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^It all looks excellent, but how big is the gameworld? And is the setting well-developed? I prefer settings with a rich & detailed lore, like Elder Scrolls... I barely got through Gothic 3.

The gameworld is huge. I haven't explored all of it yet, but apparently there's a desert somewhere to the east and across the river Gon (to the south), there's orc land. I haven't been to either yet. I've spent approximately 20 hours in the game now and according to in-game statistics I've travelled somewhere around 200 kilometers. I've been to murky swamps, stunning mountain vistas, rolling grass hills and picturesque coastal villages. I only entered my first city last night (for a short while) and they're detailed, but very grey. There are no loading screens when you enter the cities, as there were in Oblivion. It's much more like the Gothic games in this aspect. You can also enter houses without loading screens.. Big plus.





The setting is very political. The characters you talk to talk a lot, and they slowly but surely build a very decent back story to how the world came to be, why the current king is in control (and why the rebels are pissed), about the great orc war (which is about to ignite again), about why there are no elves left (all you see are remnants of their towers everywhere), the power struggle between the mages and the necromancers, why the dwarves are turning isolationist and so on. If you care to listen and puzzle stuff you hear together in your head, it's actually pretty believable and interesting. And there is a lot of it!


There are several factions in the game, but they are unfortunately the game's weak point. You can work for some (all?) of them, but it's a bit ridiculous to do like 3-5 quests for them and then be considered "legendary" all across the world for your actions within the faction. Also, like most games, Two Worlds suffer from a bit of weak interactivity. I wanted to enter a village that was guarded by a lone faction guard. I killed that guard, got the key and entered the village.. and noone cared! I was sure they'd all attack me on sight or something, but they happily cheered me on and continued with their lives. I was even able to take on missions for the faction in that village. Oh well.


What is a real surprise for me though is how good the side quests usually are. Sure there are "get me four flowers" type of quests too (as in all gigantic open-ended games), but those are actually rarer than the good ones! They are also all fully voice acted and usually with several solutions to them!Last night I found a tiny village in the middle of nowhere. It was very pretty and idyllic with windmills spinning on nearby grassy knolls, and the village only had like 10 inhabitants. But I ended up spending the rest of the evening in that little, non-descript village, solving long and quite difficult quest chains that took me halfway around the world and even tied into the main story in a very nice way. Total surprise!


This game isn't for everyone. If you managed to enjoy a game like Boiling Point or Gothic 3, then I'm sure you'd enjoy this. But if you think Bioware is the pinnacle of RPG developers, steer clear of this title. Oh, and only a complete moron would call this game generic and then happily go on to play those said Bioware titles.. Just saying. Yes, it resembles Oblivion, graphically, but when did the resemblance to one other game make something generic? It's fantasy so it's generic in that regard (like all fantasy titles), but as a game it very much manages to stand on its own.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I think I forgot to feed my horse :shifty:





Action shot of me battling an "Oger"!


Later (when I have gathered all the pieces), I will show off some of the armour sets. It's like playing Barbie Dress Up Dolls..


By the way, have I mentioned that every (non-aggressive) human in this game has a unique name? And you can talk to them all! It was very confusing at first, because it was difficult to find the important characters. But they are colour-coded so it's not a problem anymore. That may also have been a reason as to why I remember being so confused by this game.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I think I forgot to feed my horse :(



Yes, it looks a bit on the "malnourished" side ;)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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What's this game? Two Worlds?


I have to say that unlike a lot of other games it actually LOOKs epic. I particularly like the armour. I didn't find a single piece of armour in Oblivion which wasn't so embarassing I'd have been more frightened of NOT being in a cave than out in the street. The Land that Legend Forgot doesn't have to be also forgotten by taste.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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I have to say that unlike a lot of other games it actually LOOKs epic. I particularly like the armour.

Aha! Cue my Two World's Fashion Show!


First up is a nice little creation I like to call "Golden Pride":




It may sound like a wet sex video for gay people, but this is what I use for daily wear. It's a good compromise between protection and manoeuvrability. Plate covered chainmail, making it possible for me to wield two weapons at once, shoot a bow and even swim (don't ask me how).


Next up is a tank-like creation, made by aborted fetuses in the darkest pits of hell, the formidable "Black Knight":




Vastly superior protection, looks that scare women and children and a roomy codpiece. Drawbacks are inability to swim and wield two weapons/bow. I also feel a little guilty jumping up on my horse wearing this..


Following that, we see the somewhat gay "Rage" armour.




Yes, it is called Rage. Must be because of the rage-inducing gayness of it. Anyhow, this is also one of the tank-like heavy armours. Just more gay.


And last, but not least.. well, least too actually, we see the "Birthday Costume":




Especially notice the provoking left leg movement of our hero! Imagine that covered in butter!


That was the end of the Two World's Fashion Show.. for now. Hope you enjoyed the show!

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Some pictures from Just Cause 2 demo to counteract all the Two Worlds spam. Most of the graphics settings were at medium.



Just enjoying the view on top of a giant construction crane.



Just blew it up, deploying parachute.



The explosions are really pretty.

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I'm confused as to why your full suit of platemail is more gay than a man wearing just a towel.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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I'm confused as to why your full suit of platemail is more gay than a man wearing just a towel.


:shifty: This.

In 7th grade, I teach the students how Chuck Norris took down the Roman Empire, so it is good that you are starting early on this curriculum.



