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Should they do it?  

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  1. 1. Should they do it?

    • Yes
    • No
    • That would be awsome!
    • Thats the dumbist thing i have ever heard

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It doesn't make sense that something can consume the force. But mutating it or radiating it is logically if the right process is taken. The Star Maps and the Star Forge will good examples. I agree with that one.



Yes they were imbued with darkside energy that's why they "radiated" it......not consume it for power or as a power souce.


It's like saying that Ajunta Paul sword was fuled by ds engery.


Context meaning is imbued making it have uniqe properties that only a skilled sith can do.

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To my knowledge the Force did power their technology, but the reason the star forge needed the sun is because it needed energy to convert into matter: IE ships. The star forge can detatch from the star and serve as a battle dreadnaught. I don't think it would be reliant on the star for all power if it could detatch and go elsewhere, but then again mabey it wasn't fueled by the darkside and would simply dock with multiple stars along the way while mobile. It would make more sense (atleast to me) if it were forced powered but whatever.


I'd like to see something about the Great Hyperspace War or the war with Exar Kun myself, but not as KOTOR, KOTOR is the title of the series pretaining to the current content/characters. A completely off the wall sequel with no ties at all would be even less of a sequel moreso just a spin off leaching off the name of the game.


If there was to be a great hyperspace war game, u could play as a 3rd explorer on Gav and Joris ship, perhapse a stoaway or something that no one would know about so it would be plausible with the rest of the story. Is it writen any where that naga sadow was a complete human. If not then Naga Sadow could be a human/sith hybrid thus provide a more diverese array of villans and heroes. One would be able to side with Luudo Kreshh or Naga Sadow while on the darkside path. While on the Lightside path u could side with Jori or some other character. Along the way u would find out u were force sensitive, and get trained somehow, perhapse since so much is going on the jedi won't throw u out because ur too old, perhapse if the character goes evil before that point they throw him out and he is forced to learn from the sith. Just an idea though


Please don't start another petty argument on what pronouns are used. The character in the story I described above could also be female rather than male and vice versa, it would be like KOTOR in character creation, though due to the lack of a lightsaber so early on perhapse it would be better as an FPS like JKA or JO but with saber combat as third person. But not so unbalanced that the saber beats the crap out of anything and all other weapons are useless

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Did a runthrough of a bunch of the dialogues of the game last night, and couldn't find anything saying that the Star Forge was powered, fueled, or otherwise run by the Force. It did, however, mention that the Star Forge was so very imbued with the Force that it had nearly a life of its own, rather like the spot outside Endor where Palpatine died the first time.


In other words, a whole lot of nothing was given in the game about the Star Forge. *sigh*


And, while I love every bit of pre-KoTOR fanfic on my site, I don't think I'd want a game devoted to it. I'd much rather them move forward in this particular timeline, rather than backwards.

Never assume malice when stupidity is to blame.

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Where does it say that they were the first to use the force? ;)


They may have not been the first force sensative race, but since the Rakata out date everyone else they were the first use the force in a disciplined manner. I am just using the information from the KoTOR that basically points to the Rakata being the first to understand and effectively use the force. The Jedi and Sith orders are much much younger.

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Did a runthrough of a bunch of the dialogues of the game last night, and couldn't find anything saying that the Star Forge was powered, fueled, or otherwise run by the Force.  It did, however, mention that the Star Forge was so very imbued with the Force that it had nearly a life of its own, rather like the spot outside Endor where Palpatine died the first time.


In other words, a whole lot of nothing was given in the game about the Star Forge.  *sigh*


And, while I love every bit of pre-KoTOR fanfic on my site, I don't think I'd want a game devoted to it.  I'd much rather them move forward in this particular timeline, rather than backwards.


Once again although I hate to admit it I agree with Adria Teksuni on this subject. Oh the pain! After this much solidarity I had better build a bridge out of her or she will turn me into a newt.



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I'm pretty sure one of the Rattika elders said something about thier hyperdrives being powered by dark side energy and this is what lead them to loose thier force powers.


A connection between the Rattika and the anchient Sith race would be interesting to investigate, but not by setting a game in that time period.

