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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/12 in all areas

  1. Hi, Chris. My name is Kirill. I want you make a game, 3D-action, here's the plot. User may play wood elves, palace guards or the Evil One. If user plays elves, then elves in the woods, live in wooden houses, palace guards and the Evil One raid them. User can rob the caravans. And if elves are wood, so the forest is dense. In the distance trees are one picture, but if you come closely they convert into 3D. Your game engine can into LOD, amiright? User can barter etc., capabilities like in Daggerfall. Enemies in 3D, corpse in 3D too. User can jump etc. If user plays palace guards, then he must listen to the commander and protects palace from the Evil One (I don't think of his name yet), spies, elves guerillas, and raids them (the Evil One, elves). If user plays the Evil One... then spies and elves guerillas attack, user is commander himself, do what he wants, orders his troops to take palace and go to the attack himself. There are 4 areas in the game map: 1 - humans area (neutral), 2 - Emperor's area (palace), 3 - elves area, 4 - the Evil One's area (in the mountains, there is old fort). User in the game not only can be killed, you can cut off his arm, and if user doesn't cured, then he will die. You can poke out his eye, but user doesn't die, he will see half screen, or he can buy a prosthesis. If you cut off the leg, user can die, or he can crawl or buy a wheelchair, or buy a prosthesis as very good option. You can save the game. P.S. I want this game twho years.
    3 points
  2. In my case, I mentioned it because I bloody loved it. It was a game that dared to be different and just oozed ambition. It's a shame that not every system in the game was polished to a high shine, but I'll pick a game that shoots for the moon and misses over a game that doesn't even dare to climb on top of the roof anyday. To why the reception was poor: The game wasn't what people expected. If you watched someone playing, it looked like Splinter Cell but it was an RPG. It was an RPG with a modern setting, but it wasn't a sandbox and lacked black/white morality systems. It was a game where the dialogue was much more tense and thrilling than the shootouts. In a way, it also was the perfect unofficial prequel to Deus Ex.
    2 points
  3. Turn based RPG non-traditional fantasy world with lots of magitech. Lots of dialogue and interaction with party members. Lot's of C&C. Stylized graphics. Big focus on party setup and combining strengths from different classes/character types. Good romances for both genders. Good customization options in character creating. Endings that reflect both your choices, your playstyle and your interaction with different characters.
    1 point
  4. I have not read all the comments, but I just wanted to weigh in and say I registered here solely to show my support of this idea. I've greatly liked every single Obsidian Games so far, and I love the old school isometric games - stuff like Fallout, Baldur's Gate, Arcanum, Icewind Dale, Planescape Torment and so on. I trust the creative vision of the good people at Obsidian - but I would absolutely LOVE a new isometric, party-based crpg of some kind. The specific setting is not important to me as such (I love Planescape as a setting, but the way I see it Torment does not need and never should have a sequel - the setting is still good, though. Probably unrealistic I suppose). Likewise the specific gameplay "rules" are secondary. Both real-time with pause (like the old D&D games) and turn-based like Fallout would be absolutely fine with me. Preferably closer to either of those systems, than the mixture of Arcanum - Arcanum was great, but combat was a weak point. I would definitely be very interested in helping fund something in the neighborhood of the above - coming from a poor student that might not mean that much, though. Still, I buy new games now and then, so I could spare some bucks for a project like this
