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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/18/25 in Posts
I agree with thelee. MAX MIG/PER/INT in a party is right. Maybe you can use Aloth's armor and other INT or range buff (i.e. pet) to extend chanter's invocations.3 points
In general I always neglect Con and Res for non-tanks. PotD early on (when it is the hardest), the enemies so outclass you that Con and Res don’t feel particularly helpful to me versus better CC or killing enemies faster. If I still need help with survivability later on I end up taking Tough. Thrice is close range but good intellect still helps you hit without getting too close.2 points
I have a solicitors will be shot sign by the front door but they seem to think it's a challenge. So I just walk around loudly ignoring people at the door.1 point
Patch Notes – 1.4.7 General Changes Zipline Speed Boost: When using the ZIP.R, zipline speed is now 50% faster. Gamepad Movement: Walking slower than sprint speed no longer drains stamina. Lure Trap Update: Now attracts all land creatures except: Stinkbugs Green Shield Bugs All water creatures Pet Updates Baby Ants: 50% more Health and Armor. Aphid Pet Buffs: Reduces stamina drain while sprinting by 30% (was 20%). Increases player movement speed by 15%. Weevil Pet Buffs: Reduces Thirst drain by 50% (was 20%). Reduces Hunger drain by 50%. Boss Adjustments Mantis Boss: The Scream attack can now be Perfect Blocked. REMIX.D Yard – General Changes Armor Upgrade Expansion: All Armor can now be upgraded to Level 15. Upgrade Stats: Level 10: 90% Defense & Durability Level 11: 115% Defense & Durability Level 12: 140% Defense & Durability Level 13: 165% Defense & Durability Level 14: 190% Defense & Durability Level 15: 215% Defense & Durability Infusion Attack Damage: Significantly reduced against buildings, helping in Javamatic and Base Defense battles. New Custom Game Option: You can now adjust the REMIX.D Level in Survival Mode. Find this in: Start Menu → Game Options → Miscellaneous → REMIX.D Level REMIX.D Level now displays past Level 10 in the same menu. REMIX.D Yard – Scaling Updates Raw Science Rewards Scale with REMIX.D Level: Infused Creatures: Base reward of 3,000 RS, increased by 10% per REMIX.D level. Boss Rewards: Now 30,000 RS, increasing by 20% per REMIX.D level. Boss Drops: At REMIX.D+4 and higher, bosses have a 30% chance to drop an extra Infused Ooze. BURG.L Quest & Raw Science Pickups: Increase by 200% per REMIX.D level. Creature Damage Scaling Adjustment New scaling system replaces the old linear increase. Old System: +20% damage per REMIX.D Level. New System: Starts at +20% but increases by larger amounts at higher levels. Example: Before: Level 1: +20% Level 2: +40% Level 3: +60% Now: Level 1: +20% Level 2: +45% Level 3: +75% Mutation Changes Barbarian Mutation: Now reduces the perfect block window, instead of removing it. Apex Predator Mutation: Now works with all Infused weapons. Playgrounds Mode – Additions & Changes Story Quests can now be enabled in Playgrounds Mode. The backyard bosses can now be summoned at their boss arenas. Web Sacs placed in Maker Mode now spawn Spiderlings & Black Widowlings. All placed creatures and bosses can have their stats customized: Name Scale Movement Speed Health Infusions All weapons and tools can have the following stats customized: Name Durability (or make items Unbreakable) Enhancement Level (Upgrade Level) Damage Multiplier Bonus Effects (Sleek/Bulky for armor, Mighty/Fresh/Salty/Spicy/Sour for weapons) REMIX.D Level Selection in Playgrounds: Choose a REMIX.D Level (1-10) from: Start Menu → Game Options → Miscellaneous → REMIX.D Level New Music Tracks Added to the Music Player: Willow, Max, Hoops, Pete Home The Dark Stronger Than You Think We Are Upper Grasslands Night Noble Spirit Science in the Home (REMIX.D Music) Rise and Shine Bug Fixes Salty Weapons: Now properly turn underwater creatures into jerky. Cupid Arrow Fix: No longer makes the player invincible. If a creature under Cupid Arrow’s effect is hit by the player, the effect disappears, and the creature becomes hostile again. Antbassador & Pets: Having Antbassador with a pet no longer makes ants see you in anthills. Gnat Pet Fix: Gnats won’t stop following you if you bump into them. BURG.L Quests: Some quests that wouldn’t complete properly are now fixed. Epic BURG.L Quest #10 “Mixologist” now correctly asks for normal smoothies. Playground Building fix: Copying linked buildings now correctly inherits all links when changing the door variant. Antennae in Field Stations: No longer duplicate when re-entering Design Mode. Ant Queen Gear Summons: Now correctly aggro enemies on spawn. Fixed Crashes: Relocating ladders Using the Shinobi Sneeze ability Fixed World Issues: Players can no longer fall out of the world at the Woodpile Entrance. Various Fire Ant Hill spawn issues fixed. UI & Localization Fixes.1 point
