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The Germans only drink after Nazi fall, before that Germans don't drink


That is funniest claim that I have read today. 10/10 and parrot mark. I approve.  :bow:



It is not a claim, watch the video, Germans was devout Catholic and practicing Catholic laws under the Nazi. True Christians don't get drunk. Today Christians are secular Christians and drunk

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Will you allow ISIS book in your country if they make a book?



Such book would be allowed in most western countries without second glance from our governments. Private citizens would probably organize book burning events and lament how bad said book is, but that probably would be it. Because there is no point to ban such books as people could easily read same thing from internet and banning such books just give them more power.




As far as i know, only in America having "burn the Quran day".....no country ever burn any books. Book banning is not book burning. Bans can be lifted, otherwise it remain in storage, or not even allowed to enter the country



Most of banned books are destroyed, some time literally burning them most of time they are just recycled and paper from them is used from somewhere else. This of course don't mean that every copy of banned books are destroyed, but usually most of them. (This of course references cases where banner is government)


Nazis for example burned thousands of books, and similar burnings have been actually quite common in history.


USA maybe only country that has "burn the Quran day", but it is not only country which citizens have done such acts. But these are cases where private citizen burning books that they usually own themselves, not government banning and destroying them.


And yes bans can be lifted and there can be new runs of said books. As said banning and burning books don't destroy/prevent content of those books.

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The nazi burn porn books, subversive books, and all useless books, all these things poisoning the German mentality before, so they burn them. They don't burn good books. All these filthy books are from the Jews.


If German are so bad because burning books how come they achieve high technology no one ever see during their time? Scientific books are not destroyed, they study science from where? From books.


My brother was working in the ministry handling all the banned books, he love to make illegal copies of these illegal books silently, that's how i read the Mein Kamph

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The Germans only drink after Nazi fall, before that Germans don't drink


That is funniest claim that I have read today. 10/10 and parrot mark. I approve.  :bow:



It is not a claim, watch the video, Germans was devout Catholic and practicing Catholic laws under the Nazi. True Christians don't get drunk. Today Christians are secular Christians and drunk



Yeah, but I am currently drinking German beer that comes from brewery that is founded 1543 AD. And I know that there are hundreds, even thousands such old breweries in German. Also Catholic church and other major Christian religions don't ban consumption of alcoholic beverages. It should be noted that one of the miracles that Christians believe Jesus did is to change water to wine so that everybody in party can continue to drink.


There are Christian religions that look badly drinking and encourage or even ban drinking alcoholic beverages, but those have been always minority within Christians and are most of the time considered to be extremist movements. But true and not so true Christians have drunk alcohol as long as Christianity has existed. 

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The nazi burn porn books, subversive books, and all useless books, all these things poisoning the German mentality before, so they burn them. They don't burn good books. All these filthy books are from the Jews.


If German are so bad because burning books how come they achieve high technology no one ever see during their time? Scientific books are not destroyed, they study science from where? From books.


My brother was working in the ministry handling all the banned books, he love to make illegal copies of these illegal books silently, that's how i read the Mein Kamph


They burned lots more than just books from Jews. They also burned books from communists and some other groups of people the didn't like, like for example Muslims.


Germans achieved as high technology as most other nations with resources in that time. They had bit lead in military technology as they prepared to war where other nations focused to make everyday lives of their citizens better, like for example penicillin and other medical breakthroughs that have given us ability vanquish lots of deadly diseases.

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The Germans only drink after Nazi fall, before that Germans don't drink


That is funniest claim that I have read today. 10/10 and parrot mark. I approve.  :bow:



It is not a claim, watch the video, Germans was devout Catholic and practicing Catholic laws under the Nazi. True Christians don't get drunk. Today Christians are secular Christians and drunk



Yeah, but I am currently drinking German beer that comes from brewery that is founded 1543 AD. And I know that there are hundreds, even thousands such old breweries in German. Also Catholic church and other major Christian religions don't ban consumption of alcoholic beverages. It should be noted that one of the miracles that Christians believe Jesus did is to change water to wine so that everybody in party can continue to drink.