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I'm confused as to why your full suit of platemail is more gay than a man wearing just a towel.

Because the amount of nudity has no correlation on how gay something is. Someone wearing leather chap, a leather hat, a latex vest and black pilot sunglasses looks infinitely more gay to me than someone stepping out of a shower.






Seriously, I should never be let near a horse again!! I go through these poor things faster than I do cars in GTA! It's come to the point where every horse in the game runs away screaming whenever I come near.




I found a new one :D Such a beaut.




I was riding along the coast and the sun was setting. Suddenly the horizon lit up like it was on fire! It was an amazing effect.. or maybe I need to turn down the HDR just a bit. Still, I've never seen that in a game before so it was cool.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Tiny performance hit when it works in the background, major one when taking videos. Be careful that your video recording key isn't used in the game, I ended up with 25 Gigs of STALKER videos.


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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It could be an approaching dragon. A homophobic dragon.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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I finished two new armour sets!


This one is simply called "Spiked Plate Hauberk":




It was foggy in my stolen mountain hut (I stole it from a necromancer) so I had to relocate to a far-by cliff for the photo shoot. Yet another tank-like armour. The enemies I am facing now are all wearing the heaviest armours since I'm pretty far into the game.


Next one is called "To The Death":




Also a tank. The horrible thing is that I still have a hundred unassorted pieces of various heavy armours lying in a chest in my hut, waiting to be completed into full sets.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Did I mention that this game never forgets a corpse? Everyone/everything you kill in the game is left where they fall forever! It looks like Doom sometimes, really cool.


I don't know if enemies ever respawn either (so far they don't seem to), but this happens from time to time:




Some of the enemies you kill come back to haunt you during night time! Of course, they're only approximately one tenth of their former selves, but they can only be hurt by magic. It's pretty neat.




I entered the desert for the first time last night. The entrance was pretty heavily guarded.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Does the PC version suffer from the same levels of fail the 360 version does? If not, I might try it out.

In 7th grade, I teach the students how Chuck Norris took down the Roman Empire, so it is good that you are starting early on this curriculum.



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Does the PC version suffer from the same levels of fail the 360 version does? If not, I might try it out.

It's the same game. If you didn't like it on the Xbox 360, what are the chances you'd like it on the PC?


ANYHOW: Part gazillidrillion of my Two Worlds Fashion Show!


First up, the is "The Air". I couldn't find any Nike swooshes on it though:




Yet another one of the heavy armours. There are a lot of them.


The next one is called "The Forest", for some inexplicable reason:




A heavy armour that looks nothing like a forest. Except maybe the colour makes it look slightly moss-covered?


This one is called "The Fire":




It would have looked hotter with flames on it.


Next up is "Power":




These four come from the same school of armours and only slight details separate them (except for the colours).


The last one in today's batch is called "The Perfect One":




Very nice looking armour, with lots of little details on it.




A slightly more close-up of "The Perfect One" armour, so the neat details become more visible. This was taken inside my necromantic cottage.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Did I mention that Two Worlds has sneaking features too? And they work!




Sneaking up on a bunch of hotdog grilling orcs. If the eye above their heads is green, you're unnoticed. The more it shifts towards yellow-orange-red, the more they are aware of you. If it turns red, you're in for a fight.




Just a random picture of the river Gon, seen from a nearby mountain during sunset. I thought it was nice.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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"But if you think Bioware is the pinnacle of RPG developers, steer clear of this title. Oh, and only a complete moron would call this game generic and then happily go on to play those said Bioware titles.. Just saying. "


Please don't troll, punk. Only a tool would troll like you just did. btw, For your information, BIO *is* the pinnacle of RPG developers *and* Two Worlds is a fantastically underrated game.


Please don't be so ignorant, again 'cause otherwise your posts here have been awesome.

Edited by Volourn


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A slightly more close-up of "The Perfect One" armour, so the neat details become more visible. This was taken inside my necromantic cottage.


OK, so now we're on to necromantic cottaging?

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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I liked the game itself, in terms of gameplay and the like, but the framerate was miserable. It rarely cracked 5 fps...

In 7th grade, I teach the students how Chuck Norris took down the Roman Empire, so it is good that you are starting early on this curriculum.



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I liked the game itself, in terms of gameplay and the like, but the framerate was miserable. It rarely cracked 5 fps...

Look at some of my screenshots from earlier in the thread to see how well it scales (hrmm). But I am playing it on max, at 1920x1080 and my framerate is usually in the 60-80 fps range (using a Radeon 5870). I've seen it go as low as 25-something fps (during an orc attack on a city) and it's constantly above 200 fps inside dungeons, so it varies wildly. It really depends on your setup.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I liked the game itself, in terms of gameplay and the like, but the framerate was miserable. It rarely cracked 5 fps...

Look at some of my screenshots from earlier in the thread to see how well it scales (hrmm). But I am playing it on max, at 1920x1080 and my framerate is usually in the 60-80 fps range (using a Radeon 5870). I've seen it go as low as 25-something fps (during an orc attack on a city) and it's constantly above 200 fps inside dungeons, so it varies wildly. It really depends on your setup.


Alrighty then, I'll pick it up on Steam when the crazy March rush (??) passes over...

In 7th grade, I teach the students how Chuck Norris took down the Roman Empire, so it is good that you are starting early on this curriculum.



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