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In other words, the achievement for Iron Man is achievement for random factor.

Not exactly, its about trying to minimise the effect luck can have, its supposed to be the hardest achievement in the game and given that paradox helped to develop this game and the three mountains achievement is supposed to be impossible in EU4 (its only there for the clinically insane), I wouldn't even assume that three crowns is even meant to be possible.


To put a bit of context on this from EU4, a game ive played much more: I had a Three mountains run that had a play time of about 80 hours, unluckily when i used the EXACT SAME technique as DDRJake, an infamous game breaker I failed and that was that run over (his exploit involved attacking a small western nation and forcing them to accept you as a protectorate, protetorates cant get aggressive expansion which is one of the main ways that the game limits how much you can expand (everyone gangs up on you if you are too aggressive))


However when I tried to land my troops they got terrible dice rolls and they all died, keeping in mind I had sailed from china to the Mediterranean with an army I had been building up since the start of the game and i lost it. If it wasnt iron man I could have reloaded the battle until I won... THAT is why trial of iron is so difficult because you have to do everything perfectly and EVEN THEN you might still lose.

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This is definitely a two crown achievement, which is something to be proud of!

I think you may be the first two crown achievement out there (that has announced it).

So huzzah for that!

third ive seen but yea still very impressive

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In other words, the achievement for Iron Man is achievement for random factor.

Not exactly, its about trying to minimise the effect luck can have, its supposed to be the hardest achievement in the game and given that paradox helped to develop this game and the three mountains achievement is supposed to be impossible in EU4 (its only there for the clinically insane), I wouldn't even assume that three crowns is even meant to be possible.


To put a bit of context on this from EU4, a game ive played much more: I had a Three mountains run that had a play time of about 80 hours, unluckily when i used the EXACT SAME technique as DDRJake, an infamous game breaker I failed and that was that run over (his exploit involved attacking a small western nation and forcing them to accept you as a protectorate, protetorates cant get aggressive expansion which is one of the main ways that the game limits how much you can expand (everyone gangs up on you if you are too aggressive))


However when I tried to land my troops they got terrible dice rolls and they all died, keeping in mind I had sailed from china to the Mediterranean with an army I had been building up since the start of the game and i lost it. If it wasnt iron man I could have reloaded the battle until I won... THAT is why trial of iron is so difficult because you have to do everything perfectly and EVEN THEN you might still lose.


Well, I played EU too and got some of the harder achievements, although not three mountains admittedly. EU still gives you more chances to recover from bad luck than PotE, so your tactics matter more. Although like with all rng, yes, you still can easily get screwed by it.

Edited by MadDemiurg
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In other words, the achievement for Iron Man is achievement for random factor.

Not exactly, its about trying to minimise the effect luck can have, its supposed to be the hardest achievement in the game and given that paradox helped to develop this game and the three mountains achievement is supposed to be impossible in EU4 (its only there for the clinically insane), I wouldn't even assume that three crowns is even meant to be possible.


To put a bit of context on this from EU4, a game ive played much more: I had a Three mountains run that had a play time of about 80 hours, unluckily when i used the EXACT SAME technique as DDRJake, an infamous game breaker I failed and that was that run over (his exploit involved attacking a small western nation and forcing them to accept you as a protectorate, protetorates cant get aggressive expansion which is one of the main ways that the game limits how much you can expand (everyone gangs up on you if you are too aggressive))


However when I tried to land my troops they got terrible dice rolls and they all died, keeping in mind I had sailed from china to the Mediterranean with an army I had been building up since the start of the game and i lost it. If it wasnt iron man I could have reloaded the battle until I won... THAT is why trial of iron is so difficult because you have to do everything perfectly and EVEN THEN you might still lose.


Well, I played EU too and got some of the harder achievements, although not three mountains admittedly. EU still gives you more chances to recover from bad luck than PotE, so your tactics matter more. Although like with all rng, yes, you still can easily get screwed by it.


Thats because EU4 was a better game :p the reason i use three mountains as an example is that im betting that the three crowns achievement is based on the three mountains, botha re the hardest achievement in the games 

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Isn't it possible to edit your game with IEmod and still get TC Solo achievement?  In any case, you'll never really know whether someone completed TCS with 100% certainty, but if you're S/Ling the game why even call it ToI or play with that mode on?  Because your fingers might not be fast enough to press Escape?

