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Dragon Age: Inquisition vs The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Dragon Age: Inquisition vs The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. Which one, in your opinion, is the superior game?

    • Dragon Age: Inquisition
    • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

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our opinion o' the USA went up substantial after spending near 2 years in europe.  we were educated at one o' the more liberal-minded universities in the US where we were taught that the State were evil and incompetent.  'course our first thirteen years (and summers thereafter) living in a place that makes gaza look like a vacation destination did not provide us with a particular positive opinion o' the US either.


is a quote from danny elfman that resonates with us.  yeah, danny elfman, the composer and former front-man o' oingo boingo.  go figure. the musician spent years abroad touring europe and africa and while his background and Gromnir's is worlds apart, we appear to have had similar revelations.


"I'm not a doomist. My attitude is always to be critical of what's around you, but not ever to forget how lucky we are. I've traveled around the world. I left thinking I was a revolutionary. I came back real right-wing patriotic. Since then, I've kind of mellowed in between. It affected me permanently and totally."


we studied/taught abroad in europe, and we make yearly trips to asia (mostly japan.)  am suspecting that if we had never left the US for extended periods o' time, we would still be a "revolutionary."


HA! Good Fun!




Patriotism just clouds the view in my opinin ;)


"If  you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything "   :biggrin:

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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"If  you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything "   :biggrin:


“Patriotism ... is a superstition artificially created and maintained through a network of lies and falsehoods; a superstition that robs man of his self-respect and dignity, and increases his arrogance and conceit.”" ~ Emma Goldman.


Let´s not fall into the trap and bombard each other with quotes ;)

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"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, the man who never reads lives one."

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our opinion o' the USA went up substantial after spending near 2 years in europe.  we were educated at one o' the more liberal-minded universities in the US where we were taught that the State were evil and incompetent.  'course our first thirteen years (and summers thereafter) living in a place that makes gaza look like a vacation destination did not provide us with a particular positive opinion o' the US either.


is a quote from danny elfman that resonates with us.  yeah, danny elfman, the composer and former front-man o' oingo boingo.  go figure. the musician spent years abroad touring europe and africa and while his background and Gromnir's is worlds apart, we appear to have had similar revelations.


"I'm not a doomist. My attitude is always to be critical of what's around you, but not ever to forget how lucky we are. I've traveled around the world. I left thinking I was a revolutionary. I came back real right-wing patriotic. Since then, I've kind of mellowed in between. It affected me permanently and totally."


we studied/taught abroad in europe, and we make yearly trips to asia (mostly japan.)  am suspecting that if we had never left the US for extended periods o' time, we would still be a "revolutionary."


HA! Good Fun!


It depends, experiences vary on an indiviudal basis. Naturally.


I would assume 


taught in spain for the most part... far less in england. spent considerable time in poland, russia and france. didn't stay too long in germany. seeing so many young nazis in germany made our skin crawl, which is too bad as one o' our bestest friends is a medical doctor from germany. while we is most frequent in japan for our asian trips, we has been to many asian nations, and has spent months at a time in the philippines, south korea, taiwan and singapore.  we do admit to avoiding the islamic nations o' asia as our particular area o' expertise does not get us many invites to such places... which is telling in and of itself.
been to australia only once, and never made it to south america, which is a shame.
somebody makes lotta assumptions... and your own silly patriotism had you making assumptions (false) about free speech in europe and austria v. the USA just a short time ago.  one would hope that you would learn from such errors.
HA! Good Fun!
ps we didn't bother to mention touristy stays in nations that lasted less than a month... if we did, it would be easier to name the euro and asian nations we ain't been to.
Edited by Gromnir

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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our opinion o' the USA went up substantial after spending near 2 years in europe.  we were educated at one o' the more liberal-minded universities in the US where we were taught that the State were evil and incompetent.  'course our first thirteen years (and summers thereafter) living in a place that makes gaza look like a vacation destination did not provide us with a particular positive opinion o' the US either.


is a quote from danny elfman that resonates with us.  yeah, danny elfman, the composer and former front-man o' oingo boingo.  go figure. the musician spent years abroad touring europe and africa and while his background and Gromnir's is worlds apart, we appear to have had similar revelations.


