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All of those are viable alternatives and much depends on what party synergies will be in place.


If you want pure damage output, Estoc would be my choice because of the DR bypass. White Spire can also mass debuff via Carnage, which is pretty neat.


Dual-wielding, on the other hand, opens up a whole world of fast, stun-lock opportunities (there are much better versed users than me on the matter, so I'll let them talk.)


If you dual wield, you can probably wear heavier armor too as the speed penalty will be proportionally lower.


All stats are potentially important so it depends on the kind of Barbarian you want. For dual-wielding mass stun-lock I would favor DEX, PER, INT; for damage output with two-handers, MIG, DEX, PER.

"Time is not your enemy. Forever is."

— Fall-From-Grace, Planescape: Torment

"It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question, and he'll look for his own answers."

— Kvothe, The Wise Man's Fears

My Deadfire mods: Brilliant Mod | Faster Deadfire | Deadfire Unnerfed | Helwalker Rekke | Permanent Per-Rest Bonuses | PoE Items for Deadfire | No Recyled Icons | Soul Charged Nautilus


Posted (edited)

The most uncomplicated barb I ever had - lots of tankyness, lots of dps - was the good old Tidefall barb in plate with Shod-in-Faith boots and some gear that prevents disabling. For me he's a blood drinking, mad berserker. :)



- Tidefall will apply +25% wounding to all carnage hits PLUS 25% draining, giving you a lot of endurance and slowly killing your enemies on top of your normal damage (works like a charm if you combine this with Combustng Wounds!)

- Shod-in-Faith will get triggered all the time because barbs deflection is... well... crap? :) It will heal you very quickly if things get messy. But this allows you to just jump into the fray

- You should avoid to be paralyzed and so on because that really can kill you. The rest will not in 99% of cases.

Tidefall is superb and you can get it quite early with a mechincs skill of 10+, Shod-in-Faith you can also get really quickly. Before that you can use Gaun's Share plus Oidhreacht for the same but weaker effect. THis tactic needs a bit more CON because your health will suffer. More health is good because you will not need to rest a lot if you have a bigger health pool.


Another option is to go for dps and disabling (less tanky):

- Tall Grass will prone on crit - carnage also works with that

- Don't go into the fray but attack from the sides after your sturdy friends started combat an got engaged

- Don't put on too heavy armor because you want to hit fast - but don't be too squishy either. 

- Use as many +ACC abilities/items/buffs that you can get to cause a lot of crits.

Tall Grass is great because you don't have to get too close (reach attack) and still can optimize your carnage aoe - and it is predatory - and it does a lot of damage.


With dual wielding you can do this also: Two sabres with carnage are great if it comes to dps. But maybe you want to combine dps and tankyness with disabling? You can use We Toki and Edge of Reason together: one causes prone, the other drains - and they both have a +0.5 crit damage multiplier. Maybe you want superdrain? Take Blesca's Labour & Purgatory. Or you can use the Vile Loner's Lance (-5 defense on hit) and a custom crafted, stunning Cladhaliath for a nice combo effect: first hit lowers deflection, second hit can stun.


There are a lot of possibilites. They all are great. It depends which kind of barb you want to play and if you put style over powergaming or if you don't give a damn how stupid your barb looks (two spears are... weird). 


But as your title says - you're looking for a dps barb. I think nothing does more dps than two sabres. So you could put on heavy armor, shod-in-faith boots and dual wield sabres. There are some nice sabres in the game that you can get early: Resolution and Bittercut. 

Estocs are also very nice - as Andrea said the White Spire is good for a barb - so is the Grey Sleeper. But all in all I think Tidefall-Guy was the most fun so far.

Edited by Boeroer

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


On my barb I did max might and max int (with a godlike and old valia, so 20 int).  Everything else at base so nothing complicated.  Barbies work well with any on-hit effects as mentioned so really there's so many options.  But I just went with tidefall and spelltongue in my second set (single wielded).  On the big fights I'd use spelltongue against a swarm to get like a full minute of haste buff, and then swap to the tidefall.  But it's kind of unnecessary.  Barbies require very little bandwidth.  Just give him some good weapons and he'll be a meat seeking missile which will free you up to play the lesser classes.  Imo that's a plus but some people like lots of micro.


