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So there is a restriction who can be interrupted?

Or are stronger enemies immune?

Could you elaborate on that?


I doubt that they coded any immunities, but it's possible that some opponents have action speeds and concentration stats high enough to make it near-impossible for even an interrupt-optimized character to land interrupts with any consistency. 

Edited by Enoch
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From my experience, those that you can interrupt are not worth interrupting.


Ogres have low concentration and are very much worth interrupting. Other than that though, I've never really noticed myself interrupting anything that had an effect on the fight.


It's actually better to focus more on stuns or prone-on-crit (Arbalest / Some unique weapons)

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To call a hit reaction, the percentile roll needs to be 51 or higher. The roll is 1-100 + Interrupt - Concentration.


Yea, doesn't really seem to worth it, investing in PER just for Interrupt.

OK, so I have to think about something else...

Thanks guys.

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Interrupt check is smth like (if you look in the logs):


Interrupt rating + d100 > 75 + Concentration.


It triggers only if you hit and only if you hit during action animation (not recovery). So 10 Per vs 10 Res has 25% interrupt chance assuming 100% hit rate (which is ideal ofc). 21 Per vs 10 Res is 58% chance.


In practice I couldn't make it work so it would be worth it.

Edited by MadDemiurg
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Interrupt gets a +25 to the roll when you crit, so any build that favors crits will also favor interrupts. Also, not worth interrupting if the interrupt duration is too short to be helpful (e.g. high interrupt dual dagger build is probably not worth your time).


For what it's worth, Interrupting Blows is currently broken. The moment it gets fixed Pallegina is getting it for sure and Kana is getting it maybe.


I'm clearly in the minority, but I think interrupt is awesome. To make up your own mind, solo "the bear" with a high interrupt character. Then solo the bear with a low interrupt character. Tell me which one walks out of the cave alive.

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Interrupting Blows is broken? Nice to know...

So maybe I'll go back to that topic later, when that is fixed and think about a high accuracy interrupting build. I'm not THAT familiar with all the classes, talents and abilities, but Barbarians Brute Force could work .... We'll see

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For what it's worth, Interrupting Blows is currently broken.


:unsure:  Trying to run a high Per Barb currently to proc Carnage Interrupts, and that was a key part of the strategy. There are a number of (usually magical) effects that reduce Concentration, but hey those are probably broken too.


Regarding weapon choice, Morningstars technically have the highest Interrupt rating, but I don't think it's worth fighting the bad pathing in this game in order to get close, so for something on the squishy side like Barb I say reach weapons are better.

Exoduss, on 14 Apr 2015 - 11:11 AM, said: 


also secret about hardmode with 6 man party is :  its a faceroll most of the fights you will Auto Attack mobs while lighting your spliff


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So there is a restriction who can be interrupted?

Or are stronger enemies immune?

Could you elaborate on that?


I doubt that they coded any immunities, but it's possible that some opponents have action speeds and concentration stats high enough to make it near-impossible for even an interrupt-optimized character to land interrupts with any consistency. 


it were kinda annoying in the beta to see how interrupts worked in practice.  the 430 beta build were the most powerful incarnation o' interrupt we saw, with interrupts occurring at ~50% when attacker and defender had equal perception and resolve.  in truth, the numbers were a bit better than 50% as attribute scores increased, so that at 20 perception v. 20 resolve, the chance were closer to +60%.  current math has interrupt occurring, as noted above, at 25% whenever resolve = perception. the thing is, in actual practice, the only situation in which foes were getting effective stun-locked by interrupts were the extreme slow attacks such as ogres and gun wielders.  to exploit interrupt as much as possible, we had the beta rogue, a character with a 20 perception dual wielding fast weapons such as stilettos or alternatively using the hunting bow in an attempt to maximize interrupt rates.  (note: beta interrupt were a bit different and the faster weapons did actual have a reduced chance o' interrupt rather than the current scheme wherein interrupt duration is affected by size, even so, quicker were better.)  the thing is, we would have our rogue 1 v 1 enemy healers and casters and we would watch our near guaranteed interrupts successful delay casting... to negligible actual effect.   even when able to achieve an +80% interrupt rate with actual functioning interrupting blows and  the 430 beta math for interrupt, we were nevertheless unable to do more than slight delay the machine-gun spam healing o' priests o' a rather sinister deity.  thee bb rogue had enviable accuracy, so it weren't as if paltry accuracy were what were preventing us from interrupting.  the point is that we were interrupting, and it didn't make enough o' a difference.    enemy healers, for whatever reason, don't run outta spells.  we could literal have a doorway battle last 10 minutes or more 'cause an enemy healer were able to keep his compatriots upright while we ineffectually tested interrupt by having the bb rogue solo the heals.  a 10 minute battle... in hard mode?


against spells/actions with fast cast times, interrupt loses.  interrupt is situational useful, but even when the math were most favorable, it were not near as effective as we would have believed.  is still a useful feature, and when interrupting blows is fixed it will be better, but interrupts don't work to slow down many casters save by resorting to mob attacks, which likely result in caster death regardless o' interrupt.  