https://www.npr.org/2025/03/18/nx-s1-5330454/egg-shortages-record-prices-usda-canada Now they'll invade for our eggs.1 point
^ My husband still can't be rude/abrupt to salespeople, whether in a store, at the door, or on the phone. He'll let them do their spiel while I'm standing there rolling my eyes. I'm at the point where if it's not family/a close friend etc, I will at minimum say "No thanks, not interested" and change topic and/or simply walk away. Life's too short to waste on being overly polite all the time. Phone/door solicitors I'll say "no" and hang up/shut the door immediately. I once had a woman follow me in a large parking lot, asking for money. I said no, and no, while walking rapidly, but she followed me for about 12 car lengths, trying to guilt me, before she got the point. I've had less and less of that kind of thing - possibly because I dress like a half-homeless person myself these days. eg, not a good mark. This is why, even if I had several million dollars, I would still dress in old baggy pants and well worn t-shirts and not care if my hair is tidy. Better to be underestimated.1 point
Putting this here so the devs will see it (hey all). Finished the game and enjoyed it overall, but having kept notes here's a list of criticisms: The biggest one is, Avowed doesn't do anything particularly new in any category. I'm not suggesting a party based RPG needs to revolutionize everything, rather that it would be nice and enticing to see a one or two things that people have never seen before in between all the things we have. A new game mechanic that changes how you talk to characters fundamentally, or maybe just steal one that already works well but is underused like the "real time" conversations from Oxenfree. Or maybe just a crazy type of monster not in the D&D handbook, or even just some bizarre one off quest where you travel through time or into a characters mind once. A thing or two that stand out as new and memorable, that's all, take a big risk here or there. Moving onto the host of minor criticisms: The game felt overly combat heavy to me. I enjoyed the combat certainly, but a good 75% of the playtime, plausibly more, is shooting stuff over and over and over again. I know there a lot of places and times in games that are "filler". Do the simple puzzle, do the simply platforming challenge, etc. But sometimes even filler is nice just for a change of pace. There's a lot of "video game!" enemy and loot placement in a very story heavy game. Why and how did the chest of random treasure get here? "Because it's loot that's why" isn't a very satisfying answer in a world on the more serious end that you're asked to emotionally invest in. Why are there enemies 5 feet from the city and the city guards? I get "nature is attacking" and etc. but bandits just hanging out around the corner feels overtly silly. There's a sense of story and environment progression, but not one that's matched by game mechanics, or enemy types, or etc. There's nothing new to discover in these new environments, no new type of weapon or enchantment on a weapon that does something different. No new enemy type that makes you change how you approach combat, no new type of trap even that you have to watch out for. Progression can be more than just scenery and story. That's mostly about it. There's a ton of "obvious" feeling things to do. If you're going towards a Dark Messiah (finally, what an underrated game, entire direction for action gaming even) one could go farther. Kick enemies off cliffs and into spikes, heck make a boss or two that can do that to the player! Make the physics a bit more unified and coherent (why don't explosions set things on fire?). Etc etc etc, I'm sure there's ideas aplenty there and I'm looking forward to any sequel or otherwise. Thanks for a fun game.1 point
Yeah, that really started to bother me as the game went on. Galawain's Tusk, such a hostile and inhospitable place to live! Except it is exactly the same as previous three zones, fill with same enemies. I suppose they are level III now rather than IV. There were also small oddities that just make me curious on how this game came together. World Map is very pretty, but area placement doesn't match with how we progress through them in game. Avowed doesn't have many gameplay systems, but even so, traps seem almost entirely be forgotten about aside from area no.3 in which they are used extensively. Avowed definitely has some "cobbled together" feel to it.1 point