"I'm not a doomist. My attitude is always to be critical of what's around you, but not ever to forget how lucky we are. I've traveled around the world. I left thinking I was a revolutionary. I came back real right-wing patriotic. Since then, I've kind of mellowed in between. It affected me permanently and totally."


we studied/taught abroad in europe, and we make yearly trips to asia (mostly japan.)  am suspecting that if we had never left the US for extended periods o' time, we would still be a "revolutionary."


HA! Good Fun!


It depends, experiences vary on an indiviudal basis. Naturally.


I would assume 


taught in spain for the most part... far less in england. spent considerable time in poland, russia and france. didn't stay too long in germany. seeing so many young nazis in germany made our skin crawl, which is too bad as one o' our bestest friends is a medical doctor from germany. while we is most frequent in japan for our asian trips, we has been to many asian nations, and has spent months at a time in the philippines, south korea, taiwan and singapore.  we do admit to avoiding the islamic nations o' asia as our particular area o' expertise does not get us many invites to such places... which is telling in and of itself.
been to australia only once, and never made it to south america, which is a shame.
somebody makes lotta assumptions... and your own silly patriotism had you making assumptions (false) about free speech in europe and austria v. the USA just a short time ago.  one would hope that you would learn from such errors.
HA! Good Fun!
ps we didn't bother to mention touristy stays in nations that lasted less than a month... if we did, it would be easier to name the euro and asian nations we ain't been to.


You thaught, so you are teacher i guess.


Seeing much "Nazis" in germany? ;D i don´t think you know what Nazi these days means. Germany is an interesting case because it really depends in which state you are. Neverless, your arrogance is cleary showing. Though i might mistake arrogance with just the way to write, it´s difficult to see thru written words right? ;)


You made it around, and i envy for that, a lot of countries i would like to visit :) Still you seem to throw them all into one sack, many "Nazis" in germany but a good friend, so clearly not all are the same no?


Most of my friends are from germany and i´m there on a regular basis, it depends on the state, it´s like saying New York and Texas are the same so all of America is ****. Nope, definitely not.


You are right: "somebody makes a lotta assumptions" as you do and me too i guess. But your example is useless. Because you are, seemingly a very patriotic person (something i believe is a disadvantage), you assume my point on free speech was raised by some patriosm on my side???? My point there was, that there is not much more freedom of speech in the US than there is in europe, naturally you brought up the jew thing, which everyone ignores anyway, which comes back then to how it is enacted. You also ignored my point of public shaming and and policitcal correctness. My whole point was, that you can cry about free speech, freedom, democracy and land of the free all you want, but America is not a good example for any of this points.


And i didn´t say it is better here, though, i don´t have to worry of getting arrested, a gun pointing at me, or a bunch of idiots on my lawn when i don´t agree with someone. ;)


This is why i think patriotism is stupid, it´s like talking with a religious person (yes i´m an atheist). Your point of view is such a fact to you that there is now way you are open to a discussion that could even touch that view of yours. But a discussion can only work if both sides are open to what is said. You should know that as a teacher, unless you are one of the bad ones ;)


But as you said, "somebody makes a lotta assumptions" and the internet is not exactly the best places to bring across your point.

"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, the man who never reads lives one."

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our opinion o' the USA went up substantial after spending near 2 years in europe.  we were educated at one o' the more liberal-minded universities in the US where we were taught that the State were evil and incompetent.  'course our first thirteen years (and summers thereafter) living in a place that makes gaza look like a vacation destination did not provide us with a particular positive opinion o' the US either.


is a quote from danny elfman that resonates with us.  yeah, danny elfman, the composer and former front-man o' oingo boingo.  go figure. the musician spent years abroad touring europe and africa and while his background and Gromnir's is worlds apart, we appear to have had similar revelations.


