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Let's play Fallout New Vegas


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Camp McCarran (part 1)


82GLuPF.jpgYeah, this looks like a target rich environment for some slapping.


bjKotnX.jpg Oh wait, an actual cool NCR guy. No rules, no regulations, just killing baddies, and dishing out some cool oneliners. This is going to be just like my mom's stories. Dark and stormy night here I come!


1OZWUAh.jpgThe next golf course you're going to play is in hell. It has nine holes and you are it. Boom!


g1dhXHs.jpg Hello chef, do you know what's for dinner? Ka-Pow! It is lead covered justice!


KGqIOIQ.jpgJustice is blind so she sees no color...? No. Someone with such a beautiful name shouldn't do such bad things? No no! I've lost the oneliners.


Wait... They will call you "Red" after I'm done with you. *sigh* It just feels too late. :(


OyrSA3B.jpgI knew fiends were crazy, but naming a dog after yourself? That's no ordinary crazy. That's some next level **** right there.


INCeabf.jpgWhat?! You had a rule against head shots? I hit him to the side of his head! You can still totally recognize him. That's it! I'm leaving "civilization" for a while and go with Happy Trails caravan to Zion.


Seriously, who makes a rule against head shots? 

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Zion (intro)


xgethI1.jpgMy rifle is so big no one will ever think I'm a side kick ever again. 


Side note: The gun does slightly less damage than hunting rifle, but only requires 4 strength. Rifle, armor and backpack are from the Courier's Stash mod. No screenshot from finishing that quest line, because I had a brain fart, and it was just hunting down guys who had taken my stuff. Also from now on I'm using the Configator thing to increase my draw distances.


FZU6wxP.jpgOk, everybody is here and we're off to Zion.


hjoCA9g.jpgThey are dead. They are all dead! It wasn't my fault! I'm just a sidekick.


rjpP1xb.jpgLets just look at this grand vista and forget all those dead bodies back there. It wasn't my fault. 

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I admit Nipton was always a place that bugged me. Vulpes Inculta  has a line that says something like "if you don't like what I've done (in killing the town), try to kill me" and then when you try to kill him everyone attacks.

Didn't you hear the man? He said I could attack him!



Doesn't that makes things simple?


I always remember my first Courier's immediate response to Vulpes' line:


Legion, meet my fist!



I loved the long string of "infamous" achievements Edward Sallows spat at my Courier when they finally met; fists had been exercised liberally at Nelson and Cottonwood.

It's one of the rare instances when I actually felt proud that my character was recognized as a slayer of men (of a certain Faction).

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... and it took me a week of nothing but eating, gaming and sleeping to complete :p

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^Oh yeah, it was a great moment in the game.  I just wish I could have been able to yell out "You heard him, he said I could kill him!" when I did. :p

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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I never heard that actually. I usually kill the guard dogs and guards then stab Cesar.

"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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Zion (Part 1, meeting new people)


OvZQWO5.jpgUtman? I'm hunam and proud of it. These savages can't even  speak properly.


JjCYASe.jpgLord? There's no proof of this Lords existence. I mean, do you see any castles around? When you believe in Vault Boy you know it to be true, since there are vaults around. The logic is flawless.


D9By7KD.jpg Granted there are caves around, but wouldn't you rather live in a vault than in a cave, Vault Boy 2 other religions 0.


Zion (Part 2, paid advertisement)


XstwQnD.jpgThey are in your house playing your pool.


XTej6Io.jpgThey are in your store taking your favourite snacks.


This is what happens today at Zion. The same could happen tomorrow at Mojave. Buy now new a Anti-materiel rifle or a Light machine gun. Both are great for your everyday home defense. Best prices at Gun Runners. Gun Runners, pick up your gun and make them run for their lives.

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Zion (Part 3, it was a quest I had to do it)


FL1i4q6.jpgBut drugs are bad, mmmkay? Then again my mom always said: "When in a vault do as the vault dwellers do." Maybe just this time.