As an alternative to Tall Grass, Llawran's stick gets pretty good dps with its +20% attack speed. It also lets you stand back from the front line and I think more enemies are vulnerable to Crushing than Piercing so that could be an advantage over pikes.


Attack speed + long interrupt also makes it great with high perception + Savage Attack + Interrupting Blows for aoe stuns.


I never thought about Llawran's Stick with a barb - sounds good.


The Blade of the Endless Paths is also not bad because of +speed and 5 DR reduction - the only thing is it's so full of enchantments that you can't put a lash on it (if I recall correctly).


Hours of St. Rumbalt is also a very nice weapon for a barb: It's does not only cause prone on crit, but also has a 0.5 crit damage multiplier. And if you don't want to enchant it to superb that's also ok, because it also has the enchantment that gives +12 ACC (like superb does). Plus: you can put a lash on it. 

Another bonus if you choose Weapon Focus Soldier: You can always choose between Tidefall, Hours of St. Rumbalt or Tall Grass if you like AND you can use Firebrand from Forgemaster's Gloves from time to time. That sword has no ACC bonus, but it's damage is just insane - especially if you meet high DR foes that have a weakness to fire. There are whole barb builds around that item.

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


If it's just damage you're looking for, best bets would be:


Purgatory + Resolution- Dual Sabers for high damage trait +crit enchant, which is 3rd best damage enchant, and space to be SuperLashed


If you still want damage, but less Micro:


Llarawen's Stick - 13% post mod boost form speed, and Reach trait lets one shed armor for me attacks. Only 2hander with Speed+Superlash gives it a definite edge in damage over the rest of 2handers.


I normally don't do pure damage on my Barb, and use them more for CC, letting the two or so of the other frontliners instead swap to DPS set ups, as the Barb will do a decent job of locking down a group by himself to not need the help for these type of builds I use:


Tall Grass - Prone on Crit is great(though less so since 2.03), 5% more Crits plays well into the plan, and Reach is a great trait, letting one drop some plate for more damage to make up for lack of dmg enchants, as well as less micro. Can be Superlashed is nice.


Mabec's Morning Star - Stun on Crit is still nice, and Morning Star trait of 33% stronger interrupts is great, as only need a hit for those. Best used in builds/party situations where crits won't be as likely. Sadly can't be SuperLashed, limiting it's damage potential.


Cladhaliath + Vile Loner's Lance - +5 acc to the team,, stun on crit, spear +5 acc Trait is very nice for stun weapons as well. No speed mod, and can't SuperLash Cladhalith, and low base damage combined with poor Barb mods means damage will be underwhelming. Still, this is my favorite set up if I'm not going for reach, for the extra +10 acc leading to easier stuns, and boosting the teams acc.


Forgemaster's Glove are nice as well for damage, though not really an every down kinda thing, due to only being usable in 3 encounters per rest. Will get the most raw damage, as it's high base plays really well with the crit boost. Harder to get those crits now though, as the weapon has no +acc, and in 2.0 it's was changed from targeting Reflex, the easiest to lower Defense, to Deflection, the 2nd easiest to lower. (Was nice being able to toss out low level blind+hobble, then mow things down with the Super Crit Fire Sword with +54 to hit.)

Posted (edited)

Speaking of interrupts with morning stars: there is also the war hammer Shatterstar that you can buy early. Besides being enchanted with annihilating and guarding, it also has a higher (or longer) interrupt than normal: 1 sec like morning stars. That's like a secret enchantment. It's like a faster morning star and it's one handed. And I think one of the other war hammers also has this - have to check that. This would be the perfect setup for a barb that emphasizes on interrupts. Gie him Interrupting Blows and pair him with a chanter that sings "Thick Grew Their Tongues, Stumbling O'er Words" and uses the invocation "Reny Daret's Ghost Spake, "I'll Catch You, Ben Fidel"" to terrify enemies. That results in -22 Concentration - leaving all enemies very vulnerable to interrupts. You can also use the barb's Barbaric Shout to terrify or any other ability/spell that does this. If you don't want to use per rest abilities/spells for that, you can frighten with the chanter's phrase "Lo, Their Endless Host" or Barbaric Yell for a total concentration debuff of -16. Put Threatening Presence on top of that (sickening) and you will cause -25 or -19 concentration. Chanter tank with concentration debuff phrases and focus on invocations and an interrupting barb make a good team. :)


edit: just looked it up ingame: Godansthunyr also has higher interrupt than normal war hammers, which is 0.5. This one is 0.75 and it also stuns on crit and gives you +1 might. Perfect! :-)

Edited by Boeroer

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

Posted (edited)

How about this Barbarian setup/gear...