"I'm not a doomist. My attitude is always to be critical of what's around you, but not ever to forget how lucky we are. I've traveled around the world. I left thinking I was a revolutionary. I came back real right-wing patriotic. Since then, I've kind of mellowed in between. It affected me permanently and totally."


we studied/taught abroad in europe, and we make yearly trips to asia (mostly japan.)  am suspecting that if we had never left the US for extended periods o' time, we would still be a "revolutionary."


HA! Good Fun!


It depends, experiences vary on an indiviudal basis. Naturally.


I would assume 


taught in spain for the most part... far less in england. spent considerable time in poland, russia and france. didn't stay too long in germany. seeing so many young nazis in germany made our skin crawl, which is too bad as one o' our bestest friends is a medical doctor from germany. while we is most frequent in japan for our asian trips, we has been to many asian nations, and has spent months at a time in the philippines, south korea, taiwan and singapore.  we do admit to avoiding the islamic nations o' asia as our particular area o' expertise does not get us many invites to such places... which is telling in and of itself.
been to australia only once, and never made it to south america, which is a shame.
somebody makes lotta assumptions... and your own silly patriotism had you making assumptions (false) about free speech in europe and austria v. the USA just a short time ago.  one would hope that you would learn from such errors.
HA! Good Fun!
ps we didn't bother to mention touristy stays in nations that lasted less than a month... if we did, it would be easier to name the euro and asian nations we ain't been to.


You thaught, so you are teacher i guess.


stopped there... 'cause you AGAIN fail your assumption check.




HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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stopped there... 'cause you AGAIN fail your assumption check.




HA! Good Fun!



Considering that the translation is pretty spot on and suggest you are teacher, it´s a pretty good assumption AND was a question, but i guess you can´t answer the rest so you took the easy way out :) Yes i was right, you are arrogant.


Thats ok :) No point in talking with you then.

"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, the man who never reads lives one."

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stopped there... 'cause you AGAIN fail your assumption check.




HA! Good Fun!



Considering that the translation is pretty spot on and suggest you are teacher, it´s a pretty good assumption AND was a question, but i guess you can´t answer the rest so you took the easy way out :) Yes i was right, you are arrogant.


Thats ok :) No point in talking with you then.


 @ Gromnir and cirdanx


My advice is avoid  debating with each other ...trust me your personalities are so different neither of you will get each other 


@ cirdanx


I am interested where you say you don't believe in patriotism..and I don't mean blind or extreme patriotism ? I am not getting your reason. Why wouldn't you support your country ?Unless its like some corrupt banana republic?


I know you disagree with Austria joining the EU but what about  the fact its your home, your culture and the place you live a good life in? What am I missing ?


By the way you both live in amazing first world countries that you should feel proud of ....I love my country and believe in contributing and  playing my part in the transformation of the economy but you have no idea some of the social challengers we face. I don't deny this but if you guys had our problems then I might understand you being jaded :)

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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stopped there... 'cause you AGAIN fail your assumption check.




HA! Good Fun!



Considering that the translation is pretty spot on and suggest you are teacher, it´s a pretty good assumption AND was a question, but i guess you can´t answer the rest so you took the easy way out :) Yes i was right, you are arrogant.


Thats ok :) No point in talking with you then.


has nothing to do with translations.  you assumed that because we taught at some point in the past that we are a teacher?  why?  Gromnir worked as a roofer in high school.    we had a job in a materials lab for one summer in college. we also worked at a juvenile detention facility. you make poor assumptions, much as you assumed you knew how USA free speech worked compared EU or austrian free speech.  why do you keep making silly assumption based on nothing save ignorance?  




you ain't considered that your patriotism and absence o' genuine knowledge has led you to make assumptions that don't have a basis in fact?  Gromnir offered a reflection that we had a similar experience to danny elfman-- when we first returned from an extended time abroad, we were at our most patriotic. that patriotism, which were never all that strong, has cooled as did elfman's.  is an observation o' our personal experience.  


we didn't actual bother reading your earlier post, but did you make the assumption that Gromnir is particularly patriotic today?  *chuckle*  am not sure how many times we has criticized the US on these boards and am pretty darn certain we mentioned how our initial upbringing colored our outlook o' the US.  free speech is one thing the US does different and better.  continued relations with domestic dependant nations (an odd legal fiction) makes us chafe a bit.  list all the things we think US does wrong and we is gonna sound more like a revolutionary than a patriot.  




you is gonna assume as best fits your worldview... colored by your patriotism?


