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Posted (edited)

I really dislike it when people like you try to speak for "us". Just because they decide to do certain things not exactly the way YOU want it doesn't mean they're not listening. There're plenty of people who completely opposite opinions and of course the developers have their own ideas too. "Listening" means striking a balance between all that.


Ok i understand that, but find in this forum at least ONE post that new race should be named "Orlans" or "AUAUAYA" Before they anouced it in updates. This are their (obsidian) ideas not ours, if they don't even put any work for see our ideas and thay starting to act like we don't exist then it is source of problems. They don't even Asked us if we like this name, it seams that this game is for Obsidian not for US.


And when i say US i mean players who had their OWN opinion and they don't eat anythin that obsidian prepare for them but can ask at least "What am i Eating ?"


The term "gnome" comes with certain expectation about their culture, like reliance on technology and magic and such. If Orlans are culturally and physically different enough from gnomes/halflings and the likes, they are essentially something new and it makes plenty of sense to go with a new name to reflect that.


And "Orlans" came from what ? Folklore ? Oranguthans ? or what ? They don't even put ANY effort to see if WE like thins name. They put it becouse they whant to put it nothing more.


The same goes for Aumaua and Ogres if it would apply, but how you jump from the description Josh gave to "they're simply Ogres renamed for sure!!" is beyond me.


I'm not jumping, they say it was LARGE and nothing more, this are only MY speculations.


Also, if any romance options that would be in the game don't depict a realistic variety of sexualities I'm going to be pissed.


Im saying that if you must do " haveing gay romance" when you don't whan't to becouse it's only option to gain something is only a exaplme of "Not lisening to the fans".


And if they think that "Not lisenind to the fans" is good idea (they gave money so hell with them) P:E will sheare the fait of Dragon Age 2

Edited by ArchBeast
Posted (edited)

If they are like ogre but live in the water would you call them ogre nonetheless?


Plus: who cares if the forum dweller like the names or not. The game is their not your.

Edited by Uomoz



Maybe they were not in an inspirational moment when they put up that name. Maybe it is like a name in progress, the design document is likely going to evolve as the game is made. Maybe they will change the race to be called 'surfer dudes and dudettes'.


Pro Tip to Obsidian : It's good to innovate on gameplay and content but not on linguistics. :no:


That's funny, you are basically saying that anyone who even attempts to reinvent an existing racial type should just give up on renaming it and forget about language etc because that is bad. Strange that the whole reason we have Middle Earth and its massive world is because Tolkien was reinventing a racial type and decided to write a language for it and then a history and then a world with a dozen other racial types reinvented.


In 5 years time there will be forums complaining that the Fnargyglians are exactly the same type of race as Aumaua.


How you do think any fantasy gets written if people don't just make stuff up?


On the point of Orlans, are people are saying they sound like Orlesians from DAO or just complaining that they sound like gnomes so we should just call them gnomes? Maybe some people have a very limited exposure to gnomes in fantasy but they range from fun loving kendertypes to serious businesstypes to stupid dwarftypes to little human types and in almost all versions they are renamed from gnomes to something else.


Personally, my opinion is that PE is talking much of its cultural lore from medieval europe. We already have Italian citystates, the gaelic sounding Eir Glanfath (hell the gaelic for Ireland is Eire), my assumption would be that Orlan is a play off of Orleans in France and the culture is a derivative of the type of character you might have seen following Joan of Arc, peasants fighting for their freedom can easily be transposed to a race seeking freedom from persecution (it just happens to be their size making them targets). Dyrwood sounds vaguely like it is English, a mix of the modern multicultural state, the ancient outpost of the roman empire (aedyr) and the precarious medieval nations place in europe.


The last thing I want to see is Obsidian start asking the players/backers/forum goers to vote on race names, that would be ridiculous and only be detrimental because no one would every fully agree with the decision. It also backs them into a corner creatively when players expect Orcs and then Orcs turn out to be civil peaceloving treehuggers etc.