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It is more like a SLG rather than RPG, didn't go to endless path nor do bounties, finish the game while level 10.


As limited by my poor English, I'll try to write a walkthrough.



Character Creation:


We don't need perception, so all races that boost perception is off the table, and we need wear helm, so Godlike is off the table, so the most suitable race would be Boreal Dwarf, +15 acc against wilder and Primordials may have limited use, but it fit for major quest.


Attributes: Min Per, max Int, Res and Dex, Con 10, rest go to Mig


Chosen Abilities:

level1: Tenuous Grasp, Whisper of Treason

level2: Mind wave

level3: Mental Binding, Mind blades

level4: Not important

level5: Puppet Master

level6: Not important

level7: Mind Lance, Silent Scream

level8: Body Attunement

level9: Ring leader, Borrowed Instinct

level10: Not important



Chosen Talents:

level2: Fast Runner (MUST HAVE!)

level4: Draining Whip

level6: Two weapon Style

level8: Gunner

level10: Deep Pockets



Important Items:

Carow Golan, Blacsonn, sold by merchants in House Doemenel and Scriveners Dormitory

Gaze of the Adragan Trap: One can be disarmed in the Skaen cult basement, sold by merchants in Copperlane and

Hearthsong, both need to finish there quest first(and side with them)

Iridescent Scarab Figurine, Oaken Scarab Figurine, Obsidian Lamp Figurine(see StrategyGuide Figurine section)




I can't edit my topic, because I can't find the edit button, so let's continue here, all question will be answered in the walk through, I hope.


Athletics 1~2

Lore 2 (to use fan of fire scroll)

then it goes to stealth and Mechanics, see walkthrough


Always save before combat and important conversation and remember S/L would still be needed, and you need it more than often.

Game will auto save if you quit the game while out of combat

In combat, if you feel something is wrong like your character is going to die, quit the game, then reload

Out of combat, if you chosen a wrong selection through dialogue and did not result a fight, attack anyone nearby, then quit the game, and reload

A lot of enemies won't chase you for too long after you run out of their distance if they didn't get close to you

Tenuous Grasp can confuse enemy, a confused enemy will attract other enemies, after confusion is over, if no PC in sight, the combat stop, sometimes a single enemy will chase

you, but it can also be confused, so if you encounter some group of enemies that can not sneak pass through, use Tenuous Grasp, and run through them quickly while they are

fighting each other.

The food Farmer's Spread increase your move speed by 1, it also affect sneak, so remember gather ingredients.

You get almost infinite focus from hit after quaff a Carow Golan or Blacsonn.

Don't bring pet, sometimes they will mess things up.



I'll explain how to resolve some fight that should be difficult, the rest you can dig it up by your self.

There are some quests can be done with high Resolve, see Strategy Guide.

You can find a lot of hidden items by using the scout mode, see Strategy Guide.


You will first encounter an outlaw, attack her with a ranged weapon or mind wave then run, after running enough distance she will turn back, attack her with mind wave then run

again, and then she will turn back again, get closer to her or stand still but do not attack, you should leave combat and get into combat immediately, with refreshed focus, do

the hit and run multiple times, she would be dead. Then sneak closer to the bandit camp, shoot the nearest bandit with a ranged weapon and run, then do the hit and run again

to finish him, go back to the bandit camp, cast Tenuous Grasp on the archer and attack her, before the confusion were off, charm the other bandit, and kill the archer, use

hit and run to finish the left bandit, and talk to the cook.


If you don't want to come back to this map again, head to the bear cave, sneak closer and cast Tenuous Grasp on one of the young bear then run to the entry, that bear can kill

young bear with a single hit. After all young bears are dead, cast Tenuous Grasp on the bear, see if it is moving a little bit far from the soul, if it is, go talk to the

soul, after finish talking, cast Tenuous Grasp on bear immediately, then run to the entry, leave the cave after leave combat.



Gilded Vale

You should have 4 stealth and 4 mechanics after reach here, go steal around, finish tasks and The smith's shipment quest, it is simple, just sneak and steal the quest item

then take it back to the smith. Leave other quests along. After all finished you should be level 4, put all skill points into stealth.

Before leaving, buy a rope from smith.


