heaven, right? Basically I asume people worship gods because of the powers they wield, they get their authority from fear of consequences and rewards for obedience.
  17. Looks like it's kind of hard to pinpoint your actuall tastes, I wouldn't have suggested FF7 or Morrowind since it's all about the combat and the story is quite dark too. Since you did like it I'd suggest you look into more JRPG's then, though most have combat like FF7/9, it's usually very cartoony in it's presentation. Also how do you feel about non lethal combat? There's a lot of stealth games where you do fight a lot of people but often have the option to just knock them out. A lot of games nowadays can also be modded, there's a mod for Witcher 3 that replaces all combat with a card game for example, and I wouldn't be surprised if there's a mod for Skyrim that just removes all enemies or something like that.
  18. Honnestly, not that much. I always use prayer against fear (priest or scroll) for dragons fight. It is important to protect your whole party against fear, not only 1 dude. In this condition, steadfast immunity becomes irrelevant. My dragon tactic came down to sending Eder to get hit by the dragon and whatever mobs he has while the party buffs out of aggro range so it worked out. The fighters job isn't to deal damage anyway so the defensive stats on it with a shield made sense for him.
  19. Yea, it might be because I am looking at it from a nonreligious point. Like you say: "What if people in the real world knew that there is no God and no afterlife, and that the apparent structure of government and society is just a bunch of people acting out roles who don't really know what they're doing, in a huge edifice that is slowly falling apart?" - my response to this is that duh, that's exactly how it is, so what? In the case of Pillars though: "The Engwithans found out that there were no gods and they despaired, because they believed that people need order and structure and the knowledge that there is authority watching over them, and that good deeds will be rewarded and evil punished." Asuming that the gods of PoE are currently doing this, they'll keep on doing it regardless. Just because people learn that they were created doesn't change the fact that they still have real godlike power over the world and the mortals, they can and will reward or punish their worshipers just like they have until now. Arguing whether they are real or not seems weird when they can smite you with lighting for disobeying regardless.
  20. I was missing a dialogue option like "So what?". Like I genuinelly don't get what the knowledge that the gods were created rather than just popping into existence at random would change for the world as a whole. Why would that lead to chaos, how does that reveal mean "we can't be sure of nothing", that people's lifes are meaningless or anything else that Thaos and Iovara go on about? Alternatively, why would knowing this mean people will behave like animals with nothing to guide them? The gods are still there just as powerfull as they were yesterday. If anything it would have been blowing up Eothas which would tell people that the gods can be fought and killed.
  21. There's one quest giver I know off you'll get a game over for killing outright.
  22. People have brought up genuine issues and bugs, unfortunately they keep getting drowned out by pointless bitching about gamergates or whatever, makes it hard to find actuall information about the game itself...
  23. Yea... just no. More like you won't be able to experience most of the contest, I'd say about 80% of quests have you kill something - the tutorial itself has you butcher geckos and the first quest is about killing a bunch of raiders or join them and butcher a peacefull town. And that's not accounting for the random hostile raiders and wildlife you'll run into just exploring.
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