There are Christian religions that look badly drinking and encourage or even ban drinking alcoholic beverages, but those have been always minority within Christians and are most of the time considered to be extremist movements. But true and not so true Christians have drunk alcohol as long as Christianity has existed. 



Well Muslims don't drink alcohol and not get drunk, even not religious Muslims will not touch it, the one who drink are considered sinful and punished if get caught.


Jesus turn water into wine is Christian version of Jesus, Muslim version don't have such, we believe Jesus will never turn water to wine because drinking and get drunk is bad, a prophet will never let his society destroyed by drunkards. There are many questionables about prophets in the Bible, such as prophet Lot accused of incest, prophet Solomon practicing magic, for Muslims these things are absurd. That's why we say Bible is corrupted by human hands, Quran is the real and the last word of God.


Intoxicant is the work of devil, it makes human loose mind, human who loose mind are no longer human, because human have mind. When you drunk, you act without you realizing it, you might commit murder, rape, adultery and today even kill people on the road....

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"Nazis are good, German was better under Nazism. They reach high technological advance under the Nazi, the people live happy, no gambling, no prostitution, no alcohol, no usury...a perfect world i say. Those bad things infiltrating Germans are from the Jews.


The Jews make banks and practice usury, they own nightclubs and porn industry, they own beer and wines factories, they own gambling spots...the Nazis drove them out to clean German from all those filth.


Nazis are devout Catholics, and it is fine by me."


HOLY ****!



For someone who has spent the entire thread crying about meanies  saying mean and sterotyping your country/religion you sure love to it yourself. Look at the mirror you racist bigoted piece of crap.


Good thing I'm not a bigot or I'd judge all your countrymen and women based on you. but, I'm not so I still give them the ebenfit of the doubt and preusme theya re good peoples. 'Cause you certainly are not.



"When you drunk, you act without you realizing it, you might commit murder, rape, adultery and today even kill people on the road...."


Yeah, b/c sober people never do any of those things. COME ON. What kind of weird world do you live in?


Supporting nazism, bookburning (and no claiming the British made the rule or that Amerika does it too) is NOT a good defense to me. I  critiicze the US too when theydo scumbag stuff. I criticize my country too.


I bet, btw, the people who were happy in Germany were not the Jews and their supporters that were murdered and burned to a crisp. But, hey, from your posts, it is clear you have dehumanzied Jews and don't see them as people. EVIL.

Edited by Volourn


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As far as i know, only in America having "burn the Quran day".....no country ever burn any books. Book banning is not book burning. Bans can be lifted, otherwise it remain in storage, or not even allowed to enter the country



Qistina, you have taken it upon yourself to educate us about Malaysian culture, and I appreciate it.  As someone who has never been there and knows very few people from your country, that is invaluable.  But much like you are telling us to not buy into the media portrayal of the US, I'd caution you to not buy into the portrayal of the US as Qu'ran burning zealots.


I spent the day in my US classroom talking about Islam, the refugee crisis, and the conflict with ISIS.  My students come from a variety of faiths, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindu, Sikhs, and Atheists.  As a Social Studies teacher, we have already spent the last unit learning about the life of Mohammad and the rise of Islam, and right now we are talking about West Africa.  There was no persecuting or book burning, just an open discussion on the problems and a chance for the students to reflect on where this is all going.  


The Islam unit is also a part of our federal education standards.  47 out of 50 states cover the curriculum much like I do.  It's pretty tame stuff, we cover the 5 pillars, the importance of Mecca, the Qu'ran, and the Sunnah.   

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Welp. I haven't seen such blatant and open anti-semitism and glorification of Nazism in an RPG discussion board since the last time I visited the Codex.

