1. Character creation, level up and character screen attribute descriptions.
Some words are autotagged wrong:
2. Character creation.
Pale elf face is absent:
3. User interface and options.
When selecting Solid HUD in options the UI is made of different parts. When deselecting Solid HUD in options the UI is one block:
4. Level up screen.
It is possible to get wrong numbers (UI only, real numbers are not changed) when using Previous button. Example:
- selecting Athletics and Diplomacy skills (screen 1a)
- clicking Next till summary screen (screen 1b), Athletics and Diplomacy are 1
- clicking Previous and rearranging skills, selecting Alchemy and History (screen 2a)
- clicking Next till Summary screen (screen 2b), Alchemy is 1, History is 2, but Athletics and Diplomacy are still 1
- clicking Previous and rearranging skills, selecting Arcana and Survival (screen 3a)
- clicking Next till Summary, then Previous till skills and not changing them, then Next again, then Previous again, etc. Summary screen (screen 3b) has Arcana 5, Survival 4, Athletics 1, Diplomacy 1, Alchemy 1, History 2.
5. Skill descriptions.
Survival is +0% or +20% (see previous screen). What percent?
6. Grimoire.
Apprentice Enchanter's Grimoire has Transmutation spell (other school grimoires have only relevant spells):
Olauron Mor-Galad
1. Character creation, level up and character screen attribute descriptions.
Some words are autotagged wrong:
2. Character creation.
Pale elf face is absent:
3. User interface and options.
When selecting Solid HUD in options the UI is made of different parts. When deselecting Solid HUD in options the UI is one block:
4. Level up screen.
It is possible to get wrong numbers (UI only, real numbers are not changed) when using Previous button. Example:
- selecting Athletics and Diplomacy skills (screen 1a)
- clicking Next till summary screen (screen 1b), Athletics and Diplomacy are 1
- clicking Previous and rearranging skills, selecting Alchemy and History (screen 2a)
- clicking Next till Summary screen (screen 2b), Alchemy is 1, History is 2, but Athletics and Diplomacy are still 1
- clicking Previous and rearranging skills, selecting Arcana and Survival (screen 3a)
- clicking Next till Summary, then Previous till skills and not changing them, then Next again, then Previous again, etc. Summary screen (screen 3b) has Arcana 5, Survival 4, Athletics 1, Diplomacy 1, Alchemy 1, History 2.
5. Skill descriptions.
Survival is +0% or +20% (see previous screen). What percent?
6. Grimoire.
Apprentice Enchanter's Grimoire has Transmutation spell (other school grimoires have only relevant spells):
7. Dual-wielding
Dual-wielding decreases Recovery time:
Edited by Olauron Mor-Galad7 answers to this question
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