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But institutions with many bright minds attract even more bright minds, no?

Or institutions with lots of money can afford brighter minds.


Either way, it does seem to me that it’d make a difference

Trust me, the rules of calculus are the same at Harvard as they are at Marlboro College (the smallest public U in the US as of 2012). They don't teach the "secret math" in the Ivy Leagues. In education there is only one word that matters: accreditation. As long as your school of choice is accredited (not all are so be careful) you are good to go. The only advantage of a big university (aside from specialized studies like medicine, nuclear physics, etc) is networking. Which after your first job you should be doing OK with anyway.


Oh, and snobbery. Can't forget that. 

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell


You really have to go through multiple leaps to claim restaurants are subsidized in any comparable way to a public university. But hey, whatever. I was looking for a way to get than Animal House meme in and that was a good one. 


Just one thought on higher education. One of the biggest lies we all tell ourselves is that a degree from one University might be better than another. Unless you are studying medicine of nuclear physics this is not so. The curriculum of one accredited school in any state is much the same as any other. I graduated from FAU back before it started expanding. It was the smallest of Florida's public universities. But if you compare the courses I took to Florida State they are exactly the same but I paid $68 per credit hour vs $100 (or whatever FSU was in the '90s.) Something to think about when you are paying your own way. Especially if you are going in serious student loan debt to do it. 


I don't really understand how this lie is even perpetuated. In education we basically snicker at the teachers that have ivy league degrees. Good job, you went to Stanford but still make the same as every other public school teacher. Plus I've noticed that junior colleges have really taken off in the last decade, so much that they can actually be difficult to get into.


Funny thing about all these tariffs is the countriues doing it already taxed/had high tariffs against US goods to protect their products. This includes my countries which completely  does ridiculous high tarrifs on certain farm goods and defends it as 'fair' even though some of these taxes are well over 100%. LMAO





This is now the second attack on a Mosque in SA, the Muslim community has made no announcement to how they plan to look into this and help the poilice


When 9/11 occurred Mosques in SA were cheering, they always believed the USA was involved  in some campaign to destroy the Islamic world. Very few Muslims would now deny ISIS is real yet despite the fall of the ISIS Caliphate I have yet to see any change from SA


It is getting irritating, immediately after this  Mosque attack a Muslim women phoned a prominent radio station to say " the media mustn't jump to conclusions " .....I almost responded very harshly as she obviously thinks we must just pretend nothing is unusual  


Also remember this arrest in SA, can you believe the audacity of the family by expecting the SA  public to believe such a absurd lie about there travels to Syria !!!


"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela






This is now the second attack on a Mosque in SA, the Muslim community has made no announcement to how they plan to look into this and help the poilice


When 9/11 occurred Mosques in SA were cheering, they always believed the USA was involved  in some campaign to destroy the Islamic world. Very few Muslims would now deny ISIS is real yet despite the fall of the ISIS Caliphate I have yet to see any change from SA


It is getting irritating, immediately after this  Mosque attack a Muslim women phoned a prominent radio station to say " the media mustn't jump to conclusions " .....I almost responded very harshly as she obviously thinks we must just pretend nothing is unusual  


Also remember this arrest in SA, can you believe the audacity of the family by expecting the SA  public to believe such a absurd lie about there travels to Syria !!!



Did they ever say who the suspect is in the most recent mosque attack there? The article implies that it's due to sectarian conflict, but offers no evidence that it is other than the two mosques being from different sects.


As for mosques cheering on 9/11, that was debunked in the US, so, proof?


As far as helping the police, it doesn't sound like the police there are being very helpful. Though I don't know what the relations are between the muslim community and the police there or what.

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Funny thing about all these tariffs is the countriues doing it already taxed/had high tariffs against US goods to protect their products. This includes my countries which completely  does ridiculous high tarrifs on certain farm goods and defends it as 'fair' even though some of these taxes are well over 100%. LMAO


It isn't like USA don't have protective tariffs for some products like for example sugar.