My8HrB2.jpgDude! This is so trippy. It's a bear with only one head. Oh my Boy!


hMt0s0M.jpgDude. My middle name is "Bravery". Just without the "ry" part, you know? 


7t43AAU.jpgDude! ****'s on fire, yo! I'm like so high right now.


VoUtT4b.jpgToday I learned drugs are awesome! 

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Zion (Part 4, final bits of exploring)


GnHVFD1.jpgHa! Even the physics bow down before me.


0tDcVdr.jpgGood bye Cave Father, you were no Vault Boy, but you were pretty damn cool.


IU3hA5z.jpg*sniff* I'm not crying. I just got something in my eye.

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Zion (Part 4, the end is nigh)


bSomoAL.jpgI will shoot the whites off White Legs.


sJbgBjg.jpgPew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, 'murica!


XjCpVJC.jpgTactics 101: Keep shooting at their legs until they expect nothing else...


2K55UXj.jpg...then *BOOM* headshot! Works every time.


RHHGgpv.jpgCouldn't have done this speech check without meeting people magazine and party time mentats. Remember kids, if the hurdle seems too high just use drugs. That's how all the cool people do it.


In the end Follows-Chalk was encouraged to stay with his people, Waking Cloud was told the truth about her husband, and Sorrows lost their innocence, but are now capable of dealing with anything the wasteland might throw against them. So endeth Honest Hearts.  

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Repconn HQ (for handsomest flying testicle ever)


TYDdCTK.jpgThese guys look like they had a critical failure with hacking. Is that even possible? Weird. 


YEILmfb.jpgMrs? I'm being misgendered by these oppressive robotlords. I want to file a complaint!


P5ebFXT.jpg  Well, at least it is a step to right direction, but I will still be telling all about this to all of my followers... which I have two. So you know word is going to go around and stuff.


Wrhx1Qg.jpg Ha! Nothing beats luck.


ew515Je.jpgNot in good or bad. Really. Two Brotherhood of Steel members in full armor killed by falling ceiling. Luck is no dump stat.


OMCNduf.jpgYou had me at "hunamity". ED-E can come to your place and play. While I wait I think I'll go see a moving picture.


qh18eRY.jpgThis is the worst moving picture ever. It's just an eye, nothing else. Maybe it gets better if I'm drunk?


OSRGQPv.jpgOh Boy dammit!

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Two Brotherhood of Steel members in full armor killed by falling ceiling. Luck is no dump stat.

Indeed laughing.gif


A shame PoE is so close to release now, I really need to finish my original game of New Vegas, got close to the end and then fell into the trap of indecisiveness about what path to pursue at the end sad.png

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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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A shame PoE is so close to release now, I really need to finish my original game of New Vegas, got close to the end and then fell into the trap of indecisiveness about what path to pursue at the end sad.png


Ah PoE, the dragon that looms over this thread. The future is dark indeed. Can our hero continue on? Nobody knows for sure.


Also, I don't like Dead Money. It's like one post of screenshots at most, but probably still take me at least couple days more to play through. 

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Big MT (Part 1, conversations conversations)


2uJWYSx.jpgThat's just rude. I maybe bit hangover-y, but I'm no animal. I am a hunam being!


u5FGiaB.jpgWell, "hello" to you too baby doll. *wink wink*


u3bmrxM.jpgNot that I would either. I mean I do know. Of course I do. Also, mine is totally and absolutely without any nails.


1NpDrA4.jpgCan you think how painful high fiving would be with hand penises? Ouch.


THWthpa.jpgThis looks like a job for the TV Repair Man! 


O0Zf5DF.jpgIt just happens that "Somehow" is my middle name. I shall do this deed for you, noble TV screens. 

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Side note: I was weak caved in to the luring call of the temptress called Pillars of Eternity, but now I have most definitely decided to wait for patches. What better way to do it than continue my playthrough.


