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About BalkothTheFeared

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  1. A choice to get rid of the racial abilities on godlikes and allow us to equip helmets.
  2. Good job Kilay! If I were still playing this game I would try a lot of these out. Thank you for the translation help!
  3. I'm just going to bump this once and that's it. I worked hard on it and really want to share.
  4. I liked the way they ramped up fight difficulty in BG2. they gave everyone, including enemies, the ability to set combination spells that trigger instantly on conditions. like... iron skin, spell reflection, and mirror image that are cast instantly on combat start, for example. that made a lot of the fights much more interesting, and you had to plan ahead to deal with tough defenses by using counters like ruby ray, etc. so, at higher difficulty levels in PoE2, have the enemy ai be able to instant cast some defensive spells or abilities at the start of combat, and/or when certain conditions are met, like 50% health, immobilized, etc. again, the scripting for this kind of thing is already built into the game... the ai just doesn't do well using it. Would need to get rid of Arcane Dampener as well. Otherwise it's just nullified right away.
  5. Honestly, they should make the game realistic. Everyone dies or is mortally wounded on hit. Only wizards get access to HP now, because otherwise it wouldn't be "realistic" enough.
  6. You could always just make a mod that gives a subclass that gives permanent transform into fearsome ogre and slap that on any companion.
  7. I disagree with this, but I can't really argue against your subjective opinion. In my opinion, if you buff your party, it means your damage dealers can use their limited resources to deal more damage instead of buffing themselves. Priests are the only class that has at-the-ready AOE healing and affliction clears. There are plenty of spells I could pick out that help the party a lot. In terms of "will my party be worse with a priest or without" it's pretty clear that it will almost always be better. I think most people just play the priest as a heal-bot, but picking the best buffs/debuffs is also part of their arsenal as well.
  8. I don't quite understand understand the hate for Priests. They're plenty effective and have nice buffs and spells. You can do without them, but you're still more effective with one than without one. Bleak Walker/Priest of Wael is a really nice combo that dishes out a ton of damage and has a ton of healing and defensive options.
  9. It's still in beta, and even then most of the stuff being changed is justified. The only thing I can disagree with is the frostseeker bow change. Not really sure why they did that.
  10. I don't really know a better way of showing it. A video is just going to show those numbers above the enemy heads. The combat log doesn't really give a rhyme or reason to what procs off of what.
  11. Thank you. It's such a shame Obsidian is treating GOG backers as 2nd class citizen. I'll think twice to pledge if they ever come out with a new Figstarter. They went all silence and keep ignoring but only to say they are working out something but nothing. This kind-of response is why I wonder why Obsidian even bothers with a GoG version.
  12. It appears to, although Cleave obviously doesn't cause the amount of carnage you see in the video.
  13. I like Spirit because of the Terrify aura it gives. It's a great defensive boon and can setup some good combos with allies.
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