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New Interview with Josh Sawayer

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it's not delayed, it's well on schedule. Did you really think after the game was funded for 400% that the development time was going to be equal to what was pitched at the kickstarter video.


That's just very unrealistic.

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Remember: Argue the point, not the person. Remain polite and constructive. Friendly forums have friendly debate. There's no shame in being wrong. If you don't have something to add, don't post for the sake of it. And don't be afraid to post thoughts you are uncertain about, that's what discussion is for.
Pet threads, everyone has them. I love imagining Gods, Monsters, Factions and Weapons.

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I think the level 12 cap is new info...could be wrong.


It's been mentioned that they are aiming to reach level 12. The fact that they are about half way there is news to me; that may mean it's another year away. Fortunately there are plenty of other good CRPGs coming out this year to fill the void. It is encouraging to read that he speaks positively of future games if this does well. I'm also glad that there will be a large variety of monsters.


I am new to the forums and haven't played a CRPG in a long time (Last one being BG2:SoA), but could you possibly enlighten me on upcoming games of this genre? I am very interested, thank you in advance!


wasteland 2, witcher 3, divinity: original sin and lots more that i cant remember the names right now. if you havent played them, go get yourself the witcher 1 and 2, you wont regret it

The words freedom and liberty, are diminishing the true meaning of the abstract concept they try to explain. The true nature of freedom is such, that the human mind is unable to comprehend it, so we make a cage and name it freedom in order to give a tangible meaning to what we dont understand, just as our ancestors made gods like Thor or Zeus to explain thunder.



What? You thought it was a quote from some well known wise guy from the past?


Stupidity leads to willful ignorance - willful ignorance leads to hope - hope leads to sex - and that is how a new generation of fools is born!

We are hardcore role players... When we go to bed with a girl, we roll a D20 to see if we hit the target and a D6 to see how much penetration damage we did.


Modern democracy is: the sheep voting for which dog will be the shepherd's right hand.

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So I guess if they want to continue people's characters this means the PC can't die in the end?


That's a shame, I never liked importing characters, I'd much rather their stories get tied up in their own games. Leave the sequels to other characters, and if the original PC has to die to end their story, so be it (even though I'd rather they not die, I'd rather them retire or go disappear).

One of the reasons I didn't like Mass Effect, Sheploo got really lame as the games went on and turned into Space Jesus.


And I really like making protagonists for games, any mechanic that prevents me from making new characters isn't something I like.


They should kill off the main character just so you don't have to import him (or her) into the sequel? :huh:

"It has just been discovered that research causes cancer in rats."

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Seriously? 20 hours of gameplay it's abit tad short for me for these type of games. I expect at least 80 hours. And level 12 cap? That's also too low for me. I'll keep an eye.

They didn't say 20 hours, they said "'Way longer' than 20 hours". And BG1 had a level cap of... what, 9?


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it's not delayed, it's well on schedule. Did you really think after the game was funded for 400% that the development time was going to be equal to what was pitched at the kickstarter video.


That's just very unrealistic.


This only makes sense in hindsight. The first thing Obsidian could have done after receiving 400% is an update pushing Spring '14 out the window. They did not, and in the last week, four different news outlets printed articles saying PoE will not release in April.  

All Stop. On Screen.

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More than four actually, that's because they are all idiots who haven't been paying attention, so when it was reiterated it was news to them.

The backer site had winter 2014 listed for quite a while now.

Remember: Argue the point, not the person. Remain polite and constructive. Friendly forums have friendly debate. There's no shame in being wrong. If you don't have something to add, don't post for the sake of it. And don't be afraid to post thoughts you are uncertain about, that's what discussion is for.
Pet threads, everyone has them. I love imagining Gods, Monsters, Factions and Weapons.

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I don't really care about the game's length, as long as filler isn't used to extend it.

"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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I just wish they would tell if they plan to do the new stretchgoal kickstarter, since i'm saving my money for that before upgrading my pledge.


I actually messaged their support about this. Darren Monahan replied:


Hi Sir Chaox,


Not sure if the team has decided 100% one way or another, but any additional pledges would absolutely apply if they do decide to do more stretch goals.


Hopefully that’ll be resolved soon.




Edited by Sir Chaox
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Simply not-knowing about the shifted release date is perfectly understandable. Arbitrarily deciding that you should've somehow known, or pretending that you had no way of knowing, on the other hand, is not very understandable.


It's honestly a bit weird to me that some of the people who pop in here seem to be perfectly content with having backed at the Kickstarter, then just gone underground for a whole year, only to pop out and be super shocked that everything is not as they last knew it to be. *shrug*

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Should we not start with some Ipelagos, or at least some Greater Ipelagos, before tackling a named Arch Ipelago? 6_u

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