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Irish set to legalize same-sex marriage


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In all the seminars and serious discussions about the importance of gay rights I have read or seen I can't ever recall people supporting the LGBT community ever saying " homosexuality is a mutation "


It comes across as negative so yes in this case the word " mutation" could and would offend people who don't understand the valid scientific relevance. So this is a good time to practice the old " politically correct " principles :)

Its not a mutation, its more like fetal alcohol syndrome or twins. Conditions in the womb cause atypical development. Its not genetic, its developmental.

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We just need to be a little concerned  about the words we use, to describe homosexuality as a "mutation " , even if it true, isn't very sensitive ?

Mate, grab a biology book. We can call it many things and none of them correct.






"the changing of the structure of a gene, resulting in a variant form which may be transmitted to subsequent generations, caused by the alteration of single base units in DNA, or the deletion, insertion, or rearrangement of larger sections of genes or chromosomes."


Its how evolution works, trying out new strategies, sometimes resulting in stable new combinations, sometimes not. Humans are the result of a long series of mutations.



Currently we don't know for sure if homosexuality is mutation, as we don't have certain proof that it is something that is heritable or if it is even directly genetic. 


And even if it is genetic it don't necessary mean that it is mutation as we know about that genetics behind sexuality are very complex and we know that complex genetic patterns may show themselves in very varying results even without mutations. Meaning that they may result varying effects in family generations without need of change in structure of the genes themselves.

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I completely changed my mind and think that this is something that is up to EVERYONE himself who he/She wants to marry. Who cares realy. And i tell you why i dont care about the love interests of others anymore. it´s none of my business and the devil is only the one who projects his private morality into other human beings pointing his fingers while his own skeletons are pretty much alive...

Good for you.

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Someone must pay Fishburne to say those words :lol:

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Its not a mutation, its more like fetal alcohol syndrome or twins. Conditions in the womb cause atypical development. Its not genetic, its developmental.



It's almost certainly a bit of both. To illustrate why:


The best and most accurate simple description for complex genetics/ developmental systems I've heard is the one used in 'The Science of Discworld'- essentially, genetics is like a recipe as it is generally taught in schools; but people tend to forget that a recipe requires both the set of ingredients ie the genes and a set of conditions as well to get a successful result. If you had 'genes' for mince, onions and tomatoes you can end up with a massive variety of end results depending on those ingredients and the way they're treated (ie the developmental conditions). But while you can get basic results from the ingredients (stereotype simple Mendelian level stuff, the equivalent of tomatoes being able to be used raw) you cannot get a meringue from those genes/ ingredients, no matter how much you try and how much you vary the conditions, nor can you get a tasty meal out of an empty oven. So you might have a burger pattie (heterosexual), a kofta (bisexual) or a bolognaise sauce (homosexual) depending on proportions of ingredients used and conditons of cooking but if you lack the ingredients you have no food, and if homosexuality were a... meringue, say, then you couldn't get it from those genes/ ingredients.


Plus of course actual human behaviour is a lot more complex than just a recipe, that is indicated by twins not having a particularly strong sharing of sexuality. To torture the analogy a bit more (frankly, I'm expecting a commendation from Richard Cheney any time), it's like putting the same general ingredients into an oven then taking a kofta and a bolognaise out of the same oven in nine months; with the added possibility that after a time cooling the kofta might genuinely think it's actually a burger pattie whatever the recipe says. Saying it's due to any one of developmetal, genetic or later envirnomental or societal issues alone is certainly incorrect though.

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Mutation is bad now?

My skin is white (blame it on my nordic heritage). I don't really consider myself a "mutant" even though white skin is a mutation (we were originally all dark skinned). The only special powers it gives me is the ability to turn bright pink if exposed to excess sunlight. Need to work up tan first.


It just turned out to be a benefit for our ancestors when they migrated away from the warmer equatorial climates and resulted in a new stable combination.


On a side note, Biology was always a passion of mine and something i would have pursued a career in, if I hadn't gotten distracted by software development as a teenager ;)


Peoples sexuality is interesting the same way as a test result in a petri dish is. Not good, not bad, just interesting, trying to work out the whys and wherefores. I feel sorry for people who can't accept other peoples preferences with a certain detachment, or worse, gets their panties in a knot about it.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Peoples sexuality is interesting the same way as a test result in a petri dish is. Not good, not bad, just interesting, trying to work out the whys and wherefores. I feel sorry for people who can't accept other peoples preferences with a certain detachment, or worse, gets their panties in a knot about it.


if I hadn't gotten distracted by software development as a teenager ;)


I remember a biochemist friend of mine used to rant about how his cultures would keep getting contaminated by bacteria, thus ruining his experiments, when he was trying to work on his Ph.D. So I guess he'd disagree about no results being bad, heh.


Joking aside, I read an article that explored an epigenetic model as an explanation for sexual orientation, fascinating stuff. It was very hypothetical and there were some criticisms even in the same article, but what surprised me most was that one of the scientists involved suggested abandoning the research for being a sensitive subject. She figured the effort would be better spent researching "the epigenetics of cancer".

Edited by 213374U

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Denying a child the love from a female mother is absolute cruelty in its highest form.





stop this liberal nonsense

"There once was a loon that twitter

Before he went down the ****ter

In its demise he wasn't missed

Because there were bugs to be fixed."

~ Kaine




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Denying a child the love from a female mother is absolute cruelty in its highest form.





stop this liberal nonsense



By that logic having two mothers must be much more better! Lesbian moms and mixed-sex bigamy for all! As long as there's a woman in there somewhere it's alright, right?  :teehee:

Edited by Deadly_Nightshade
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"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."




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