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  • "Amount" (Crafting UI) ---> "Quantità".

"Enchant" (Item Info UI) ---> "Incanta".

"Ardimento" [Resolution] (Video Settings UI) ---> "Risoluzione".

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  • "Level %d" (Crafting UI - Recipe Prerequisites) ---> "Livello %d".

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Hello there,


I found some errors in the Italian translation:


Option Menu

(Wrong) | Resolution -> Ardimento -> Risoluzione


Inventory Menu

(Miss) | Enchant -> Enchant -> Incanta


Priest Ability

(Wrong) | Prayer... -> Peghiera -> Preghiera


...in update...

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From the previous Thread:


Crafting UI

(Missing) | Amount -> Amount -> Quantità

(Missing) | Level %d - > Level %d -> Livello %d

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Row 2222: 
      <DefaultText>Peghiera contro la paura</DefaultText>
      <FemaleText />
Row 2222: 
      <DefaultText>Preghiera contro la paura</DefaultText>
      <FemaleText />
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Sorry, merge wasn't working properly so moved the posts from another Italian thread.


  On 3/29/2015 at 12:25 AM, Mazisky said:

-Missing translation on Enchant (Items ui)


-Missing translation on Area loot radius (options)


-Wrong translation on resolution (graphic options)


-Missing translation on every tomb memorial (still in english)



Feel free to add stuff you'll notice

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  On 4/3/2015 at 3:03 PM, Tigranes said:


Sorry, merge wasn't working properly so moved the posts from another Italian thread.


  On 3/29/2015 at 12:25 AM, Mazisky said:

-Missing translation on Enchant (Items ui)


-Missing translation on Area loot radius (options)


-Wrong translation on resolution (graphic options)


-Missing translation on every tomb memorial (still in english)



Feel free to add stuff you'll notice




Ok, thank you!

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Due the new update, there're some changes to do:

--- D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/Pillars of Eternity/PillarsOfEternity_Data/data/localized/it/text/game/gui.stringtable	ven apr  3 21:26:15 2015
+++ D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/Pillars of Eternity/PillarsOfEternity_Data/data/localized/it/text/game/gui_fix.stringtable	ven apr  3 22:36:05 2015
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@
-      <FemaleText>Femmina</FemaleText>
+      <FemaleText />
@@ -832,7 +832,7 @@
       <DefaultText>Privo di sensi</DefaultText>
-      <FemaleText />
+      <FemaleText>Priva di sensi</FemaleText>
@@ -1262,7 +1262,7 @@
-      <FemaleText>Chierica</FemaleText>
+      <FemaleText>Ancella</FemaleText>
@@ -1282,7 +1282,7 @@
-      <FemaleText>Druida</FemaleText>
+      <FemaleText>Druidessa</FemaleText>
@@ -1446,7 +1446,7 @@
-      <DefaultText>media</DefaultText>
+      <DefaultText>Media</DefaultText>
       <FemaleText />
@@ -1606,7 +1606,7 @@
-      <DefaultText>N/A</DefaultText>
+      <DefaultText>N/D</DefaultText>
       <FemaleText />
@@ -1771,7 +1771,7 @@
-      <DefaultText>Disattivazione trappola fallito.</DefaultText>
+      <DefaultText>Disattivazione trappola fallita.</DefaultText>
       <FemaleText />
@@ -2911,7 +2911,7 @@ Invocazioni: potenti effetti magici che i cantori
-      <FemaleText />
+      <FemaleText>Venditrice</FemaleText>
@@ -3566,7 +3566,7 @@ Invocazioni: potenti effetti magici che i cantori
       <DefaultText>Chierico femmina 01</DefaultText>
-      <FemaleText>Chierica femmina 01</FemaleText>
+      <FemaleText>Ancella femmina 01</FemaleText>
@@ -7653,7 +7653,7 @@ Nonostante questi vantaggi, il legame comporta anc
       <DefaultText>L'Osservatore è morto.</DefaultText>
-      <FemaleText />
+      <FemaleText>L'Osservatrice è morta</FemaleText>
@@ -7742,8 +7742,8 @@ Nonostante questi vantaggi, il legame comporta anc
-      <DefaultText>{0} ha subito Menomazione.</DefaultText>
-      <FemaleText />
+      <DefaultText>{0} è stato menomato.</DefaultText>
+      <FemaleText>{0} è stata menomata.</FemaleText>
@@ -8248,12 +8248,12 @@ Nonostante questi vantaggi, il legame comporta anc
       <DefaultText>Sei stato sorpreso a rubare.</DefaultText>
-      <FemaleText />
+      <FemaleText>Sei stata sorpresa a rubare.</FemaleText>
       <DefaultText>{0} è stato sorpreso a rubare.</DefaultText>
-      <FemaleText />
+      <FemaleText>{0} è stata sorpresa a rubare.</FemaleText>
@@ -9190,7 +9190,7 @@ Vuoi davvero terminare la creazione del personaggi
       <DefaultText>Crea nuovo...</DefaultText>
-      <FemaleText />
+      <FemaleText>Crea nuova...</FemaleText>
@@ -9669,8 +9669,7 @@ Vuoi davvero terminare la creazione del personaggi
-      <DefaultText>Varie
+      <DefaultText>Varie</DefaultText>
       <FemaleText />
@@ -9730,7 +9729,7 @@ Vuoi davvero terminare la creazione del personaggi
-      <DefaultText />
+      <DefaultText>Dyrwood</DefaultText>
       <FemaleText />
@@ -9740,27 +9739,27 @@ Vuoi davvero terminare la creazione del personaggi
-      <DefaultText>Graphics Quality</DefaultText>
+      <DefaultText>Qualità Grafica</DefaultText>
       <FemaleText />
-      <DefaultText>Adjust the game's graphics quality. Use a lower setting if your game runs slowly.</DefaultText>
+      <DefaultText>Modifica la qualità grafica del gioco. Usa impostazioni più ridotte se il gioco è lento.</DefaultText>
       <FemaleText />
-      <DefaultText />
+      <DefaultText>Suggerimenti</DefaultText>
       <FemaleText />
-      <DefaultText />
+      <DefaultText>Auto-Livella i Compagni al Reclutamento </DefaultText>
       <FemaleText />
-      <DefaultText />
+      <DefaultText>Livella automaticamente i Compagni al primo reclutamento di gruppo. Disabilita l’opzione per farli cominciare da livello 1.</DefaultText>
       <FemaleText />
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Posted (edited)

