What? Kreia says that? I must've missed it or ignored it. If that's true, that's just lame. Don't get me wrong, I like Revan, but too much of the good stuff will just make the character cheaper.
Alright, so (s)he is a good strategist, fighter and strong in the force, that's clearly above average, but okay, I wouldn't expect to play an average Joe. Okay, (s)he might've realized something others did not and sacrificed him/her-self for the good of everyone. Now we're starting to go a little far, but tragic heroes and such are my taste, so I'm willing to buy that (it'll also raise some interesting questions regarding the dark vs light side). But really, I draw the line at making Revan the center of something that sounds like a prophecy.
Making characters too good to be true will often backfire, as they actually will be too good to be true. They won't be believable anymore. Roleplaying with such a character just isn't enjoyable, at least not for me.