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About jackjack

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Location
    Brooklyn, NY
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  • Interests
    RPGs, Grand Strategy, and Subsim games, piano, walking.


  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  1. Achievements are worthless anyway. Give it a few years, and everyone will get a virtual participation trophy.
  2. Reading is fun, voice actors are expensive, and the budget is limited. Spend the money elsewhere, I say.
  3. The digital one has linked chapters in the table of contents, and you can bookmark pages, so it's easy to navigate, which is good, as it clocks in at over 500 pages. It's a huge file (hundreds of megabytes). It's well-designed and makes it easy to avoid spoilers. As far as the usefulness of the guide itself, I've found it indispensable for the abilities/spell lists alone. I highly recommend it.
  4. Well, I certainly wouldn't have missed the stronghold.
  5. Either fix or obliterate the stronghold. It's an exercise in frustration at best, a bit of a tacked-on slap in the face at worst.
  6. I hate to say it, but I am having trouble staying interested for now. Every time I fire it up, I get bored after 10-15 minutes. I'm assuming that I'm just RPG'd out. Will come back to it later, as I'm not convinced it's an issue with the game itself.
  7. It's Metacritic. Good for a laugh, but pretty worthless at its stated purpose. I still say it's an 8/10, myself.
  8. Perhaps the answer is nobody is crazy enough to do that amount of work gratis. I know I'm not.
  9. The stronghold needs a lot of work. It definitely feels like a tacked-on placation. Personally, I'm confident it will get it, but only time will tell. A thing worth doing is worth doing well.
  10. I don't mind them starting out as cosmetic, but being able to add a minor enchantment or two to them would be nice.
  11. A great start would be a modding subforum. *cough*
  12. I would love a way to organize the library in the stronghold.
  13. Actually, this has nothing to do with the Unity engine whatsoever. The only obstacle is money. Professional voice actors do not come cheap. They cannot take less than a certain amount of money for a project, or they will get in trouble with their Actor's Guild, even to the point of getting kicked out of it, which means losing health insurance and any possibility of future employment. Definitely not a risk anyone would or should be willing to take. With that in mind, the sheer amount of text in this game would put full voice acting out of even a AAA game's budget. And with the limited funds available for PoE, this becomes a pipe dream. The alternative is to use amateur volunteers, which, if you've ever heard before, let's just say you'll realize why professionals are so sought after.
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