In the Keep management menù. When a companion is on mission you can see the text of the button being "Ricorda".

I suppose it's a literal translation from "Recall" that should be translated into "Richiama" instead.


I think the file is gui.stringtable and the line is the 3448.

      <FemaleText />

Thanks for the nearly perfect translation (Except the names translated too but I can live with that!)


(don't know what's happening with the forum formatting the code)

Edited by crius
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1) After the patch 1.03 in the cyclopedia the second menu from the top is totally broken and blank using the italian language.


2) Some loading screens are blank and without text.


Keep up the good work! Great translation, but keep it up to date with the patches please!


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Posted (edited)
  On 4/6/2015 at 5:15 PM, faberdonax said:

1) After the patch 1.03 in the cyclopedia the second menu from the top is totally broken and blank using the italian language.


2) Some loading screens are blank and without text.


Keep up the good work! Great translation, but keep it up to date with the patches please!



I confirm the point-out from @faberdonax with some screenshots, in the second Cyclopedia menu, using the Italian language, is impossible to see any text string:






EDIT: found this thread, could be useful to put here a link to it. :)



Edited by Metalloman
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Posted (edited)





I've found this typo in the book "Brani scelti dal Sermone della Lotta": The word is not "guadagniamo" but "guadagnamo", without "i".



Anyway, I want to praise the translation team for their good work. :)

Edited by Metalloman
  • 0
Posted (edited)



This time I would like to make a suggestion: in the book "Il calendario di Iroc" looks like that the name of the astronomer is "Iroccio", and the word "Iroccian" means "of Iroccio".


post-49832-0-94543700-1430445858_thumb.jpg post-49832-0-46722300-1430445875_thumb.jpg


In Italian the word "Iroccian" is translated as "Iroc" but I believe that the correct translation would be "Irocciano" like the word "Boccacciano" stands for "of Boccaccio".




I think that if we have a similar case in our language, a word following the same syntax rule (suffix -cciano for "of smn" if the noun ends with -ccio), should be translated following that rule, but of course this is my humble opinion. :)


So in the end I would translate "The Iroccian Calendar" with "Il Calendario Irocciano".

Edited by Metalloman
  • 0

From the Iroccian Calendar:


il pianeta impiega 334 anni per compiere un'orbita intorno al sole


it takes the planet approximately 334 years to orbit the sun


in the original text that is 334 days, not years


days = giorni

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I've come to burn your kingdom down

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Nice to see you have a fix packet. I see one improvement: Create a copy of the it folder yust for the corrected translation and change the language.xml to create a new language selection ingame. (See the german or french language pack for a example)

With the extra folder the updater from Gog and Steam will run flawlessly, otherwise the abort because of the changed files.

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  On 5/16/2015 at 2:42 PM, Xaratas said:


Nice to see you have a fix packet. I see one improvement: Create a copy of the it folder yust for the corrected translation and change the language.xml to create a new language selection ingame. (See the german or french language pack for a example)

With the extra folder the updater from Gog and Steam will run flawlessly, otherwise the abort because of the changed files.


Thanks! Updated!


Per utenti italiani: ho aggiornato il fix come suggeritomi qua sopra.

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Hi everyone!


I am Aedan, team leader of Gli Allegri Buffoni, authors of Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition and The Temple of Elemental Evil Italian translations.

We decided to join our forces with improbabile, the guy who fixed so far all the typo you mentioned in this mod.

I invite you to report in this thread or here any mistake or suggestion related to POE Italian translation. We will take care of it.


Thanks a lot!


Ciao a tutti!


Sono Aedan, team leader de Gli Allegri Buffoni, i curatori della traduzione in italiano di Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition e Il Tempio del Male Elementale.

Abbiamo deciso di unire le forze con improbabile, il ragazzo che sino ad oggi ha corretto i refusi da voi segnalati e rilasciato questo mod.

Vi invito a segnalare in questo thread oppure qui ogni errore, incongruenza o suggerimento relativo alla localizzazione italiana di POE. Sarà nostra premura aggiornare il tutto.


Vi ringrazio per la preziosa collaborazione.

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Watch out with the typos... We all appreciate the effort, but there's no much point if the patch makes the game worse.


Un oggetto con la proprietà Incanto minore permetetrà di utilizzare una magia o un'abilità mentre è equipaggiato.


Gli oggetti con la poprietà Incantazione attiveranno la relativa abilità quando l'utilizzatore entrerà in fase critica.


Cant EDIT:  Translation via Bing:


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