Caed Nua


Sneak through the bottom edge, then you will encounter a group of elements, confuse one or two of them then head to the door of main keep. Now prepare for S/L, in the main

keep, confuse those ghosts for many as you like, then run to the north east corner, that corner blocks enemy sight and you can talk to housecarl safely. Sneak head down to Old

Nua level 1, unlock the door lead to Maerwald by mechanics 4, after fight start, 3 elements will be summoned by Maerwald, confuse the Fire Blight(with +15 acc), then run out

of the room, if you are lucky Maerwald's fresh new chill fog and fire ball will clear those elements out, if not, confuse another element and do it again, don't forget you

can still attack with ranged weapon and elements are moving slowly. After elements are cleared out or left by1, lure Maerwald out, run around quickly to avoid his aoe attack, then lure the spiders out from the room in south east, if you didn't stuck by spider web, lure spider to attack Maerwald, charm the left element, the rest fight should be easy.




Additional remark:

After an enemy is confused, you need to run back so other enemy will go attack there fellow, but spells that target on you won't cancel, so you have interrupt them.




Now if you already find a Carow Golan in your travel, head to Dyrford Village, accept task Cat and Mouse and prepare for S/L, go to the 2nd floor of inn, after open the door of

Nyfre's room run back fast, then start fight trough dialogue, cast mental binding to stuck them before they get out the door, move to right a little bit so enemy ranger can

not set DOT on you, then cast Tenuous Grasp on the Hooded women, after that, run to the corner of the room next to Nyfre's room(probably need to close the door), wait the

combat stop(sometimes Nyfre will chase you to the room alone, you will see how to deal with her), after combat stop, sneak out and cast Tenuous Grasp on the Hooded man, he

should be killed by his fellow, then do then same thing to the Hooded women. After both of them are dead, quaff a Carow Golan, then use sneak to lure Nyfre out, cast mental

binding on her and hit her with two weapons, combine draining whip and Carow Golan, you can gain 15 focus within 2 hits, but Nyfre's will defense is very high, you may need to

reload, after kill her, you get her armor, it grants +2 stealth! Then you can go deal with the left mage and ranger, and sell the loot for a good price.




Now go accept task Net egg and quest A farmer's plight, buy another rope from local smith, heading to Dyrford Crossing, using Tenuous Grasp to bypass beetles and wolves, also use

Tenuous Grasp, charm and ranged attack to clear out the way to the ogre cave, you still need Tenuous Grasp to get to the ogre, after meet the ogre, persuade him to leave or

come to your stronghold, then go back to Dryford Village, talk to the farmer, give him 400cp, and you will receive the most powerful blunderbuss for cipher - Lead Spitter.



Head back to DryfordCrossing, go to the top right location and confront a group of bandits, ask them what do they know about dragon eggs and scare enemy mage away, after

combat start, run fast, an enemy monk will chase you out, mental binding him and shoot him in the face, then switch to two weapons, hit him - bind him - hit him - bind him,

and he is dead, sneak back to the nest, if the enemy archer is out there, use sneak to lure her out and do the binding attack, if she is not, cast Tenuous Grasp on one of the

enemy close by Sevis then charm the archer, Sevis's damage is extremely high, he can one shot you, so does he can slain his fellow very soon, after there is only Sevis left

alone, equip a crossbow, lure Sevis out near the wurm, mental binding him, attack wurm once with crossbow, then run, you might get hit by several fire ball, but Sevis will be

overwhelmed by the rest.


loot their body, you can get a stag helm, wear it, now use 2 rope to get the egg, and head back to town, after the task is finish, you should be

level 5, put skill points into mechanics. There is a Noxious Burst Trap you can disarm in a backer's house, now you are ready to go to the Defiance Bay.



Defiance Bay

You are pretty free now, buy all lockpicks from merchants, Buy Cloak of the Fox and Hunter from merchant in Expedition Hall, buy Amulet of Joka'te(+2 Resolve) from the merchant in Ondra's Gift, pick the Oaken Scarab Figurine in copperlane, buy some Carow Golan and Blacsonn, buy ingredients for fan of fire scroll and farmer's spread in the market, then go finish quests and tasks that you can handle with(remember you have high Reslove), I suggest abandon the light house quest and Missing Sentries.


