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Everything posted by evil.E

  1. They can't because the dark side has clouded their vision. Pathetic weaklings. if only they would give into their emotions, they would see what is right in front of them.
  2. Or level 3 regeneration implant. Never used one light side power and always wore armor cuz it looked cooler then the robes. plus with exoskeleton got the nice bonus in dexterity and strength. Add marka ragnos gauntlets and as a melee character no one stood a chance. it was too funny on the leviathan before malak could even finish his line i started plowing into him with master flurry and he ran away without even getting one force power off. wouldn't of done any good since i was immune to most of them anyway. wish there was a dialougue or taunt option for "Who's your daddy beeee-atch?"
  3. pazaak wasn't too bad, frustrating at times, but a nice diversion. Swoop Racing on the other hand. i hated the controls i would of prefered to use my mouse to steer or at least have that as an option. *edit lol newc you took the words right out of my mouth.
  4. i didn't post at all. by the time i got into the game all the posts were reduced to people arguing over why they either loved(for whatever ghey reason) or hated carth(can understand that). not to mention that the mods were a bit too heavy handed with the banning and closing of threads.
  5. what could you possibly add to an adult version that would still meet lucas arts standards? from my understanding they're very strict in this matter. if you look at the movies the dialougue is more or less on par with KOTOR. the only thing I can think of would be dismemberment animations which IMO is not doable due to KOTORs combat system. here's why, in games like Jedi Knight you have a thing called hit detection. that means if I my shot hits you in the head it registers as a headshot, a shot to the chest registers as such, etc.... In KOTOR it's virtual dice determining whether your attack hits or misses. There are no hit boxes or wound meshes so doing a dismemberment animation correctly would mean reworking the combat system. otherwise you'll have guys dropping arms and limbs randomly. that might be pretty funny actually the animation shows you hitting the guy in the head and his arm falls off.
  6. only because GL wanted a gooey sweet ending. The Vader from empire strikes back would of never turned from the darkside.
  7. It all depends on how you play your DS. I only got DS points for acts which were not beneath a Sith Lord. For example with the sand people at first I agreed to get the moisture evaporators for them. After I got the evaporators I asked their leader one final time to stop the attacks all together. he refused so i waited until he handed over his bantha stick and told HK "I have no further use for him, you may shoot him now" no that's DS at it's purest form.
  8. carth was just annoying and ghey. his insistent whining "i do think i can trust anyone" crap made me want to vomit. all i can say is carth why don't you grow a pair already.
  9. hmm let's see if anyone can guess which side i picked muahahahaha
  10. removing the level cap is great for games that are open ended and are continuable after the storyline is finished. but with the linear and finite nature of KOTOR I don't beleive that anyone could attain more than a LVL 30 before the end of the game even if they sat in tattoine and killed desert wraids* all day long.
  11. I hope he's only there long enough so I can have the satisfaction of finally Force Choking him to oblivion. :ph34r:
  12. in the cutscenes from the original KOTOR revan had armor underneath his robes. I so wish that revan's robe you got from the starforge actually looked like that.
  13. Give PC a voice and have the aliens speak more then the same 5 lines.
  14. yeah if you are comatose then you wouldn't have any conscious memory of events that took place while you were out. so it wouldn't be amnesia in the sense of revan having all of his conscious memories wiped away. also i think they're explaining the force thing like muscle atrophy. your muscles still work you just have to retrain them and strengthen them to work like they used to.
  15. I don't have any preferences I'd just like to see more variety. I just hope that the alien languages consists of more than same 5 phrases over and over again. "mucha zaka baga"
  16. i actually enjoyed changing my characters into normal clothes at certain points in the game. except when I picked soldier class i absolutely hated the soldier outfit. so most of the time I would play as a scout simply because out of the three it was the most normal looking. i do agree though after a certain point your PC has no reason to be out of robes/armor. however i think it would be a nice touch if you had the ability to wear different clothes.
  17. I'm imagining that if they do actually show Revan he'll/she'll will either: A. Have a mask on if you chose DS ending B. LS wouls have a heavy jedi robe with a hood to conceal his/her face. Best you'll get is maybe a flash of a nose or chin The body style will undoubtedly be androgenous just like the cutscenes in the first KOTOR. I agree it would be cool to bring back my old PC but since this is a new game I'm more excited about creating a new one.
  18. one other thing and this is debatable but I'd really like it if the PC actually had a voice of his/her own. To some extent the character does speak in the orignal KOTOR says things like"Yes", "No Problem","Didn't work","Done". Even if this was just an option I beleive that it would really enhance the game.
  19. Dark Side - A) Bastila plots to usurp the title of dark lord from revan. Revan learns of this and kills bastila himself before her plan comes to fruition. Due to the force link they share he feels incomplete and weak. Knowing that a weak sith lord would not last long he flees in the ebon hawk to the outer worlds in an attempt to regain his power. B) The star forge ever feeding off of the dark power within revan slowly begins to drain him of his force powers. he sees the same fate that befell the rakatan happening to him. desperate to retain his power he destroys the star forge a move the rest of the sith do not understand. they feel he has turned and he is forced to flee in the ebon hawk to the outer worlds. "Any creature willing to throw their life away in that void[outer worlds] is not worth killing" - Canderous Oddo KOTOR1 Light Side - A) The entire sith fleet was not destroyed when the star forge fell. there had to of been sith deployed throughout the galaxy. Revan may have dealt them a serious blow by destroying the star forge but the sith were far from defeated. after regrouping the sith counter-attacked. aided by numerous bounty hunters and perhaps the remnants of the mandalorian clans, the sith hunted down all that was left of the jedi. revan with bastila, if she was redeemed, flee the sith onslaught in the ebon hawk. Assuming bastila's with you she dies during the escape. That's all I can think of for the light side. I only played that ending once cuz it's so lame. lol
  20. Actually in my game "Saladbar" dies too. Taught that walking rug the harsh lesson of questioning my orders. I'm sure this has already been said but I want to see more unique faces on NPCs I'm not saying every NPC on every world needs to be unique but if the character is central to a sidequest or has a unique role in advancing the plot he shouldn't have the same face as some random thug you beat down two planets over.
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