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'Game manager' my azz. Silly SF kept the worse QB. HAHAHAHA! Too bad KC will complete the hat trick and likely lose to the best QB ever next week.




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Manning > Luck


Manning has been the superior player since Luck has been in the league. Not Luck's fault since he is still youing. It also shows his disloyal, evil, scumbagish, a liar, and a piece of crap the Colts owner is. I hope Luck remembers this and splits as soon as he can.


Luck has a shot at a great career but he is no Manning.


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I have heard some pretty terrible things about the Colts ownership.  :p


However, everyone in the 49ers organization has had nothing but great things to say about Alex Smith.  The fact is you can only start one QB, and they had to choose between Kaep or Smith.  As is, both guys have benefited from the current situation, so I don't see why you are negative about it.  They are winning football games.


Kaep is only in his first year, especially as more of a pocket passer.  In a few years we will have a better idea on whether it was the right or wrong choice to keep him.  I'm not really sure, potentially I see that Kaep has an exciting skillset that can dominate a game, but I also think he hasn't been tested yet and injuries can change things quick.


Alex Smith is an extremely smart and tough QB, and I'm rooting for him to get one more score here in the 4th.  But even if he doesn't, he's done everything he could to give KC a chance to win.

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Andy Reid is such a horrible  coach. So overrated. Poor Alex Smith. And, someone will blame him no doubt. That receiver is an idiot  and that's due to poor coaching.


Grats to Luck and the Colts (minus that piece of crap owner  who only gets to keep winning because they got rewarded for sucking).


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Just for clarity  

Colts 45 Chiefs 44  

Chiefs blow 21 point lead


Just curious what people thought of Andy Reid's play calling during the 1st half of that game ....  lol




As for Manning versus Luck debate, yes Manning is better. 


BUT there was no guarantee that he was coming back from surgery, the Colts had a shot at Luck (which they took) and saved 20$M a year on the chance that Manning would return.  It was a gutsy call by the Colts and I think it paid off.

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Wow what a game. It reminds me of the Oilers-Bills game from the 90s.

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Now, GO SAINTS. I'm not a fan but I just HATE the Eagles.

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"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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I'd blame the Chief's defense before anything else.  Dwayne Bowe had a great game, as did Alex Smith.  Those injuries were a killer too, you lose your running backs, you lose the ability to eat up clock easily.  


Also Andy Reid turned that program around, they were 2-14 last year.


I don't have much of an interest in the Eagles/Saints game, but I'm curious to see if this college style playcalling can get the Eagles deep in the playoffs.

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"Also Andy Reid turned that program around, they were 2-14 last year."


No, he didn't. Alex Smith did.


If Reid is so good why are the Eagles (despite their loss tonight) so much better without him this season? :p



"BUT there was no guarantee that he was coming back from surgery, the Colts had a shot at Luck (which they took) and saved 20$M a year on the chance that Manning would return.  It was a gutsy call by the Colts and I think it paid off."


It was 100% guaranteed. This is Peyton 'FUKKIN'" Manning.He'll retire when he damn well ready to retire.


It was not a gutsy call. It was a cowardly, evil, scumbag, piece of crap, lying call.


 And, to me, it proves that the #1 pick should be a 100% random draw not based on record. Losing should NEVER be rewarded ever.


I like Luck, but I hiope the Colts never win with a championship with him, he elaves, then he can win a championship. That is a garbage franchise whose success is absed solely on sucking.


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WOOT!  Saints finally win on the road!  Not pretty but I'll take it. 




It was 100% guaranteed.     (full stop)


Peyton's surgeons offered no guarantees that Peyton could come back 100% and Peyton's dad Archie was extremely worried as well.  I'm not questioning Peyton's desire just the simple medical facts.  You think after not one but four surgeries in less than 2 years that his full return was "guaranteed"? With further surgery almost guaranteed?  LMAO  That's ridiculous.  


Correction:  The Colts saved 28M$ not 20M$ by not picking up Peyton's option.  Forgot that his contract was back-loaded.




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I watched the Saints game knowing who won, but still almost had a couple of heart attacks.


Still, 'hawks next week. Groan.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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"Peyton's surgeons offered no guarantees that Peyton could come back 100% and Peyton's dad Archie was extremely worried as well.  I'm not questioning Peyton's desire just the simple medical facts. "


Medical 'facts'. Medical 'facts' are often 'fiction'.


I didn't need to know any 'medical facts' to know that if Peyton wanted to play again he would play again.


Doctors are often wrong wrong wrong.


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"Peyton's surgeons offered no guarantees that Peyton could come back 100% and Peyton's dad Archie was extremely worried as well.  I'm not questioning Peyton's desire just the simple medical facts. "


Medical 'facts'. Medical 'facts' are often 'fiction'.


