Synaesthesia Posted February 8, 2004 Posted February 8, 2004 I felt like a change from my usual 'Name' and I like the sound of Synaethesia.
Fionavar Posted February 8, 2004 Posted February 8, 2004 Greenskin13 said: I like thugs in flamboyant shirts. Hey, isn't that Magnum PI? The universe is change; your life is what our thoughts make it - Marcus Aurelius (161)
Jumjalum Posted February 8, 2004 Posted February 8, 2004 Jumjalum is the name I gave my favourite character (a bard) the first time I played Icewind Dale. My avatar is a donkey. We now bring you live footage from the World Championship Staring Final.
Temaperacl Posted February 8, 2004 Posted February 8, 2004 Have had this one since the late 80's, and using it pretty much as my primary since mid-late 90's. Got it by pounding randomly on the keyboard to come up with a handle since my usual one was taken- Changed what came out to make it easy to pronounce, liked the result, and generally kept using it.
Greenskin13 Posted February 8, 2004 Posted February 8, 2004 Fionavar said: Hey, isn't that Magnum PI? There's a joke here, but I missed it.
Dust Posted February 8, 2004 Posted February 8, 2004 My name comes from a comparison somebody once made about me and dust. My other alias' include Skyless and Vyndim. (Name of my first RP char) Anyway, my avatar is Ed from the anime series Cowboy Beebop. Aside from making me smile, it doesn't really have any other meaning. I am prone to changing my avatar from time to though.
samm Posted February 8, 2004 Posted February 8, 2004 my nick's samm, cause my name's sam.m. reeally original, isn't it. i have first used it the first time i registered to an internet board and ever used it since. my avatar shows william faith from faith and the muse. great music, my favourite at the moment. Citizen of a country with a racist, hypocritical majority
Fionavar Posted February 8, 2004 Posted February 8, 2004 Greenskin13 said: Fionavar said: Hey, isn't that Magnum PI? There's a joke here, but I missed it. Well ... a lot of it would stem from the premise a) MAgnum PI is known to you; B) if so, then the question is whether or not he was a thug (I would argue not ), and; c) it was more amusing than a joke, but there you have it. Hopefully you have not found my reference offensive, as that was not the intent, it was more the tropical pattern and the amusement of remembering watching the show that made me try to share the moment ... there ya be (Of course there would be a German site :D Oh and seems George Clooney will be playing the movie version of Tom Selleck as Magnum - Thug or not? See amusing ... or not - personally I enjoyed this walk down memory lane - thanks! The universe is change; your life is what our thoughts make it - Marcus Aurelius (161)
Megatron Posted February 8, 2004 Posted February 8, 2004 Your sig is to long. To damn long and green. My sig is from twin peaks B) >*
Greenskin13 Posted February 8, 2004 Posted February 8, 2004 Oh. No, it's not Magnum PI. I've actually never seen Magnum PI. It's just a guy with a bright shirt and a thug-like stance.
samm Posted February 8, 2004 Posted February 8, 2004 megatron: why, it's allright. fits his avatar's face Citizen of a country with a racist, hypocritical majority
Fionavar Posted February 8, 2004 Posted February 8, 2004 Megatron said: Your sig is to long. To damn long and green. My sig is from twin peaks B) Green is so nice though ... The universe is change; your life is what our thoughts make it - Marcus Aurelius (161)
Fionavar Posted February 8, 2004 Posted February 8, 2004 samm said: megatron: why, it's allright. fits his avatar's face Thanks sammm I toned it down though - the default green was in fact a wee bit too neon :D The universe is change; your life is what our thoughts make it - Marcus Aurelius (161)
Nameless One Posted February 8, 2004 Posted February 8, 2004 the nick is the name of a character in a game you might not know...a really nice fact: one hell of a nice is called "the nameless one and his adventures in the planes"...or something like that the picture shows buster keaton...this never smiling silent film star
Shadowstrider Posted February 8, 2004 Posted February 8, 2004 Sammael said: Volourn said: My character name is from my fave pnp character. I'm no god so I have no avatar, sorry. Feh. All the archdevils and demon princes have avatars as well. As for my alias, it is unfortunately linked to Sammael of Wheel fo Time, one of the Chosen of the Dark One (i.e. bad guys) and a great general of times long gone. To separate myself more fully from that character, I often use the title "Duke of Baator" or change the alias itself to "Duke Sammael." Historically, Sam(m)ael is one of the names medieval Hebrew scripts attribute to Satan, although there is much debate whether or not they are the same entity. Sammael is the only fallen angel that is both hated and loved at the same time, beautiful to behold but terrible in his wrath. He is the angel of retribution and war, but also of truth and knowledge. There are several apocryphal texts that mention Sammael, although they are not parts of the "official" Bible. The avatar is from a picture of a pit fiend (the highest-ranking non-noble baatezu) standing victorious on a pile of dead adventurers, by Wayne Reynolds, one of the principal D&D 3(.5)E artists. In Aramaic, Sammael is described as "the most perfect of deathbringers." If I recall correctly, in the apocryphon he is also described as "the first to fall with the Morningstar." If that is true, Sammael couldn't possibly be the same as Lucifer. Anyhoot, Shadowstrider was the first "big bad evil" I ever created for a campaign. My players started calling me Shadowstrider, it sort of stuck.