Big MT (Part 2, now with even more conversations)


I5avLiO.jpgThat sounds bit harsh for "Colosto-diarrhetics". I mean, I've had diarrhea before, but I have never had any psychology problems, right Teddy Bear.


kSwh5VB.jpgThese people never learn. Put your points in luck and Mojave smiles with you. No more mountain mishaps or leaning into some bullets.


acuZBJW.jpgTeddy bear, don't leave home without it.


keBEZ6d.jpgI don't like to brag guys, but I think I just got some. What a energizing way to start exploring the Big Empty.

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Big MT (Part 3, I'm the Test Runner)


r9pB5Do.jpgFirst I'm going to get the gun that disables force fields, because if there's something I have learned from my moms stories is when your brain gets stolen and there are force fields: your brain is going to be behind a force field. It's just the way of the world. 


OSXWerp.jpgWhat a nice, modern, automatized kitchen. I'm sure it is kitchen and not some sort evil dissection room of doom for those who fail the tests.


AJAN2Da.jpg Little grave robbing never hurt anyone, but if you're going to pick up whole coffins it is important to remember to lift with your feet and not with your back.


Thvbhlg.jpgThe F is for Fantastic like my mom used to say.


YkaxQ2C.jpgJust some dogs playing poker, right? Wrong! Not one dog is wagging its tail. This means they have been taught to lie and that's just too far. There are some things science should stay out off and lying dogs is where I draw the line.


Jq7v6F3.jpg Now nothing can stand my way! Muahhahaa! Well, except normal doors, walls, mountain sides and, you know, other stuff, but not force fields! I have total dominance over force fields. I'm sure this weapon is going to be super effective in Mojave too.

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Big MT (Part 3.5, the greatest love story ever told)


g0bIuis.jpgSure thing babe, I just need to check one thing that totally isn't your home and then I'm coming to see you.


uKYICN9.jpgLooks good so far. I think she might be my second soul mate.


2v8EVQm.jpgYeah, she's the one. Remember kids, it isn't stalking if she isn't home.

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I wonder if I'm just weird, but Dead Money was probably my favourite DLC for FONV. Big MT wasn't bad though :)

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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Big MT (Part 4, the difficulty of making friends or how to waste over month of game time)
This update is going to be bit different. There's going to be nothing fun here. No funny texts under screenshots, just the soundtrack of my sorrow. Because the pain is real, guys. The pain is real. I searched far and wide to find a friend with whom I could conquer the dangers of the Big Empty, but no one liked me. They all hated me. Before every meeting I had hope. Oh, how I had hope, but that hope turned to despair every time. I could have even been the sidekick... Perhaps I always was. Surely someone would have joined me if I was the main character.
Scroll down slowly and melancholicly for ultimate effect.
Important! Click here for the soundtrack! Important!


























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Big MT (Part 4.5, I'm back baby!)


THoyuN3.jpgScrew finding friends! I'm gonna make my own friend from robots and dogs.


z3njyeB.jpgIt's cute and all, but I can't help to think someone really missed an opportunity here. Why wasn't there an option to make a friend out of teddy bear and robot? How cool would that been? Super mega cool. I would have called her Teddi. A perfect name for a perfect furry friend.

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Big MT (Part 5, where I forgot how to screenshot)


p4oLVmr.jpgHa ha! What kind of loser has to build his own friends? Oh, right. *cough*


aPUzXmw.jpgWell he's actually nice and... bald. Of course he's bald. They are all bald... all of them. My sweet Doctor Dala is bald. I've been getting it on with a bald chick. How this could have happened?


Rx4h00a.jpgHey! Don't speak bad of Luck, Droopy Screen. Bah, I'm still so shocked I can't even do insults. 


LGWUlTs.jpgQuestion for the ages, am I right guys.


EwxBGuI.jpgAnd they did. I let Mobius and the other screens live with a promise I would occasionally bring them stuff and take their science stuff to Mojave. That was it. I'm never going to visit Doctor Dala again... probably.  

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  • 3 weeks later...

I hope you realize Kiro... if you kill me I will find you and kill you... man to man... I will stick a Knife in you... 



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Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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