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  2. You removed a game from your wishlist because you can't bone the computer people... That's certainly a choice. Baldur's Gate 3 exists, FYI.
  3. Oh, it's the whole thing. It is not a vaporware afterall. I looks nice. I enjoyed watching the trailer. Looks like it would be unenjoyable to play (with rigid scripting and autoaim stuff).
  4. I can't agree. I don't think Deadfire's narrative and pivotal choice was well delivered, but there was a lot of going on in there. I don't want to judge Avowed on marketing, but it just looks so generic, and descriptive. "OOoo.. this is bad", "Ooo, but this is worse". "Ooo, this is not bad at all!". Even the short text from the original teaser has so much texture and is so much evocative than anything that the two recent trailers have delivered. But maybe it is a wider trend. I thought Outer Words marketing had the same issue "You good, bad or CRAZY!", and while overall I enjoyed the game, I did find it choices rather uninteresting. Honestly, at this point I hope Avowed is as good as Outer Worlds were. I also find it odd that Avowed doesn't have a solid release date still. Apprently still 2024, but we only have 6 months to work with. Surely, you should know when the game drops by now, unless you still doubt if it will come together in time. (though I will take delay over crunching like crazy or delivering too early). But more importantly: WHERE IS SILKSONG!!!!!!!!!
  5. A lot of people are upset with this because there are rumoured to be about 4-6 DLC left before they end Warhammer 3's support and that means a third of that would be Cathay who just had an update The main point of their argument is that there are other factions that could use extra units and mechancis a lot more, which is true, but it still improves the game to have more units and characters regardless of which race is updated. I'd rather get the Khorne and Slaanesh DLC to finish fleshing out the chaos god factions but I'm sure whatever Creative Assembley release will still be good so I'm happy to wait and see what they come up with.
  6. Today
  7. We've been hearing about the imminent implosion of the Russian economy for 10 years, and the Chinese for 20. It's the geopolitical equivalent of fusion energy; always imminent, will probably happen at some point, but has never actually arrived. Looks like the Russians may have lost a Su-57 to a drone strike which would be hilariously incompetent. It's at least damaged according to Fighterbomber, and since he has to be a bit careful with his wording it seems likely it's going to be irrecoverable. Either way, still moronic.
  8. Supposedly one of the reasons Dreadwolf Veilguard took so long was that it was redesigned to a primarily live service/ GaaS model at one point, then redesigned back again once it became clear GaaS was an invitation to flop more than a Uruguayan striker in a world cup semi final (ie post Anthem). There are likely some terminology hold overs and the like, and it wouldn't be EA if there wasn't some nickel and diming at least.
  9. I will share this with Admin. Thanks!
  10. The Board software was being updated - can you login now?
  11. Same price as RoS, and is in line with the price of expansions back in the day. Adding raids, meh.
  12. 40$ for an expansion. Well, with the base game being that pricey, I guess it was inevitable. Ultimate edition is 90$. Seems it's just cosmetics, no early access this time.
  13. Avowed still looks…. Eh? It looks so…. Basic? It is as if they concluded that PoE were to complex and subtle and overcorrected by cutting all flavour out. Hopefully the game proper fares better, but so far Avowed raises more and more red flags with each reveal.
  14. You didn't get that from "Heroes" not "Companions" and the style of the trailer? To me it looks obvious they did a hard pivot.
  15. Did they say something like that? Or are you just assuming it based on the art style?
  16. You can draw some conclusions from it. One of them being that it's probably a live service game now.
  17. How so? Aside from the art style (which I don't like), it's a cinematic, and doesn't really tell anything.
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