13 Might (to increase both damage dealt and healing received)
15 Constitution (planning on gearing the unit with regenerative equipment; the larger the endurance pool the more bang for the buck)
10 Dexterity (will be more once you acquire a specific +DEX cape)
15 Perception (Barbarians have Medium base accuracy; Carnage ACC is ass. It is key to enchant the mail-armor I have in mind for this Barbarian with +2 Perception)
10 Intellect (this will become 12 INT once you find one of the +2 INT hats/capes)
15 Resolve (reach level 6/7 make a quick trip into Stalwart Village and do the Burning House so you can get the +3 Resolve ring)

Head: Dunryd Demon Helm (+2 INT; can be bought in Copperlane Market)
Neck: Finneah's Grace (+3 DEX; can be bought in Brackenbury from the Doemenel merchant)
Armor: Mail-Armor "Lost Meadow" (+1 Endurance Regeneration, no time-limit, already Exceptional. Enchant it with +2 PER, the only Attribute we won't have an item enhancing))
Arm: Bracers of All-Consuming Rage (+2 Might & +1 CON; can be bought from Dozens merchant in Copperlane)
Ring 1: Ring of Deflection +9
Ring 2: Ring of Ever-Changing Heart (+3 Resolve; acquired from Burning House text-adventure in Stalwart Village)
Boots: Shod-in-Faith (can be bought from Crucible Keep merchant in First Fires)
Belt: Troll-Hide Belt (+1 endurance regeneration, no time-limit; can be bought from Tyrgil in Dyrford Village)
Main Weapon: Tidefall, or Tall-Grass.

All of that equipment can be bought before even reaching the midway point in the game with the exception of the Lost Meadow, and none of it is random. I don't like planning builds around random loot.

Stats after fully equipped:

15 Might
16 Constitution
13 Dexterity
17 Perception
12 Intellect
18 Resolve

In terms of abilities and talents take Veteran's Recovery early in order to realize the regeneration capability and complement the armor and the belt.

* Veteran's Recoery (this has no time limit)
* Weapon Focus: Soldier (for Tidefall/Tall-Grass)
* Superior Deflection
* Stalwart Defiance (great heal)
* Interrupting Blows (Barbs shine with AoE interruptions, all the while draining/wounding with Tidefall. triple affliction per swing!)

The rest as you please :)

EDIT: In terms of race, I recommend either -- a) Moon Godlike for the Healing, or b) Towering Physique Aumaua for the +20 Defenses versus being knocked Prone or being Stunned.

If Moon Godlike, gear up exactly as I described above. The Moon heals perfectly compliment the regeneration from the Lost Meadow, the Troll-Hide Belt and the Veteran's Recovery.


If Towering Physique Aumaua ditch the Troll-Hide Belt and the Veteran's Recovery and exchange them for the following:

+ Belt of Stability (decreases duration of Prone affliction by 33%)
+ replace Veteran's Recovery with Body Control, to further shore up defenses against Prone and Stun
+ replace Lost Meadow mail-armor with the Aru-Brekr Brigandine, already Exceptional, which can be bought in Crucible Keep from their merchant. This Brigandine grants +20 boost to your Deflection once you've already been knocked Prone, perfectly complimenting the Towering Physique and the Belt of Stability.

This guy will be one "sturdy" barbie.


Edited by aweigh0101

Troll Hide Belt's and the Lost Meadow's regeneration won't stack (last time I tried, which was 4 or 5 days ago). One will get suppressed. Same with the Mantle of the Dying Boar. Veteran's Recovery + one of those will work. Also: if you have Shod-in-Faith, Savage Defiance and maybe Tidefall, why would you want to spend further talents and item slots for puny regeneration?