Right now you should put every skill points into mechanics until it reach level 8(then level up your stealth). Chose House Doemenel as patron because their quest is easy for a cipher and they paid well(there maybe a trap you can't disarm in the quest A Two Story Job, don't worry that trap deals very low damage, just trigger it). After your mechanics is 7, take a nap in the inn in Copperlane(I forgot it's name :s), use the room that gives you +1 mechanics, then go to the Valian Embassy in First Fires, open a chest in north west room to get the obsidian lamp, now you should ready for every hard fight you must face. The Noxious Burst Trap should use during the quest The Man Who Waits, deal with enemy druid and cipher first. And you don't need to fight those undead in front of Teir Nowneth if you don't want to, just eat a Farmer's Spread and sneak through the top edge, then quickly go click the door to get in, when you get out there again, confuse several enemies so you can slip out, don't forget to do the task Safe Haven to get Iridescent Scarab, you need mechanics 8 to disarm the trapped sarcophagus.


After all quests and tasks in Defiance Bay that you can handle is finished, you should have at least 8 in mechanics, still, take a nap in the inn in Copperlane, use the +1 mechanics room, be sure you have 25 lockpicks(or 15? I don't remember the exact quantity, so bring 25 in case)then head to Cliaban Rilag(don't sleep in the inn in Dryford Village so you can keep the buff), most enemies in this area are wilder and Primordials, so you can easily confuse them and pass through, then you will step into a room full of mushroom, you can disarm a lot of traps in this room, confuse one of the little mushroom and lure them out to the tunnel, summon shades from your obsidian lamp, you can finish them easily, then chose the left path, quaff a Blacsonn, mental binding those big mushroom and hit them with two weapons, clear the way out and you should enter the 2nd level. After you entered the 2nd level, sneak to middle door that leads to grand chamber, pick the lock, go through it ,and head up to the middle door in grand chamber, confuse those rain blight who guard the door, pick lock the door, you need 9 mechanics + 15 or 25 lockpicks to open it, hide behind the door or simply slain the rest rain blight, then go finish the quest.


After you get out of Cliaban Rilag, head to Dryford Crossing, slain those beetles in the middle area, and go into the Skaen cult basement, unlock the door by 9 mechanics, kill a few cultists on the left side, take the master key, confuse those cultists who guard the door, open the door with master key and side with Skaen cultist, now you can explore the whole place, don't forget to disarm a petrify trap in the middle area, and there is a bracer lock in a trapped chest that can boost your spell damage for 20%. Head back to the Village and finish this quest, after a few main quests, you are ready to step in ACT3.




Twin Elms

After you finished the quest that allow you to enter other area in Twin Elms, the first thing to do is buy yourself new equipment, buy new enchant ingredients and the flail Starcaller in the market, Bleak Fang and Seven Skuldr's-Worth in Glawain's Maw, buy war paint from merchant in Elms' Reach. Finish the task Hard Bargian and side with the Valian merchant, so you can purchase petrify trap from him. Finish quest Prison of Ice, you can finish the quest without bloodshed by sneak to Alwah, talk to her, then sneak to Glasvahl and persuade him to give the permission to release Alwah. Finish quest Sacrificial Bloodlines, I chose to poison the old man because I just want XP, you need 20 Resolve to avoid bloodshed.



Now you can choose a god who will protect you after you jump into the pit, I chose Hylea, so head to the nest, talk with the sky dragon but do not start fight throughdialogue, place a petrify trap under it's feet, then stun the dragon with silent scream, if set the trap in right spot the wurm will step on it by it self, so quaff war paint and summon adra beetle from Iridescent Scarab, cast mind lance and use fan of fire scroll to slain the dragon quickly, loot her nest, and we are ready for the last step.





After you get into the pit, go through the middle door, use your summons to slain a way out or use them to lure enemies away, confuse those who chasing you and go to the chamber. After you get to the 2nd floor, try to loot every ash figure, there has to be one +3 move speed boots on them, use summons, Tenuous Grasp to get away from the first black mist fight, at the second black mist fight, pause the game immediately after you can, enter stealth, and click the door to the 3rd floor, and you will get in.


I'll post several pictures to show you how to deal with final boss, but first you have to equip the +3 move speed boots you just looted, cook and eat every food you need, quaff a Blacsonn, set the trap at the spot as in the picture. And one more thing you need to know, Woedica's Judge has high will but low Fortitude, the Headsman are opposite.









And our journey finish here :sorcerer:

Edited by Emeus
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It can, after my first PotD run, dieing risk is betweet level 1-4 highest...can be dogded by leveling to level 5. All small room encounters can be dogded, until you oultlevel them with "easier" quest.