  • Like 5

I really dislike it when people like you try to speak for "us". Just because they decide to do certain things not exactly the way YOU want it doesn't mean they're not listening. There're plenty of people who completely opposite opinions and of course the developers have their own ideas too. "Listening" means striking a balance between all that.


Ok i understand that, but find in this forum at least ONE post that new race should be named "Orlans" or "AUAUAYA" Before they anouced it in updates. This are their (obsidian) ideas not ours, if they don't even put any work for see our ideas and thay starting to act like we don't exist then it is source of problems. They don't even Asked us if we like this name, it seams that this game is for Obsidian not for US.


And when i say US i mean players who had their OWN opinion and they don't eat anythin that obsidian prepare for them but can ask at least "What am i Eating ?"


The term "gnome" comes with certain expectation about their culture, like reliance on technology and magic and such. If Orlans are culturally and physically different enough from gnomes/halflings and the likes, they are essentially something new and it makes plenty of sense to go with a new name to reflect that.


And "Orlans" came from what ? Folklore ? Oranguthans ? or what ? They don't even put ANY effort to see if WE like thins name. They put it becouse they whant to put it nothing more.


The same goes for Aumaua and Ogres if it would apply, but how you jump from the description Josh gave to "they're simply Ogres renamed for sure!!" is beyond me.


I'm not jumping, they say it was LARGE and nothing more, this are only MY speculations.


Also, if any romance options that would be in the game don't depict a realistic variety of sexualities I'm going to be pissed.


Im saying that if you must do " haveing gay romance" when you don't whan't to becouse it's only option to gain something is only a exaplme of "Not lisening to the fans".


And if they think that "Not lisenind to the fans" is good idea (they gave money so hell with them) P:E will sheare the fait of Dragon Age 2


I think you're labouring under a misapprehension here. Obsidian doesn't have to 'check' with anyone before putting in ideas they like, and it doesn't need to take a poll of supporters before announcing a new feature. It is their game.


Now if they see a cool idea or a good argument on these forums or elsewhere, they may well think about implementing it. But they're crowdfunding this project precisely because they don't want to be beholden to their financiers this time around.


I've donated some of my money to this because I trust Obsidian, I'm excited by their ideas so far and I want to see them finished. The creative freedom is still Obsidian's, and so is the final word on the content of the game. They will work hard to make the targets of their project - classic RPG fans - happy; to give them an exciting, immersive, innovative game to play.


But you will not like their every decision. I will not like their every decision. And thank goodness for that.

  • Like 4

Im only saying that i don't whant P:E to become another DA2. When they put somthing oppisite to the fan, yes 1 time it could work but if "Whole" game is not what fans where expecting then you all know what happend.


Thats happen if "not lisening" to the fans becomes habbit. I am sure if they say "ok we joke about BG similaritis, P:E will we something like Sims 3 or new barbie andventures" .. im sure everywon in this forum whoud started to talk difrent about "Their game", the most fun is that that besiacli that this game is our not them. They will not be consumets of this game and they don't even funders, they besiacly only desining it :p


What is opposite to fans though, you can already see in this thread that fans are pretty equally divided. So who is right?


Who is to say that if they go with your idea that many potential players will look at the game at release time and say "well it has gnomes and orcs and elves and dwarves, nothing new, so I'll wait and buy it in 6months at half price". That is just as bad as them making a mistake and all the fans saying "we don't like orlans because they are just gnomes, why didn't you call them gnomes".


I prefer to let them make up the world and then later we ask them about their design process and source of ideas. We learn something about their design process and they get to give us their world as they created it.


You keep saying "fans" like it was one giant person with one mind. Fans are the most diverse bunch of minds of the planet, none of which ever agree totally on anything. This is why game forums are so often hotbeds of discussion, disagreement, whining and trolling.


It really is better just to look at the guys making this game, know what they have done in the past and ask questions when something is announced but never believe it is a good idea for them to Poll the playerbase for game design decisions. Sure they can poll us for our desire for romances or strongholds or whatever but not for things like race names, game politics or storyline. That never ends well because the fans just don't agree on anything 100% with each other.