I also recommend  less CON (health of barbs is high enough with 10), less RES (you want to receive a crit to trigger Shod-in-Faith, 10 or 8 is sufficient) and way more INT (longer Frenzy, longer disables, greater carnage, longer/more healing from Savage Defiance, longer debuffs from shouts/yells - I usually don't do it under 16). Max PER to counter the low base ACC and to make carnage hit/crit more often.


Items are good. I just would put on Gauntlets of ACC if I could get them and a Blunting Belt instead of Trollhide. Armor would be Wayfarer's Hide. Great piece of armor that. You mean the Ring of Changing Heart (+3 RES, Spell Binding: Dominate) - that you don't get from the burning house. That's Frigid Claim (+5 Burn DR, Spell Defense). I can't remember where you get the first. Also somewhere around Stalwart.


So... I would do it somewhat different. But I'm sure this one also lots of fun. :)

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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

Posted (edited)

thanks for pointing that out! I edited my post and forked the build into a Barbarian centering around Towering Physique.

The final tally of 18 Res is to help mitigate the -10 Deflection from Frenzy. That can REALLY hurt you if you find your Barbie getting focused.

I can definitely agree that it's perfectly servicable to then swap 13 might / 15 con and do it 15 might / 13 con, rest of the stats same. My rationale for the RES i believe is solid.

EDIT. 15 might / 13 con is definitely a better distribution, the more i think about it. thanks. Could also leave con at 10 and do 13 int, ending at 15 int with the helmet.


Towering Physique Aumaua
15 -> 17 Might (bracers of all-consuming rage)
10 -> 11 CON  (bracers of all-consuming rage)
10 -> 12 DEX   (+2 dex enchantment on Aru-Brekr armor)
15 -> 18 PER   (lilith's shawl)
13 -> 15 INT     (+2 INT from helmet)
15 -> 18 RES   (+3 res from stalwart village ring, it's actually on the corpse of the ogre chief you defeat in theintro)


helm: dunryd demon
neck: lilith's shawl
armor: aru-brekr
bracers: all-consuming rage
rings: +9 deflection / +3 res ring
boots: shod in faith
belt: belt of stability

race: towering physique aumaua

key talents: Body Control

selling points of these choices:
- barbarian with above-average stats in every category, capable of DPS'ing and CC'ing and thanks to high RES and shod in faith boots off-tanking
- stacked +40 defense versus being knocked Prone or being Stunned due to Towering Physique + Body Control
- if/when knocked prone or stunned the Aru-Brekr armor boosts his deflection by +20 points
- belt of stability decreases duration of prone affliction by 33%
- while no over-the-top strengths this barbarian also features absolutely NO weaknesses or holes that could spell doom for him when focused.


Edited by aweigh0101
  On 11/26/2015 at 10:22 PM, Boeroer said:
I just would put on Gauntlets of ACC if I could get them


You can buy them in Stalwart (though I generally simply console them in if I don't find them in Raederic's Hold, knowing you can have as many as two or three from there and the only reason you don't is RNG.)

"Time is not your enemy. Forever is."

— Fall-From-Grace, Planescape: Torment

"It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question, and he'll look for his own answers."

— Kvothe, The Wise Man's Fears

My Deadfire mods: Brilliant Mod | Faster Deadfire | Deadfire Unnerfed | Helwalker Rekke | Permanent Per-Rest Bonuses | PoE Items for Deadfire | No Recyled Icons | Soul Charged Nautilus


Posted (edited)

Very informative posts. I was wondering what stats should I use. Reading most post here I'm inclined to Weapon Focus: Soldier. Dual Wielding is too generic for my taste. You see it in every movies, and games.


Will this stat suffice. Not relying to much on frenzy since it only last 12 second base. Some of the fights last longer than 20 seconds which will be a huge hit to the Barbarian's attack speed once Frenzy expires.


I was thinking of something like this, and BTW,  I'm not into min-maxing.


MIG - 14

CON - 10

DEX - 18

PER - 16

INT - 10

RES - 10


I think with this build, even if the Frenzy expires the Barbarian will still have a decent attack speed for 2H. Paired with Frenzy, the attack speed would benefit from a huge bump.