    1 point
  5. Something with lots and lots of dialogue.
    1 point
  6. I think I'll fund any game you might start, but an Arcanum sequel? Spiritual successor? Anything? Please?
    1 point
  7. Mmmm, where to start. First, it would be really great to see something new in terms of IP, setting, etc, though I certainly wouldn't turn my nose up at sequels to most of your established series (though to be honest I was under the impression that you didn't really control any of them). That said, I'll throw out a few other thoughts about general design parameters. Most've these have been said by others, but still: -Artistic style > technical impressiveness when it comes to graphics. Probably doesn't need saying, but I'll say it anyway. One thought that sticks in my head is that one of the big draws of Pen and Paper supplements or worlds were the distinctive art they always sported. I'd like to see more games that try to translate the vision of concept artists to the screen warts and all, whether that's by using a more cel-shaded style, going pure 2D, or some other method. -Writing > Voice Acting. Voice acting is nice, but I've noticed that even the best voice acting forces parsimony in dialogues. They become shorter, the list of options shrink, and everything generally becomes much more streamlined. You can almost hear the people in charge of tracking studio rental costs clicking their stop-watch. It would be awesome if there was some way to fix this issue and still provide fully-voiced dialogue, but I suspect that for a kickstarter project voiceless is the way to go. -Consider throwing community money to up and comers within Obsidian. On the subject of Doublefine I seem to remember that Iron Brigade AKA Trenched was the product of something like that. The flexibility of crowdsourced funds means that this could be an opportunity to allow new or different people to participate in more central ways. Finally, for my part I'd like to see more RPGs that explore philosophical and moral concepts in contexts that go beyond "do/don't kill the cute widdle puppy". I know that that's always been something Obsidian's tried to do, and it's one of the reasons I've always been a fan of the studio, but it bears repeating since to be honest I feel like your successes in that respect have been mixed. For example, while I enjoyed Alpha Protocol overall, I felt it really missed the boat when it came to tackling any of the depth or complexity of the intelligence and covert operations communities. I'd argue that the "big bad corrupt intelligence agency and/or corporation" narrative in the world of thrillers is no less shallow and hackneyed than the "heroic CIA agent saves the free world from the dirty commies/islamofacists" one, and in Alpha Protocol when you get right down to it the game tells a story about a world where black operations and intelligence has no legitimacy because there exists not a single threat which they did not themselves create. There's a whole discussion/argument to be had over that characterization and it's validity as a point of view, I know, but it's still something that was a bit of a letdown. That said, I think there's still a lot of fertile ground in the entire espionage/technothriller genre, or for "modern day" RPGs in general for that matter.
    1 point
  8. Arcanum 2 Planescape Torment Drwaven Fortress with graphics (think how much money would that one make!)
    1 point
  9. A darklands inspired rpg with troika's TOEE combat complexity will be a genre i think the older generation is longing for.
    1 point
  10. I hope that you, as a company, would get to make the game you want to make - true art comes from the heart.
    1 point
  11. I'd pretty much fund wathever Obsidian decides to do, truth be told. I'm only looking for two things: an interesting story and great characters. I can adapt to the rest
    1 point
  12. Great idea, let's focus on the story and setting on abnormal sexuality. Bioware has blazed the trail on this by publishing several high profile RPG/dating sims. Obsidian just needs to take it to the next level and abandon all pretense of story beyond who gets to bang who! /sarcasmAlright, that might have been a little bit harsh. Point being, sex should not be the main focus or even a heavy element in RPG's. Leave that to the dating sims.by no means did I want sex to the main focus, it'd be nice if there was a game capable of talking about sex and relationships in a mature meaningful manner, that wasn't from atlus, but I don't think obsidian are capable of that.No, I just want a game where the protagonist isn't the same standard character as every other video game, I'm only asking for a bit of diversity. Shouldn't they just leave the choice to player? Why the f*** would they force worldview/sexuality/anything on the PC I want to play? Even TNO could be shaped to a person/alignment you wanted. I for one I'm not ashamed of being a white heterosexual priviledged man; for my rpg-s I pick characters I wish to roleplay, be they white, black, green, purple, gay, straight, asexual, tall, short, fat, human, elf, genius, retarded, nice, violent... That's what chargen is for.
    1 point
  13. In no particular order: If going for a D&D license, Dark Sun would be pretty cool. Still on the licensed product side, I'd love to see a game in White Wolf's Exalted setting, but realize it's pretty unlikely. Probably more attainable: something based in the Arcanum world would be good, if that license is available. Darklands is another unique videogame setting, and could be pretty interesting. In any event, I'd prefer a game with a more open-ended structure: more Fallout than Torment. I feel games are particularly well-suited to world-building over storytelling, though naturally it's not one or the other. Most importantly, I'd like to see huge scale. Something along the lines of Baldur's Gate 2, where you start off powerful and end fighting dragons and godlike wizards. To get that I'd be willing to make concessions on graphics and voice-acting -- voice-acting in particular is nice, but hardly a requirement.
    1 point
  14. Just so you know, if you start a campaign, I will pledge as much as I can afford, no matter what game idea you select. I have absolutely no problems giving you the amount I would pay for 4-5 games (which would probably leave me severely underwhelmed, considering most "big" releases nowadays are absolute generic, uninteresting, and just plain soulless), in order to have something I would like to play. You guys are yet to disappoint me, and I trust you fully to deliver an awesome game. In fact, you are pretty much the only RPG developer left whose games I truly enjoy, and whose games I'm always looking forward to. As for projects I would love to see, here's my "dream list" (which is pretty much totally unrealistic, since you don't have the rights to most of these properties, but a man can dream... ): -a sequel to Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura (now that you have Tim Cain on board, at least for now, this would be pretty much my dream game; I loved the setting, the freedom of choice, the graphics and soundtrack of the original game; it's actually my favorite RPG of all time. Of my suggestions that involve IPs that you don't own, this one may be the most doable, since I doubt Activision has any interest in making anything with it, and may be open to negotiate it) -a sequel (or "spiritual sequel") to Vampire: The Masquerade
    1 point
  15. An rpg which encourages "roleplaying" through dialogue. What made the classic RPGs great was their ability to enable the player to reflect his character's ideas about the gameworld, to actually form opinions and voice them, and to see the consequences of your choices. Such practice requires a well written dialogue that is no longer suitable in todays console market. Ruleset, campaign setting and all other factors such as graphics and voice acting are of secondary importance. Though I would like to see another Planescape game, another WoD game, or another Arcanum game, I would settle for any real rpg that doesn't suffer from a fat rich publisher's streamlining requests.