  • Like 2

Im only saying that i don't whant P:E to become another DA2. When they put somthing oppisite to the fan, yes 1 time it could work but if "Whole" game is not what fans where expecting then you all know what happend.


Thats happen if "not lisening" to the fans becomes habbit. I am sure if they say "ok we joke about BG similaritis, P:E will we something like Sims 3 or new barbie andventures" .. im sure everywon in this forum whoud started to talk difrent about "Their game", the most fun is that that besiacli that this game is our not them. They will not be consumets of this game and they don't even funders, they besiacly only desining it :p


New races with new names =\= put somthing oppisite to the fan. This guy is getting on my nerves.


Posted (edited)



I agree with you, but you must at least admit it that. When they publicated a new race name one of coments was



So that mean that at least that people are losing confidence in obsidan ceativity. I don mind orlans as a race i am just loseing confindence in obsidian that they don't even know haw think proper name for RACE. (i Npc where named ugaguga it don't bother me)


I also think that auauauaua race can bu something diffrent never seend but at least let it had a proper name, at least name that don't sound like fart.




New races with new names =\= put somthing oppisite to the fan. This guy is getting on my nerves.


Stop putting words that i don't say, off coure i whant new races (even complatly new) but at lest let it have good name ... if you can't even name this race then what about elsle ? What about history ? ORGIN ? they grew from cornfields ?


If you don't know haw to name it you ask someone else simple, but if you are to proud to ask than thats the problem.

Edited by Tale

Someone saw the opportunity for a cheap joke and took it. Sure that is a lot of people on the internet but I wouldn't say it was indicative of anyone who would consider themselves speaking for the majority of the fans of PE.


I think Aumaua is a great name, doesn't sound weird to me. Kind of like sounds you would hear all through Polynesia, Hawaiian islands, some native american languages. If you stick it into google and ignore the PE results you will see links to Aumua family name popular in Samoa and other islands. Sounds like a good source for a race that lives on island and near the sea right?


Do you think Aumaua sounds strange to some player living in Samoa who's surname is Aumua?


Basically what this comes down to is many players are either too young to have experienced enough culture (or how to use google) or have not broadened their education enough to recognise a possible source of something.


As I mentioned above the first time I saw Orlan I immediately thought of Orleans in France. When I see Orlais in DAO I think of Orleans too, I didn't look at Orlans and think Orlais from DAO but you probably would if you never heard of Orleans but did play DAO.


tl:dr: Obsidian are good, cheap jokes are bad.

  • Like 3
Posted (edited)

It's surely up to Obsidian to decide on race names.

We - and by us I mean fans - don't know much about the lore so we don't know what fits in it and what not. And, well, you see it's not our game. It's their child, their swan song; I've given them money because I believe in them and know that they rock.

And yes, aumaua sounds great to me and very original.

Edited by Sleepyreaper
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Ok you like it, i don't. End of this topic. But if they put something bu name grgrg or Sitsu-tien-bruce-willis ... remember i worn you. I have still hope i obsidian but like i said i will not eat everything they sevre.


but 2 more things,


Do you think Aumaua sounds strange to some player living in Samoa who's surname is Aumua?

And what it has common with LARGE race ar word Aumaua has enything to do with something Big, large ?


Basically what this comes down to is many players are either too young to have experienced enough culture (or how to use google) or have not broadened their education enough to recognise a possible source of something.


Im from europe, eastern europe. Im sure that you don't now 99% thing about culture of my coutry. And I don't think the reason of this is tat you are young or can't use google. You are simply are not famillar with my culture.


And if i named race Utopiec you whould propably had no idea what it is .. and also may have issus with it.


As I mentioned above the first time I saw Orlan I immediately thought of Orleans in France. When I see Orlais in DAO I think of Orleans too, I didn't look at Orlans and think Orlais from DAO but you probably would if you never heard of Orleans but did play DAO.