Only hard fight I found in game, which cannot be dogded, is Thalos. And Thalos is a practice question. After you know, how it works, you can kill him to 100%.

With this pictures, I have seen 3 different PotD tactics for him. I personal try at the moment the kite tactic in my game for the 4th variant to kill him.

Edited by Aqvamare
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So you didn't really do a Trial of Iron run.


Just as I expected. I fully believe a true solo Trial of Iron run on PotD can't be done.

I will post my run when Im done :p only at act two but im running a non trial of iron parallel, i find that the chanter, while being not very tanky and not very high DPS is the least luck reliant of any class ive played so far, mostly because your summons allow you to reliably mitigate damage, that and the frost trap/speed boost that allows you to kite pretty much anything makes almost any fight winnable. Having said that ive had a couple of close calls where i got burst down and my phantom had to finish the fight for me and  was on my knees praying for good rolls XD

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So you didn't really do a Trial of Iron run.


Just as I expected. I fully believe a true solo Trial of Iron run on PotD can't be done.

I will post my run when Im done tongue.png only at act two but im running a non trial of iron parallel, i find that the chanter, while being not very tanky and not very high DPS is the least luck reliant of any class ive played so far, mostly because your summons allow you to reliably mitigate damage, that and the frost trap/speed boost that allows you to kite pretty much anything makes almost any fight winnable. Having said that ive had a couple of close calls where i got burst down and my phantom had to finish the fight for me and  was on my knees praying for good rolls XD


You save and load your games. That's not really Trial of Iron. In Trial of Iron you either win a fight or lose it (and your game ends), you don't quickly quit the game and then load your game again. Defeats the purpose of Trial of Iron completely.

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It can, after my first PotD run, dieing risk is betweet level 1-4 highest...can be dogded by leveling to level 5. All small room encounters can be dogded, until you oultlevel them with "easier" quest.


Only hard fight I found in game, which cannot be dogded, is Thalos. And Thalos is a practice question. After you know, how it works, you can kill him to 100%.

With this pictures, I have seen 3 different PotD tactics for him. I personal try at the moment the kite tactic in my game for the 4th variant to kill him.

If you can disposal Thaos first, then kite would be a perfect tactic for chanter, with fast runner, +3 move speed boots and Farmer's Spread, titans can never chase you up.

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So you didn't really do a Trial of Iron run.


Just as I expected. I fully believe a true solo Trial of Iron run on PotD can't be done.

I will post my run when Im done :p only at act two but im running a non trial of iron parallel, i find that the chanter, while being not very tanky and not very high DPS is the least luck reliant of any class ive played so far, mostly because your summons allow you to reliably mitigate damage, that and the frost trap/speed boost that allows you to kite pretty much anything makes almost any fight winnable. Having said that ive had a couple of close calls where i got burst down and my phantom had to finish the fight for me and  was on my knees praying for good rolls XD


I'd like to try a chanter solo in path of the damned and share the experience, one question, does chanter chant more fast if they have high dex?

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So you didn't really do a Trial of Iron run.


Just as I expected. I fully believe a true solo Trial of Iron run on PotD can't be done.

I will post my run when Im done tongue.png only at act two but im running a non trial of iron parallel, i find that the chanter, while being not very tanky and not very high DPS is the least luck reliant of any class ive played so far, mostly because your summons allow you to reliably mitigate damage, that and the frost trap/speed boost that allows you to kite pretty much anything makes almost any fight winnable. Having said that ive had a couple of close calls where i got burst down and my phantom had to finish the fight for me and  was on my knees praying for good rolls XD


You save and load your games. That's not really Trial of Iron. In Trial of Iron you either win a fight or lose it (and your game ends), you don't quickly quit the game and then load your game again. Defeats the purpose of Trial of Iron completely.


No i don't?? are you confusing me with OP? Im currently on my third ToI run and I havnt save scummed once, even for really annoying things like not getting the frost cloak and accidentally killing the quest giver near the broken bridge. If you had read this thread at all you would see that I completely agree with you, it isnt really trial of iron if you save and reload

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Nope they do not. Dex is a dump stat regardless of your chanter build.


