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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/10/25 in all areas

  1. Lost's problem was not the ending episode (I stated it before, but I think it tied the themes of the show together well enough), but the way they handled long running storylines in season six - they just killed them off, sometimes in a very literal fashion. For three seaons there was this back and forth about what is going to happen if Charles Widmore manages to come back to the island. Naturally, having not thought of anything beforehand, nothing happens when he does, and after that he is unceremoniously shot. The funny thing with the smoke monster is that it started out as something that fits the final season pretty well (rewatch the early episodes with the final season in mind), it was the middle parts of the show that did not fit.
    2 points
  2. Let's say it wasn't worth the ability point (imo). "Totally useless" was an exaggeration. Would have been good if it was per encounter, but 2/rest seemed pretty meh for what it does (mostly overkilling ;)) 5/rest makes it quite interesting. Burst a hurt Thaos into pieces! Don't know if 5 is too many uses - but on the other hand Rangers get 5 casts of Thorny Roots per rest - which can be spammed in a similar way (but fast cast).
    1 point
  3. Hi, it is a nerf untill you reach level 13th where you have 2 great spells AND you eventually can good use of good spells on level 5 that you often don't cast. So an early nerf - a later buff Have you thought, that in this way, with only base game, a druid can't cast Relentless Storm? These (especially last one) make NG better than any other Godlike in my opinion. So potentially you can throw FIVE Finish Blows in one encounter? It's crazy. What was the initial proposition? Ok for Wizs and Barbs, I agree that the latter needs some few little adjustments to reach "power" of other classes.
    1 point
  4. While over a third of the voting population couldn't even be bothered to care enough to vote in the first place. Yes, I'm afraid that we get the representation that we duly deserve.
    1 point
  5. That "some" is what a quarter of that total population voted for. That's some "some".
    1 point
  6. Watched to the end, the ending (that fcking cloying afterlife bullsh!t, not Jack expiring in Smokey's embrace) was such a travesty it ruined all the show for me.
    1 point
  7. Hey Malcador, I never got to try DoW3's multiplayer because the community completely bailed on the game by the time I got it. If you ever want a skirmish or anything I'd be happy to play you. I've been playing a lot of Pillars of Eternity this month. When it was first released I got as far as Twin Elms and then got interrupted because of work and everything, finally got around to giving the game another go. It's so good! I love Obsidian so much, they are my absolute favorite developers and this playthough has reminded me of everything I love about their games. So far I am basically finished with Definace Bay, have cleared everything but the dragon in the Endless Paths and I'm currently working my way through Durgan's Battery in the White March: Part 2. I think the thing I like the most about the game are the classes and experimenting with party composition. I know they're basically d&d classes but Obsidian really did a good job with their versions and optimising everything for a videogame. I like how they've assigned things like might to damage and healing output, intelligence to the area range of abilities ect. It makes the character builds a lot more diverse and I feel like it's harder to make a "wrong" choice in how to build your character as even if you go for an unorthadox build your character will still be good at something and can have a use.
    1 point
  8. I seriously keep waffling between "wanna new PC" and "should quit pc-gaming." My pace of "try to fix my reboot-PC issue" has been super slow because at the moment ... I'm not sure I care. Or maybe it's that I wish I didn't care. Then next month I'll be all "but, but, Death Stranding 2!" or something. Then back to "I'll just play Diablo 1/similar if I need a game fix for a few hours, that bad." I'm getting "old" enough I could just buy a console for an occasional big release and forget about it otherwise. But but ... mods! Other pc-gaming options/control! Edit: and ofc, the TECH-FIEND inside me *tosses hands*
    1 point
  9. Knockdown is cool and very helpful from the early to mid game. But it requires to make the fighter a dw non-tank. And to be honest: at that point I might as well go with a non-tank monk instead which gives me a lot more utility and power in the long run. Fighters are great tanks, but that's a rel. narrow niche. It's not bad! Just a niche. Where Fighters are really cool as you said: with spells from items. Barrage in combination with the high base acc is perfect for that on a non-tank build. But that's an even more narrow niche and the same role as a melee wizard would take. Not a bad one at all, but still a niche imo. I, too, have to remember myself from time to time that niche-tier doesn't mean bad tier. That's why I argued for the Ranger to come out of the niche tier: because in combination with the animal companion it can do more than just single target damage. By the way: playing a party in PoE atm against a bounty and the rangers' Binding Roots is annoying me sooo bad - I consider taking it for Sagani. Funnily enough since Deadfire I value the per-rest abilities of PoE higher than before. Binding Roots is "only" 5/rest - but that also means it can be 5/encounter in a very tough fight. And a very long lasting (30sec base) stuck with the Ranger's high accuracy can totally turn the tides of a fight. Also the 15 pierce +15 slash dmg of Thorny Roots only have to overcome 1/4 of DR (as all fixed dmg it seems). You can totally kill some casters just with that at the start of the fight (it's a fast cast so getting out 5 in quick succession is easy). I'm honestly considering to build a "per-rest", high INT/high PER Ranger just for maximizing Binding/Thorny Roots in combo with spell items (Rotfinger Gloves and such). That's how much I was annoyed by Binding Roots.
    1 point
  10. Stormcaller is pretty fine versus Animat and other foes sensitive to shock damage. Other great weapons for ranger are which ones that proc stun: Borresaine, One-Eyed Molina's Gold-Fingered Spike-Flinger (also very fast if patched), Rod of Pale Shades (also decrease defense), Aedrin's Wrecker; not to mention the only ranged weapon with prone effect: Puitènte med Príncipi (also tow damege types). These makes ranger great also in CC. With blunderbusses you can proc stun realiable with Driving Flight, Twinned Arrows and Stunning Shots. Also Golden Gaze is good in that and has a nice proc. Fast ranged weapons is also cool: The Rain of Godagh Field, Wendgär, Forgiveness, Pretty Pretty's Rib (also Rending). Twin Sting is awesome to proc Predator's Sense and has also a great spellchance. Marking weapons is another wonderful thing in a party: St. Garam's Spark, Pliambo per Casitàs (also disorienting!), Cgadob's Hazel. With ranger's high accuracy also Annihilation is and awesome enchantment: Dulcanale (also Rending), Sabra Marie. Fulvano's Blunderbuss can make you a charme spammer and Silver Flash is insane with blind effect. Sure I'm forgetting other good synergies, but we are plenty of weapons for rangers, while Rogue has less chance to stun, prone etc. with weapons, if they take them they remove a weapon for other people (think about barbs...), they can rely on usual sabres and Annihilation enchants and above all they must (not always, but often) go melee without a bodyguard (as AC is). Early game rangers are also more effective with their accuracy form distance, rogue is too squishy and can't rely on many abilities, while ranger is good yet also with only autoattack. I hope you can experiment and see
    1 point
  11. It's good. Just note that with low INT it will have less duration. It does not rely on staying below 50%. You can heal up right after triggering it. 1 MIG difference is like nothing...
    1 point
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