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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stopped there... 'cause you AGAIN fail your assumption check.




HA! Good Fun!



Considering that the translation is pretty spot on and suggest you are teacher, it´s a pretty good assumption AND was a question, but i guess you can´t answer the rest so you took the easy way out :) Yes i was right, you are arrogant.


Thats ok :) No point in talking with you then.


 @ Gromnir and cirdanx


My advice is avoid  debating with each other ...trust me your personalities are so different neither of you will get each other 


@ cirdanx


I am interested where you say you don't believe in patriotism..and I don't mean blind or extreme patriotism ? I am not getting your reason. Why wouldn't you support your country ?Unless its like some corrupt banana republic?


I know you disagree with Austria joining the EU but what about  the fact its your home, your culture and the place you live a good life in? What am I missing ?


By the way you both live in amazing first world countries that you should feel proud of ....I love my country and believe in contributing and  playing my part in the transformation of the economy but you have no idea some of the social challengers we face. I don't deny this but if you guys had our problems then I might understand you being jaded :)




One thing first, i don´t want to hijack the witcher 3 thread with this ****...thats my last answer..direct me to a thread or make a new one :p


Ok, jaded? Yes maybe, but as far as i know you could be one of the higher income people in your country, you certainly have time to be here almost all the time., you even seem to have better connection me ;)  Considering the statues of your country, you seem to be pretty well doing. But then, it´s all relative isn´t it?


Why should i support my country? I will support it as long as i get something back. This is the idea of a social state, i give something and get something. It works if not corrputed. **** it even works now here despite corrupting spreading (thanks for lowering our laws EU thank you.)


But here is the difference.


I love my country. I love Austria, and i´m very glad i was born here. And as a history buff i love it even more.


But i don´t have some fantasy that this gives me an advantage or better heritage, or that i´m superior to someone...blabla. **** all of that. This is all bull****. I´m not runing around with a flag proclaiming my freedom, my right to speech or any of that, THIS is the difference between Austria and Germany. We know we have it, we enjoy it, we don´t need to remember other that we are there or important.  We are just chilled :p And that can be bad too.


Point being..because you seem so..american..give me a weapn..i will defend my home, my friends..but i would never fight a war for politicans ;) not even for austria. i´m not that stupid.and patrioism is stupid, you are fighting for nothing but some politicans. nothing more. in this age you are just fighting for ressources, this even disgusts me more. the typical joke "america goes only to war when its oil" is a joke right? a joke that was paid with so many lives...nope not with me. And i really really despise the american culture in clorifying their "war heroes" aka soliders but when it comes to care for them? They don´t give a ****. Thats hypocritical on a new level. Even the romans knew how to take care of them. *shrug*


I rant now. Ignore me :p

"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, the man who never reads lives one."

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stopped there... 'cause you AGAIN fail your assumption check.




HA! Good Fun!



Considering that the translation is pretty spot on and suggest you are teacher, it´s a pretty good assumption AND was a question, but i guess you can´t answer the rest so you took the easy way out :) Yes i was right, you are arrogant.


Thats ok :) No point in talking with you then.


 @ Gromnir and cirdanx


My advice is avoid  debating with each other ...trust me your personalities are so different neither of you will get each other 


@ cirdanx


I am interested where you say you don't believe in patriotism..and I don't mean blind or extreme patriotism ? I am not getting your reason. Why wouldn't you support your country ?Unless its like some corrupt banana republic?


I know you disagree with Austria joining the EU but what about  the fact its your home, your culture and the place you live a good life in? What am I missing ?


By the way you both live in amazing first world countries that you should feel proud of ....I love my country and believe in contributing and  playing my part in the transformation of the economy but you have no idea some of the social challengers we face. I don't deny this but if you guys had our problems then I might understand you being jaded :)




One thing first, i don´t want to hijack the witcher 3 thread with this ****...thats my last answer..direct me to a thread or make a new one :p


Ok, jaded? Yes maybe, but as far as i know you could be one of the higher income people in your country, you certainly have time to be here almost all the time., you even seem to have better connection me ;)  Considering the statues of your country, you seem to be pretty well doing. But then, it´s all relative isn´t it?


