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Everything posted by SteveThaiBinh

  1. I'm on a brand new laptop, but even on my main computer I tend to uninstall things, especially when the hard drive is getting towards halfway full. CivIV+expansions, Spore, Perry Rhodan, Morrowind. That's it.
  2. Perry Rhodan. Muurt worms!
  3. Closed for length.
  4. Is it top and bottom halves, or left and right?
  5. In point and click adventure games, allowing the PC to die has become a cardinal sin of game design. I appreciate that you shouldn't be allowed to get into a position from which you can't go on to win the game, but some of the best and funniest moments of Space Quest and Quest for Glory were all the cool ways you could get yourself killed.
  6. Perry Rhodan. Good start, but I'm not far enough in to make a judgement yet.
  7. They violate the EULA.
  8. This thread looks unhappily like it's headed towards throwing insults and name-calling rather than discussion. Please prove me wrong.
  9. Hey, isn't that EA's job?
  10. Which wouldn't have happened if people hadn't raised the issue and complained and threatened not to buy EA products. It's movement, albeit slight, and just means we need to keep applying the pressure.
  11. Two mods threads merged into one. Enjoy.
  12. I'm aghast. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has backed Obama for president: I mean, if this turns out to be true (the Telegraph is no fan of Brown, and not above twisting his words out of context). Of course most people in the UK want Obama to win, but it's appalling that the Prime Minister would jeopardise good relations with a possible McCain administration with a silly stunt like this. He does not have public support for this. Brown is a pathetic and deeply unpopular prime minister - does he think this will win him votes?
  13. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/other_spor...ing/7605378.stm Great news. The media will love this, and I think sports fans too. Plus, cycling could do with his example - I don't think they've got their drugs act together, even now.
  14. There is no convincing evidence that the private sector can run universal health care or primary education better than the state. If there were, that would be an argument for going down that route. It would not, however, alter the morality of the issue. In the absence of a superior private alternative, the state can and should offer universal healthcare and primary education. Normally in the UK, the charge of talking exclusively about rights and never about responsibilities is one levelled by the right against the left, but perhaps that would not be the case in the US?
  15. I'm staying with my parents for a holiday, and using their computer. I spent most of the day clicking Vista User Account Control message buttons, I think.
  16. I'm sure that England, fresh from their triumphant display over footballing superpowers Andorra, will have no trouble at all. I for one am heartily looking forward to another splendid performance from our favourite band of over-paid over-hyped mediocre primadonna losers, and I'm sure you are too.
  17. Pirates of the Caribbean (Sea Dogs II) would have been such a great game if they'd had more time to finish it and not been forced to twist it to fit the PotC franchise. I'm still waiting for them to live up to that initial promise.
  18. Health care and education should be 'socialised', i.e. provided by the state, because the general health and education of society impacts upon all its members. This has always been the rationale for state funding for these services. I cannot expect a healthy life unless the majority of people I encounter are reasonably healthy too, and don't pass on diseases to me and my family. That means widespread vaccinations and primary health care. My business ventures cannot prosper if the local workforce is chronically ill or illiterate, nor can health care, law or democracy function if people are too uneducated to read about the candidates, or to read the labels on medicine bottles. That means health care and certainly education up to primary level (secondary is less clear, according to the economists who study these things).
  19. http://kotaku.com/5046552/amazon-reviewers...y-to-spores-drm Go consumer power!
  20. Flying around with her, or off on their own jaunts? Because the former doesn't sound unreasonable...
  21. McGain leads in the opinion polls, due to Palin? I shall look forward to this. It's not on Foxnews, though, is it?
  22. That's no fun! I want there to be a PC version so that I can refuse to buy it.
  23. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/...cle-921540.html BBC Radio 4 is having a special Big Bang Day from CERN on September 10, the day it's switched on. There's also going to be a special radio episode of Torchwood.
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