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  3. Speaking of votes, I won a spot on my HOA board. Yay? 15 votes were lodged, and I was on all of them, but I am concerned because there are over 80 units in the complex. That's a pretty poor turnout. It's a new community too, so it's not like people should be burned out already. Anyways, I have a lot of concerns and I'm deciding how to pace myself on them.
  4. Quiero hacer un juego de terror sobre un ex militar qué recibe una misión secreta del gobierno sin información ni detalles y decide asistir sin saber lo que le esperaría en su misión
  5. Hi everyone, its now late 2024. Wit Avowed coming, I felt like continuing POE II as I reached about half way back in 2021. However Im having exactly the same issue as Large Father, to the T. Only autosave works but you cannot make a new save. And none of the proposed solutions work for me. Has this been solved somehow by now?
  6. Se me ocurre una increíble idea para un juego de terror y supervivencia
  7. @lalolalo9 With these last patches User Scripts API got extended and cleaned up significantly, I'll start working tomorrow on the new documentation on general use cases, and how to set up script editing with VS Code
  8. I remember when I started trying to recreate the whole Progression Table view in Apotheosis that I couldn't make sense of what determines the in-game ability order. I double checked and the order is not consistent with IDs, not DebugNames, not in-game names, not the order the abilities were defined in abilities.gamedatabundle, and not the order their UnlockableAbility where in in the BaseProgressionTableComponent... Apotheosis orders based on the UnlockableAbility order, which will not necessarily reflect how it looks in-game. I wanted to make some drag-n-drop feature like what you ask for, but it would have to be consistent with in-game rendering first. If you're editing a Table directly, you can expand the AbilityUnlocks list, right-click and select Cut, then right-click the row where you want it and select Insert. That way it'll be rendered earlier/later in Apotheosis, but probably won't change the in-game order.
  9. Fixed now! I forgot to write back after i patched this, sorry 2024-09-20 Fixed CTD when saving modified Global Conditionals Updates to User Script API 2024-09-15 Fixed regression causing some GameData pages not to be displayed. 2024-09-14 User Scripts can now be edited through an external editor and synced to Apotheosis. Extended User Script API. Users can now append new String Table entries directly from String Table tabs. Modded .stringtable files are now properly written indented again.
  10. I can relate. Like, you live in a building, if you want absolute peace and quiet then buy a house. I get pissed off too when there is construction noise, but I understand that stuff needs to be renovated.
  11. One of these days I'm going to have to try to reverting my game back to an earlier version and look into this. Cause I keep forgetting about this bug, and it annoys the hell out of me that it always strikes at the very worst times!
  12. I have stopped replying to the french lady since she started sending me sexy photos. I don't feel comfortable with a virtual stranger sending me photos lying in bed. Went to the dentist the day before yesterday and he checked that the cap fits. It does. Now it is getting painted.* We got delayed a bit. The dentist flooded last weekend. This I did not smile with. Him I like. *I offered to paint it myself. Some Contrast paint and a quick drybrush should do it.
  13. Did you get your teeth sorted out, melkathi ? Assuming that is you and that French woman didn't murder you and assume your forum identity.
  14. When I renovated my apartment, 4 neighbours caused me problems. Three of them simply because they are evil old men. Then one of them had his apartment flood. His storage room flooded, destroying all copies of his self-published books. Then, a year or so later, the apartment of the next old &\/\/@& flooded. The whole sewer emptied out on his wooden floor. Now, the third one's apartment flooded. So did his shop on the ground floor and the basement. I have been down lately and tired. But at least this I can smile with. I did tell them that eventually they'd get what was coming for them.
  15. just to add, bc of this issue alone i have a special convenient keybind to disable AI. that way i can quickly disable AI, drink potion, and then as soon as i hear the potion consume noise, re-enable AI
  16. Thank you. The description of Arcane Reflection should have been clearer about that. I'm going add such a note on the wiki.
  17. this is unfortunately one of the major bugs that got introduced and left behind with the final update of deadfire. https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/227477-pillars-of-eternity-ii-deadfire/faqs/76599/bugs-and-oddities basically if you have AI behavior enabled for a character other than "passive", if their AI script would want to make them do something, even if it's just to auto-attack, they will actually cancel potion consumption right at the moment they drink their potion and perform that action. possible workarounds: if you're on turn-based mode it won't be a problem. edit: if obsidian ever comes around and does a surprise patch for Deadfire (like they did with PoE1) i hope we as the community can come together to demand that they fix this particular bug. IMO it's the biggest gameplay bug still in the game. edit 2: poisons, grenades, scrolls, summoning items, etc all work just fine. it's just potions and drugs that are bugged with this.
  18. arcane reflection spells can only reflect directly targeted spells. unlike the earlier minoletta's spells, missile salvo targets an area, so it won't do much to protect you unfortunately. it's unfortunately a pretty big weakness and why it's not too great for you the player (wizards tend not to be in a position where they get directly targeted by enemy casters), but to be fair it would be 1000000% more annoying when an enemy uses it if it also protected them from aoe or indirect spells.
  19. I'm currently at the final fight of the Forgotten Sanctum. When I saw a Soul Mirror was about to unleash Minoletta's Missile Salvo on my wizard, I had him casted Arcane Reflection in time. But that didn't work at all. None of the missiles was reflected. My wizard died and the Soul Mirror was still unharmed. Is that a bug?
  20. Possibly. I do think the strong streak of isolationism that's now appearing was heavily influenced by DJT. I'm also not convinced that the party's embrace of disinformation and conspiracy theory would have been as strong. Although the distrust of science and an independent press was certainly in the works and likely has allowed the party to gain greater control of their messaging.
  21. I'm currently at the final fight of the Forgotten Sanctum. I commanded Eder and Aloth to drink healing potions during the fight, but that wasn't working at all. Although they made the visual animation of drinking potions, their healing potions weren't consumed and they weren't getting healed. I had them tried it multiple times, and the results were the same. What kind of preposterous bug is that?
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