And what orlean, orlesian orgin of orlans has to do with "Gnome/goblinish" like race ? :) The same logic is crating an somethim simillar ogres and naming it Londonians

Edited by ArchBeast

I sure hope it isn't :)



Well maybe I got a little bit carried away :)




On topic :

Everyone who donated basically expressed their confidence in Obsidian and in this project. But it doesn't mean everyone will love everything they do - nor should they, honestly. Ultimately, however, Obsidian will (and should) always have the last word.


I don't particularly like the name myself, but it certainly doesn't mean I will threaten to pull my pledge or that I've lost my faith in the project. It's just a minute detail - and I happen to be particularly picky when it comes to names ;)

  • Like 2

Donate -> you accept whatever product Obsidian go for, after reading the game description.


Not Donate -> you don't.


Choose one of the two.


Posted (edited)

I really dislike it when people like you try to speak for "us". Just because they decide to do certain things not exactly the way YOU want it doesn't mean they're not listening. There're plenty of people who completely opposite opinions and of course the developers have their own ideas too. "Listening" means striking a balance between all that.


Indeed. WE as a whole do not agree on enough to speak for one another.


I'm still of the opinion that they should avoid listening to US too closely. The people making this game are professionals and are way better at this than any of us are. Its nice they keep their ears open and hear what we are saying. But if anything we say goes against how they want to make the game I hope we are flat out ignored.

Edited by ogrezilla
  • Like 1

I'm pretty sure that they expressly stated they wouldn't be responding to things on the forum, but would read them for ideas or to see what the feedback is. This definitely seems like a pretty big non-issue to me. It doesn't affect gameplay- the most you could say is it would interfere with your "immersion". But if all it takes is calling something that you identify as one thing by a different name, I fear it will be kinda difficult for that to be avoided.

"1 is 1"


Donate -> you accept whatever product Obsidian go for, after reading the game description.


Not Donate -> you don't.


Choose one of the two.


I chose to be thinking being thank you :)


You are not thinking you are mindlessly whining and you use "we" inappropriately. Please refrain doing both.






Personally, my opinion is that PE is talking much of its cultural lore from medieval europe. We already have Italian citystates, the gaelic sounding Eir Glanfath (hell the gaelic for Ireland is Eire), my assumption would be that Orlan is a play off of Orleans in France and the culture is a derivative of the type of character you might have seen following Joan of Arc, peasants fighting for their freedom can easily be transposed to a race seeking freedom from persecution (it just happens to be their size making them targets). Dyrwood sounds vaguely like it is English, a mix of the modern multicultural state, the ancient outpost of the roman empire (aedyr) and the precarious medieval nations place in europe.


The last thing I want to see is Obsidian start asking the players/backers/forum goers to vote on race names, that would be ridiculous and only be detrimental because no one would every fully agree with the decision. It also backs them into a corner creatively when players expect Orcs and then Orcs turn out to be civil peaceloving treehuggers etc.


Oh, I hope this isn't the case. Parts of the P:E world being influenced by mdieval Europe is ok. But to make the entire universe that way is ridiculous, and boring. It's as if Earth was only Europe during the Middle Ages. I am tired of playing European fantasy games whenever I think of Dungeons and Dragons-style RPGs. I don't really like Final Fantasy style asian RPGS either. In both cases, the worlds are just too small and contrived. Just my 2 cents.

My blog is where I'm keeping a record of all of my suggestions and bug mentions.

http://hormalakh.blogspot.com/  UPDATED 9/26/2014

My DXdiag:


Posted (edited)

Donate -> you accept whatever product Obsidian go for, after reading the game description.


Not Donate -> you don't.


Choose one of the two.


I chose to be thinking being thank you :)


You are not thinking you are mindlessly whining and you use "we" inappropriately. Please refrain doing both.


and you're acting as a infallible chef , Im not you selve or servant, not you daddy or sonny i will Say we whenewer i want and sugests you to find another hobby then putting YOUR words in my posts. And stop "Quote" me im not your homie, buddy or friend i don't whant to talk with you anymore... i don't take orders from you... understand ?

Edited by ArchBeast
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