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"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle

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Intoxicant is the work of devil, it makes human loose mind, human who loose mind are no longer human, because human have mind. When you drunk, you act without you realizing it, you might commit murder, rape, adultery and today even kill people on the road....


Muslims would make so good communists if there wasn't that part of communism that say that all religions are evil and should be banned.


People don't act without realizing when they are drunk, their ability to control their impulses weakens significantly, as do their ability for fine motor control over their body. So if you one might to commit murder, rape, adultery or some other nasty act when they are drunk there is high change that they also could do such acts when they aren't drunk. Bad behavior is not caused by alcohol, but those person themselves that behave badly. Alcohol may cause them act bad way in public because their ability to think consequences of their actions has been weakened, but behavior itself comes from people themselves. 

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As far as i know, only in America having "burn the Quran day".....no country ever burn any books. Book banning is not book burning. Bans can be lifted, otherwise it remain in storage, or not even allowed to enter the country



Qistina, you have taken it upon yourself to educate us about Malaysian culture, and I appreciate it.  As someone who has never been there and knows very few people from your country, that is invaluable.  But much like you are telling us to not buy into the media portrayal of the US, I'd caution you to not buy into the portrayal of the US as Qu'ran burning zealots.


I watch it from CNN and Fox News, not the media of my country. It come from your source, not mine. Through internet i can see everything, from videos, Islamophobia is bad and real. i see western peoples harrasing Muslims, bombing mosque with molotov coctail or something, stoning mosque, giving verbal abuse, kill a Muslim woman in a court...ect ect...Americans making rallies and shouting against islam and Muslims....draw a Mohamad day....


No such thing done by Muslims in my country toward peoples of other faith, we go to school together, eating at the same table, working together, we have companies where Muslims working with Christian/Hindu/Buddhist bosses...Christians/Buddhists/Hindus take place in the government as ministers, they also can become candidates in elections


Treatment toward Muslims are bad in the west

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"Nazis are good, German was better under Nazism. They reach high technological advance under the Nazi, the people live happy, no gambling, no prostitution, no alcohol, no usury...a perfect world i say. Those bad things infiltrating Germans are from the Jews.


The Jews make banks and practice usury, they own nightclubs and porn industry, they own beer and wines factories, they own gambling spots...the Nazis drove them out to clean German from all those filth.


Nazis are devout Catholics, and it is fine by me."


HOLY ****!



For someone who has spent the entire thread crying about meanies  saying mean and sterotyping your country/religion you sure love to it yourself. Look at the mirror you racist bigoted piece of crap.


Good thing I'm not a bigot or I'd judge all your countrymen and women based on you. but, I'm not so I still give them the ebenfit of the doubt and preusme theya re good peoples. 'Cause you certainly are not.



"When you drunk, you act without you realizing it, you might commit murder, rape, adultery and today even kill people on the road...."


Yeah, b/c sober people never do any of those things. COME ON. What kind of weird world do you live in?


Supporting nazism, bookburning (and no claiming the British made the rule or that Amerika does it too) is NOT a good defense to me. I  critiicze the US too when theydo scumbag stuff. I criticize my country too.


I bet, btw, the people who were happy in Germany were not the Jews and their supporters that were murdered and burned to a crisp. But, hey, from your posts, it is clear you have dehumanzied Jews and don't see them as people. EVIL.


I don't say i support Nazism, i only stating what good about them. They are not all bad. The same propaganda is used toward them is now used toward Muslims and Islam. It is an old trick. The same propaganda being used against Japanese, Vietnamese, Russians...ect...


What happen to the Jews doesn't makes the Jews are good people, even today there are many people who dispute the holocaust even exist in history, because it is overly exaggerated. But these people being shut up. In few days ago a woman in German got jailed because of this.


Why there is so many biased? You can't talk about Jews but you can spout all your filth about Islam and Muslims, call it Freedom of Speech.


Look at Japan, they get bombed twice, do they still whine about it, no. They are not like Jews who always whine about the so called holocaust.