Plucker Posted February 8, 2004 Posted February 8, 2004 I know that game.. Name Plucker is slang down home for a dude with a mean playing hand strumming a banjo or guitar, since I play some it kinda fits. A plucker has attitude, altho I'm fairly low key. The avatar is a super mutant from Fallout. I didn't have to explain that, I'm sure.
Xindell Posted February 8, 2004 Posted February 8, 2004 Well, I made my name up in, I guess, '96, for use in a Star Wars sim. Through sims that I've run, or participated in between '96 and 2000, I've had many different incarnations of Xindell. Drevel Xindell, Kedrin Xindell, Emperor Xindell, Kayla Xindell (yes, female...) Xindell has just become what I am known as by anyone who knows me online. I use it for pretty much everything. Forums, email, etc. The avatar is a shrunken down version of a picture of me actually. An artist friend took a picture of me in a black cloak on a digital camera, then played with it in some graphical editor to make it look like I was shooting lightning out of my hands (Emperor Xindell in a Star Wars sim... think about it ). Edit: Just realized, I'm member #100. Nice round number. kewl. I find your lack of faith disturbing...
chevan Posted February 8, 2004 Posted February 8, 2004 Name - Same name from Bioware boards. I took Revan, dropped the R and added ch. Avatar - It's Kimiko from
St Paddy Posted February 8, 2004 Posted February 8, 2004 My username was just the first thing that came to my mind registering at IPLY, and I've kept it across a couple of fora so I don't confuse myself mostly. My avatar is Michael Collins, the Republican hero.
grue Posted February 8, 2004 Posted February 8, 2004 My name? From Zork, specifically Zork II, the first computer game that I ever played and thus one that occupies a special place in my heart. My older brother, who introduced me to Zork and thus to computer gaming in general, christened me with this name because I'm a small person and have a certain tendency to be very quiet - in both voice and movement - and to scare the ever-lovin' *bleep* out of people when they turn and find out that I've been standing right behind them. The day I got the name, I had entertained brother A immensely by sneaking up behind brother B, tapping him on the shoulder, and startling him enough to make him scream like a girl, try to perform a vertical leap from his chair, and pour Coke all over his lap, the chair, and his keyboard. I guess you just had to be there. And you have to have siblings. Anyway, the name has lasted me many years, and it's stuck well as a board handle, because these days about all I ever do on any message board I inhabit is lurk... - grue Oh, and the's simply something I stumbled across on a BG portrait site, and it appeals enough to me that I've since adopted it.
birdiedude Posted February 8, 2004 Posted February 8, 2004 My username comes from my sister, who hated our pet birds. I was friendly to them entirely to annoy her, so once she called me this and the name stuck. The avatar is currently Homestar from, but I'll probably change it if I fins a more interesting picture. The quote is from the short-lived Dilbert tv show.
Humanoid Posted February 8, 2004 Posted February 8, 2004 Humanoid is generic and only vaguely descriptive. I could be many things. Oh, and I like Privateer. L I E S T R O N GL I V E W R O N G
EUIX Posted February 8, 2004 Posted February 8, 2004 Old Age of Empires name, and my avatar is Erich Honecker "For ourselves, we shall not trouble you with specious pretences- either of how we have a right to our empire because we overthrew the Mede, or are now attacking you because of wrong that you have done us- and make a long speech which would not be believed; and in return we hope that you, instead of thinking to influence us by saying that you did not join the Lacedaemonians, although their colonists, or that you have done us no wrong, will aim at what is feasible, holding in view the real sentiments of us both; since you know as well as we do that right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
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