Why should i support my country? I will support it as long as i get something back. This is the idea of a social state, i give something and get something. It works if not corrputed. **** it even works now here despite corrupting spreading (thanks for lowering our laws EU thank you.)


But here is the difference.


I love my country. I love Austria, and i´m very glad i was born here. And as a history buff i love it even more.


But i don´t have some fantasy that this gives me an advantage or better heritage, or that i´m superior to someone...blabla. **** all of that. This is all bull****. I´m not runing around with a flag proclaiming my freedom, my right to speech or any of that, THIS is the difference between Austria and Germany. We know we have it, we enjoy it, we don´t need to remember other that we are there or important.  We are just chilled :p And that can be bad too.


Point being..because you seem so..american..give me a weapn..i will defend my home, my friends..but i would never fight a war for politicans ;) not even for austria. i´m not that stupid.and patrioism is stupid, you are fighting for nothing but some politicans. nothing more. in this age you are just fighting for ressources, this even disgusts me more. the typical joke "america goes only to war when its oil" is a joke right? a joke that was paid with so many lives...nope not with me. And i really really despise the american culture in clorifying their "war heroes" aka soliders but when it comes to care for them? They don´t give a ****. Thats hypocritical on a new level. Even the romans knew how to take care of them. *shrug*


I rant now. Ignore me :p


Last comment from me in this thread


I do have a good job, I work in corporate and I'm a software consultant for a  global American company so I get to travel regularly overseas. Things are going well for me as the  software I sell and support is popular and  I work predominantly in the financial sector for the banks so our customers have money 


I am being honest because I don't want you to think I am socially disadvantaged in anyway. But that doesnt mean I am not acutely aware of the social problems my country faces or that I am not committed to helping where I can


Oh I meant to tell you, I have been fortunate enough to go skiing in Austria. We have been to Seefeld, Kitzbühel and Lech. We ended up going to Lech only as that offered the best skiing and snow . Great country by the way ...best holiday for us is a skiing holiday  :dancing:

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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so the austrian guy hates that americans think that their free speech is unique and he hates americans glorifying war heroes.  want us to show a list o' statures and memorials in austria that venerate war heroes?  am thinking we already went over the free speech stuff. 


" Point being..because you seem so..american..."  


and to you that is a criticism?  HA!  and which one o' us has the problem?  


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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so the austrian guy hates that americans think that their free speech is unique and he hates americans glorifying war heroes.  want us to show a list o' statures and memorials in austria that venerate war heroes?  am thinking we already went over the free speech stuff. 


" Point being..because you seem so..american..."  


and to you that is a criticism?  HA!  and which one o' us has the problem?  


HA! Good Fun!

You are clearly not able to able read and understand much :)


"It´s ok old guy...i hate america and your free speech, which i clearly lack so please...BRING democracy and freedom and free speech to me..i beg you..firebomb everything here like you did in ww2, preferable directly over me and then cities so you can kill as much as you can, i beg you to...than you can come in as the saviour when the war is one by someone else and let millions of "german" war prisioners starve to death.. :) "


Thats better? No? But i guess picking out one word that doesn´t fit your style is enough to avoid a discussion you can´t win anyway right? Yeah..thought so...glad you never thaught me with that kind of education, you can only fail.

"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, the man who never reads lives one."

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so the austrian guy hates that americans think that their free speech is unique and he hates americans glorifying war heroes.  want us to show a list o' statures and memorials in austria that venerate war heroes?  am thinking we already went over the free speech stuff. 


" Point being..because you seem so..american..."  


and to you that is a criticism?  HA!  and which one o' us has the problem?  


HA! Good Fun!