What so special about Jews anyway?

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As far as i know, only in America having "burn the Quran day".....no country ever burn any books. Book banning is not book burning. Bans can be lifted, otherwise it remain in storage, or not even allowed to enter the country


Qistina, you have taken it upon yourself to educate us about Malaysian culture, and I appreciate it.  As someone who has never been there and knows very few people from your country, that is invaluable.  But much like you are telling us to not buy into the media portrayal of the US, I'd caution you to not buy into the portrayal of the US as Qu'ran burning zealots.


I spent the day in my US classroom talking about Islam, the refugee crisis, and the conflict with ISIS.  My students come from a variety of faiths, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindu, Sikhs, and Atheists.  As a Social Studies teacher, we have already spent the last unit learning about the life of Mohammad and the rise of Islam, and right now we are talking about West Africa.  There was no persecuting or book burning, just an open discussion on the problems and a chance for the students to reflect on where this is all going.  


The Islam unit is also a part of our federal education standards.  47 out of 50 states cover the curriculum much like I do.  It's pretty tame stuff, we cover the 5 pillars, the importance of Mecca, the Qu'ran, and the Sunnah.


Surf the internet, meet fascinating people from strange, exotic cultures. Find out they're nazis.
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"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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Wow, this thread has certainly gone places. Go figure it's one I made :p

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Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Guys. I've known lots of Malaysians. Visit the straits. Penang is nice. Laksa is some of the finest noodle soups in the world. Char Kway teow is much better than beef chow fun.


I assure you none of them have actually publically vocalized what Qistina has been writing.

"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle

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Guys. I've known lots of Malaysians. Visit the straits. Penang is nice. Laksa is some of the finest noodle soups in the world. Char Kway teow is much better than beef chow fun.


I assure you none of them have actually publically vocalized what Qistina has been writing.


They don't vocalized it publicly infront of foreigners, but take a look on Malaysian blogs, Facebook, Twiter...ect...but you don't understand our language.

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"I assure you none of them have actually publically vocalized what Qistina has been writing."


Qistina is a bigot and a hypocrite. She whines about her country/religion being stereotyped yet that is exactly what she is doing.



"Why there is so many biased? You can't talk about Jews but you can spout all your filth about Islam and Muslims, call it Freedom of Speech."


Huh? Nobody  (at least I'm not) trying to stop your freedom of speech. You can spew your hatred and I can laugh at you for your evil.




"What happen to the Jews doesn't makes the Jews are good people, even today there are many people who dispute the holocaust even exist in history, because it is overly exaggerated. But these people being shut up. In few days ago a woman in German got jailed because of this."


We get. Jews are evil. They're barely human. They deserve to be thrown into  fire and burned to a crisp even the children. The non Jewish Germans who tried to help them also deserve to be murdered.


Funny enough pretty much NOBODY in this theead ever suggested that  people from your country/your religion should be treated that way and we sure ain't gonna blame them for your  nazism evilness.

Edited by Volourn
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You have anti-semitism law, the law specially made to protect the Jews, are there any laws to protect you? If you say bad jokes about Jews you will get jailed. Are anyone else got jailed if making bad jokes about anyone else?


Think about that yourselves


Charlie Hebdo making bad jokes about Muslims, to the point insulting. What happen to their cartoonist who make bad jokes about Jews?


The Jews calling us Gentiles...

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As far as i know, only in America having "burn the Quran day".....no country ever burn any books. Book banning is not book burning. Bans can be lifted, otherwise it remain in storage, or not even allowed to enter the country



Qistina, you have taken it upon yourself to educate us about Malaysian culture, and I appreciate it.  As someone who has never been there and knows very few people from your country, that is invaluable.  But much like you are telling us to not buy into the media portrayal of the US, I'd caution you to not buy into the portrayal of the US as Qu'ran burning zealots.