Yeah, I agree on all of the above. I was playing on hard as well, and had similarly 100+ of each potions, and unreasonable amount of food - 100+ mariner's Porridge could keep me going for quite a while. That said my mage was well equipped for regenerating HP and Mana. I actually found Giatta completely redundant gameplay wise, and didn't use her after act2. Not having alternative way of dispelling illusions was rather irritating. Eh, my main gripe with companions is their story content. I just found them one note and underdeveloped. It seemed that Obsidian took a step back from companions well immersed in the universe, and went for a more mainstream approach. A more generic character, with a generic problem, with just little fantasy flavour. It is such a shame to finally have animancer in the party, and have that party member have so little to say about her work, and just run around with what is essentially a magic wand.1 point
Confirmed solution: you should have two autosaves called "Point of No Return." The earlier one is before you jump in the pool of water. From there you should be able to run back to Solace Keep, fast-travel to a camp and swap your party members. I switched to Marius and Kai, then went back into the Keep. The cut scene then played correctly. I've now seen five or six people say this all worked for them.1 point
For me(and I'm only 80%ish done), I was in the mood for a simple game I could get lost in. Not say the game was overly simple, but it was easy to pick up and play. I did have a new mechanic I haven't seen before which was the gear system, which is what allowed you to progress in the next area as long as you leveled it up, and leveling up yourself was more about adding abilities and such to myself and my party. I was worried when I saw this is how it worked in reviews and resources were scarce, thinking it may be too cumbersome. You did need to figure out what to keep and upscale, but it worked better than I hoped. I'm not familiar with the lore and such of the previous games and I got to admit I speed through some of the historical dialogs. I would say it could be more dialog-heavy. More than you may usually see in this kind of game, but I completely understand why they did that. You could really immerse yourself into the lore and get the complete backstory. For that reason, the amount of combat, for me, felt just about right. Really, that's what I came for and it didn't disappoint. I usually play a knight or warrior in these kind of games, but heard that wizard was the most fun in this game so went with that and have really been enjoying it. It's great as it kept me engaged and refreshed combat as I added new spells. I'm going to try a runthrough as my usual warrior player, as spells can be splashy and fun to see, I'm worried a warrior may not progress as well due to that, but will see. Will likely do a hybrid build with maybe archer skills if the amount of points allow. I found the loot system pretty good compared to others and found most of the gear used throughout the game that way. You find real meaningful things instead of just trash. Even if it isn't something you want, you still need it to break it down to be able to upgrade equipment. It really kept me looking around everywhere to be sure I didn't miss some top tier stuff. There sure didn't seem as much wizard stuff out there to find versus tons of warrior weapons and outfits. What I didn't get was why there was all these boxes around to be destroyed. When I noticed you could generally see into them and if they had anything inside, I just stopped destroying them. Maybe I'm missing what the deal was with them. I'm looking forward to DLC to keep my interest before I go onto other games. I hope an Avowed 2 is in the works where the team can really stretch out and add the living things, like a living world where you see populated areas with people going about their business etc and a more stretched-out world. The only real negative I have about the game(as a PC player) is the constant fatal errors crashing the game. As I said, I was looking for a world to get lost in and can play for a few hours. WIth that, I average 3-4 crashes to the desktop. I set the auto save to a short time frame and save myself often, so I can usually get back into the game without losing too much time. A lot of games come out not fully cooked nowadays, but I thought this would be fixed by now. I saw a reviewer who crashed at the end of the game and wasn't able to see final cinematic. This is a big worry for me, and could ruin what has been a great experience. Hopefully we'll see this patched very soon. In reviews of those who played the game with PC, they did note they told Obsidian about the issue, I just hope the issue isn't baked too deep into the game to fix.1 point