You are clearly not able to able read and understand much :)


"It´s ok old guy...i hate america and your free speech, which i clearly lack so please...BRING democracy and freedom and free speech to me..i beg you..firebomb everything here like you did in ww2, preferable directly over me and then cities so you can kill as much as you can, i beg you to...than you can come in as the saviour when the war is one by someone else and let millions of "german" war prisioners starve to death.. :) "


Thats better? No? But i guess picking out one word that doesn´t fit your style is enough to avoid a discussion you can´t win anyway right? Yeah..thought so...glad you never thaught me with that kind of education, you can only fail.


so, not the last comment?  guess that is another bit o' hypocrisy from you, eh?


and how on earth does that quote help you?  it only makes more clear that you got deep and irrational issues.  lord knows Gromnir didn't bring up ww2.  ww2?




the bizarre bit is that you think you are doing well.  are you a luckman dopple perchance?


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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so the austrian guy hates that americans think that their free speech is unique and he hates americans glorifying war heroes.  want us to show a list o' statures and memorials in austria that venerate war heroes?  am thinking we already went over the free speech stuff. 


" Point being..because you seem so..american..."  


and to you that is a criticism?  HA!  and which one o' us has the problem?  


HA! Good Fun!

You are clearly not able to able read and understand much :)


"It´s ok old guy...i hate america and your free speech, which i clearly lack so please...BRING democracy and freedom and free speech to me..i beg you..firebomb everything here like you did in ww2, preferable directly over me and then cities so you can kill as much as you can, i beg you to...than you can come in as the saviour when the war is one by someone else and let millions of "german" war prisioners starve to death.. :) "


Thats better? No? But i guess picking out one word that doesn´t fit your style is enough to avoid a discussion you can´t win anyway right? Yeah..thought so...glad you never thaught me with that kind of education, you can only fail.


so, not the last comment?  guess that is another bit o' hypocrisy from you, eh?


and how on earth does that quote help you?  it only makes more clear that you got deep and irrational issues.  lord knows Gromnir didn't bring up ww2.  ww2?




the bizarre bit is that you think you are doing well.  are you a luckman dopple perchance?


HA! Good Fun!



Oh thanks i´m doing very well. But i do have to give you credit sticking with that idiotic way you talk. I was thinking that was RPG, but god that makes it even more funnier.


That was not a quote dumbass :)


No i was bored so i switched right in, being flexible is good ;)


Oh but Gromnir has brought up Nazis, thus the conncetion was there, *patts Gromnis head* it´s fine, i know you are not that smart, you will understand one day little Gromnir" ;)

"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, the man who never reads lives one."

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so the austrian guy hates that americans think that their free speech is unique and he hates americans glorifying war heroes.  want us to show a list o' statures and memorials in austria that venerate war heroes?  am thinking we already went over the free speech stuff. 


" Point being..because you seem so..american..."  


and to you that is a criticism?  HA!  and which one o' us has the problem?  


HA! Good Fun!

You are clearly not able to able read and understand much :)


"It´s ok old guy...i hate america and your free speech, which i clearly lack so please...BRING democracy and freedom and free speech to me..i beg you..firebomb everything here like you did in ww2, preferable directly over me and then cities so you can kill as much as you can, i beg you to...than you can come in as the saviour when the war is one by someone else and let millions of "german" war prisioners starve to death.. :) "


Thats better? No? But i guess picking out one word that doesn´t fit your style is enough to avoid a discussion you can´t win anyway right? Yeah..thought so...glad you never thaught me with that kind of education, you can only fail.


so, not the last comment?  guess that is another bit o' hypocrisy from you, eh?


and how on earth does that quote help you?  it only makes more clear that you got deep and irrational issues.  lord knows Gromnir didn't bring up ww2.  ww2?




the bizarre bit is that you think you are doing well.  are you a luckman dopple perchance?


HA! Good Fun!



Oh thanks i´m doing very well. But i do have to give you credit sticking with that idiotic way you talk. I was thinking that was RPG, but god that makes it even more funnier.