I didn't need to know any 'medical facts' to know that if Peyton wanted to play again he would play again.


Doctors are often wrong wrong wrong.


His herniated disc was fiction? That it was the result of a congenital degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine is fiction? His four surgeries were all fiction?  That his condition would have qualified him for permanent disability?  The bone spurs that he has developed that will likely require a fifth surgery is fiction?  Really?   :wowey:   I get that medical opinion on Manning's full return was mixed but claiming that it was 100% guaranteed is just ludicrous. 


You seemingly overlook the fact that picking up Manning's contract for 28M$ ALSO triggered an automatic four year contract extension.  Peyton and the Colts agreed to push back the deadline for exercising that option until the Colt's medical staff cleared him,  The Colt's medical staff didn't clear him so the decision was obvious.


Denver signed him to virtually the same contract with one added clause that was not in his Colt's contract: the Broncos were fully covered in the event that Manning could not continue playing.  A clause that Peyton refused to add to his existing Colts contract.  


Keeping and paying Peyton Manning would have crippled not only the 2012 Colts, but several more years worth of teams as well. It simply could not work.  The cap situation was ridiculous.    http://salarycap101.net/category/indianapolis-colts/




Quit treating Manning like some water-walking choir boy.  He is far from it. 

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"The Colt's medical staff didn't clear him so the decision was obvious."


Fire the medical staff because they screwed up and did their job poorly. If a player or coach screws up that poorly they'd be fired.



Anyone who knows anything knows that Peyton was gonna play again. And, play as awesome as he always does. He's Peyton' Fin' Manning.


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Fire the medical staff because they screwed up and did their job poorly.


Manning himself didn't know if he would be able to come back and neither did Dr Watkins who performed the procedure.   





It’s a fact Manning candidly admits, and for the first time discusses without reserve. That he underwent neck surgeries was well-known — it was “a public ordeal,” as he puts it — but what he hasn’t talked about freely until now was just how weak the arm was and how far he had to go to recover it. The surgeries so reduced him that when he began rehabilitation, he could barely grip the ball. 


There was no blueprint for nerve regeneration, Manning’s doctors told him. Sometimes nerves came back 100 percent, and sometimes they came back at 50 percent. And sometimes they didn’t recover at all. There was no timetable, or treatment, and he could only be patient. “The frustrating part was there was no one to call who had this, no other thrower,” Manning says. “There was no protocol.” 


In February 2012, Watkins declared Manning’s neck firmly fixed and fully healed, and cleared him for NFL play. He was no more at risk of injury than anyone else on the field. But Manning still had weakness in his triceps; the nerves hadn’t completely regenerated and the question of whether they ever would remained. Manning would simply have to work around it, Watkins told him. “It’s your job to learn to compensate for that,” Watkins said. The key would be to get his legs, core, and other arm sections as strong as possible.  (Note: Watkin's was the surgeon who did the procedure) 



Manning's own surgeon said that Manning was not fully recovered and it was not clear if Manning would fully recover and you think the Colt's doctors were incompetent because they agreed at that time (Feb/March 2012 just before the release)?    Your logic fails me dude.     



Anyone who knows anything knows that Peyton was gonna play again. And, play as awesome as he always does


Play again?  Probably but the real issue is whether he would play as well as he did before.  Thinking that this was all guaranteed is just total nonsense. 


As Manning himself said, even HE wasn't sure that he would come back playing as well, if he even came back at all.   


Manning's comeback is remarkable and huge props for the guy.    Quit with the over top, cloying hero worship already - its ridiculous. 

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He's a sports star. That doesn't make him a hero. It makes him physically gifted.


And, of coruse, he is gonna say the PC boring thing. That's what he is brainwashed to do, Does that sound like 'hero worship' to you? Why do you 'hero worship' doctors whom are wrong a  decent percentage of time. If I had a dollar for every time a doctor made a mis diagnosis 9and that's not counting all the corrupt doctos), I'd be richer than peyton Manning is. L0L


Bottom line is once Peyton decided to take the field again, there should be no question he would perform well. No way does Peyton manning go back on the field just so he can suck. :p


But, hey, next time I read about a doctor molesting his patient or when they claim patient only has  a week to live but the patient ends up living for 2 decades... I'll just think how much hero worship doctors get on Obsidian. LMAO


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You also need to look at the long term versus short term here.  Andrew Luck, coming out of college, was widely regarded as a great QB prospect with a skillset designed for the NFL.  The Colts had a chance to get him and possibly set themselves up at QB for another decade, or stick with Manning.  Even without the injuries, Peyton Manning is now in his late 30's.  He will be 40 in 3 years.  In 3 years Andrew Luck will be 27, typically near the prime age of an athlete.  


Both choices were risky, but it seems pretty clear that they worked out well for both the Colts and Peyton Manning, as they are both in the playoffs.

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