Posted (edited)

Everyone here knows I really hate Trump because he is a despicable egomaniac sociopath.  He, his family and his pals are looting this country.


On the other hand, I am not opposed to his immigration policy of separating parents and children as a deterrence.   Those people from Central and South America just keep coming and flooding into the country. They ain't gonna stop.  (A wall on the southern borders would actually work.  I know a wall would not stop the more sophisticated drug runners, but it would certainly stop the migrant trains and unaccompanied children who come on foot.)    


Once those kids come in and stay here for a few years, down the road we're gonna say, "oh, this kids were brought into the country, and now we can't send them back."  Then we will have to give them exemption and let them stay.  It will just become  an endless cycle of more and more DACA.


This has gotta stop.


Right now, I am not opposed to giving amnesty aka paths to citizenship to the current crop of "Dreamers" who are already in the country.  However, if those kids from Central and South America do not stop coming, then I will reconsider my stance: no amnesty or path to citizenship for DACA kids because I don't want more kids to come with the expectation that they will get the same special treatment.

Edited by ktchong

Hey, don't blame the kids that they come from ****hole countries. Not their fault. And, at least the parents are smart that the US a vastly superior country than the ****hole countries they are fleeing. But, they should migrate legally.


As for seperating kids from parents that is awful but every president has always done that. It isn't new so why the big hoopla now?


I say keep the families together by shipping them back and telling them to apply to come into the country legally.


Posted (edited)

Frankly, Democrats need to stop spending so much energy and time on illegal immigrants if they want to win back control of the Congress in the midterm and White House in 2020.  Illegal immigrants can't vote, and they are pissing off Americans when they prioritize illegal immigrants over Americans.  They should focus on economic issues that can win over Americans: single-payer universal healthcare, free public colleges and universities for American citizens, more funding and better infrastructure for public schools, etc.


I consider myself a liberal, and I can tell you that I do not care about illegal immigrants.  They are illegal.  They should not be here in the first place.  They suppress wages for Americans.  They may benefit the overall economy, but the benefits disproportionately go to the rich instead of the middle class and poor Americans.  They are a drain on our resources.  They undermine public welfare and social safety net for Americans, i.e., open borders and welfare state are two mutually exclusive goals of liberalism. 


Democrats need to stop encouraging and incentivizing them to come here.  Democrats need to stop prioritizing illegal immigrants (including DACA recipients who are still not Americans) over US citizens and legal residents.

Edited by ktchong

 "Illegal immigrants can't vote,"


Yeah, they can. Not in Kanada as far as I know but in the US they can. They do it all the time.


Posted (edited)

 "Illegal immigrants can't vote,"


Yeah, they can. Not in Kanada as far as I know but in the US they can. They do it all the time.


I do not think they do; certainly not in any significant number.  Illegals want to avoid exposing themselves and getting caught.  Voting illegally  would put themselves at high risks of being exposed and getting caught.  Just common sense.


On the other hand, children of illegal immigrants who are born here are eligible for public assistance and benefits as birthright citizens, (i.e., food stamps, National School Lunch, Women Infant Children or WIC - children still qualify for them as long as they are US citzen.) So, illegals themselves may not be eligible for public welfare, the loophole is that their US-born children are eligible.  And I have a problem with that. 


I also have serious problem with DACA kids competing with American kids for entrances into colleges and universities and for and public aids and scholarship.   This girl is cute and smart, but seriously I do not feel it  was right for an illegal immigrant to take away an Ivy League spot and scholarship from a US citizen (or even a legal resident.)


I am not a conservative or libertarian.  I actually support a Canada-style or European-style socialist or welfare state - with good benefits for US citizens, but NOT for illegals.   In fact, having too many illegals would make it harder for us to effectively fund and implement single-payer, free higher education, and other public benefits.

Edited by ktchong
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