Finished Avowed a couple days ago and I also really liked it. Then I went back to Final Fantasy VII Remake. Trying to catch up before going into Rebirth. Feels like I'm having a mid-life crisis playing a remake of a game from my childhood, what with Suikoden also just having come out again and calling my name.1 point
I finished Avowed and really enjoyed it. Next I moved onto Citizen Sleeper. Interesting dice-based narrative game. I was confused on the gameplay my first attempt (the mouse scroller let me move up and down the space station) but in my 2nd attempt, I really got into it.1 point
Also would like to be able to place map marker's and possibly have a choice for a larger or more zoomed in minimap.1 point
I have played Starfinder 2nd edition beta, like Pathfinder 2nd edition it works well in campaigns that are lots of tactical battles as in those system works best. Most of the character sheet abilities, spells etc. are meant for battles. Also splitting game in three modes, encounter, exploration and downtime. Most of the game time goes is spent in encounter mode, then exploration and time spent in downtime mode is usually quite little. Most of the encounters are combat encounter, although rules give rules for social encounters, but they aren't as well defined as rules for combat encounters. Combat encounter system uses Paizo's three action system, which means that each character gets three actions for their turn which they can use to do what they want. Things like moving, attack, hiding etc. are just actions character can choose to do or they can use actions given their feats, items, etc.. Some things like many of the spells use two or more actions to do. To avoid that people just attack three times each turn, character gets minus to their next attack action and even more minus to their third and so on attack actions. In my opinion this gives players reason to look some other options that they could do their turn. There is also quite good math behind the minuses and bonuses that characters can get from conditions and items, etc. that in difficult encounter it is usually mandatory to use buffs and debuffs. Exploration is more flexible mode that changes to moving around in dungeon, space ship, etc. to traveling between planets. Usually in this mode game master may give some skill challenges in form of random hazards or finding glues etc, Game master should also use how players behave in this mode to determine how well they are prepared to next combat or social encounter. Downtime mode is meant to just forward time in game world and give player ability buy new equipment, find information about their next mission/s. So bit like breather between more action heavy segments in story. Starfinder has quite interesting lore and as Paizo also supports bringing stuff from Pathfinder it gives big variety of options to pick in terms of character races, occupations, classes etc.1 point
So, Avowed. It is a game you can play. It had very ubisoft feel to it - all the friction being sanded off to the point that the whole experience becomes just a flat, uneventful romp. Quite a few things that I thought were done great - combat, while shallow and repetitive has very strong fundamentals and outside some small jank is very satisfying. I liked exploration and balance between objective markers and discoverable secrets. Story was uneven and I felt it was underdeveloped. In spite of being relatively light on narrative there were also a few revelations being revealed multiple times - I assume that's becomes side activities and crit path overlap storywise and the game couldn't be asked to track which activities player completed. While story has some potential, it didn't feel like it was up to Obsidian's standard. It felt more like a traditional game story - something done in the later stages of development, trying to add some context to existing gameplay. I don't know if there is any truth in it, but it just didn't feel as cohesive as other Obsidian games. Avowed felt to me like a Disney+ show. A bit stretched out, with some good ideas, awkward on-the-nose fan service. Not a bad time by any means, but also not a strong recommendation.0 points