That was not a quote dumbass :)


No i was bored so i switched right in, being flexible is good ;)


Oh but Gromnir has brought up Nazis, thus the conncetion was there, *patts Gromnis head* it´s fine, i know you are not that smart, you will understand one day little Gromnir" ;)


then why put it in quotes? makes even worse if you admit you pulled outta thin air and put in quotes.  you know what quotation marks signify, yes?


and we brought up nazis of TODAY, 2015, in the context o' free speech. YOU stated that USA free speech IS, today, no different than eu or austrian.  we gave examples o' how austrian and eu free speech is different as o' TODAY. nazi propaganda is something austria censors in 2015. speech that would denigrate the islamic faith is also prohibited.  is not ww2 era speech issues we are talking 'bout.  Gromnir sure as hell didn't bring up free speech as it existed in 1930s-1940s europe. 




this is getting bizarre.  is there some kinda wingnut award o' the day you are trying to win?  


HA! Good Fun!

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"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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Both video game series are pretty adolescent. Only mature arrpeegee played in recent years was Cyanide's Game of Thrones.

Its weird how much you seemed to dislike W3....you never complain  about much  yet you complained constantly about W3?


Why aren't you loyal to a fellow EU state? Don't you like Poland ?

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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It's not like there are any truly mature fantasy games out there. No idea why it seems to be such an issue for some guys here. (Unless you hate fantasy rpg's in general - which wouldn't make much sense considering you're here).

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What would a truly "mature" game look like, anyways? Seems like games either don't try to be mature at all, or try way too hard and it comes across as being overly edgy, which is usually even worse than not trying. Maybe we should stop using the word "mature" at all: it's not really something people usually use for other forms of entertainment, is it? Hm...


How I have existed fills me with horror. For I have failed in everything - spelling, arithmetic, riding, tennis, golf; dancing, singing, acting; wife, mistress, whore, friend. Even cooking. And I do not excuse myself with the usual escape of 'not trying'. I tried with all my heart.

In my dreams, I am not crippled. In my dreams, I dance.

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It's not like there are any truly mature fantasy games out there. No idea why it seems to be such an issue for some guys here. (Unless you hate fantasy rpg's in general - which wouldn't make much sense considering you're here).

 I would only consider a game mature if I can see full porn scenes during my Romance options...it should be realistic  :fdevil:

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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What would a truly "mature" game look like, anyways? Seems like games either don't try to be mature at all, or try way too hard and it comes across as being overly edgy, which is usually even worse than not trying. Maybe we should stop using the word "mature" at all: it's not really something people usually use for other forms of entertainment, is it? Hm...

you got a point.  am honest not certain what mature means nowadays. am knowing that we don't want the average male 6th grader's notion o' mature to be the test, but am equal certain that our notions is different than the typical obsidian poster and the ordinary crpg gamer.  a definition that is embraced by only a handful o' folks is not gonna be particular useful to the gaming community as a whole to be identifying games one might appreciate.  arterial blood splatter and t!tillation o' prurient interest is not part o' our definition o' mature, but am gonna admit that making a crpg that meets Gromnir notions o' mature is unlikely to sell.  


throw in the towel and concede that mature is synonymous with the US tv rating o' MA?  perhaps your favorite show gets MA rating.  well, guess what? so does a$$y mcgee.  


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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Yeah, that's a crappy way of doing it, since age ratings are more meant as "for mature audiences", not that the content of the movie itself is actually in any way mature: often, IMO, it means just the opposite. :p Actual maturity is a hard thing to define...it's also at least somewhat subjective, as you pointed out. Perhaps it's a little immature to concern ourselves with what we consider to be mature...enjoy what you enjoy, and let others enjoy what they enjoy without anyone looking down on one another for different tastes. :p

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How I have existed fills me with horror. For I have failed in everything - spelling, arithmetic, riding, tennis, golf; dancing, singing, acting; wife, mistress, whore, friend. Even cooking. And I do not excuse myself with the usual escape of 'not trying'. I tried with all my heart.

In my dreams, I am not crippled. In my dreams, I dance.

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I'd probably define a game like Deus Ex as mature, in that it tells a fairly adult story without relying on the standard action pieces of the rest of the genre.  Although, really, in the end you are still relying on fighting and blowing stuff up to get through the story.  Maturity is overrated anyways.  Games can be about the fun, nothing wrong with that.

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