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Everything posted by Meshugger

  1. <Anti-carth> -"Telos can be blown up for all that i care" </Anti-carth>
  2. Exactly, there's probably a lot more to the story than you being an ex-Jedi, eventhough the introduction sounds a bit lame.
  3. Morally grey situations to all their glory, but what i want is the true seduction of the dark side, i.e. you think that you just handled the situation correctly, only finding out that you just made things even more fubar.
  4. Heh! Well, you can't say that the Sith doesn't support the idea of indvidualism, at least ;p Sort of a Reagan with a bad attitude, don't you think?
  5. I think that solution would fit the nature of the Sith properly enough.
  6. Yes, you always have to be on guard, never to reveal any weaknesses. That's the way of Sith (taken from your training at the academy at Korriban).
  7. I think it was in the latest Gamespot or Gamespy preview that they stated that the releasedate is 'In time for this year's holidays', nothing set to stone though.
  8. Didn't the Queen just co-operate with the Republic? Bah, semantics.
  9. She was a predictable character, but still i had a great time teasing her.
  10. Can't wait to see Hades_One's and Drakron's opinions about this
  11. Yep, so now the planets are: 1. Dantooine 2. Peragus 3. Telos 4. Dxun 5. Onderon Two left...
  12. Using IRC exclusively.
  13. Well, each to its own i guess...
  14. Good luck making an engine, when people like Carmack and Sweeney does it, it takes about 4 years to do one from scratch :D
  15. Dantooine or Telos? Not exactly sure, eventhough there's been a build-up after Malak. I bet it's one of the unannounced planets.
  16. I like the way Sion looks, he has more the tormented look than the regular "I'm sooo eeevol!"-look, good job by the artists!
  17. I wish i knew, i just found it on friends computer and he mailed it to me.
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