Everyone knows Science Fiction is really cool. You know what PoE really needs? Spaceships! There isn't any game that wouldn't be improved by a space combat minigame. Adding one to PoE would send sales skyrocketing, and ensure the game was remembered for all time!!!!!

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I'm pretty sure one of the Rattika elders said something about thier hyperdrives being powered by dark side energy and this is what lead them to loose thier force powers.


A connection between the Rattika and the anchient Sith race would be interesting to investigate, but not by setting a game in that time period.


I can tell you that I'm sure the Rakata elders never said something about their hyperdrives being powered by dark side energy. Look, the Rakata are the origin of the universes technology and yes they could use the force but thats it. End of discussion! If you don't believe me play the game again.



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I always assumed they meant their ships were powered by the force, but does it really matter? i mean i know i thought that but to me if i found out differently id be like ok i was wrong no biggie! I can think of a hell of a lot more things that i would be far FAR more upset if i found out i was wrong about, i mean fair enough you may all care alot about it, but to me it seems really rather insignificant :) but thats just me

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hmmm, I do not know if the rakata were the FIRST to use the force but they DID use it a long time ago in a galaxy far far away

all force users used the force a long tim ago in a galaxy far far away. or is that ur point? meditate on this i will

the force is what gives a jedi his power. its an energy field created by all living things. it surrounds us and penetrates us. it binds the galaxy together

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I went through the history of the Rataka with the elder historian and thier compture i foud that there technology and they'er use of the force were interconnected once they lost the ability to use the force they could no long control they'er tech. And they also used the FORCE to GIDE there ships.

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I guess drawing inspiration from Lucas's earliest drafts, it is established that -at least the human- earliest Force-user was an ancient farmer of some sort who sensed the sway of the Force (his name could be Skywalker[?])and taught his many children of its ways; their family formed the core of what came to be known as the 'Jedi Bendu Knights'. That was at the time when Coruscant consisted of nothing but a few towns. The lightsaber etc. were all invented later on. That's also probably *long* before any Sith were contacted.


I think I'd want to play a game set in this extreme time period; but of course it wouldn't have anything to do with Kotor.

Zwangvolle Plage!


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I guess drawing inspiration from Lucas's earliest drafts, it is established that -at least the human- earliest Force-user was an ancient farmer of some sort who sensed the ways of the Force (his name could be Skywalker[?])and taught his many children of its ways; their family formed the core of what came to be known as the 'Jedi Bendu Knights'. That was at the time when Coruscant consisted of nothing but a few towns. The lightsaber etc. were all invented later on. That's also probably *long* before any Sith were contacted.


I think I'd want to play a game set in this extreme time period; but of course it wouldn't have anything to do with Kotor.


It could be called KbtOR (Knights before the Old Republic). :blink:

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!

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You'd witness the invention of the lightsaber (whose power source which you wore on your back would be connected to the hilt by a cord!), the foundation of the Jedi council, etc.


I guess the SW universe has enough potential for an INFINITE amount of entertainment material....unbelievable. Lucas really has a Star Forge for 'Endless Money'

Zwangvolle Plage!


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You'd witness the invention of the lightsaber (whose power source which you wore on your back would be connected to the hilt by a cord!), the foundation of the Jedi council, etc.


I guess the SW universe has enough potential for an INFINITE amount of entertainment material....unbelievable. Lucas really has a Star Forge for 'Endless Money'


From info in the first game (well the descriptions of various swords), i think the lightsabre came into use around 4000-5000 years before the OT.


Ajunta Pall did not have one, he lived 5000 years b4. But you have them in KotOR, which is 4000 years b4.


There was also the Karath swords, which belonged to a sect of the sith called the Karath (obviously but some1 who knows more about the EU could tell u more).


I don't know exactly. Does any else have any ideas?


I have decided to make a separate thread on this topic here.

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!

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No way.


I don't want a game that's set before KOTOR.


There's plenty of timeline available between KOTOR and the prequel movies, and there's an infinite amount of timeline after RotJ. 


Do them there.


Why they would have plenty of time to work with and it dosen't have to go along with any thing. Plus Some force powerd ships would be cool. :unsure:

the rakata can destrot earth or something and that would explain we earth isn't in the sw movies


Completely impossible, since the original trilogy takes place "A long time ago, in galaxy far, far away".

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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