    1 point
  16. Ideally I'd like to see the Source engine Arcanum game in some form. Probably not on that engine in particular now but I'd take it. Something very similar in style to Bloodlines would be incredible as well. Licensing not required; it's not why the game was great. Oh, you know, Troika stuff.
    1 point
  17. A cinematic, viceral, emotional dating-sim just like Bioware! hehe, just kidding Truth be told, I only see two outcomes of this: 1- A turn-based Arcanum 2, without question! -dat steampunk vs magic setting -dat soundtrack -dat writing -dat character creation -dat Fallout-like gameplay 2- Planescape 2. Please God Emperor Chris Avellone! Don't waste this chance making a game that only publisher suits and the PR guys from EA would want! Remember the days of Black Isle and Troika, when devs decided what most of the game would be like instead of the PR department!
    1 point
  18. What I'd love to play is something that goes back to Black Isle's/Troika's genius philosophy of RPG design. Thoughts: - isometric, - preferably a party-based dungeon crawler in the vein of Temple of Elemental Evil - obligatory turn-based combat !!! (excellent examples of amazing TB combat systems: ToEE, Jagged Alliance 2, Silent Storm if you're looking for inspirations) - deep mechanics, allowing for great replayability - plenty of choices and consequences - dialogues with skill checks - multiple ways to solve quests, factions to join - inspired, interesting setting (Fallout's 1950s vision of the future, Arcanum's Steampunk/Magic mix, ToEE's Greyhawk) - beautiful art direction and artwork (Arcanum, ToEE) It'd be wonderful if you also looked at these games and drew inspiration from them: - Darklands (choices&conseqences masterpiece), - Realms of Arkania 2 Star Trail (items which matter and influence how you interact with the game world, excellent world map travel system) - Wizardry 8, which achieved incredible depth because of its balanced classes and races, so balanced, every combination was viable and interesting Thank you very much for asking everyone, MCA!
    1 point
  19. I would want either an Arcanum world game- if you cant take the exact world thats fine. But a similar tech vs magic sort of a system would be great. Failing that you cant fail with planescape 2.
    1 point
  20. Most definitely a game set in the Planescape universe. If due to irritating Hasbro legal talk that is not possible, then Arcanum 2. Make it so!
    1 point
  21. Good turn based combat like Temple of Elemental Evil, Age of Decadence combat demo or Jagged Alliance 2 or something fully original (Baten Kaitos is a fairly recent example of an entirely unique battle system) did. Unique world, not a Tolkien rip off, or generic space opera or generic modern day/spy fiction (though AP went for a less than serious parody approach in many places). Unique space opera or unique modern day (Like the World of Darkness or Deus Ex's web of conspiracies, and even then DX is near future) are fine. Licensed (Planescape, Avatar: TLA) or new doesn't matter. No boob armor/gratious cleavage. It can be appropriate to the character (Sie's Bond girl parody), but I really prefer it not get used Choices and Consquences I actually wouldn't mind seeing a non-sexualized female as a "fixed" player avatar (Like TNO or Gearalt or Mike), though customizable dood takes preference. And, as much as MCA would make it redundant to say: No ****ty romances. Graphics, as long as I can tell things apart and the prospective is consistent and not head tilting bad (coughKotCcough), same with voice acting Magic should never be bland. One great thing about 3.5 D&D is that while spells are broken even used as intended, they had effects beyond "blast, buff, nerf, heal" and rewarded creativity. Temple of Elemental Evil captures a lot of it, though is limited by the system. Extensive character customization. Easily modable.
    1 point
  22. Nicely balanced turn based rpg with a good story and C&C.
    1 point
  23. Make the RPG YOU and your co-workers want I also accept Your Highschool RPG Dr. Who RPG Planescape 2 (Not a sequel. Just a game set in the Planescape Setting) Original IP Darklands 2 Arcanum 2 Just has to be turn-based, wordy, full of C&C. Ya know the drill.
    1 point
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