HA! Good Fun! 

Edited by Gromnir

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Pallegina (for all intents and purposes), seems like she was made for interrupt (zealous focus + critical focus).


Regarding weapon choice, keep in mind that all that number signifies is the duration of the interrupt. So morningstars cause a longer interrupt when they hit, but the interrupt itself is still based on the roll.

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I have found a high interrupt chance to be most useful on a Tank, for whom the interrupts serve as a form of damage reduction by slowing down the rate that the enemy they are attacking can attack back.  Fortunately, maxing Perception is already useful for a Tank due to the fact that it increases Deflection.

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I have found a high interrupt chance to be most useful on a Tank, for whom the interrupts serve as a form of damage reduction by slowing down the rate that the enemy they are attacking can attack back.  Fortunately, maxing Perception is already useful for a Tank due to the fact that it increases Deflection.


The problem is that tanks generally wear heavy armour and a shield, so even with a high interrupt rate, I think you'll find the sluggish attacks of the tank will interrupt less than the high dex dual-wielder next to him who ignored perception. Perhaps even worse than that, since the tank getting wailed on by three people is going to get interrupted himself rather a lot.


It's a nice perk, as you say, if you stack Perception for the deflection, but I don't think it's worth investing in Perception to get. Probably better to get Resolve first and cut down the interruptions the tank receives.

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My post from another thread about interrupts


Just tested duration of interrupts of Morning star without and with Interrupting Blows. No difference.

And overall, interrupts applied to all enemies colldowns, for example after hit recovery, extend the cooldown time. 

And very unexpected for me was to discover that animation time don't extend really when character interrupted. I checked it at long animations like reloading. It seems that animation stops after interrupt hit, but overall animation time don't change. Character just speed up animation. For example character need 3 sec to reload, he start reloading for 1 sec and get interrupted,  he start reloading again for 1 sec, and get interrupted again, seems it can last forever, but no, he already virtually reload for 2 sec and character just speed up animation and reload for 1 sec(1+1+1=3 sec total like it has to be). But it need confirmation, i checked it just by my eyes, and there is guys who count frames somehow.

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@famousringo: that's why your tank wears medium armor and takes Armored Grace :)

What bugs me about that is that you're trading damage reduction from all enemies hitting your tank for reducing the damage of the one target your tank can hit.


Maybe I'm wrong and in the hardest encounters it's more important to slow down the Big Bad Boss than to absorb hits from several enemies. I'll admit I'm not far enough in the game to make that evaluation.

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The problem is that tanks generally wear heavy armour and a shield, so even with a high interrupt rate, I think you'll find the sluggish attacks of the tank will interrupt less than the high dex dual-wielder next to him who ignored perception. Perhaps even worse than that, since the tank getting wailed on by three people is going to get interrupted himself rather a lot.


It's a nice perk, as you say, if you stack Perception for the deflection, but I don't think it's worth investing in Perception to get. Probably better to get Resolve first and cut down the interruptions the tank receives.


The Tank isn't there to do damage, so enemies who interrupt the Tank are generally not going to be a problem.  Strictly from that standpoint, I would say that Perception would outweigh Resolve.  Of course, Resolve also increases Will defense, and an incapacitated Tank is a very bad thing, so Resolve may come out ahead of Perception in the end - if you're having to make a choice between the two.  Having both maxed on a Tank is very nice.


Interrupting with a DPS character may happen more frequently, but investing in Perception to boost the interrupt chance is probably not worthwhile.  For a DPS character, interrupts aren't good enough to merit sacrificing other stats to improve.  Might, Dex, and in most cases Int are going to be better investments.


Interrupts aren't good enough for a Tank to sacrifice stats for, either, but in the case of a Tank the relevant stat is one that they would want to raise anyway.

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It's possible that investing in perception just for interrupt is not worthwhile, I think investing in perception can be worthwhile though.  Consider that it raises reflexes, an interrupt character will have high reflexes.  You could make this character a pale elf, so not only is this character better than others at interrupting, it can now also play the role of decoy for your wizards and druids, being highly resistant to their reflex based ice and fire aoe spells like fan of flames.


It's also worth considering that high reflexes characters will have an easier time surviving against a certain OP dragon that you meet in the game.

Edited by Climhazzard
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For what it's worth, Interrupting Blows is currently broken.


