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Everything posted by SteveThaiBinh

  1. It's really beautiful, isn't it - I've just been playing the Quest for Glory games from the same generation and had the same thought. Go on to KQVI, it's even better.
  2. I stand corrected. Though personally I would rather add to the OC than try to create something from scratch - it seems less daunting? I guess the modders are braver souls than I.
  3. Hmmm, the toolset brings to mind an old question - with BG/BG2, modders were able to make modifications and improvements to the original campaign. In NWN, the toolset enabled them to create their own adventures from scratch, but I gather it was difficult to modify the OC (there was nothing like WeiDU to allow lots of mods to work together), which was a shame because the NWN OC could have done with a few tweaks here and there. So what's the situation with Dragon Age? Extensions to the OC or free-standing mods? It would be great if both were possible.
  4. An object may appear to the casual observer capable of holding magazines, but unless it is labeled a 'magazine rack' it can be difficult to tell for sure. There are issues of size and access to consider. One would at least need a magazine, or magazine-like object, with which to test it. Moreover, is wicker really up to the challenge of the modern magazine with its supplements and free DVDs? Only a qualified professional can answer, and I ask you, Mr. Walsingham, are you that qualified professional?
  5. Let's all keep this civil, eh?
  6. Yes, have a look at the FAQ for this issue and general Vista guidance. And welcome to the forums.
  7. Well, you'll have a chance to see, I hope, when the Restoration Project gets finished.
  8. A LucasArts-Bioware KotOR MMO is effectively announced (no press release or formal announcement, but the boss of EA has admitted it's in the works). Whether this constitutes KotOR3 or a completely different game within the same franchise is a subject for debate, a debate that will probably long continue. We have two stickied threads on the subject, one on the Bioware MMO, and one on a hypothetical single-player KotOR3. Please feel free to contribute to either or both.
  9. As Deadly Nightshade says, it appears to be quite a different game. The publisher is SEGA, I think, so their forums/tech support would be the best place to try next. Good luck to you.
  10. Hello, and welcome to the forums. I've never heard of an 'Obsidian 5 disk set' before? Which game are you trying to play, Neverwinter Nights 2 or Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords? Which country did you buy it in?
  11. Which is fine for people who are already in gaming and know all about publisher lies, but is a deterrent for those new to gaming, who get burned because they think minimum requirements means what it says. The first game they buy won't run, and they won't be buying a second. It's damaging to the growth of gaming.
  12. I think that the two that are most important for me are: What would be the effect of enforcing accurate minimum requirements? Perhaps publishers will start insisting that developers produce less demanding games, for fear of losing sales. That may not be a bad thing, and might even help publishers to release less buggy games. I still find places like EA Store, where you can only re-download for six months after purchase, to be an absolute outrage, but they're also harming the gaming industry. The growth in digital distribution is one of the major positive developments in PC gaming, and yet limited re-downloads act as a disincentive to consumers and may be stunting the growth of the market. That helps no-one. What possible reason could there be, other than that publishers hope to make a bit of extra money from committed fans or nostalgics who repurchase the game - that's foolishly short-term thinking.
  13. Perhaps it will get more coverage on Monday when it's actually released.
  14. What I find amazing is how many pundits say that voters are looking for a candidate they can 'have a drink with in a bar', or words to that effect, as if they're interviewing for a social club not President. I don't know if this truly reflects how voters make up their minds, but it shouldn't. I don't want the next US President to be someone I could sit and chat to happily over a beer. I want it to be someone so highly-educated, well-informed, intelligent and in control that I would be extremely intimidated to be sitting with them in a bar.
  15. XBox? What is this 'XBox'? Is this one of those amusement devices so popular with young persons today?
  16. That's one of the things I look for, too. Interesting characters, storylines, some good dramatic moments (comedy is always nice, too). Gabriel Knight with stats. Another is a sense of scale, of embarking on a lengthy journey. 'Epicness', if you like.
  17. Sarah Palin seems nice enough (if you're not a moose, I guess). Anyone know anything about her?
  18. Just finished Trial By Fire (remake). That has to be the best ending sequence of any game ever. Seriously, who doesn't want to sit in front of a screen for ten minutes while every NPC you've met in the entire game tells you how wonderful you are? The remake as a whole is excellent, seems very stable. Some of the VGA screens perhaps as pretty as professionals might have managed - AGD have updated the screens to higher resolution and 256 colours, but haven't really used the new resolution to its full potential. That said, the combat is much improved (if you like that sort of thing) - I even had to turn the difficulty slider down for my final battle with Khaveen (in the original, the problem was remembering to let him get a hit in before I killed him, otherwise the 'yield' dialogue didn't trigger). Not a huge amount was added to the game for the fighter path, though I never figured out what to do with the snowglobe. So obviously now I'm playing QfG3. We're going all the way to Silmaria, we are!
  19. Nope, once he starts giving prices (50 dinars is his first offer) just keep saying 'no', and he'll lower it again and again. I think 5 is the lowest he goes.
  20. Combat in the Trial By Fire remake is much harder than in the original, or in any of the other games in the series.
  21. I've split the Planescape: Torment discussion off into its own thread here.
  22. I thought the Planescape: Torment trailer was really good. I see it every time I reinstall Baldur's Gate. I wish they'd hurry up and bring the NWN2 Planescape mod out.
  23. Bouncy bouncy bouncy ---> Jade Golem ---> Thwack! Worked for me.
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