Edited by Frank Jaeger

It looks fine. Maybe there can be some shifting between Might and Int based on what you prefer and whether it a dps or cc focused barb. I always like Int to be above average to get more out of Carnage. But you can also supplement that with the Overseeing item mod.

  On 11/26/2015 at 9:54 AM, Boeroer said:

The most uncomplicated barb I ever had - lots of tankyness, lots of dps - was the good old Tidefall barb in plate with Shod-in-Faith boots and some gear that prevents disabling. For me he's a blood drinking, mad berserker. :)



- Tidefall will apply +25% wounding to all carnage hits PLUS 25% draining, giving you a lot of endurance and slowly killing your enemies on top of your normal damage (works like a charm if you combine this with Combustng Wounds!)

- Shod-in-Faith will get triggered all the time because barbs deflection is... well... crap? :) It will heal you very quickly if things get messy. But this allows you to just jump into the fray

- You should avoid to be paralyzed and so on because that really can kill you. The rest will not in 99% of cases.

Tidefall is superb and you can get it quite early with a mechincs skill of 10+, Shod-in-Faith you can also get really quickly. Before that you can use Gaun's Share plus Oidhreacht for the same but weaker effect. THis tactic needs a bit more CON because your health will suffer. More health is good because you will not need to rest a lot if you have a bigger health pool.


Another option is to go for dps and disabling (less tanky):

- Tall Grass will prone on crit - carnage also works with that

- Don't go into the fray but attack from the sides after your sturdy friends started combat an got engaged

- Don't put on too heavy armor because you want to hit fast - but don't be too squishy either. 

- Use as many +ACC abilities/items/buffs that you can get to cause a lot of crits.

Tall Grass is great because you don't have to get too close (reach attack) and still can optimize your carnage aoe - and it is predatory - and it does a lot of damage.


With dual wielding you can do this also: Two sabres with carnage are great if it comes to dps. But maybe you want to combine dps and tankyness with disabling? You can use We Toki and Edge of Reason together: one causes prone, the other drains - and they both have a +0.5 crit damage multiplier. Maybe you want superdrain? Take Blesca's Labour & Purgatory. Or you can use the Vile Loner's Lance (-5 defense on hit) and a custom crafted, stunning Cladhaliath for a nice combo effect: first hit lowers deflection, second hit can stun.


There are a lot of possibilites. They all are great. It depends which kind of barb you want to play and if you put style over powergaming or if you don't give a damn how stupid your barb looks (two spears are... weird). 


But as your title says - you're looking for a dps barb. I think nothing does more dps than two sabres. So you could put on heavy armor, shod-in-faith boots and dual wield sabres. There are some nice sabres in the game that you can get early: Resolution and Bittercut. 

Estocs are also very nice - as Andrea said the White Spire is good for a barb - so is the Grey Sleeper. But all in all I think Tidefall-Guy was the most fun so far.


I'm intrigued with that Tidefall build that made me inclined to picking weapon focus soldier. I was wonder what talent build did you pick in order up to level 14?


That strongly depends: If you have a priest with Painful Interdiction I would strongly recommend Brute Force + Threatening Presence. That's a really powerful combination, debuffing your foes' fortitude by 42 points, making your barb crit a lot. If you don't have a priest with Painful Interdiction, don't do that.

If you want to jump into the fray, take One Stands Alone, Thick Skinned and Threatening Presence and so on. I you have Shod-in-Faith, there's no need to take things like Blooded, because you will seldomly be under 50% endurance for a long time etc... It really depends on your playstyle. 


I will just assume you want to put your barb in plate, put on shod-in-faith and place him right into the middle of mobs (don't do that until you have the right gear - until then, use a pike and attack from the sides or from 2. row). And you have a priest with Painful Interdiction. Then it would be:


Race: Death Godlike


Stats (without racial or cultural bonuses):

MIG: 13

CON: 10

DEX: 14

PER: 14

INT: 16

RES: 8 


Abilities (in no particular order):

- Carnage (auto)

- Frenzy

- Brute Force (with Painf. Interdiction)

- Threatening Presence

- Bloodlust

- Thick Skinned

- Barbaric Yell

- One Stands Alone


If you don't have a priest with Painful Interdiction, don't take Brute Force but take Dragon Leap (nice if you want to jump right into the middle before they swarm out) or something else you like. If you put on Sanguine Plate, you can even skip Frenzy and take something other like Heart of Fury (it's REALLY strong, but only once/rest - however, it makes a great all-or-nothing ability when thiongs get messy. Works really well togehter with Bloody Slaughter (below) and Death's Usher (death godlike)).