:unsure:  Trying to run a high Per Barb currently to proc Carnage Interrupts, and that was a key part of the strategy. There are a number of (usually magical) effects that reduce Concentration, but hey those are probably broken too.


Regarding weapon choice, Morningstars technically have the highest Interrupt rating, but I don't think it's worth fighting the bad pathing in this game in order to get close, so for something on the squishy side like Barb I say reach weapons are better.

The problem with morning stars is how slow they are. 


IMO in order to optimize around interrupts you want multiple characters in the party to have them going, so you'd want 2 or 3 barbarians and some Wizards with Blast, along with a Chanter constantly maintaining the -10 concentration chant. The idea is to set up an aoe barrage zone with several interrupt chances proccing per second.

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@famousringo: that's why your tank wears medium armor and takes Armored Grace :)

What bugs me about that is that you're trading damage reduction from all enemies hitting your tank for reducing the damage of the one target your tank can hit.


Maybe I'm wrong and in the hardest encounters it's more important to slow down the Big Bad Boss than to absorb hits from several enemies. I'll admit I'm not far enough in the game to make that evaluation.


Yeah, not really. There are a couple of factors at play here:


1) Deflection - can you hit me?

2) DR - if you hit me, how much damage is being reduced by the armor I'm wearing.


Truthfully, armor doesn't make a whole lot of difference for #1 - there are only a couple of points difference between mail and plate. The point being, if you get your deflection high enough, DR isn't that important (except against spells).


Take Weapon and Shield Style, Defender, and Wary Defender and you just aren't going to get hit. Take Armored Grace and Weapon Focus/Specialization/Mastery and you're going to be dangerous. 


Without getting too spoilery, I'll just say that I found myself in a position where my party was...beset on all sides. I sent my PC to tie up one baddie, I sent Eder to tie up another, and the rest of my squad to focus on a third. Eder needed a potion every little while, but my guy? My guy I ignored because nothing was happening to him. He was swing away in mail with a medium shield and a sword and he was taking no damage.


People who tell you that tanks are only viable in plate armor are playing a different game than I am.


P.S. And to your point regarding mobs, the same thing applies. If they can't hit you, you don't have to worry about how much damage is being reduced. Your meat shield's job is to tie up baddies so your bruiser and casters can pick them off. Interrupt is just one more way to tie them up.

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For what it's worth, Interrupting Blows is currently broken.


:unsure:  Trying to run a high Per Barb currently to proc Carnage Interrupts, and that was a key part of the strategy. There are a number of (usually magical) effects that reduce Concentration, but hey those are probably broken too.


Regarding weapon choice, Morningstars technically have the highest Interrupt rating, but I don't think it's worth fighting the bad pathing in this game in order to get close, so for something on the squishy side like Barb I say reach weapons are better.

The problem with morning stars is how slow they are. 


IMO in order to optimize around interrupts you want multiple characters in the party to have them going, so you'd want 2 or 3 barbarians and some Wizards with Blast, along with a Chanter constantly maintaining the -10 concentration chant. The idea is to set up an aoe barrage zone with several interrupt chances proccing per second.


All this extra effort is only really necessary against bad guys with high resolve. 

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Resources for players tinkering with Interrupt builds:


Con = Concentration


Afflictions that reduce Con:


Sickened -3 Con

Frightened -6 Con

Terrified -12 Con




Miasma of DM: -30 Con AoE, 2nd level spell

Ark. Wondrous Torment: -30 Con, chain effect, 5th level spell



Insect Swarm: -10 Con Foe AoE, 2nd level spell

Plague of Insects: -20 Con Foe AoE, 5th level spell

Bear form fear roar: 2/r



Thick Grew Their...: -10 Con Foe AoE, 1st level Phrase

The Bride Caught...: +5 Per friendly AoE, 3rd level Invocation



Champion's Boon: +10 Per single target, 5th level spell

Crowns for the Faithful: +6 Per friendly AoE, 6th level spell



Barb Yell: Frightened Foe AoE

Barb Shout: Terrified Foe AoE

Sicken Aura



Psychovampiric Shield: -30 Con single target, 2nd(?) level spell



Lion companion fear roar: 1/e



Lilith's Shawl: +3 Per

Charred Barrel rest: +2 Per

several foods: +1 Per

probably a brothel buff for the main character




In short, Miasma, Druid, Chanter, Frighten and Terrify. There are probably 20 ways to Frighten in the game, far fewer ways to Terrify.

Edited by mazeltov
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Exoduss, on 14 Apr 2015 - 11:11 AM, said: 


also secret about hardmode with 6 man party is :  its a faceroll most of the fights you will Auto Attack mobs while lighting your spliff


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