Not neccesarily, as chanter your damage is gimped already, Im not sure that dumping dex is worth it. As it is I often go into stalemate fights where they cant killmy summons but i cant kill them faster than they heal (currently practising for the sangune plate bridge fight and i have yet to scratch the guy wearing it, even with my summons up he just shrugs off the damage, his only low def stat is will and i can only mind contro him 3 times, even his own teamcant kill him I REALLY WANT THAT ARMOR




So you didn't really do a Trial of Iron run.


Just as I expected. I fully believe a true solo Trial of Iron run on PotD can't be done.

I will post my run when Im done :p only at act two but im running a non trial of iron parallel, i find that the chanter, while being not very tanky and not very high DPS is the least luck reliant of any class ive played so far, mostly because your summons allow you to reliably mitigate damage, that and the frost trap/speed boost that allows you to kite pretty much anything makes almost any fight winnable. Having said that ive had a couple of close calls where i got burst down and my phantom had to finish the fight for me and  was on my knees praying for good rolls XD


I'd like to try a chanter solo in path of the damned and share the experience, one question, does chanter chant more fast if they have high dex?


They dont and as chanter its much easier to survive as you have a slow, a speed boost and infinite summons. The no. 1 problem i have encountered is actually that your DPS sucks. Both level two summons are pretty lackluster, only marginally better than the phanom, some fights have gone on for ever simply due to my non-existent damage, Im thinking im gonna need to stack scrolls until i get the fire aoe chant level three but thats 4 levels off.... Im almost tempted to start again and spec up more DPS talents. Or if im going to get all my DPS from scrolls anyway I might as well roll a fighter, high DR and just tank everything, at least then my base stats would be better.


I was coninced chanters would be THE class to solo but now im thinking they just lack the damage in some situations.


My build is:

18 Might

13 Con

11 Dex

18 per

3 int

19 Res


I can prety much always survive until my firstsummon is up, especially if i use a figurine, and from there its a its basically a matter of grinding them down, only really tough fights kill my phantom in less than 12 seconds, but it rarely survives for 24 seconds so pretty much 99% of my invocations are refreshing the summon. I really really need more DPS

Edited by Ceranai
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With hight might you can rely on endurance drain song, summons, retaliation and fire rain song later on to do the damage. However I haven't played the class solo, so maybe dex will help you to get through starting levels. It definitely seems redundant with higher level chants and better gear though.

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You save and load your games. That's not really Trial of Iron. In Trial of Iron you either win a fight or lose it (and your game ends), you don't quickly quit the game and then load your game again. Defeats the purpose of Trial of Iron completely.

He does NOT savescum. That is the OP.


He runs a second game so he can try out different tactics for a given fight, and then makes the attempt with his Trial of Iron game.

Which is a damn good idea. He lives with the consequences of the Trial of Iron game, and has had to restart a few times.

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So you didn't really do a Trial of Iron run.


Just as I expected. I fully believe a true solo Trial of Iron run on PotD can't be done.

I will post my run when Im done tongue.png only at act two but im running a non trial of iron parallel, i find that the chanter, while being not very tanky and not very high DPS is the least luck reliant of any class ive played so far, mostly because your summons allow you to reliably mitigate damage, that and the frost trap/speed boost that allows you to kite pretty much anything makes almost any fight winnable. Having said that ive had a couple of close calls where i got burst down and my phantom had to finish the fight for me and  was on my knees praying for good rolls XD


You save and load your games. That's not really Trial of Iron. In Trial of Iron you either win a fight or lose it (and your game ends), you don't quickly quit the game and then load your game again. Defeats the purpose of Trial of Iron completely.


No i don't?? are you confusing me with OP? Im currently on my third ToI run and I havnt save scummed once, even for really annoying things like not getting the frost cloak and accidentally killing the quest giver near the broken bridge. If you had read this thread at all you would see that I completely agree with you, it isnt really trial of iron if you save and reload


Yes, I confused you with the OP

Edited by Psychevore
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  • 3 weeks later...

well, i finished the game as solo cipher on potd as well, not as described in this thread but still. (not trial of iron)

i must say, don't do it unless you are a masochist because you won't be able to enjoy this game as much as you normally would.

here is a screenshot to show you what i mean 



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You should've used potion of recovery or prayer against fear scroll :/. His will save is also quite low.

Now I know why I enjoy pala more, than I did my cipher, he just doesn't get hit by weak enemies like Cail.^^

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