Talents (no particular order):

- Death's Usher (auto)

- Accurate Carnage

- Two Handed Style

- Apprentice's Sneak Attack (with Painful Interdiction)

- Weapon Focus Soldier

- Savage Attack

- Vulnerable Attack

- Bloody Slaughter


Without Painful Interdiction you could think about Interrupting Blows (but you are a to slow to stunlock mobs - but helps with survivability) or Greater Frenzy or a defensive one like Body Control - because getting Paralyzed or Stunned or Petrified is the worst thing that can happen to you. Your defenses will be low and you can't drain endurance while you're paralyzed.


Catch a Ring of Searing Flames (or a wizard with that spell) and start the encounters like follows: barb does frenzy, priest casts Painful Interdiction on top of the mob, barb runs into the mob and yells (+Threatening Presence kicks in), Wizard (or somebody with the ring) casts Combusting Wounds on the mob around the barb, barb starts hitting mobs with Tidefall. Combustin Wounds and Tidefall's Wounding will add a lot of damage to the mobs, even if the barb only grazes with carnage. If you want to go totally crazy, also take a cipher with you that casts Pain Link on the barb before he goes into battle: every foe that hits the barb will get hit by a retaliation that also triggers Combusting Wounds. You can further add a retaliation item like Coat of Ill Payment or Hiro's Mantle - the retaliation itself is weak, but every retaliation hit triggers Combustin wounds once again. The mobs will melt like ice in the sun. In easy encounters you don't need that Combusting Wounds trick. Painful Interdiction + Threatening Presence + Brute Force will make the barb turn into a crit machine. Painful Interdiction + Threatening Presence is also very good for your cipher's spells because it lowers will by over 30 points and fortitude by over 40.

Death's Usher and Bloody Slaughter will add up once the carnage lowered the endurance of the mob to "badly injured" - then the bloody slaughter truly starts, fninshing off the enemies very quickly.

If you don't like priests or Painful Interdiction then you just skip that part. Nevertheless: debuffing mobs before the barb comes is always nice.  


This barb is a nice combination of "real" tankyness and dps: because of his low deflection, the mobs will not run past him to reach weaker companions. They stick with you and start to hit you. Your Shod-in-Faith and very high DR should be enough to deal with that. Your immense health will also help - you will lose some every encounter, but you will not need to rest more often than your other companions because your pool ist just much much bigger. Just don't get paralyzed! If you meet banshees or this lagufae... lagufar--- you know what I mean... just wait until these mean buggers started to disable somebody else first. :) 

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


Btw you have the option of taking out Frenzy and using Potions of Deleterious Alacrity of Motion. Although Frenzy is once per encounter, the potions will last longer and offers faster atk speed. Moreover, Frenzy's atk speed component will be suppressed by the potion's atk speed component. The materials for the potion are quite easy to come by too.


I read this and I think about something to combine this with the monk you (Boeroer) have posted.


I want a barbarien that attacks so fast that he interrupts/CCs a large group of enemies by just standing around and auto attack.

That means:

- high dex (attack speed), per (acc and interrupt) and int (AoE and duration), so mig,con and res will not be high (no dumping either)

- dual wielding weapons that cause prone or stunn

- abilities and talents: brute force + threatening presence, dual wielding, interrupting blows, accurate carnage, vulnerable and savage attack (no specific order)


I want to play on hard (not PotD) and with a full party. I know that almost every char can finish that and the last time I played (which was at version 1.06) I could beat almost everything without problems (except the ardra dragon, after a few wipes I gave up). But I think that having a good main char makes it easier so I can focus on the story.


some questions:

- Do you think such a char could prevent a group of enemies from attacking so that other chars can do damage? (He will also do some damage, but there are barbarian with more damage, especially when my char does not have a very high might.)

- What weapon type would you suggest?