I watch it from CNN and Fox News, not the media of my country. It come from your source, not mine. Through internet i can see everything, from videos, Islamophobia is bad and real. i see western peoples harrasing Muslims, bombing mosque with molotov coctail or something, stoning mosque, giving verbal abuse, kill a Muslim woman in a court...ect ect...Americans making rallies and shouting against islam and Muslims....draw a Mohamad day....


No such thing done by Muslims in my country toward peoples of other faith, we go to school together, eating at the same table, working together, we have companies where Muslims working with Christian/Hindu/Buddhist bosses...Christians/Buddhists/Hindus take place in the government as ministers, they also can become candidates in elections


Treatment toward Muslims are bad in the west


Well, most of the cultural clashes that the West has had with the Muslim world were with the extremist elements. So that's were they're coming from; except that incidentally those clashes came about mostly because of two reasons: the Cold War and the state of Israel.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Well, most of the cultural clashes that the West has had with the Muslim world were with the extremist elements. So that's were they're coming from; except that incidentally those clashes came about mostly because of two reasons: the Cold War and the state of Israel.



I know in the west there is hijab ban, you ban Muslim women wear hijab. Muslim women cannot get job because wearing hijab. You western say if MOSLEM want to live in the west must follow western values. That's what western say...especially France...


There is no such similar law in Muslim countries i ever heard of...you Christians can wear whatever you want...you are not a subject to Muslim rule.


In my country there are two courts, Shariah Court for Muslims and Civil Court for Muslim AND non-Muslim. Means us  Muslim here have to worry about two laws, Muslim law and secular laws. Non-Muslim only worry about secular laws....

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What is this? You want to ban Islam? For all your blusters about Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Human Rights bla bla bla...





“During my treatment, I've been thinking and I came to this conclusion. Islam should be banned in France, but also a Marshall Plan should be established to allow those who want to practice the Muslim religion to do so in their home country,” he told Le Monde.

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Well, most of the cultural clashes that the West has had with the Muslim world were with the extremist elements. So that's were they're coming from; except that incidentally those clashes came about mostly because of two reasons: the Cold War and the state of Israel.



I know in the west there is hijab ban, you ban Muslim women wear hijab. Muslim women cannot get job because wearing hijab. You western say if MOSLEM want to live in the west must follow western values. That's what western say...especially France...


There is no such similar law in Muslim countries i ever heard of...you Christians can wear whatever you want...you are not a subject to Muslim rule.


In my country there are two courts, Shariah Court for Muslims and Civil Court for Muslim AND non-Muslim. Means we as Muslim here have to worry about two laws, Muslim law and secular laws. Non-Muslim only worry about secular laws....


I've no idea where you got that ban thing (there might be in some places though) but I regularly see women wearing hijabs at my weekend job and I'm not even in an area that has a lot of Muslims. Also your comment on the dual legal system isn't praise but an indictment on the failings of a theocracy. 

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Well, most of the cultural clashes that the West has had with the Muslim world were with the extremist elements. So that's were they're coming from; except that incidentally those clashes came about mostly because of two reasons: the Cold War and the state of Israel.



I know in the west there is hijab ban, you ban Muslim women wear hijab. Muslim women cannot get job because wearing hijab. You western say if MOSLEM want to live in the west must follow western values. That's what western say...especially France...


There is no such similar law in Muslim countries i ever heard of...you Christians can wear whatever you want...you are not a subject to Muslim rule.


In my country there are two courts, Shariah Court for Muslims and Civil Court for Muslim AND non-Muslim. Means we as Muslim here have to worry about two laws, Muslim law and secular laws. Non-Muslim only worry about secular laws....


I've no idea where you got that ban thing (there might be in some places though) but I regularly see women wearing hijabs at my weekend job and I'm not even in an area that has a lot of Muslims. Also your comment on the dual legal system isn't praise but an indictment on the failings of a theocracy. 



This just one of the video...



Another video...


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