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Everything posted by evil.E

  1. I must of been the only person who actually used T3 on the the leviathan. To me that was more Reminiscent of EP.4 where R2 is wandering around the Deathstar. Plus with all the computer and repair skills T3 had he almost saw 0 combat. So yeah I'd like to see more of the solo missions. I also dug the investigations like the Sunry Murder Trial or the classic whodunit on Dantooine. I didn't agree with getting DS points for choosing to get Sunry off though since you were his attorney you were just doing your job. Besides burden of proof lies with the prosecution after all. muahaha.
  2. Korriban was my favorite got to be as evil as I wanted. I loved going through each of the tombs especially the tomb of the assasin droid (being a walking shadow rules). In fact I actually made a save game before for each of the tombs just so i could try them with different party member/weapons. My only complaint was that they only let you practice your dueling on 3 slaves. I could of done that for hours.
  3. I agree with RP in fact the only ability that even remotely appealed to me from that list was the ability to treat poinson. But once I put on my breath mask I'm immune so that isn't even necessary but it would come in handy for all my other party members. what i found was that no matter how many times and how many different combinations i tried i very rarely used more than 3 of my force powers. in fact by the end of the game i would usually end up just adding random powers for the sake of spending points.
  4. You mean ... talking ... like this ... to then? lol he may ..... have talked ..... like this. but he was a pimp when it came to the ladies.
  5. I agree that there was way too much inventory. Thankfully I got rid of most of it on Yavin. I think it would of been better if they limited the amount of stuff you can carry to only a few base items. Also, the really good stuff like Heart of the Guardian and Dominator Gauntlets were cool but they shouldn't of been things you could buy. They should of been things that you got after some epic battle or extremely difficult puzzle. Point being that you should have to earn these items not just fork over some credits. Much like they did with the Genhorradan* side quest. Perhaps it might also be cool if the games difficulty setting determined which power items were availible. For example if your playing the game on easy and you kill the final Tarantek you get dominator gauntlets, normal you'd get heart of the guardian, difficult mantle of the force, etc....
  6. I liked the addition of a romance in KOTOR but I agree it felt too shallow. There was nothing in the game which made me feel bastila was worth fighting for. Of course these are game developers so we can't expect them to know too much about wooing the opposite sex j/k. But seriously I would have liked to have been given my selection of romances to follow as well as little flings here and there. Imagine while bastila was back on the ebon hawk you're getting your grove on with some other chicky. In fact one of the things I enjoyed was flirting with NPCs to gain their trust and manipulate them. Like Lashowe or Yuthura on korriban I took the James T Kirk approach and gained their trust. Granted the pickup lines were cheesy but it still would of been amusing to have a little fling with both or either of them at the Sith academy right before using my lightsaber to turn them into salsa fresca. That's what a true sith lord does. muahahahaha :ph34r:
  7. Comparing UT2004 to KOTOR is ridiculous. If you want UT style action go play Jedi Knight. KOTOR is not a hack and slash game where your ability to mash keys and click mouse buttons determines who's the better player. I played the original KOTOR 5 times something I've never done on any single player game before. Why? Because each time I found something different in the game, each time I played it through a little differently. Sometimes I was a straight force user that stayed out of the frontline battle, other times I just built a tank and with dual sabers in hand mowed down everything in my path. I have UT2004 and play it all the time online but when all is said and done you're going to play a FPS the same way you play all FPS everytime. I'll be the first to admit that I went into KOTOR not knowing much about it and thinking it was going to be a Jedi Knight style game. But once I got over that shock I was pleasantly surprised.
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