- regarding race, I thought about hearth orlan (dex, per, crit), moon godlike (dex, int, heal, but no helmet) or boreal dwarf (more acc vs many foes, but the stats do not fit well). Role playing wise I would prefer the orlan to have an barbarian/rogue mix.

- does high int make the interrupt time longer or does it only affect status effects caused by abilities?

  • Like 1
  On 11/26/2015 at 11:00 PM, AndreaColombo said:

You can buy them in Stalwart (though I generally simply console them in if I don't find them in Raederic's Hold, knowing you can have as many as two or three from there and the only reason you don't is RNG.)


Depending on your patience you can still guarantee drops with date manipulation through resting. I did so to get a Mantle of Wreathing Flames for my Backlash Bedlam Cipher. It's a painful process however since some of the tables that track what loot drops on what day are no longer correct, but I am fairly certain date still determines loot.

  On 12/1/2015 at 2:10 PM, Madscientist said:

- What weapon type would you suggest?


Depending on your willingness to go without Weapon Focus on one or both of the weapons, or buy two Wepon Focus talents, the flail Starcaller and the war hammer Godansthunyr are both one handed and have the Stunning property so might work quite well.

Posted (edited)
  On 12/1/2015 at 2:10 PM, Madscientist said:

I read this and I think about something to combine this with the monk you (Boeroer) have posted.


I want a barbarien that attacks so fast that he interrupts/CCs a large group of enemies by just standing around and auto attack.

That means:

- high dex (attack speed), per (acc and interrupt) and int (AoE and duration), so mig,con and res will not be high (no dumping either)

- dual wielding weapons that cause prone or stunn

- abilities and talents: brute force + threatening presence, dual wielding, interrupting blows, accurate carnage, vulnerable and savage attack (no specific order)


I want to play on hard (not PotD) and with a full party. I know that almost every char can finish that and the last time I played (which was at version 1.06) I could beat almost everything without problems (except the ardra dragon, after a few wipes I gave up). But I think that having a good main char makes it easier so I can focus on the story.


some questions:

- Do you think such a char could prevent a group of enemies from attacking so that other chars can do damage? (He will also do some damage, but there are barbarian with more damage, especially when my char does not have a very high might.)

- What weapon type would you suggest?

- regarding race, I thought about hearth orlan (dex, per, crit), moon godlike (dex, int, heal, but no helmet) or boreal dwarf (more acc vs many foes, but the stats do not fit well). Role playing wise I would prefer the orlan to have an barbarian/rogue mix.

- does high int make the interrupt time longer or does it only affect status effects caused by abilities?

I would suggest Shatterstar and Godansthunyr. Both have (secretly) higher interrupts than normal war hammers. I don't know why, it's no official enchantment, but they do. Normal ones have 0.5, Shatterstar has 1.0 and Godansthunyr has 0.75. On top of that, God. has stun on crit. With the high interrupts you don't need to attack superfast, since 1/0.75 seconds per interrupt is very long. You can allow yourself to even use Vulnerable Attack. Also: Shatterstar comes quite early. Take Interruping Blows, Threatening Presence (lowers concentration of enemies a bit) and use Barbaric Yell/Barbaric Shout (dito) OR a chanter with the -10 concentration-phrase plus terrify-invocation) and you have a nearly perfect interrupt build for your barb. DPS is not superhigh, but ok.  I tested that two days ago together with said chanter and it's great!

Edited by Boeroer

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

  On 11/26/2015 at 6:57 AM, Frank Jaeger said:

Can you give me a good DPS Barbarian build.


Weapon choice? should I go Dual Wield? Estoc? Great Sword or Pike?

There isn't one

  On 12/7/2015 at 4:37 AM, brindle88 said:


  On 11/26/2015 at 6:57 AM, Frank Jaeger said:

Can you give me a good DPS Barbarian build.


Weapon choice? should I go Dual Wield? Estoc? Great Sword or Pike?

There isn't one


Oh man... really? I wonder what your motivation for this kind of puerility is.

If you're not willing to contribute neither constructive criticism nor support why don't you write another "rogues are most awesome dps class hands down" or "amplified wave is godmode lol" thread?

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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


DPS Barbarian is godmode lol

  • Like 1

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